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With close reference to chap 1-3, choose one incident that evokes feelings of anger in you.

How does John Wyndham create such feelings in you? The splinter incident in Chapter 3 evokes feelings of anger in us. During the splinter incident, David had run a splinter into his hand and when his mother was cleaning his wound, David had said that he could have managed it all right by himself if he had another hand. Davids situation causes the reader to feel angry. This is because when David is hurt he accidentally blurts out that he wants a third hand. He actually did not mean it but only said it out of frustration when his mother was being impatient and blaming him as if he had asked his hand to bleed on purpose. She was impatient and annoyed and so the reader feels angry as David is only a young helpless, child that is, hurt, but no one cares and even so is blamed for getting hurt in the first place. Upon innocently wishing for a third hand it is even worse as now his father is infuriated. The reader then feels bad as David is put in a situation where he is constantly blamed by his mother then father, for doing things that were innocent mistakes that any child could have made. Furthermore after doing so, his father humiliated him in front of everyone. They were all staring at me yet the father chose to make him recite the norm and commanded him to kneel and pray right there and then. Not only did he scold him but by making him kneel and pray for such a minor offence it was as if he did not want to just correct him but actually wanted to make an example of him in front of everyones presence. This makes the reader angry as David is not only scolded but faces public humiliation for such a small thing and the fact that he is a ten year old child is not even taken into account. His father called him blasphemed and wretched and the use of these words show the reader how pitiful Davids situation is which evokes anger in the reader as Josephs cruelty unveils in his harsh, stern and severe words for such minor offences. As such the reader is made angry as the helplessness of Davids situation comes alive through how cruel his father is to his son, an innocent, frustrated ten-year-old boy. The splinter incident evokes anger through the oppressive and religious laws in Waknuk society. It creates anger through the language used. When David had just said that he could have managed it by himself if he had had another hand, Joseph had accused him of [finding] fault in the image of God and calling upon the Devil to give [him] another hand. Moreover, he reprimanded him of expressing dissatisfaction with the form of the body Gad gave [him] the form in His own image? Furthermore, he called David a blasphemed boy. Though David had just expressed his frustration by wishing that he had had another hand, Joseph who represents the society considered it a taboo and blamed him of associating himself with the Devil and going against the religious laws of the society. It was considered as an unacceptable behaviour to even wish for having another hand out of frustration. Next, Joseph questioned David whether he knew what the Norm is? and what is a Mutant? This society has very fixed notions and ideas on what the concept of man is. From young, everyone in Waknuk society is expected to know these laws and when David is able to give the correct answers, his father says that you do know. Hence, since David was brought up in this society, he knows the law and thus, Joseph expects him to abide by the laws and does not see his comments as trivial. Instead, he concludes that David had deliberately wished [himself] a mutant. Hence, we know that David did not intend to blaspheme, yet, because of the society he lives in, this harmless comment is taken severely. This creates anger because David does not have the freedom of expressing even his minor emotions and feelings, of

frustration because of the taboo in the society. The fact that even his freedom of speech is restricted and controlled by the dominating society, hence, evokes anger in us. Davids parents reactions towards him evoke anger in the reader. For example, when Davids hand is bleeding and he was trying to find himself a bandage, everybody was too busy to be bothered about him and when his mum noticed she made tchk-tchk noises of disapproval and grumbled saying of course I had to go and do it just when she was busy. This makes the reader angry as David is a young little child who was bleeding yet no one even wanted to help him and when his mum did notice she was indifferent and rather unsympathetic and impatient towards him and was blaming him as if he got hurt on purpose. Thus not only would David feel physical pain but would also feel a sense of neglect from those around him. This makes the reader angry as it is not even his fault. Furthermore, after he gets hurt and wishes for a third hand only wishing he could be more independent so he could help himself, his father was furious. David constantly tried to explain himself saying, I only said if I had another hand But I wasnt. I only- but- The use of ellipses and dashes show how he was cut off and finally after countless of failed attempts to speak his father shut him up saying You blasphemed boy causing him to give up trying to defend himself. This makes the reader angry as the father does not pay attention to the fact that his child is hurt and bleeding but chooses to go on scolding him without giving him a single chance to explain the context in which he was saying it he wanted a third hand. Instead he is completely not understanding and interrupted David such that he had to give up. David was only frustrated as his own mother was annoyed to help him and being so young and innocent he blurted it out without a thought yet Joseph was unwilling to understand that. Thus the reader feels angry as David is so helpless when his very own parents refuse to understand him. Again, the splinter incident evokes anger through the contrast between the Strorm family and the Wender family. It creates anger through the actions and behavior of the two families. When Sophie had injured her foot, Mrs Wender had seen the wound and said Oh my poor darling! She had even kissed her foot and bandaged it gently. Comparatively, when David had run a splinter into his hand, his mother made tchk tchk noises of disapproval and grumbled that of course [David] had to go and do it just when she was busy. In Sophies family, Mrs Wender had been affectionate towards Sophie and was extremely concerned about the pain Sophie was going through. In fact, she immediately up to her room so that she would not feel anymore pain. This shows the extent of her love for Sophie and further brings out the contrast between the two mothers. On the other hand, Davids mother had been unsympathetic towards Davids predicament. She was mean towards him and had not understood the pain he was going through and was unempathetic towards him even though she was his own mother. Also, Sophies father had held her against him with one arm and said Hullo, Chicky while Joseph had repeatedly accused and reprimanded David for the unintended comment for another arm and he did not show any concern for Davids wound. Again, this shows the contrast between the two fathers in the same society towards their children. Both Sophies parents are loving and warm towards her. There is intimacy in the Wender family. However, Davids parents are not entirely concerned about David and his feelings, hence, showing the cold and distant relationship between David and his parents. This contrast evokes anger in us as David is rather neglected and not shown any attention by his immediate family compared to the Wenders family.

Therefore, the lack of affection and care by his parents, in contrast to the much affectionate and caring parents of Sophies, evokes anger in us. Done by:

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