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Eden Seeds

22/07/08 5:00 PM

Planting Guide
Row spacing (cm) Plant spacing (cm) Depth Cool/Frost (cm) Melbourne, Tasmania, & mountains .5 1-2 1-2 5 2-3 2-3 2 .5-1 .5-1 Sep-Nov Sep-Nov Sep-Nov Feb-Sep Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Sep-Apr Oct-Mar Oct-Feb Sep-Mar Sep-Feb Aug-May Sep-Nov Sep-Feb Oct-Apr Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Sep-Nov Jan-Apr Oct-Jan Oct-Jan Oct-Dec Sep-Nov Oct-Nov Oct-Apr Mild Perth, Sydney, & Adelaide Subtropics Tropics Number Costal of seeds Coffs per Harbour to gram Rocky FebSep-Mar Aug-Apr 900 Nov FebAug-Nov Aug-Nov 22 Nov FebAug-Nov Aug-Nov 23-28 Nov MarMar-Jul Mar-Jun 5-1 Jun Sep-Feb Aug-Apr Sep-Jan Aug-Apr Jul-Apr Any Any Any Any FebJun FebApr 2-4 3-4 50-90 175330 225300 Best Rate Soil per Temp hectare C 16-30 1.2kg 15-18 600g 16-30 1.5kg 150200kg 6016-30 85kg 6-24 16-30 50kg 8-30 7-30 7-30 7-9kg 400g 400g 60100kg 6kg Best Average to days to sow maturity after frost 50 300-400 2-3 years 90-120 55-70 65-80 55-70 60-90 85-95 30-45 120 60-110 70-90 65-90 110-155 90-120 120 65-80 60-80 100-150 80-100 60-70 90-110 95-120 65-135

Amaranth Artichoke Asparagus

50-75 200-240 90-120

50 160-180 20-35 15-25 8-15 10-20 5-10 35-50 45-60

Bean, Broad 60-90 Bean, Bush Bean, Climbing Beetroot Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Buckwheat Burdock Cabbage Capsicum Carrot Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Chilli Collards 50-60 100 45-60 50-60 100

Sep-Apr Feb-May Dec-Apr Feb-Jun Jan-Oct Feb-Oct Sep-Apr Aug-May Any Any

Broadcast Broadcast .5-1 60 50-75 100-150 25-30 60-100 45-80 45-80 90-120 50-100 50 35-60 50-60 2-5 45-60 15-30 15-30 40-50 40-50 20-30 20-30 40-60 50-80 90-120 20-30 1-2 .5-1 .6 .5-1 .4-.6 .2-.5 .2-.5 .6 .5-1 2-3 2-3 1 .5-.8 2 .5-1

Apr-Jul 30 FebSep Any Any FebNov FebApr FebSep FebSep Any AprSep Any Any FebSep Any Any AprSep 50

20-380 10-35 300g 120160 600900 240420 21003000 21003000 130190 300 2-4 4-7 30-40 200250 10 500650 18-35 400g 10-30 3-4.5kg 10-30 300g 8-21 300g

Aug-Dec Aug-Mar Sep-May Feb-Nov Dec-Apr Jan-Apr Sep-Dec Mar-Oct Sep-Dec Mar-Oct Aug-Dec Aug-Mar Feb-Apr Mar-Sep Sep-Feb Aug-Mar Sep-Feb Aug-Mar Sep-Feb Aug-Mar Aug-Dec Aug-Mar Sep-Dec Aug-Jan Sep-May Feb-May

12-21 400g 18-35 500g 8-30 500g

Corn, Maize 60-90 Corn, Sweet 60-90 Cucumber Eggplant Gourd Herbs, Parsley 120-150 80-90 150 50-60

16-35 8-10kg 16-35 1015kg

16-35 1-2kg 24-32 250g 20-30 2kg 10-30 3.54.5kg

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Eden Seeds

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Kale Kohl Rabi Leek Lettuce Luffa Marrow Mustard Greens Okra Onion Parsnip Pea Pumpkin Radish Rhubarb Rockmelon Rosella Salad Greens, Endive Salsify Shallots Silverbeet Squash, Button Sunflower Swede Tomato Turnip

50-100 35-40 30-75 35-50 150 100-120 50-75

40-50 10-20 10-15 20-30 45-75 90-120 35-60

1 .5-1 .5-1 .6 3 2 .5-1 1cm .5-1 .5-1 2-3 3 1-2 1.2 1-2 1 .51cm

Jan-Apr Aug-Mar Sep-Mar Sep-May Sep-Nov Oct-Dec Any Oct-Nov Feb-Sep Aug-Feb Jan-Oct Oct-Dec Any Sep-Dec Oct-Dec Nov-Dec Sep-Mar Aug-Feb

Mar-Apr Mar-Jun Aug-May Mar-Aug Aug-Apr Jan-Mar Any Any

AprAug MarSep FebMar FebNov Any FebSep Any FebSep MarJun MarMay MarJun FebSep Any FebSep FebSep AugMar Mar-Jul MarAug Mar-Jul FebSep FebSep Any FebMay FebAug MarSep Any FebSep

250370 250350 350450 6001200 6 6-8 300 15-25 240400 230400 3-5 5-12 100140 60 25-40 50-70 7001000 60-80 350480 50-60 7-12 7-15 380480 250400 400500 10-20 6-12

8-30 8-30 8-30 8-27

500g 2-2.5kg 2.53.5kg 1-2kg

50-65 55-70 105-130 60-85 80 90-120 40-60 80-98 180-240 120-140 65-80 105-140 40-50

Sep-Dec Aug-Jan Sep-Jan Aug-Mar Any Any

20-30 8kg 20-35 2-4kg 10-35 300g 20-35 8-9kg 8-30 6-21 8-24 3.54.5kg 5-6kg

90-120cm 35-60cm 30-40 35-50 45-60 250-300 25-35 60-70 120-150 90-120 45-60cm 20-40 20-30 50-60 90-120 50-100 45-70 60-150 30-50 5-10 8-10 5-8 90-120 3-5 40-50 40-60 45 20-30cm 5-10 2-3 15-30 60-80 20-30 10-20 40-60 12-20 60-75 50-90

Oct-Dec Aug-Feb Feb-Aug Feb-Jul Jul-Mar Feb-Sep

Feb-Sep Mar-Jul Sep-Dec Aug-Feb Any Any

100120kg 1.520-32 2.5kg 158-30 25kg

Aug-Jan Aug-Feb Sep-Dec Aug-Feb Oct-Feb Sep-Mar Sep-Apr Mar-Jul Aug-Mar Mar-Oct Feb-Sep Feb-Sep Sep-May Any Sep-Jan Aug-Mar Aug-Jan Aug-Apr Jan-Apr Jan-May Aug-Dec Aug-Apr Sep-Apr Aug-May Aug-Dec Aug-Feb Sep-Jan Any

1.82.5kg 2.224-32 2.5kg 20-32 15-25 600g1kg 1kg 8-30 3-4.5kg

75-115 175 70 110-180 85-105 50-85 50-60 70-80 70-75 60-120 45-65 68-100 44-63

.5 1.5-2 2-3 1-2 1 .5 1 2-3 2-3

Feb-Oct Sep-Mar Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Any Sep-Dec Sep-Apr Sep-Dec Oct-Dec

10-30 8-20kg 21-35 2.5-5kg 1012kg 15-30 2kg 16-35 300400g

12-30 2.5-4kg 21-35 3-4kg 21-35 2.5-5kg

Watermelon 150-200 Zucchini 90-110

We are not a farming advisory service. For commercial advice please contact your local Agricultural Department. We supply Traditional Open Pollinated seed for home gardeners and information supplied is done so in good faith. We take no responsibility Page 2 of 3

Eden Seeds

22/07/08 5:00 PM

for its accuracy. This seed planting guide is only a general reference. For more information consult gardening books or magazines; local knowledge is invaluable. A handy book is YATES "GARDEN GUIDE" available at libraries and newsagencies, though you may wish to seek information on fertilizing from other publications. Seed depth is governed by the size of seed. Usually one to two times seed thickness. For spacing try to imagine the space taken up by mature plants. Sow accordingly or more thickly and thin out later. Some, mostly small seeds, require raising as seedlings and transplanting, others, mostly large seeds, prefer to be direct sown. Variables such as soil types, fertility soil temperature, climatic conditions and cultural practices all have different effects on growth response of seeds. Local knowledge is invaluable. In milder climates, in sheltered town gardens and by the sea, where there are milder conditions including no frost, allow plantings later and earlier. All seed is guaranteed to the value of the original purchase price. HERBS require similar conditions to vegetables. We can give no one ideal set of growth conditions. As a general guide most require a sunny position, moist and well drained, mulched, mostly fertile weed-free soil, protected from frost and wind.

Copyright 2008 Eden Seeds, All Rights Reserved

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