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38 A SAMPLE OF A NARRATIVE ESSAY Write a story ending with:

We had never laughed so much in our lives We were just coming back from the railway station after picking upmy brother who had arrived from Kuala Lumpur. As we arrived at ourhouse, my brother who has not been around for three years jumped outand said happily, Home sweet home at last. Our father quickly stoppedhim and said, You might get lost in the house because we have given thehouse a new facelift. Danny quickly said, Dad, it is my house and howcan I get lost in my own house even though you have renovated it. Father quickly took out the keys and offered to show my brotheraround the newly renovated house. My brother was impatient and hedashed in when dad had opened the door. He tried to open the door of hisroom but it turned out to be a new toilet. That was the first surprise that hehad when stepped into the house. Soon he tiptoed back, he looked shocked. Our father was surprisedand asked him what the matter was. He told us that there was a burglar inthe toilet. We were all frightened. Our mother reminded us of the manybreak-ins that were happening in the neighbourhood. Father went first andall of us tiptoed carefully following father to investigate brothers claim.Sure enough there was movement in the toilet. My brother suggested that we take a stick each and attack the intruder.So we got ready. Father took a hammer to break open the door. He saidthat there was no other way the intruder could come in. Father gave thedoor a hard blow. It flew wide open. With all our might, we swung at thesupposedly present intruder. But we were merely swinging at the wind.There was no one. We were astonished and wondered who could it be. My younger sisterscreamed, I thought there was a ghost in the bathroom. Suddenly, fromthe toilet bowl came a small head. We peeped into the bowl; it was our petdog Skippy. All of us had completely forgotten about him. It had gone intothe toilet and the door was shut. Skippy couldnt get out. We looked at thepoor shivering Skippy, and we all burst out laughing. We had neverlaughed so much in our lives.

Fea and I had been friends since primary school. We were so close as we did almost everything together. We were also well known as one of the top students in our school. Eventhough we were in different classes, but we still dear to each other. Fea was also my neighbour. Which made us become even closer. It was the second day of school since it was started on 3rd January 2011. A new girl named Nazirah registered at our school. She became popular drastically as she was beautiful and rich. Most of the boys were attracted to her. Everyone wanted to be her friends including me. That was the moment I started neglecting Fea. She noticed that I wanted to make Nazirah pay attention to me. "What are you doing now? You have left me for that new girl." Fea asked me. I did not give any response to her. I just walked away without even looking at her. After a few steps, I turned and I noticed there were tears falling from her eyes. Maybe she was hurt by the way I treated her. I did not care about other matters. All I knew was, I needed to befriend with Nazirah. I did not want Fea to be an interrupter in my life. A few days later, Nazirah and I had been friends. We were together no matter where we went. Rumors about Nazirah and I were spreading all over the school. They said I had been Nazirah's follower as I was there where ever she was. I started to abandon my studies and my results dropped terribly. I was afraid to to show my result to my parents as I was one of the top students before. Finally, no matter how hard I hide it, they knew about y result. They were really angry with my behavior when I tried to lie to them. I was grounded and my pocket money was cut. I was sad and stressed up. I tried to ask for Fea's help but no avail. She did not wanted to help me. She said that was my problem not hers. So she asked me to stay away from her. I was shocked. I never thought she would ever did that. Out of sudden, I realised I was nobody to her. While I was having a major problem in my studies, to pick up every lessons that I learnt back, Fea came. "I am always here for you." Fea put her hand on my shoulder. I was shocked with Fea appearance at my house. I never thought that she still wanted to be my friend. I realised that Fea never left me. She kept her eyes on me from far away. I bursted into tears. I asked for forgiveness and she just smiled and nodded her head. I was really thankful that Fea still wanted to befriends with me again and that was the happiest moment in my life.

What is Beauty?
For many centuries people have been wondering what the beauty is, but up to the present day there is neither definite answer nor a shared vision. Beauty can hardly mean the same to all the people because we are different and our standards and tastes differ as well. We all think that someone or something is beautiful when it provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, placidity and satisfaction. It is a well-known fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is a subjective concept. The individual understanding of this notion develops in some entity being in balance and harmony with nature, which leads to the feeling of admiration and emotional well-being, but this entity is not alike for different people. Beauty comes in many forms, as it is a very wide concept. Even if we take the beauty of a person: people can judge his or her physical or inner beauty, beauty of the eyes, of behavior and intentions, etc. Which of these beauties is the most important? When we see a person for the first time, we always start with assessment of his/her physical beauty. Appearance is not a reliable guide to qualities that a person may have, because we cannot catch them with our eyes. Maybe that is the reason why sometimes parents are against friends of their children or against a person their child wants to marry. They see only skin-deep beauty, but appearance is deceptive, whereas their child knows this person from different sides and can judge him or her fairly. Chekhov, one of the great Russian writes, said: Everything should be beautiful in a person: his face and his clothes, his soul and his thoughts. I completely agree with him and believe that to consider a person beautiful, we need to find beauty both physically and internally. Usually, it happens in accordance with the same algorithm: we meet a person and first of all judge his outward beauty, then we start to assess his or her inner beauty and finally, if we like him or her from both these aspects, it serves as a prerequisite for long-term relations. To sum what Ive said, I want to emphasize many-sidedness and variety of beauty. Never be hasty in shaping your opinion about a person based solely on his or her appearance. It will help you to avoid great mistakes!

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