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Trend Keypad Operating Instructions

The keypad/display is used to view inputs & outputs and to adjust settings of times and temperatures on the heating control system. The keypad is made up of a backlit 4line liquid crystal display and 4 illuminated user buttons. The buttons and their functions are as follows: = Move Cursor Down Screen. = Move Cursor Up Screen. = Increase Current Cursor Line Value. = Decrease Current Cursor Line Value. The screen is laid out that when the flashing cursor is in the top left-hand corner of the screen each menu function can be viewed by pressing the + or buttons. The menu functions available on the display and their function are as follows: Sensors used to read temperature sensors, Knobs used to read/adjust temperature settings, Switches used to reset pump change over after a failure, Drivers used to view the status of the outputs, Digital Inputs used to read digital plant statuss, Time Zones - used to read/adjust systems occupancy times, Alarms used to read the current and past alarms, Time used to read and adjust the current time, date and GMT change, Calendars used to view and adjust the holiday and exceptions to the standard systems occupancy times.

There is no top or bottom to the function menu so which ever of the + or buttons you use the display will eventually display the function menu you require. The most commonly used function menus are the Sensors, Knobs and Time Zone menus. Step by step guides to access these function menus are detailed below. The same process is repeated for accessing all function menus on the display. How to view Sensors 1. Move the flashing cursor to the top left-hand corner of the display by using the button. 2. Use the button to scroll through the function menus until you reach the SENSORS menu. 3. Use the button to move the cursor down to the first letter of the first sensor on the second line of the display. 4. Use the button to scroll through the sensors until the sensor you require is displayed. 5. When finished use the button to return the cursor back to the top lefthand corner of the display. How to view and adjust Knobs 1. Move the flashing cursor to the top left-hand corner of the display by using the button. 2. Use the button to scroll through the function menus until you reach the KNOBS menu. 3. Use the button to move the cursor down to the first letter of the first knob on the second line of the display.

4. Use the

button to scroll through the knobs until the knob you require is

5. Use the 6. Use the

button to move the cursor down to the first digit of the knob setting on the third line of the display.

or buttons to increase or decrease the setting to the setting you require. The setting is limited to the upper and lower knob limits. There is no enter key on the display and the new value will be entered automatically. button to return the cursor back to the top left-

7. When finished use the

hand corner of the display.

How to view and adjust Time Zones 1. Get the flashing cursor to the top left-hand corner of the display by using the button. 2. Use the button to scroll through the function menus until you reach the TIME ZONES menu.

3. Use the 4. Use the 5. Use the 6. Use the

button to move the cursor down to the first letter of the first time zone on the second line of the display. button to scroll through the time zones until the time zone you require is displayed.

button to move the cursor down to the letter N of next on the third line of the display. button to select either the day of the week you require to change. If you require the change to only take place the next time that day occurs use the NEXT option. If you require the change to take place every time that day occurs use the button until the EVERY option appears. button until

e.g. If you require to change every Mondays times press the Every Monday appears on the display.

The Next option is only applicable to the next 7 days, the Every option is applicable to every day after the next 7 days.

7. Once you have selected which day you wish to change use the 8. Continue to use the 9. Use the

button to move the cursor moves down to the forth or bottom line of the display. button until the cursor is on the hours or minutes of the ON or OFF time you wish to change.

or buttons to increase or decrease the time you wish to change. 10. When you have selected the ON and OFF times you require move the cursor back up to the third line using the button and then select any additional

days you wish to change by using the or buttons. 11. Repeat steps 7, 8 & 9 to change the times on each day selected.

12. When finished use the

hand corner of the display.

button to return the cursor back to the top left-

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