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: __________________________ : MARSHALL TEST


: _______________________________________ : _______________________________________ : _______________________________________ : _______________________________________ : _______________________________________

: (1) PUAN NORIZAN BINTI MASLLEH LECTURERS NAME (2) 0 REGISTRATION NO. : _______________________________________ : _______________________________________ : (1) _______________________________________ GROUP MEMBERS (2) _______________________________________ (3) _______________________________________ (4) _______________________________________ DUE DATE RETURN DATE : _______________________________________ : _______________________________________


Civil Engineering Department, Kuching Polytechnic Course: CC302 Highway Engineering Title: MARSHALL TEST
1.0 INTRODUCTION Before any asphalt mixes can be placed and laid on the road, the aggregate and the binder types are generally screened for quality and requirement. Approximately 15 samples are required Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC). The prepared samples are to be analyzed for bulk density, air void and stability. By using the Asphalt Institute Method, the Optimum Asphalt Content are determined from the individual plots of bulk density, voids in total mix and stability versus percent asphalt content. The average of the 3 OAC values is taken for further sample preparation and analysis. 2.0 OBJECTIVES At the end of the experiment, student should be:

a) To prepare standard specimens of asphalt concrete for the determination of

the optimum asphalt content based upon ASTM D 1559, "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus." b) To determine the combination of bitumen and aggregates that will give durable road surfacing.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Marshall compactor Mixer Water Bath Marshall Compression Machine Marshall Mould Sieve Shaker Oven

Civil Engineering Department, Kuching Polytechnic Course: CC302 Highway Engineering Title: MARSHALL TEST


1. The aggregate (about 1200g), graded according to the ASTM standard are
over dried at 170 - 180 0C (not more than 2800C ).

2. The required quantity of asphalt is weighed out and heated to a temperature

of about 150 - 165 0C.

3. The thoroughly cleaned mould is heated on a hot plate or in an oven to a

temperature 100 - 145 0C. The mould is 101.6mm diameter by 76.2mm high and provided with a base plate and extension collar. 4. A crater is formed in the aggregate, the binder poured in and mixing carried out until all the aggregate is coated. The mixing temperature shall be within the limit set for the binder temperature. 5. A piece of filter paper is fitted in the bottom of the mould and the whole mix poured in three layers. The mix is then vigorously trowel 15 times round the perimeter and 10 times in the center leaving a slightly rounded surface.

6. The mould is placed on the Marshall Compactor (Figure 1) and given 50 blows.
7. The specimen is then carefully removed from the mould and then marked (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Marshall Hammer

Figure 2: Marshall Samples

Civil Engineering Department, Kuching Polytechnic Course: CC302 Highway Engineering Title: MARSHALL TEST
b) BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF THE MIX 1. Weight the specimen before test (A).(Figure 3) 2. The specimen is immersed in a 251 C water bath and saturated at 41 minutes (Figure 4). 3. The specimen is then, placed in a basket and its mass is determined to nearest 0.1 g while immersed in water at 25 1 C (C).

4. The immersed saturated specimen is removed from the water bath and damp
dried with a damp absorbent cloth as quickly as possible. The specimen is then weighted, (B). Any water that seeps from the specimen during the weighing operation is considered as part of saturated specimens.

Figure 3: Measure and weight dry specimen

Figure 4: Specimen in bath

Civil Engineering Department, Kuching Polytechnic Course: CC302 Highway Engineering Title: MARSHALL TEST c) Marshall Stability and Flow of Bituminous Mixture

1. Three specimens, prepared according to the Standard, are immersed in a

water bath for 30 to 40 minutes or in an oven for 2 hours at 60 1.0 0C.

2. The testing heads and guide rods are thoroughly cleaned, guide rods
lubricated and head maintained at a temperature between 21.1 and 37.8 0C. 3. A specimen is removed from the water bath or oven, placed in the lower jaw and the upper jaw placed in position. The complete assembly is then placed in the Marshall Stability and flow machine (Figure 5) and the flow meter adjusted to zero. 4. The load is applied to the specimen at a constant strain rate of 50.8 mm/min until the maximum load is reached. The maximum force and flow at that force are read and recorded. The maximum time thats allowed between removal of

the specimens from the water bath and maximum load is 30 second.

Civil Engineering Department, Kuching Polytechnic Course: CC302 Highway Engineering Title: MARSHALL TEST
Table 1.1: The Aggregate Grading for Size 20mm
BS Sieve (mm) 37.5 28 20 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.150 0.075 Pan ACW20 100 76-100 64-89 56-81 46-71 32-58 20-42 12-28 6-16 4-8 0 Midpoint ACW20% passing 100 88 76.5 68.5 58.5 45 31 20 11 6 0 ACW 20% retained 0 12 11.5 8 10 13.5 14 11 9 5 6 Weight (g) 0 136.2 130.5 90.8 113.5 153.2 158.9 124.9 102.2 56.7 68.1 Accumulate weight (g) 0 136.2 266.7 357.5 471 624.2 783.1 908 1010.2 1066.9 1135

Total weight of aggregates Filler (2%)

= 1135 g = 22.7 g

Weight of aggregates + Filler = 1157.7 g Table 1.2: Percentage of Binder

Binder (%) 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 Wt. of Binder (g) 54.6 61.1 67.4 74 80.5 Total Weight (g) 1212.3 1218.7 1225.1 1231.7 1238.2

The calculation of Binder Content (BC); Binder Content, B.C (g) = B.C(%) x 1157.7 100 B.C. (%)

Civil Engineering Department, Kuching Polytechnic Course: CC302 Highway Engineering Title: MARSHALL TEST
6.0 Analysis of Results Based on Marshall Test Result, plot the graph as stated below: a. Bulk S. G vs Binder Content. b. Air voids vs Binder Content. c. VFA (%) vs Binder Content. d. Marshall Stability vs Binder Content. e. Marshall Flow vs Binder Content. 7.0 Discussion

8.0 Conclusion

9.0 References


MARSHALL TEST RESULT Table Marshall Properties For Penetration Grade 80/100 : 2.631 : 1.01

S.G. Aggregate S.G. Bitumen

No. Sampel a

Binder (%) b

Height (mm) c

Weight in (g) Air d water e

Bulk Volume (cm3) f (d e)

Spec. Gravity Bulk g (d / f) Theory h

Volume of Bitumen (%) i (bg/gac)

Void (%) VTM j (100 100g/h) VFA k [i/(i+j)] VMA l (I + j)

Bulk SG (mg/m3) m (g x 1.0)

Stability (N) Meas (Kn) n Factor o Corr (Kn) nxo=p

Flow 0.25mm (0.01in) q

1 2 3 Average 1 2 3 Average 1 2 3 Average 1 2 3 Average 1 2 3 Average


63.19 64.24 63.39 64.2 63.81 63.44 63.79 63.67 63.75 63.96 63.60 63.40 62.66 64.76 63.52

1193.8 1207.7 1158.4 1211.7 1207.2 1207.5 1219.1 1206.4 1206.5 1211.1 1220.0 1208.5 1206.5 1210.7 1218.2

694.2 694.3 670.4 702.4 701.5 702.1 706.4 705.7 703.5 706.2 702.3 705.2 701.2 702.1 704.2

21.52 21.41 21.10 20.52 20.44 20.67

3.0 2.2 2.1 2.9 3.2 2.8



17.93 16.87 17.78 16.47 16.44 16.29 14.21 13.09 12.78

3.6 3.0 2.7 3.6 4.0 3.5 4.5 3.7 1.8



* Max Theory of Specific Gravity =

100 %bitumen %aggregate + Gac Gag

Jadual 1.3: Nisbah Sekaitan Kestabilan Isipadu Spesimen (cm3) 200 213 214 225 226 237 238 250 251 264 265 276 277 289 290 301 302 316 317 328 329 340 341 353 354 -367 368 379 380 392 393 405 406 420 421 431 432 443 444 456 457 470 471 482 483 495 496 508 509 522 523 535 536 546 547 559 560 573 574 585 586 598 599 610 611 625 Tebal Hampir Spesimen (mm) 25.4 27.0 28.6 30.2 31.8 33.3 34.9 36.5 38.1 39.7 41.3 42.9 44.4 46.0 47.6 49.2 50.8 52.4 54.0 55.6 57.2 58.7 60.3 61.9 63.5 64.0 65.1 66.7 68.3 71.4 73.0 74.6 76.2 Nisbah Kaitan 5.56 5.00 4.55 4.17 3.85 3.57 3.33 3.03 2.78 2.50 2.27 2.08 1.92 1.79 1.67 1.56 1.47 1.39 1.32 1.25 1.19 1.14 1.09 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.76 %20Extraction%20&%20Stripping%20&%20Specific%20Gravity.pdf

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