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Chemistry of dental cements -Zinc Oxide Eugenol -Zinc Phosphate cement -Polycarboxylate cement -Glass ionomer cement -Varnish Instrumental bases

stronger than a liner provides thermal insulation support restorative materials release fluoride some maybe irritating to the pulp before the setting reaction is completed maybe used in conjunction

4. The powder is forced to the liquid using a cement spatula 5. Mixing process first incorporates large instrument the smaller instruments 6. Clean-up - wash off materials with water before the materials sets -Soap assists in clean-up - Set ZOE can be dissolves in organic solvent (alcohol) 7. Setting reaction -water accelerates the setting time reaction 8. Removal of excess -removed with spoon excavator the material has cut set. ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT -has been used in dentistry to centuries -at all time it was the strongest and least soluble cement available -used mainly for retention of cast metallic restoration, bases for cementing orthodontics band ----Powder----1. Zinc Oxide 2. Magnesium Oxide 3. Silicon Dioxide 4. Bismuth ----Liquid---1. water solution of phosphoric acid 90% 2. metallic salt- shows down the ST reaction Buffers 3. Al phosphate Properties 1. cement is strong and has low solubility compared to other cements 2.has low pH 3. Irritating to the pulp 4. cement set into the hand brittle matrial 5. cab support amalgam condensation forces 6.can support underlying amalgam restoration Mixing the Cement 1. Dispensed on soap of powder and drops of liquid 2. A cement spatulaand glass slab is used to mixthe materials 3. Powder is divided into portion forces 4. Powder is added to the liquid incriments 5. adding the powder slowly at 15 sec interval Clean-Up 1. Clean slab and cements spatula and washed with tap water and soap before material sets 2. Set materials is difficult to remove from the slab and spatula Control of Setting Time - Lower the temperature during mixing -rate of adding the powder to the liquid -the longer is the mixing time thla slower the setting time -the more liquid employed in the ratio to the powder the longer the setting time ( not applicable) **** Things to remember**** - No moisture -discard liquid when cloudy or forms crystals -phosphoric acid solution absorbs water, do not

Chemistry of dental cements A. Formulation -Dental cements are typically powder and liquid system -the liquid is an acid -the powder is a base -the powder must be insoluble ZINC OXIDE EUGENOL CEMENT - a very old and yet useful cement -its obtundent property makes it useful for sedative and temporary fillings -come with stand amalgam condensation forces -Supports overlying amalgam restoration -Biocompatibility is very good -May cause hypersensitivity reaction COMPONENTS -------Powder-------1. Zinc oxide powder- is the only one insoluble, nontoxic, reactive oxide by hydroxide available to 2. Resin 3. Zinc stearate 4. Zinc acetate 5. Aluminum Oxide -controls setting time -mechanically reinforces the resulting cements ------Liquid-----Eugenol -org. liquid that is a weak acid -major components of oil of cloves -has distinctive smell and taste -phenol derivatives that is antibacterial -obtundent to the pulp -inhibits force radical polymerization Types 1. Unreinforced ZOE -only used when strength and solubility are not critical -formulation for temporary restoration 2. Reinforces ZOE -stronger and less soluble -used for temporary and intermediate bases -additives include, resin and polymethyl methacrylate resin 3. ZOE-EBA -stronger and less soluble -used for intermediate bases -additive includes ethoxybenzoic acid Mixing of Cement 1. The powder is measured and dispensed with a scoop. 2. The liquid is dispensed as drops 3. A glass slab is used for mixing powder/ liquid ZOE

POLYCARBOXYLATE CEMENT -Powder liquid system -cements w/c has evidence of adhesion to the tooth -not as acidic as zinc phosphate cement and biocompatible -not as strong Composition -------Powder----1. Zinc oxide 2. Magnesium oxide 3. Calcium hydroxide 4. Fluoride 5. Metallic salt - modifying the setting time reaction -----Liquid--1. Aqueous solution or polyacrylic acid 2. Copolymers


Clean-Up -clean up with water is very easy and should be done before the material set. - Set material will chemically CALCIUM HYDROXIDE -at one very popular -placed under most composit resin restoration -promote formation of secondary dentin -recommended when cavity preparation cleans little dentin covering Types 1. Liner- has thinner consistency than base, oldest calcium hydroxide liner weak and was used a liners. 2. Bases- layer of materials that as insulator and protective barrier beneath restoration - Calcium hydroxide are supplied in paste- paste system -One paste contains calcium hydroxide in distilled water -Second paste contains salicylate -Titanium oxide- filler Mixing -the pastes of the same amount are dispensed on a mixing pad -an applicator s used for mixing the paste -mixing should be achieved -setting reaction of calcium hydroxide is accelerated by water -moisture present in dentin causes material to set in few seconds -allow to set scrape the material VARNISH -serves as protection against acid of dental cements -reduced leakage of mouth fluoride around the restoration -maybe applied to the surface of the metallic restoration to reduce galvanic action Components 1. Natural gum- Copal, rosin or synthetic resin 2. Organic solvent- acetone, chloroform or ether Application -varnishes are fluid substance that is readily painted on the surface of the prepared cavity -solvent rapidly evaporates

Manipulation - Powder is rapidly incorporated into the liquid in large quantities -Mix should be completed in 30-40 sec -mix will appear thicker than the other cement mixture - meticulous clean surface is necessary to provide infinite contact with cement and tooth. Properties -pH of the cement is 1.7 -produce minimal irritation to the pulp - Adhesion occurs by the chelation the calcium or the apetite enamel and dentin by the carboxyl group or the polyacrylic acid Theories explaining the reaction of the pulp of the Polycarboxylate cement 1. Large size of the polyacrylic acid molecule 2. Poly acrylic acid molecule tendency to complex with protein limiting its diffusion through the dental tubules GLASS IONOMER CEMENTS -similar in both composition and handling characteristics to the silicate cement -become popular as results of the physical and mechanical properties and clinical Components ------ Powder----1. Calcium aluminosilicate glass particle 2. Fluoride ------Liquid---1. Poly acrylic-itacomic acid copolymer Properties -strong and least soluble dental cements -adheres to the tooth and release fluoride -good biocompatibility -band to stainless steel and alloys form Mixing Of the cements 1. The powder is dispensed with a scoop and the liquid is dispensed in drops 2. A cements spatula and mixing it typically used the plastic coating prevents the paper from absorbing the liquid. 3. 4. Mixing should be completed 60 sec. or less 5. The cements should be seated within 2 min. from start of mixing 6. The powder is mixed into the liquid in two increments 7. The mixed materials must be placed while the cement

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