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Advanced Notes on Using the Kabbalistic Program

When using the cycles, you will note that your life will improve in many, many ways, and vastly so. Be aware however, that your ego; your 'lesser' or smaller self, may not want to accept the ways these improvements are coming about. It will throw up many self doubts and questions as to the means and methods by which these changes are occurring in your life. At such times, it is vitally necessary for you to remember, that sometimes a situation must first end-and end completely-before the GOOD of the Universe can come to you. For example: a relationship might end suddenly, you might lose your current job, and the like. Grim events to be sure. But far less cruel than the events that brought you to using the Kabbalistic Cycles in the first place. Remember also, that in each instance-either before the current situation ends or immediately after it has ended-the way for you to proceed will be made known to you. In the case of the examples above, you will either meet someone new, be offered a better job, an opportunity will come along to either start or join a very profitable business, or some other event will occur to place you on the right track. It is all part of the harmonious operation of immutable Universal Law, working through your correct use of the Kabbalistic Cycles. At first your ego will most probably be very unhappy, as I mentioned. Nevertheless, you must take advantage of these opportunities if you want to get where you truly want to be in life, and do what you so desperately want to do with your life. The plain, hard fact is that the forces of the Universe do not care about anyone's ego: not yours, mine, not anyone's. These powerful forces have one and only one concern: to take you to where you want to be. After all is said and done, I guarantee you will look back on the series of events that brought the positive changes you wanted into your life, and say to yourself "I am so happy that (previous) situation ended," whatever that situation may have been. For one thing is certain when using the Kabbalistic Cycles: your life WILL IMPROVE, and it will start happening as soon as you begin to use them in every area of your life. Another point I would like to mention is that when using the Cycles, please start an action at least Five minutes into the hour, or start it with at least Five minutes remaining in the hour. For example: Suppose the hour of interest to you extends from 1:56 PM - 3:06 PM. You would start the action between 2:01 PM 3:01 PM. The reason is that you want to make certain your INITIAL ACTIONS are under the full effect of the hour, and hence are benefiting from that hour's full influence. As you use the Cycles, day after day, week after week, month after month, you will come to a point where you will be able to "feel" the hour taking effect. However, this awareness usually takes time to develop. Until the advent of that perception then, please remember to use this "Five Minute Rule" in all of your hourly determinations.

There is something else I would like to mention at this juncture. When possible, try to use the Moon Signs as well. That is, if you are in a position where something has to be done very quickly, simply use the Kabbalistic Cycles. For extremely important decisions that do not have to be made on the spot, I recommend using the Cycles first; taking into account the sign the Moon in is, if at all possible. I also strongly recommend avoiding doing anything of an important nature under a retrograde Mercury. If you follow this additional counsel, I assure you, you will be glad you did. If you are performing MAGICAL RITUALS, then it is to your advantage to follow the Moon Signs and of course, to avoid retrograde Mercury periods. Otherwise, if you practice genuine High Magic under the latter condition, you will most likely obtain some very deleterious results. The following points should be remembered when considering the astrological effects of the Moon:

Avoid initiating an action when the Moon is in the signs of Libra, Aries, or Scorpio Avoid initiating any constructive action during the Dark of the Moon. This period, the Dark of the Moon, occurs 24 hours before the New Moon. For example. If the New Moon begins on a Monday morning at 6:23 AM, the Dark of the Moon would extend over the period 6:23 AM Sunday morning until 6:23 AM Monday morning. The Dark of the Moon is a time of disintegration, and is primarily reserved for the actions of Black Magic. Avoid initiating an action when the Moon is in "combust." This is equivalent to dumping gasoline on a raging fire. The Moon is combust from the time of the New Moon, and continues for 24 hours after the Moon is new. So for the previous example, the Moon is in combust from 6:23 AM Monday Morning until 6:23 AM Tuesday Morning. Avoid initiating a new or important action when the Moon is in its 4th phase, for this too is a time of disintegration.

One last point that I need to mention regarding the planet Mercury. Since Mercury is the planet that rules Magic, Communications (including 'self-communications' or those inner dialogues we then use to spur ourselves into action), thought, study, etc., it too must be carefully taken into account. The best advice I can offer you here is not only to avoid initiating any constructive, long term action when Mercury is retrograde, but to avoid initiating any constructive action 24 hours prior to Mercury entering its retrograde period, and to continue this abstinence for 48 after the Mercury retrograde period has ended. The last retrograde Mercury for the year 2005 begins on November 14, 2005 at 12:42 AM EST, and ends on December 3, 2005 at 9:22 PM EST. Thus, it would be wise for the reader to avoid initiating any constructive actions, becoming involved in important communications, beginning the mental analysis of some idea or plan, outlining or detailing some plan of action, etc., from 12:42 AM EST November 13, 2005, until 9:22 PM EST December 5, 2005. As soon as retrograde Mercury is over, it would then be advantageous for the reader to consult an Ephemeris to determine the Sign that the Moon is in. Or in place of an Ephemeris, I highly recommend the reader obtain a copy of Llewellyn's "Moon Sign Book," which is published by Llewellyn every year. The 2005 version is $7.95 USD. The 2005 version can be purchased at a bookstore, online, or direct from Llewellyn for $1.99 by clicking here. The 2006 version is $7.99 and can be purchased from a bookstore, online, or direct from Llewellyn by clicking here. Please note that all times are in Eastern Standard Time in this book unless otherwise stated. This useful guide will not only provide the essential daily Moon Sign information, but will give the periods for Mercury retrograde, as well as for all of the major "Planets of the Ancients." The "Planets of the Ancients" are the ones used in the Kabbalistic Program. They are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon.

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