Social Media Intern

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Keep Calm Be an Intern

Purdue Memorial Union Marketing Department is hiring a social media intern for the Summer/2012-13 School year.


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SoCIal medIa Intern

pmu marKetIng department
The primary job of a social media intern is to assist the Art Director and the Director of Marketing in performing daily tasks to market the Purdue Memorial Union. The goal of this internship is to give students valuable real-world experience in a marketing environment. The intern should work 20 hours per week during the current semester. Those hours may be worked in any combination at the discretion of the intern and the Art Director. The intern must be organized, and detail-oriented, possess strong interest in social media, and be a currently enrolled student at an accredited university.The ideal intern will be knowledgeable in a Mac environment, but it is not mandatory. Understanding of social media and excellent communication skills are required. Some writing experience is preferred, but is not mandatory. The intern is considered an integral part of the Marketing department and as such, their ideas and input will be valued. eSSentIal joB FunCtIonS Brainstorm and research marketing ideas. Present ideas to the Art Director & occasionally the Director of Marketing. Abide by project schedules set by the Art Director. ork with others and values clients feedback. W elp with public relations, copy writing, client follow-up, and other events that may H become a priority. ommunicate to Art Director or takes other appropriate actions if there are breakdowns C in communication that requires authority. Operate with integrity and follows all assigned tasks through to completion. Follow established stands for dress and grooming. eSSentIal joB requIrementS ReqUiReD SkillS nowledge about different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare. K Strong research skills and creativity are essential. Problem solving, logic and reasoning skills Interpersonal skills, cooperation, and knows how to work effectively within a team ttend a monthly staff meetings as part of his/her internship. Staff meetings are held on the A first Wednesday of every month from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Attend scheduled shifts unless previous arrangements have been made. teCHnology requIrementS FOllOWIng IS A lIST OF THe TeCHnOlOgy RequIReMenTS OF THe POSITIOn: Microsoft Office Familiar with social media etiquette, communications, and platforms Familiar with Mac OS PReFeRReD SKIllS Previous social media experience (Blog, twitter account, etc.) Strive to learn new skills and strategies in technology Knowledge of Microsoft Sharepoint excellent time management skills

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Purdue Memorial Union Marketing Department is hiring social media intern for the Summer/2012-13 School year.

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