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Our meeting was held at Gunville Methodist Church this month and attended by seven members of the public. This meeting was preceded with the presentation of our Parish Design Award. This year it went to the Gunville Methodist Church extension. Certificates were presented to local architect David Holbrook for his superb design, MCM Construction for their quality building works and to Gunville Methodist Church. There was a report from the Safer Neighbourhoods Team. PC Finch reported that some figures were down 30% on major crime on the 2010/11 level, but anti social behaviour figures were up. We also had a report from Sgt Lyth, the Country Watch Officer. As every one knows most of our wards have some countryside and he wants to know of any problems people may have.Contact 08450454545 or countrywatch@hampshire.pnn.

Parish Clerk: Maxine Yule 559119 Email: Website: Full contact details for our councillors can be found on the website

It was decided to give 1500 towards a joint Incredible Edible planting scheme with Spectrum Housing at Hookes Way. This will be one of the first schemes tried on the Island and I hope residents will benefit from this. We have carried forward money for the Nine Acres Field project which has been delayed due to long discussions with IOW Council, but should commence shortly. It was decided to release funds of 450 for the ongoing maintenance and improvements to the grass verge at Sylvan Drive area. This will tidy up the area and help encourage the wildlife. Peter Whiteman Chairman Newport Parish Council

We have donated 100 to Cowes Concert Band to help purchase new instruments also 250 went to FolkStation this will be held in July 2012. This is a non-profit music event for families to be held on The Green Barn Field, Forest Farm, Whitehouse Road Newport, please go along and enjoy. It was also agreed to donate 450 towards a new junior PCSO scheme in Newport. The funds will buy equipment and go towards a team building exercise.


The next Full Council meeting will be on 16th April at Victoria Recreation Clubhouse, starting at 6.45pm. The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held at the Riverside Centre on Wednesday 25th April at 7pm with guest speaker Tony Murphy from the Newport and Carisbrooke Food Bank and Peter Luther from Revive Newport. The Planning and Licensing Committee meet at the Riverside Centre on 12th and 26th April at 6.30pm.

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