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Approximating Length, Width, Height, and Distance

I. Learning Objectives Cognitive: Approximate measurement of length, width, height, and distance Psychomotor:Make measurement by estimation Affective: Appreciate the importance of helping one another II. Learning Content Skill: Reference: Materials: Value: III. Approximating length, width, height and distance BEC PELC IV.B.2 real objects/pictures which can be measured by using cm, m or km, activity sheets, roleta Teamwork

Learning Experiences A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill Play a game. Directions: a. When I show an object like a hairpin, paper clip, eraser, book, popsicle stick, say: 'Non-standard' b. When I show a ruler, a metre stick, a tape measure, say: 'Standard' 2. Review Let's play a game. Directions: a. If your answer is in centimetre, raise your ruler. b. If your answer is in meter, stand up. c. Flash card with printed phrases written below. What unit of measure will you use, centimeter or meter? 1) length of the blackboard 2) length of the classroom 3) width of the classroom window (If the pupils can't understand the word width, point to it.) 4) height of the flagpole 3. Motivation Today, we will try to measure things without using any instrument.


Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Present the activity to the class and explain how to apporximate measurement of length, width, height and distance. Activity Sheet Look at the drawings:

Do the following in each item. a. Give the approximate length of table. About ______ cm b. Guess the width of the table. About ______ cm c. Guess the height of the flagpole. About ______ cm d. Give the approximate distance of the church from the house. About ______ km. After the group reporting, make some clarifications. Ask: Are we really getting the accurate measurement? Why? Introduce the term approximate. Approximating the measurement of length, width, height and distance is not exact but it is an acceptable method in the absence of instruments such as metre stick or centimetre ruler.


Group Activities Let the pupils do the following activities. Activity 1 Mismetric length a. b. Work in pairs. Distribute activity sheets as shown below.

Some of these children made a mistake in estimating the lengths of these objects. Circle the estimates that are incorrect.

How did you finish your work? What is the importance of helping one another? Activity 2 Before the game starts, tell the pupils to run and walk for 30 seconds around the room. Ask: a. b. How far have you covered? Divide the class into 3 groups. The cm, m and km groups. Prepare a game board as shown below. Attach a spinner. If it stops at a box which names an object/distance which can be measured by his/her group's name, he/she gets 2 points for his/her group. Otherwise, the group gets one point, provided he/she determined the appropriate unit. Each pupil from each group spins the spinner. If it stops at a box which names an object/distance which can be measured by his/her group's name, he/she gets 2 points for his/her group. Otherwise, the group gets one point, provided he/she determines the appropriate unit.


Work in group of 5s. Think of the real object. a. b. c. d. e. Which animal is about 1 cm long? Which animal is about 1 m long? Which party of the body is about 1 metre long? Which object in the kitchen is about 25 cm long? Which object in our room is about 2 metres long?

Can you guess the correct answer right away? What did you do to give the closest estimate? 3. Generalization How do we measure the length, width, height and distance? C. Aplpication Complete the following sentences using the appropriate unit of measure (cm, m or km). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The width of the board is about 1 ________. The height of the door is about 3 ________. The length of the curtain is about 3 ________. The distance from the church to market is about 6 ________. The length of the ballpen is about 14 ________.


Evaluation A. Give an estimate of the following. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer. 1. The height of the cabinet is about ________. a. 200 cm b. 200 m c. 200 km 2. The length of your bedroom is about ________. a. 5 cm b. 5 m c. 5 km 3. The width of the road is about ________. a. 6 cm b. 6 m c. 6 km 4. The distance from your house to your school is about ________. a. 200 cm b. 200 m c. 200 km 5. The distance from Manila to Baguio is about ________. a. 250 cm b. 250 m c. 250 km B. Use your estimation. Measure the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The distance of the blackboard to the teacher's table ia about ______ metres. The height of the tallest boy in class is about ______ metres. The height of the chair is about ______ centimetres. Thw width of your math book is about _______ centimetres. The distance from your house to the market is about ______ km.


Assignment Write your approximate measurement using cm, m or km. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. length of your bed = about _________ height of the building = about _________ height of your classroon door = about _________ width of a road = about ________ distance from your house to school = about ________

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