JA 6025 Home Automation

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JA 6025.


As mobile devices continue to grow in popularity and functionality, the demand for advanced ubiquitous mobile applications in our daily lives also increases. This paper deals with the design and implementation of HASec, home Automation and Security system for mobile Devices, that leverages mobile technology to provide essential security to

our homes and associated control operations. In particular, with the help of mobile devices, HASec operates and controls Video Streaming and video cameras for remote sensing and surveillance, streams live video and records it for future playback, and finally manages operations on home appliances, such as turning ON/OFF a television or microwave or altering the intensity of lighting around the house. The proposed home security solution hinges on our novel integration of cameras and motion detectors into

a mobile application. HASec has two main components interacting with each other: the Android application that executes on the mobile device and serverside scripts that run in a cloud. Although HA-Sec is

implemented for Android it can be easily ported to other mobile platforms. Furthermore, our application is not only limited to smart-phones but also can be used by feature phones through their browsers. INTRODUCTION: Mobile phones have become ubiquitous s in our society. Smart phones have wide applications in various domains such as education, fitness and healthcare, entertainment, travel, news, and business, due to their easy

access through Blackes Berry App World, Apples App Store, Google Android Market, or Windows Marketplace for Mobile. How to the best of our knowledge, there is no application a available yet for smart phones that combines home automation and security. Leveraging the capabilities of smart phones.

EXISTING SYSTEM 1. We cannot access House hold Devices from the remote place through mobile. 2. Accessing the Live Video through Mobile is also not possible. 3. Home automation as the introduction of technology within the home to enhance the quality of life of its occupants. 4. All the wireless communication has its own range. Control of Devices is achieved in a Short Range only.

PROPOSED SYSTEM: 1. We designed, developed, and implemented an Android application, called HAe Sec that integrates Home Automation and Security capability into mobile devices. 2. Our application is also accessible through a web browser. 3. The advantage of this approach is twofold: (i) it makes the application independent of the mobile operating system, vendors, and carriers, and (ii) it can be extended to feature phones that do not have all the capabilities of smart phones but have built-in browsers specifically. 4. If the Android Mobile user can also the Video from the web camera connected with the home system.

5. User can also see the Video of his home for Surveillance system from his Android Mobile Phone. 6. User Authentication is carried with the Cloud Server, all the process is also carried by the Cloud Server only. 7. Cloud Server is acts as the intermediate server between the Android User and the Home Devices. The Electrical Devices are connected to the Home System along with the Webcam and IR Sensors. Android User can control the Electrical Devices via GPRS connection and also can Stream the Video through the Webcam MODIFICATIONS: Modification From the base paper is to generate SMS alert provided to a User after the control of the Electrical Devices. Using IR, if movement is detected immediately alert SMS is sent and the android user can stream the video wirelessly. ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM

SOFTWARE REQUIRED Java1.6 Android MS-SqlServer HARDWARE REQUIRED Hard disk RAM Processor : : : 80 GB 1 GB Pentium IV

Webcam Embedded Kit REFERENCE:

1. M. Kovatsch, M. Weiss, and D. Guinard. Embedding Internet technology for home automation. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA10), 2010. 2. Apache HTTP Server Project, httpd.apache.org 3. See Apple App Store, apple.com/iphone/apps-for-iphone 4. URL Loading System Programming Guide,

developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/U RLLoadingSystem 5. UIWebView,developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/uikit/ref erence/UIWebView_Class 6. Microsoft DirectShow, msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd375454 7. T. Spierings. Mobile everywhere. IN10 Communications, 2010. 8. X10, x10.com/support/basicx10.htm 9. XAMPP, apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html MODULES: 1. Client 2. Home Gateway 3. Embedded Kit Fabrication 4. Device Control 5. Video streaming

MODULES DESCRIPTION 1. CLIENT In this module we are going to prevent the unauthorized user access by storing the user details in the database. And when user wants to access the home automation system the user has to provide the login details that have been stored at the registration time. The interaction is being started by the mobile device. Then the data is been carried out by the mobile server to the gateway in to the system. 2. HOME GATEWAY The home gateway is charged with providing

interoperability between different connecting networks. The home gateway provides two primary functions for the proposed architecture. Firstly, the home gateway provides data translation services between the Internet and Mobile. Secondly, the home gateway provides a standardized user interface for devices connecting to the Android mobile in home network. The home gateway which gets the User name & Password input from the Users via mobile devices 3. EMBEDDED KIT FABRICATION

Embedded Kit is fabricated using, a camera which is interconnected with the system. Through the camera we can able to see the situation of our home. The camera which will attach with the server system is in our home.

4. DEVICE CONTROL Here in this module the input transfers the signal in to the remote control system. Then the signal is been processed and the corresponding device is been being controlled. Then the devices send the feedback to appropriate mobile device it has been performing the input. 5. VIDEO STREAMING We can able to see the condition of our home through the android enabled mobile. The camera which is capture the video of our home through the camera server will send the video stream to the users android mobile.

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