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Little known facts aboutAndy Carroll.

t=231169&page=2 Andy Carroll buys his rock cakes from the builders merchants. Chuck Norris has an Andy Carroll tattoo If Andy Carroll is late, time better slow the **** down! According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Andy Carroll can actually score a goal 24 hours before kick off. After birth Andy Carroll immediately proceeded to have sex with the nurse...........this was the third person he had sex with. All planets originally orbited the Sun in the same direction until Andy Carroll kicked Pluto All strikers are created equally. Equally inferior to Andy Carroll An eclipse is just the sun trying to hide from Andy Carroll. Andy Carroll ******* John Terrys wife, twice, and then big John made him a lovely cup of tea when he was done. Andy Carroll always says 'Never' Andy carroll built rome in a day Andy Carroll CAN believe it's not butter. Andy Carroll can get a camel through the eye of a needle, but he doesn't want to. Andy Carroll can grow a beard before the half-time whistle blows Andy Carroll can hurry love.. Andy Carroll can kill 2 stones with 1 bird Andy Carroll can polish a ****.... Without a duster Andy Carroll can post any expletives he wants in these forums and the Mods wont dare asterix them out! Andy Carroll can slam a revolving door! Andy Carroll can sneeze with his eyes open Andy Carroll can speak braille. Andy Carroll can speak Chinese. Andy Carroll can touch MC Hammer Andy Carroll caused a major Tsunami when he flushed the toilet recently andy carroll could tweet a picture of howard webb in a man utd shirt and the FA would pay him 10,000 with add-ons

Andy Carroll decided to punish the people of this world....hence Paul Merson. Andy Carroll destroyed the periodic table because for him there is only the element of surprise. Andy Carroll destroyed the periodic table because for him there is only the element of surprise. Andy Carroll didn't cost 35million. That was the cost of his bar tab. Andy Carroll does not ejaculate semen. He ejaculates goals. Andy Carroll Does not love Raymond.. Andy Carroll doesn't cut his grass, he dares it to grow! Andy Carroll doesn't determine who is right, he determines who is left! Andy Carroll doesn't flush the toilet, he scares the **** out of it. Andy Carroll doesn't get wet. Water gets Andy Carroll Andy Carroll doesn't sleep. He waits Andy Carroll doesn't use twitter. Because he is all ready following you. Andy Carroll drives an ice cream van made out of human skulls. andy carroll has already been to mars, that's why there are no signs of life Andy Carroll has no pubic hair on his balls, hair does not grow on steel Andy Carroll has scored more goals than fernando Torres this season. Funny cos its true Andy Carroll is never injured he's just giving opposing defenses a rest Andy Carroll is so mean if you shout at him in your dreams , you better wake up and apologies* Andy Carroll is still a virgin because nobody takes anything from Andy Carroll. Andy Carroll is the reason why Lord Lucan disappeared Andy carroll liverpools new number 9 Andy Carroll made 1,326,351 people visit a single website in one day. Andy Carroll once ********** in the gas tank of a truck as a joke, that truck is now known as Optimus Prime. Andy Carroll once punched a cyclops between the eyes Andy Carroll once punched fergie in the nose! It's been red ever since Andy Carroll once put a long range shot past Pepe Reina :O. Andy Carroll once shot down a German plane by pointing his fingers at it and shouting "BANG"

Andy Carroll once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands. Andy Carroll once won a game of Connect4 in 3 moves. Andy Carroll played on his own for Liverpool against Everton. He got a red card after 5 minutes and we won 9-0. Andy Carroll teaches old dogs new tricks every ******* day Andy Carroll told Fernando Torres he was coming for the no 9 shirt so Torres ran to Chelsea in fear. Andy Carroll was in all 6 Star Wars the Force. Andy Carroll was once struck by lightning. That's why lightning never strikes in the same place twice because Andy Carroll is looking for it. Andy Carroll was The Colossus of Rhodes in a former life Andy Carroll will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him. Andy Carroll, unlike Michael Owen, knows exactly who Accrington Stanley are! Andy Carroll's calendar goes from the 2nd of April to the 31st of March. Noone fools Andy Carroll.. Andy Carroll's tears can cure all illnesses, too bad he has never cried....never. andy gray and richard keys were overheard to saying they would smash it until andy carroll turned around #carrollfacts Carroll can put in a light bulb without standing on a chair. Carroll can put in a light bulb without standing on a chair. Of course he can... he's 6ft 3!!! However, he can also switch it on and off without touching the lightswitch

Chelsea had to sign Torres, because Andy Carroll wanted to join a big team Diouf moved to rangers because carroll said so Glen Johnson chopped off all his hair because there is only room for Andy Carroll's hair. He once punched Ancelotti so hard he gave him the infamous raised eyebrow. If Andy Carroll lived next door to you....your lawn would die If Andy Carroll needed a lifeline in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire he would phone himself If Andy Carroll was Spanish he'd be called El Delantero

If Chuck Norris round house kicked Andy Carroll in the head his leg would break in two If you lived here, You would be Andy carroll by now. There is no alternative Jesus Saves, Andy puts in the rebound. Konchesky never made it to Forest as he was standing next to Carrol Kenny mistook him for Mini-Me and fed him to the sharks with lasers on their heads.

Notts Forest didn't want to sign Konchesky..Andy Carroll told them to Once a year on his birthday Andy Carroll chooses one lucky kid to be launched into the sun via his left boot. Queen Elizabeth I was only a virgin because Andy Carroll hadn't been born yet Some magicians can walk on water. Andy Carroll can swim through land. Superman and Andy Carroll once bet on an armwrestle between each other with the loser having to wear his underwear on the outside of his trousers.

Superman wears Andy Carroll Pyjamas. Terry , lampard , essien , drogba & Torres will all miss the game Sunday because Andy Carroll has told them to say they are injured The boogeyman checks under his bed at night to make sure Andy Carroll isn't hiding under it. The city of Newcastle once named a street after Andy Carroll. They had the change the name of the street however as people kept dying. NOONE crosses Andy Carroll and lives.

The dinosaurs aren't extinct. They're just hiding from Andy Carroll The Earth was originally flat until Andy Carroll decided it should be round The inventor of viagra has to take an Andy Carroll tablet just to get it up The movie 2012 is actually a insight in to what would of happened had Newcastle rejected Andy Carrolls transfer request. The original script for Aliens vs Predator was originally going to be "Aliens vs Predator vs Andy Carroll" but that film would have only lasted 8 seconds.

The pot called Andy Carroll black... so he smashed it to pieces The protests in Egypt started because Andy Carroll told them too

The Terminator once said to Andy Carroll "I'll be back .... with your milk & paper, sir." The Zohan doesn't mess with Andy Carroll there is no "theory of evolution". just a list of animals Andy Carroll allows to live. They can't do it, even if they BnQ it. Andy Carrol won't let them. Torres had to leave Anfield in a hurry because he owed Andy Carroll 20 quid When Andy Carroll looks at himself in the mirror, there is no reflection. There can only be one Andy Carroll. When Andy Carroll was born the doctor slapped himself. When Andy Carroll was born, John Terry wet himself When asked if he thought the world would end in 2012 Andy Carroll replied, "it depends on how I'm feeling". When donating blood, Andy Carroll declines the syringe. He brings a shotgun with a bucket instead. When Newcastle agreed a fee for the transfer of Andy Carroll our groundskeeper took down the nets and replaced them with reinforced steel chains, so spectator's behind the goals wouldn't be killed by an Andy Carroll header.

When Rio Ferdinand heard that Andy Carroll had been signed by Liverpool he asked Whiskey Nose if he could have March 6th off so he could visit his mummy

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