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Name: Patrick

Date: 3/18/12

Period: 3

Life in Medieval Europe Graphic Organizer (Page 1 of 2)

Topic What was this aspect of medieval life like? Feasts had many guests that would come in to eat, and even beggars gathered outside to get scraps. There would be a wide variety of food and drink. They used stale bread as plates, and gave these and other leftovers to the poor. A knight would start out as a squire that would go to church, pray, and learn to ride a horse and use a sword and lance. They learned hunting and hawking, training birds to catch prey. There were many different crafting guilds. There were certain sets of rules that everyone had to follow. In order to produce better products, they grouped people with similar abilities together so they could work better. Peasants would work for a feudal lord or a vassal in exchange for protection. The peasands that did this were called serfs. There were a few free ones, but most couldn't afford it. They were allowed to keep very little of what they made; most of it went to the feudal lords. If a man had chivalry, he was courageous, daring, and willing to use these traits to serve someone else. When married, they had to promise to serve and protect their wife for their entire life. Comparing Medieval Life to Today We do have feasts today with great chefs and food, with a lot of people included, but they all get the same food.


Today, there are people in the military that are trained from young age, like the squires.



There are manufacturing companies today that create products like the crafting guilds. They all have certain rules, and group people togeter for better products. Today, if someone stays in an apartment or compound, they would pay a landlord for it.


Today a man is always nice to his wife, and when married, must promise to always help and serve her until death.





Life in Medieval Europe Graphic Organizer (Page 2 of 2)

There were many markets that opened during the middle ages. The people that opend the trading businesses had started out as farmers, but decided they would get more out of this. Towns soon developed into trade centers. The church did not like the idea of people benefiting off of business, so they started to make fines. Even so, the merchants still persisted. Charlemagne made up a rule for deciding who was right or wrong by having them stand with their arms out like a cross and whoever's arms dropped first lost. There were also ways of proving guilty or innocent, like putting their hand in boiling water. This is like today because we have trade businesses, and we trade money for items. The middle age merchants would trade items like food for other items, but it is still trading, nevertheless.


There are ways of proving innocent or guilty today, but none of the torturous ways like in the medieval ages.


The nobles were allowed to do more things that the serfs couldn't do, like hunt, feast or fish. Privileges

There are people these days that have special priveleges that other people don't have.


There were many diseases in the middle ages, so they inented different medicines. the doctors used plants to make concoctions that would actually work, but sometimes they just said a bunch of false information about what constellation the person was born under, what the moon looked like, etc.

Today, there are many medicines used from plants.

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