When Prophet Elijah Was Disheartened, God Had Even Greater Plans

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Children Bible Overview 70 24/08/08



Teachers to read bible scripture: <I Ki 19:1-21>

Children to memorize bible scripture: <Php 4:6-7>

Children, last week, we saw how Prophet Elijah triumphed over 850 false prophets by himself and he
also killed them all. Thereafter, the Israelites turned towards God. God therefore stopped the famine
and sent rain down.

When Queen Jezebel found out about this, she wanted to kill Prophet Elijah. When Elijah knew about
it, he was afraid and ran for his life. He went into the desert and sat down under a broom tree and
prayed that he might die, “God, I am very tired, I have no strength. I do not want to live!” Thereafter,
Elijah fell asleep. As God loved His servant, He instructed His angels to bring him food and drinks and
allowed him to sleep. That happened on 2 consecutive occasions and Elijah was strengthened. He
ran to God’s mountain, Mount Horeb. When he was in the mountain, God asked Elijah, “What are you
doing here?” Elijah replied, “God, the Israelites have abandoned you and all the prophets are dead,
leaving me who is still very zealous for you. Now, the evil ones, Jezebel and the Israelites are trying
to kill me too!” God told Elijah to stand on the mountain. Then suddenly, a great and powerful wind
came and tore the mountains apart, shattering the rocks. There was an earthquake after that,
followed by a fire but God was not there. After the fire, a gentle whisper came to Elijah, “Go back, I
have great plans for you to fulfill. Anoint Gentile Hazael king over Aram. Also anoint Jehu king over
Israel, anoint Elisha to succeed you as prophet. They are all people whom God has prepared to fulfill
God’s will. Do not be disheartened, among the Israelites, I have reserved 7,000 who revered the Lord
and have not worshipped Baal the false god.” Prophet Elijah did as what God had instructed him to do.
Not long after, King Ahab died in the battlefield. In the later days, when Hazael became King over
Aram, he killed all those who did not believe in God and those who followed Baal the false god. Jehu
also killed Jezebel and succeeded Ahab as the King of Israel. Elisha subsequently became a prophet
who was more powerful than Elijah and God used him greatly to save, lead and help Israel, and even
nurture many prophets who knew God.

1. Elijah was a powerful prophet but he also got disheartened and was weak
1) Elijah was disheartened because he did not see that God did not stop working. In all
situations, God has a plan. In all problems, God has greater blessings.
2) Elijah was disheartened and weak also because he did not understand God fully. He
always thought that God’s revelation, God’s power were displayed through the great
fire, the great wind, the great earthquake (just like how he earlier triumphed over 850
false prophets). However, God is revealed through His perfect will and He fulfills all
things with that. Therefore, understanding God’s perfect will and hence submit, is a
display of God’s greatest power.
3) Because Elijah could not see God’s work, and also did not fully understand God, he
thought that he was the only one who was very zealous for God. He also felt
powerless to triumph over Jezebel who wanted to kill him. This was because Prophet
Elijah was after all still human. Therefore, regardless of how powerful he was, when
he did not see God’s help and perfect will, he would quickly get disheartened.

2. Although Prophet Elijah was disheartened, God had greater plans

1) Although Elijah was disheartened and even asked to die, God still continued to use
him. Even though Elijah was most disheartened, God had already prepared a more
beautiful plan which would be fulfilled through him.
2) Although Elijah was disheartened, and thought that God did not display His great
power to eliminate the enemies, God had already prepared His plan to use Gentile
Hazael to eliminate all the Israelites who abandoned the Lord, God to worship Baal
the false god. Thereafter, through Jehu, Queen Jezebel was killed. Therefore, God
told Elijah to anoint Hazael king over Aram and also anoint Jehu king over Israel.
3) Although Elijah was disheartened, and thought that all the prophets were dead,
leaving him as the only one who was very zealous for God, God had in fact already
left behind 7,000 people who revered the Lord and have not worshipped Baal the
false god. God had also prepared a prophet more powerful than Elijah, Elisha to
search and nurture this group of people. Therefore, God instructed Elijah to anoint
Elisha to succeed him as prophet.

3. When Prophet Elijah submitted to God’s word, all the problems were solved
1) When Prophet Elijah submitted to God’s word, God’s work was revealed as the days
went by. King Ahab, Queen Jezebel and the Israelites who did not believe God were
all killed. The people who knew and believed God once again saw God.
2) Therefore, we should not be deceived by the devil and be disheartened when
problems and unhappy matters come. This is because, at such times, God has
greater plans to fulfill through us.
3) Therefore, let us ponder today, are there any problems in our lives now that cause us
to be unhappy or disheartened? (e.g. People do not love me, no friends, no one
plays with me, results are not ideal, no money at home, etc) We first bring these
problems before God and pray to him. God will surely tell us His more beautiful plan
for us so that we can receive greater blessings.

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