History Final Exam

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12/13/2011 1:16:00 AM History Final Exam 1) Rights and acts, us constitution, bill of rights, amendments, Woodrow wilsons 14 ponints

documents affected in class witch documetns are reflected that ideas no one is sure about can be over looked once some one starts to fight for it. That a bill can be slowed down by another congressman. Freedom of press they tell people what they want to hear even if it is a lie Documents that this affected The way I look on government Yes it affected the way I look on government I think this is a perfect way of getting things done because the one congressman is representing thousands of people and it is the people thoughts that reflect him. So perfect reputation of the population. Mr. smith goes to Washington gives a portrayal of American democracy in action How does the action in the movie reflect the ideas presented in some of the documents studied in class? Which documents are reflected? Did the movie affect in any way your view of how government does or can work?

12/13/2011 1:16:00 AM In history there are certain documents whose ideas become seminal documents late one choose one of the following, and trace the reappearance of their ideas and themes in later documents. Magna Carta In the year 1215 the Magna Carta was presented and signed by the King of England King John. It was this document that limited the power of the king. And ensured the barons position in status.in the year 1215 before the Magna Carta was signed the king was in charge of all the land. Kings at this time had the power to do whatever they wanted. The creators of the Magna Carta were the barons. They, although not influenced primarily from an author, were driven to produce such a document because of Henry I's Coronation Oath (1100). This oath explained that the kings ability to obtain funds should be limited. The Magna Carta influenced documents later on in the future. Not because it was like all official documents but because it was one of the first documents that limited the power of the kings. The Magna Carta is significant to the creation of American documents such as the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Since the Magna Carta was a document to limit the power of King John of England, it set standards and rules which neither a king or civilian could break. The restrictions on the king then formed new laws so no other ruler could be as powerful or cruel to the people of his kingdom. These rules and laws where written by archbishop Stephen Langton and the utmost wealthy and powerful Barons of England. Since it was the upper class citizens of the colonies it was the people who created this document. In later documents such as the bill of rights or the constitution, laws favored more for the citizens rather than the rulers and powers of leaders. The Magna Carta is a document to reduce the power of King John and secure the basic rights of all free men in England. However, the Magna Carta has done more than just that. It has been a staple for democracy and has

served as the general ground rules. Although much has clearly changed since 1215, the constitutional rights are still the same.

12/13/2011 1:16:00 AM

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