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ASSIG GNMENT I I CE 309 9 (GEOTECH HNICAL ENG GINEERING G II) D Department of Civil Eng gineering
An oedometer test is perf formed on a 10cm thick specimen, d drained on to op and botto om. It was observed that 45% consolidation was atta d ained in 78 hours. Det 8 termine the time equired to at ttain 70% con nsolidation i in a job site w where the cla ay stratum is s shown below: hickness of f first layer=10 0m, second la ayer=15m, L Load q=5kN/m2. m

sing the above informati ion, calculate e the time re quired for a 30mm thick k undisturbed d clay ample to obtain 90% con nsolidation in n laboratory. aboratory te ests on a 25 5mm thick clay specime drained a both ends show that 50% c en at s onsolidation takes place in 8.5minute es. a) How long will it take for a similar r clay layer i in the field 3 3.2m thick, b but drained a at the top only, t to undergo 50% consolid dation? b) Find the ti ime required d for the clay y layer in the field to reach a 65% con nsolidation. A clay layer 20m thick sitting on a top of g granite bedr rock, experiences a pri imary onsolidation of 50cm. Fin nd: a) The degre ee of consolid dation when the settleme ent reaches 1 10cm. 2/s. b) The time t to reach 50% % settlement if cv is 0.002 cm c) The time f for 50% cons solidation if t the clay strat tum is doubl ly drained. he stresses a at failure on the failure p plane in a co ohesionless s soil mass were: Shear str ress = 2; no 2. Determine .5 kN/m ormal stress = 12 kN/m e the resultan nt stress on the failure p plane, he angle of in nternal frictio on of the soil l and the ang gle of inclination of the fa ailure plane t to the major principal plane. (by y analytical an nd graphical method) alculate the potential sh hear strength h on a horizo ontal plane a at a depth of f 3.5 m below w the urface in a fo ormation of cohesionless soil when the water ta able is at a d depth of 4 m The m. ent 1 (Geotec chnical Engin neering II, V VI Sem) Jan 2 2012 Page 1 of 2





y e oid 0.5, pecific degree of saturation may be taken as 0.6 on the average. Vo ratio = 0 grain sp ravity = 2.70 angle of internal frict 0; tion = 29. W What will be the modifie value of shear e ed gr st trength if the e water table e reaches the ground surf face? T following data were obtained in a direct sh The e n hear test. Normal press sure = 20 kN 2, N/m ta angential pressure = 16 kN/m2. An 6 ngle of inter nal friction = 20, cohe esion = 8 kN 2. N/m Represent the R e data by Mohrs Circle an nd compute the principa al stresses an nd the directi ion of th he principal p planes. Also use the analy ytical method d and calcula ate the princ cipal stresses s. A series of shear tests were performed on a soil. E A Each test was carried out t until the sa ample sh heared and t the principal stresses for each test we ere : (kN/m2) Test N No. (kN/m2) 1 200 600 2 300 900 3 400 1200 A particular soil failed un A s nder a major principal st r tress of 280 kN/m2 with a correspon h nding 2. If, for the s minor princip stress of 120 kN/m . m pal same soil, th minor pri he incipal stress had been 180 kN/ 2, determine what the major princ ipal stress w /m would have b been if (a) = 30 nd (b) = 0 . an Given standar rd soil compa action test re esults as follo ows:

The specific g gravity of the e soil particle es is 2.65. Plot the follow wing: (a) Moi isturedry de ensity urve, (b) Zer air voids curve, and (c) Ten per cent air con ro ntent curve. (90% Satur ration cu cu urve) Determ mine the op ptimum mois sture conten and the c nt correspondin maximum dry ng m density of the soil. A borrow pit is at a dry den nsity of 18 kN 3 with a m N/m moisture con ntent of 11% %. The 10. A soil in the b so oil is excavat ted from this s pit and com mpacted in a e embankment t to a dry den nsity of 19 kN/m3 with a moistu content of 14%. Com w ure mpute the q quantity of s soil to be excavated from the m borrow pit and the amount of water to be add ded for 150 m3 of comp pacted soil in the mbankment. . em

Assignme ent 1 (Geotec chnical Engin neering II, V VI Sem) Jan 2 2012

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