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Project work is not a new methodology. Its benefits have been widely recognized for many years, but for others it is a new way of working. Project work encourages a focus on fluency some errors of accuracy are bound to occur. What are the common characteristics of these projects? Hard work Each project is the result of a lot of hard work. The authors of the projects have found information about their topic, collected or drawn pictures, written down their ideas, and then put all the parts together to form a coherent presentation. Project work is not a soft option. Creative The projects are very creative in terms of both content and language. Each project is a unique piece of communication, created by the project writers themselves. Personal This element of creativity makes project work a very personal experience. The students are writing about aspects of their own lives, and so they invest a lot of themselves in their project. Adaptable Project work is a highly adaptable methodology. A project is an extended piece of work on a particular topic where principally the learners determine the content and the presentation.


Hospitality industry is a major employer. The industry includes service sector work like tourism and food service. It suffers from more economic fluctuations compared to its peer industries. The hospitality industry is major service sector in the world economy. The industry encompasses an extensive variety of service industries that include food service, tourism and hotels. Hospitality industry suffers from fluctuations within an economy every year. TYPES: Hospitality industry can be empirically divided into two parts: entertainment areas like clubs and bars, and accommodation. Accommodation takes the form of public houses, resorts, inn, campgrounds, hotels, hostels, serviced apartments, and motels. The clubs and bars category include restaurants, fast foods, and nightclubs. The hospitality industry also includes tourism support commercial activities like airline cabin staff and travel agents. Travel technology like applied information technology (IT) and its workers in hospitality, travel and tourism are included in the hospitality industry. Corporate entertainment is also a very thriving activity amongst corporation. A hotel is an establishment that renders lodging in lieu of payment. This lodging is usually given in exchange for a specified predetermined amount of money. Modern hotel rooms come equipped with climate control and attached bathrooms. Higher end hotels offer guests Internet connectivity within rooms and also throughout the premises. A combination of meals and accommodation comes as a package in most hospitality establishments. Professionally qualified managers usually manage hotels. Junior workers usually maintain the hotel. Functions like cooking is usually done by professionally trained chefs. Nightclubs are entertainment venues where dancing is accompanied by light snacks and drinking. Apart from service

personnel like waiters and cooks, nightclubs employ disc jockeys (DJs) and stand up comedians as part its varied attractions. Fast-food restaurants now form a major part of the hospitality industry. These restaurants employ an optimal number of personnel for providing customer service. Food may also be sold from kiosks. Corporate entertainment refers to private events held by companies for clients, stakeholders or staff. It can be in the form of conventions or conferences where a large audience is involved. Or it can be small and more private affairs like company annual parties, away days and concerts etc. Low entry level Hospitality industries are characterized by a large number of employees. Both white-collar employees and blue-collar workers may find gainful employment. Entry-level jobs usually require no formal education. Professionals in the hospitality sector are usually qualified with trade certificates and college degrees. Many hospitality schools offer specialized courses of study in one particular aspect of the industry.


As Marriott International has grown to be a leading lodging company with nearly 3,700 properties and 18 brands in 72 countries and territories worldwide, they remain grounded in a set of core values: put people first, pursue excellence, embrace change, act with integrity and serve their world. Their relentless focus on innovation and action fuel the way they do business. With the most powerful brand portfolio in the world, they set the bar for the hospitality industry. Yet their strength lies in more than just a business model. It's their unique and storied heritage--a way of doing business--that enriches relationships and instils a passion for who they are. Together, they are opening doors of opportunity...for their guests, owners and franchisees, and associates. Marriott currently is one of the top three international brands in the world. They are operating with 3300 hotels worldwide across 17 brands and some of the prominent being in India, like JW Marriott, The Renaissance, The Marriott Signature Brand, Courtyards, Fairfield Inns and Marriott Executive Apartments. These are the brands, which are currently in India. Some of the brands they are planning to get into India would be top end brands like The Ritz Carlton, Countryside Suites, and Bvlgari These are some of the other editions to be seen in the future.

BUSINESS VALUES Travel and tourism is one of the world's largest industries, providing a strong impetus to global economic development. They know that people want to do business with companies that embrace values similar to their own. The fundamental business values of integrity and ethical behaviour provide the framework for all of Marriott's hotel management and franchise operations. Marriott International adheres to high ethical and uncompromising legal standards. Their Code of Business Ethics provides managers and associates with detailed guidance on the right way to conduct business. COMMITMENT TO HUMAN RIGHTS At Marriott, they support and respect the protection of human rights within the companys sphere of influence and strive to conduct our business operations accordingly. This includes standing against such tragedies as human trafficking and the exploitation of children. Marriott does not recruit child labour and strongly supports the elimination of such practices. Marriott also supports laws enacted to prevent and punish the crime of sexual exploitation of children and works to raise awareness concerning such crimes. In 2006, the company published a Human Rights Policy Statement and communicated it to associates. The policy aligns with government, business, and public concern about tackling these issues. They are currently in the process of developing a training module on human rights, including the protection of children, for all associates worldwide.

ETHICAL AND LEGAL STANDARDS Corporate ethics is a key part of day-to-day business at Marriott hotels. Their Business Conduct Guide advises their managers and associates on laws relating to antitrust, unfair competition, political contributions, abuse of purchasing power, commercial and political bribery, and more. Their business ethics-training program reinforces the importance of corporate values and ethical responsibility to the continued success of the travel and tourism industry. Marriotts Internal Audit Department conducts an annual Legal and Ethical Conduct survey of a broad cross section of associates, including all officers and senior managers, to determine compliance with the companys Ethical Conduct policy. WORKING WITH SUPPLIERS Their suppliers play a vital role in upholding Marriotts reputation for excellence with guests, associates, business partners, and other important stakeholders. They have high, yet achievable, standards for sourcing the best quality goods and services. Just as important, Marriott expects its suppliers to uphold high ethical standards and follow all applicable laws. Adhering to these principles and doing business with those who do the same will help them maintain a competitive advantage and the pride and confidence of our associates, customers and clients. ENVIRONMENT Marriotts environmental vision is to demonstrate that corporate responsibility in hospitality management can be a positive force for the environment while creating economic opportunities around the world. Both in and beyond their hotels, Marriott seeks to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their business operations. They focus their efforts on five key elements of corporate environmental responsibility: reducing consumption,

greening our supply chain, and building greener hotels, engaging their guests and associates, and innovative conservation initiatives. IN THEIR HOTELS Several strategies and practices have been adopted at Marriott properties as well as its headquarters building to demonstrate Marriotts commitment to positive environmental impact. Primary initiatives focus on: Their commitment to reduce the consumption of water, waste, and energy in their hotels and at their corporate headquarters. Partnering with their vendors to introduce price neutral products that conserve resources and increase waste diversion and are composed of more environmentally-friendly materials, including shower heads that only use 2.5 gallons of water per minute, light bulbs that use 80% less energy, and key cards made of recycled materials. Expanding their portfolio of green hotels by establishing LEED certification for existing propertiesthe first one being the Marriott Inn & Conference Center University of Maryland (the first LEED-certified hotel in North America)and expanding green prototypes for new hotels. Engaging guests and associates by inviting them to support the environment through everyday actions with green meetings, precede donations, individual donations, and volunteerism. BEYOND THEIR HOTELS Marriott contributes to sustaining the environment beyond their hotels by supporting innovative initiatives including rainforest conservation protection and water conservation. Through a $2 million commitment, Marriott is helping to preserve the endangered Brazilian rainforest in the Juma Sustainable Development Reserve. In 2010, they launched the Nobility of Nature program to safeguard fresh water in the mountains of China Sichuan Province, and improve water quality for the rural communities of

Pingwu County. MARRIOTT'S STRATEGY FOR CONTRIBUTING TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION With an increase in global travel comes corporate responsibility for mitigating their business impact on the natural environment. Both in their hotels and beyond, they seek to understand and act on the direct and indirect environmental impacts of their business operations. Their goals include: Further reduce energy and water consumption by 25 percent per available room by 2017 Create green construction standards for hotel developers Green our multi-billion dollar supply chains Educate associates and guests to support the environment Invest in innovative conservation initiatives including rainforest protection and water conservation SOCIETY Marriott's commitment to society blends corporate financial contributions with in-kind giving and the volunteer service of their associates around the world. They participate in efforts to provide shelter, food, and children's health, while creating career opportunities for their associates in the workplace and supporting education in the hospitality industry. Marriott recognizes the benefits of operating in a healthy society. Their commitment to social well-being blends corporate financial contributions with in-kind giving and the volunteer service of their associates around the world. Their commitment to social wellbeing blends corporate financial contributions with in-kind giving and the volunteer service of their associates around the world. IN THEIR HOTELS: WORKPLACE AND EDUCATION

Their associates have access to services that support their physical and emotional well-being, and to corporate training programs, throughout their Marriott careers. Marriott associates average 78 hours of training and 34 hours of professional development each year. All Marriott associates are encouraged to gain experience across disciplines to fully understand the hospitality business and continue to expand their career options. More than 3,000 of their managers began their Marriott careers in entry-level positions. In collaboration with the International Tourism Partnerships Youth Career Initiative, Marriot has placed more than 1,600 young people on paths toward more promising futures. The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation launched the Marriott Scholars Program, which grants $500,000 annually to students pursuing degrees in hospitality management, hotel management, and food & beverage. In the past 11 years, Marriott has contributed more than $545,000 to hospitality, finance, and information technology academics. BEYOND THEIR HOTELS: FOOD SHELTER AND HEATH Their hotels and business unites worldwide help put roofs over peoples heads and food on their plates through their corporate volunteer programs. Their hotels worldwide work with hunger-relief organizations in their local communities, many of which are affiliated with Feeding America. Since 2008, Marriott ExecuStay has engaged guests and associates in providing assistance in the form of volunteer labour, food donation, and other contributions. After Hurricane Katrina, their New Orleans hotels supported rebuilding efforts through cash and volunteer contributions. Fairfield Inn by Marriott has made Habitat for Humanity its signature community service activity across the brand. During a 16-year affiliation with the organization, associates and customers

have helped fund and build thousands of homes in 15 different countries. During our 26-year partnership with Childrens Miracle Network, they have raised more than $71 million to help 170 affiliated children hospitals across the US and Canada. By the end of 2009, their relationship with SOS Childrens Villages spanned 10 countries, helping provide family-based care for neglected children and orphans. Marriott contributes to social well-being through partnerships, donations, and volunteerism with international, national, and local charitable organizations. In 2010, our worldwide charitable contributions totalled $34.6 million from donations of cash, inkind and volunteer time.


The core values established by the Marriott family over 80 years ago have served their company well and will continue to guide their growth into the future. Foremost of these core values is the enduring belief that their associates are their greatest assets.

There is a "Marriott Way." It's about serving the associates, the customer, and the community. Marriott's fundamental beliefs are enduring and the keys to its continued success. The fundamental ideals of service to associates, customers, and community, which serve as the cornerstone for all Marriott associates, are exemplified by Marriott's "Spirit to Serve" philosophy.

ASSOCIATES: The unshakeable conviction that their people are their most important asset

An environment that supports associate growth and personal development A reputation for employing caring, dependable associates who are ethical and trustworthy A home-like atmosphere and friendly workplace relationships A performance-reward system that recognizes the important contributions of both hourly and management associates Pride in the Marriott name, accomplishments, and record of success A focus on growth -- managed and franchised properties, owners, and investors. GUESTS: A hands-on management style, i.e., "management by walking around" Attention to detail Openness to innovation and creativity in serving guests Pride in the knowledge that our guests can count on Marriott's unique blend of quality, consistency, personalized service, and recognition almost anywhere they travel in the world or whichever Marriott brand they choose. COMMUNITIES: Demonstrated every day by associate and corporate support of local, national and global initiatives and programs An important part of doing business the "Marriott Way".

MARRIOTT CULTURE It's the Marriott experience. They do whatever it takes to provide their associates with the utmost opportunities and their customers with superior service.

Marriott's core values drive the culture. Their culture influences the way they treat associates, customers, and the community, which impacts all their successes. In the words of J.W. Marriott, Jr., "Culture is the life-thread and glue that links our past, present, and future."

Marriott is committed to fair treatment of associates and to providing training and advancement opportunities to all Marriott's reputation for superior customer service rises out of a long tradition that started with J. Willard Marriott's simple goal for Hot Shoppes to provide "Good Food and Good Service at a Fair Price" -"Do Whatever it Takes to Take Care of the Customer" -Pay extraordinary attention to detail -Take pride in their physical surroundings -Use their creativity to find new ways to meet the needs of customers The company actively supports the community and encourages associate volunteerism through a variety of organizations At Marriott, the perpetuation of a company's culture has a proven positive financial impact.



John Willard Marriott was born at Marriott Settlement, Utah, on September 17, 1900, the second of eight children of Hyrum Willard Marriott and Ellen Morris Marriott. As a youngster, J. Willard - "Bill" - pitched in to raise sugar beets and sheep on the family's small farmstead. He quickly learned to rely on his own judgment and initiative. "My father gave me the responsibility of a man," said Marriott many years later. "He would tell me what he wanted done, but never said much about how to do it. It was up to me to find out for myself." At age 13, Marriott went into business for himself, enlisting his younger siblings to help raise lettuce on a few fallow acres on the farm. The harvest at summer's end brought $2,000, which Marriott immediately presented to his father. The next year, Hyrum entrusted his eldest son with the sale of a herd of 3,000 sheep, sending the boy and his woolly charges without escort by rail to San Francisco. As much as Bill loved the open spaces and grandeur of the Rockies, he dreamed of a life beyond the family farm. Without an education, however, his prospects were limited. After completing a two-year mission for the Mormon Church in New England, Marriott returned to Utah in 1921 to pursue a college degree, graduating first from Weber Junior College and then the University of Utah. Tuition money came from assorted jobs, including a regular summer stint selling woollen underwear to lumberjacks in the Pacific Northwest. While finishing up at the university, Marriott hatched plans for starting a business of his own, thousands of miles away, in the

nation's capital. Bill had passed through hot, muggy Washington, D.C., at the end of his mission and recognized a tailor-made market for A&W Root Beer. He secured the A&W franchise for Washington, D.C. - plus Baltimore and Richmond - and headed east in the spring of 1927. Marriott and partner Hugh Colton pooled $6,000 to buy equipment and rent space for their tiny operation. On May 20, 1927 - the day aviator Charles Lindbergh began his historic transatlantic solo flight - the duo opened their nine-stool root beer stand at 3128 14th Street, NW. His fledgling business launched, Marriott raced back to Utah just two weeks later to attend another event that promised to change his life: his wedding to Alice Sheets. On June 9, 1927, one day after Alice graduated from the University of Utah, the pair married in Salt Lake City. The couple's honeymoon consisted of a long, hot, bumpy drive back to Washington, D.C., in Bill's Model T Ford. For the next 58 years - until his death in August 1985 - J. Willard Marriott rarely rested. Whether adding locations, perfecting procedures or expanding into new enterprises, Marriott breathed, ate, lived, and dreamed about his business. Even when his older son, J. Willard "Bill" Marriott, Jr., took over most major responsibilities after being named the company's CEO in 1972, the founder could not bring himself to retire. A true hands-on manager, he thoroughly enjoyed visiting Marriott's increasingly far-flung locations, as well as spending time with the ever-growing ranks of associates who - in his eyes - were the secret of his company's success. "Take care of your employees and they'll take care of your customers," he constantly advised Marriott's managers, voicing a deeply held belief that remains the keystone of the company's culture. The founder's concern for others also extended to church, charity, and country. In addition to tithing and holding leadership positions in the Mormon Church, Bill gave both time and money to support causes dear to his heart, with a special emphasis on education. He also chaired two presidential inaugural committees

and organized a special "Honour America Day" in 1970 at the request of then President Richard M. Nixon. Sometime before his death at his New Hampshire vacation home on August 13, 1985, J. Willard Marriott summed up the personal philosophy that drove him his entire life: "A man should keep on being constructive, and do constructive things. He should take part in the things that go on in this wonderful world. He should be someone to be reckoned with. He should live life and make every day count, to the very end. Sometimes it's tough. But that's what I'm going to do." ALICE SHEETS MARRIOTT

Alice Sheets Marriott was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 19, 1907, to Alice Taylor and Edwin Spencer Sheets. Edwin, a lawyer and a Bishop in the local stake of the Mormon Church, died in the flu epidemic of 1919 when Alice was only 12. While her widowed mother kept the household together, the young girl applied herself to her studies, entering the University of Utah at age 16. During her junior year, Alice - or Allie - caught the eye of tall, tow-headed J. Willard Marriott, a graduating senior. "There's the kind of a girl I'd like to marry," confided Marriott to a fellow classmate as Alice strolled by on her way to classes. After a date arranged by a mutual friend, the pair courted steadily for more than a year, but delayed marrying until the day following Alice's graduation with honours at age 19 in June 1927. Immediately following the ceremony, the newlyweds loaded up the groom's Model T Ford with their belongings and set off for Washington,

D.C., where two weeks earlier J. Willard had opened a tiny A&W Root Beer stand. Alice initially expected to have little to do with her husband's new business. But the bride soon found she pulled into almost every aspect of the fledgling company. Her roles ranged from keeping the books, to gathering recipes for the "Hot Shoppe" menu, to picking out the decor for the company's growing roster of locations. As the Hot Shoppes expanded, she joined J. Willard on his daily round of site visits: "I used to go with him, sit in the car at night, and wait for him. I would be out on the walk and would watch the curb service to see what they were doing." Although the birth of her two sons, J. Willard, Jr. (1932) and Richard (1939) took Alice away from the day-to-day operations of the company, she remained a vital force behind major decisions and events. A knack for sizing up people and analyzing business concepts proved invaluable as the company grew and diversified. Her long tenure on the board of directors also gave Alice a perspective on the business that only J. Willard himself could match. When her older son Bill, Jr., steered the company toward the hotel business in the 1960s, he had her full support. In 1972, when J. Willard was struggling with the decision to hand off his role as CEO to his son, Alice's soft-spoken but no-nonsense style helped her husband come to terms with passing the baton to the next generation. In addition to her corporate and family responsibilities, Alice devoted time to a number of civic, charitable and cultural institutions, and causes. She held several high-ranking roles in the Republican Party, including treasurer of the national conventions in 1964, 1968, and 1972. Alice was also a trustee of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and served two ten-year terms on its board and its executive and finance committees. She served, as a member of the National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Advisory Council, as well as on the board of the Metropolitan Washington chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, winning the latter's first Lifetime

Achievement Award. Other organizations to which she gave time and talent include the National Symphony Orchestra, National Ballet Society and Goodwill Industries Guild, among others. Her personal philosophy of volunteerism is remembered in the Alice S. Marriott Award for Community Service, an honour bestowed annually on a Marriott business unit that exemplifies the volunteer spirit. Widowed by J. Willard Marriott's death in August 1985, Alice died on April 17, 2000, at the age of 92, the mother of two, grandmother of eight, and great-grandmother of twenty-three. J.W. MARRIOTT, JR.

J.W. Marriott, Jr. is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International, Inc., one of the world's largest lodging companies. His leadership spans more than 50 years, and he has taken Marriott from a family restaurant business to a global lodging company with more than 3,600 properties in over 70 countries and territories. Known throughout the industry for his hands-on management style, Mr. Marriott has built a highly regarded culture that emphasizes the importance of Marriotts people and recognizes the value they bring to the organization. Today, approximately 300,000 people wearing Marriott International name badges are serving guests in Marriott managed and franchised properties throughout the world. Marriott International is also well known as a great place to work

and for its commitment to diversity, social responsibility and community engagement. It has consistently been named to Fortunes lists of most admired companies, best places to work and top companies for minorities. At an early age, Mr. Marriott developed a passion for the business and worked in a variety of positions in the Hot Shoppes restaurant chain during his high school and college years. He joined the company full-time in 1956 and soon afterward, took over management of Marriotts first hotel. Mr. Marriott became executive vice president of the company, then its president, in 1964. He was elected chief executive officer in 1972, and chairman of the board in 1985. Regarded as a lodging innovator, Mr. Marriott began shifting the companys business model in the late 1970s from hotel ownership to property management and franchising. His strategic decision allowed the company to accelerate its growth and broaden its leadership position. That transformation culminated in the companys split in 1993 into Marriott International, a hotel management and franchising company, headed by Mr. Marriott, and Host Marriott International, a hotel ownership company chaired by his brother, Richard Marriott. Mr. Marriott has also worked to compile the greatest portfolio of lodging brands, ranging from limited service to luxury hotels and resorts. Today, Marriott International operates and franchises hotels under the Marriott, JW Marriott, The Ritz-Carlton, EDITION, Autograph Collection, Renaissance, AC Hotels by Marriott, Residence Inn, Courtyard, TownePlace Suites, Fairfield Inn & Suites, SpringHill Suites and Bvlgari brand names; develops and operates vacation ownership resorts under the Marriott Vacation Club, The Ritz-Carlton Destination Club, and Grand Residences by Marriott brands; licenses and manages whole-ownership residential brands, including The Ritz-Carlton Residences, JW Marriott Residences and Marriott Residences; operates Marriott Executive Apartments; provides furnished corporate housing through its Marriott ExecuStay division; and

operates conference centres. Mr. Marriott serves on the board of The J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation. He is a member of the National Business Council and the Executive Committee of the World Travel & Tourism Council. Mr. Marriott served on the Board of Trustees of the National Geographic Society, as director of the United States Naval Academy Foundation, chairman of the Presidents Export Council (PEC) and a member of the Secure Borders Open Doors Advisory Committee (SBODAC) and the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB). He also recently served as chairman of the Mayo Clinic Capital Campaign. Mr. Marriott attended St. Albans School in Washington, D.C., earned a B.S. degree in banking and finance from the University of Utah and served as an officer in the United States Navy. He is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is married to the former Donna Garff. They have four children, 15 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: As Marriott International grows globally, they're building on their long-term commitment to diversity and inclusion--embracing the cultures of all the countries where they do business. A History of Valuing Diversity Since its founding in 1927, Marriott has valued diversity and inclusion of all associates. This legacy is now a fundamental operating principal and business imperative.


Since 2003, their Committee for Excellence has promoted the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women and minority employees, and initiated efforts to develop an increasingly diverse owner, guest, and supplier base. In 2005, the J. W. Marriott Diversity Excellence Award was created to recognize a business unit or department for promoting diversity and building an inclusive environment. Their 10-member Board of Directors includes three minorities, including two women. Their Regional Diversity and Inclusion Councils ensure that their diversity strategy is implemented in local markets with strategic partnerships, targeted recruitment campaigns, diversity communications, and other outreach to associates. As Marriott grows and expands globally, they continue to broaden how they think about global diversity and inclusion, reaching across cultural borders to embrace the unique gifts and talents of the communities where they live and work.

MARRIOTT HOTEL BRANDS Marriott International is ranked by FORTUNE as the lodging industrys most admired company and one of the best companies to work for, with an evolving development of innovative and award-winning brands.


The Ritz-Carlton A worldwide symbol for the finest in accommodations and service, there are over 70 Ritz-Carlton hotel and resort locations worldwide. Our properties offer signature service amenities, including fine dining, 24-hour room service, twice-daily housekeeping, fitness and business centres, and concierge services.

JW Marriott At Marriott's most elegant and luxurious brand, little touches add up to exceptional experiences. JW Marriott luxury hotels and resorts provide business and leisure travellers with simple elegance, an inviting atmosphere, and a deluxe level of comfort and personal service on their terms.

Autograph Collection The Autograph Collection is a diverse collection of highpersonality independent hotels. It plugs you into fresh, inventive

and positively unique experiences only an independent can deliver.

AC Hotels An upper moderate tier lifestyle hotel brand, targets the design conscious, younger traveller looking for a cosmopolitan hotel stay in a great city location. With stylish, urban hotels, the brand appeals to both business and leisure travellers who seek to experience the culture of the city.

Courtyard by Marriott Courtyard gives you a place where your travel needs meet staying your way, with the quality you love in convenient locations throughout the world. We offer spacious rooms, plush bedding and high-tech amenities, plus a redesigned lobby, and breakfast, dinner, and cocktails at the Bistro in select locations.


Springhill Suites by Marriott Discover a different kind of hotel with the style you want and the spacious floor plans with dedicated workspaces you need, all at a price youll love. Enjoy an affordable and productive stay at Springhill Suites, offering flexibly comfortable and inspirational spaces to relax, unwind, and sleep.

TownePlace Suites by Marriott TownePlace Suites is designed for the self-sufficient, valueconscious, extended stay guest with locations throughout the United States. Choose the suite plan that works for you, maintain your fitness routine, and enjoy a free breakfast with something for everyone. Live like you.

Marriott Executive Apartments Stylish apartment living and premier hotel services deliver the upscale residential experience desired by international business travellers.


Marriott Vacation Club Marriott Vacation Club owners enjoy access to resorts, destinations, and vacation experiences for the entire family. Options include spacious vacation villas, adventure and specialty travel, more than 3,000 welcoming Marriott hotels, and more than 2,500 affiliated resorts in 75 countries worldwide.

Grand Residences by Marriott This unique brand of fractional and private ownership combines the advantages of a second home with the amenities and personal service of a luxury resort. It offers the ultimate alternative to condominiums and seasonal rentals, providing flexible usage options that open endless travel possibilities.


Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts The leading luxury hospitality collection in the world comprised of a few, selected properties in major cosmopolitan cities and luxury resort destinations. Each shall make a strong reference to the local culture, yet be designed with an Italian contemporary luxury feel, enriched by rare and lavish materials.

EDITION This is the latest edition of luxury boutique hotels and the perfect combination of energetic atmosphere, attitude and style. Each property is distinctive and designed by award-winning hotelier Ian Schrager. Each EDITION hotel is located in one of the world's most attractive destinations.

Renaissance Hotels


Travel should be inspiring. At Renaissance Hotels worldwide, you'll find inspiration at every location. Choose from one of our historic icons, chic boutiques or luxurious resorts. Each offers it own personality, local flavour, distinctive style and charm. All will stimulate your appetite for discovery.

Marriott Hotels & Resorts Our Flagship brand of quality-tier, full-service hotels & resorts provides consistent, dependable, and genuinely caring experiences to guests on their terms. Features include fully equipped fitness centres, gift shops, swimming pools, Concierge levels, business centres, and meeting facilities.

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Provides everything you need to work productively, maximize down time, eat well and sleep soundly, and keep your stay going smoothly, all at an exceptional value. You can once again believe in the value of a comfortable, affordable and reliable business hotel.


Residence Inn by Marriott Designed to provide travellers with everything they need to thrive on long stays, Residence Inn offers spacious suites with room to eat, work, and relax. Activated public spaces for unwinding and relaxing, and a tradition of warm service give upscale travellers a home away from home.

Marriott ExecuStay From an urban studio to a suburban three-bedroom, we have furnished apartments in more than 300 US cities. From utilities to furnishings, ExecuStay takes care of the details so you can plug into the local community and stay on track.

The Ritz-Carlton Destination Club An equity-based luxury vacation program whose members select either a Home Club Membership, which provides use of a residence at a property, they can return to every year, or a

Portfolio Membership, which affords the opportunity to discover a wide variety of worldwide locations and experiences.

Marriott Conference Centers At Marriott Conference Centers, we focus on the critical details so you can concentrate on results. Our properties provide the latest communications technology, learning facilities, and recreational venues. Logistics, environments, and meals are all managed so you can attend to the business at hand.


HOTEL DEVELOPMENT BRANDS: Individually distinctive. Collectively powerful. Through an ever-evolving portfolio of innovative and awardwinning brands created to answer precise market needs, Marriott continues to lead the way in customer satisfaction, and owner and franchisee preference. Fuelling all levels of Marriott are the proven systems, support and services that provide the means for individual brands and hotels to operate efficiently and effectively, helping each to deliver the quality experience that guests worldwide have come to expect. This in concert with a tradition of attentive guest care, exceptional amenities, in-depth local knowledge and preeminent loyalty programs empowers Marriotts global brands to continually set industry standards around the world. REGIONS: Global Reach With more than 3,600 lodging properties in 71 countries and territories, Marriott International is the worlds leading lodging company. Achieved through a powerful framework that leverages our diverse portfolio of global brands, along with an ability to train and engage more than 129,000 of the best employees worldwide, they consistently deliver an exceptional level of service long associated with our name. This legendary service is the foundation of Marriott International and, combined with a solid management team and proven business model of managing and franchising hotels, has provided them with significant competitive advantages and growth opportunities worldwide.



All Values in Millions USD (except Per Share)

FY 2011

FY 2010

Period End Date Revenue - Cost of Revenue Gross Profit - Operating Expenses Operating Income - Interest Expense - Net Non-Operating Losses (Gains) Pretax Income - Income Tax Expense Income Before XO Items - Extraordinary Loss Net of Tax - Minority Interests Net Income - Total Cash Preferred Dividends - Other Adjustments Net Inc Avail to Common Shareholders Abnormal Losses (Gains) Tax Effect on Abnormal Items Normalized Income Basic EPS Before Abnormal Items

12/31/2011 12,317.00 10,715.00 1,602.00 752.00 850.00 164.00 330.00 356.00 158.00 198.00 0.00 0.00 198.00 0.00 0.00 198.00 324.00 -90.00 432.00 1.23

12/31/2010 11,691.00 10,216.00 1,475.00 669.00 806.00 180.00 75.00 551.00 93.00 458.00 0.00 0.00 458.00 0.00 0.00 458.00 -23.00 N/A 435.00 1.20


Basic EPS Before XO Items Basic EPS Basic Weighted Avg Shares Diluted EPS Before Abnormal Items Diluted EPS Before XO Items Diluted EPS Diluted Weighted Avg Shares

0.56 0.56 350.10 1.20 0.55 0.55 362.30

1.26 1.26 362.80 1.15 1.21 1.21 378.30


All Values in Millions USD (except Per Share) FY 2011 FY 2010

Period End Date Assets + Cash & Near Cash Items + Short-Term Investments + Accounts & Notes Receivable + Inventories + Other Current Assets Total Current Assets + LT Investments & LT Receivables + Net Fixed Assets + Other Long-Term Assets Total Long-Term Assets Total Assets Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity



102.00 0.00 875.00 11.00 336.00 1,324.00 298.00 1,168.00 3,120.00 4,586.00 5,910.00

505.00 0.00 938.00 1,489.00 450.00 3,382.00 1,264.00 1,307.00 3,030.00 5,601.00 8,983.00


+ Accounts Payable + Short-Term Borrowings + Other Short-Term Liabilities Total Current Liabilities + Long-Term Borrowings + Other Long-Term Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities + Total Preferred Equity + Minority Interest + Share Capital & APIC + Retained Earnings & Other Equity Total Equity Total Liabilities & Equity

548.00 355.00 1,655.00 2,558.00 1,816.00 2,317.00 4,133.00 6,691.00 0.00 0.00 2,518.00 -3,299.00 -781.00 5,910.00

634.00 138.00 1,729.00 2,501.00 2,691.00 2,206.00 4,897.00 7,398.00 0.00 0.00 3,649.00 -2,064.00 1,585.00 8,983.00


VALUATION Market Cap (M USD) Volume Price/Book (mrq) Price/Sales (ttm) PEG Ratio (3 year expected) Estimated PEG Ratio Enterprise Value (M USD) EBITDA Enterprise Value/EBITDA 11,778.82 4,138,783 1.0017 1.0930 1.3148 13,847.82 1,018.00 13.60


(ttm) Enterprise Value/Revenue (ttm) EARNINGS Earnings Per Share (USD) (ttm) Quarter Estimated EPS (USD) (mrq) Year Estimated EPS (USD) (12/2012) P/E Ratio (ttm) Estimated P/E (12/2012) Relative P/E vs. SPX Next Earnings Announcement DIVIDENDS 1.1 Dividend Yield (USD) (ttm) Last Dividend Reported (USD) (02/22/2012) 338 0.1 000 0.5 Relative Dividend Yield 653 11. 00 5Y Net Growth ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Average Volume (5-day) Average Volume (30-day) 3,998,510 3,798,334 % 1.6020 29.8983 22.0225 2.1235 04/20/2012 0.2860 1.1800 1.12


Shares Outstanding (M) Float (M) Short % of Float Short Interest Shares Short (% prior month) Short Ratio

333.87 251.77 9.1196% 22,960,321 -1.6582% 6.1662


INTRODUCTION TO PUNE MARRIOTT HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTRE: Marriott opened its first hotel in 1957. It was the 365-room Twin Bridges Marriott Hotel located just outside of Washington, D.C. That hotel gave birth to what has become the company's iconic Marriott Hotels & Resorts brand, the company's most widely distributed brand with hotels in 60 countries. In November 2010, 52 years later, Marriott Hotels & Resorts celebrated the opening of its 500th milestone hotelthe 416room Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre in the historic city of Pune, India, an established educational and cultural center that is emerging as an IT and automotive capital, just three hours by superhighway south of Mumbai. In addition to being the

headquarters hotel for the new Pune Convention Center, this hotel has been built from the ground up to be green and will apply for LEED Gold certification for its construction practices and its policies for recycling materials and reducing energy use in all areas of operations. Conveniently located near the Pune airport and Mumbai-Pune expressway, the Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, the largest convention center in Western India, features outstanding amenities and flawlessly integrated eco-friendly enhancements awarded with LEED Gold certification. For guests travelling on business, our hotel's amenities include wireless connectivity, largest room inventory in Pune, large desks with ergonomic chairs, in-room vaults for laptops & valuables and cooked-toorder breakfasts to help you start the day .The hotel harbours Punes largest nightclub Mi-a-Mi, a perfect place to de- stress after an eventful day. Marriott Hotels are currently located at 14 cities in India; however there are massive expansion plans. They will open 100 hotels and essentially the growth will come in the budget segment of the hotel, which are the Fairfield Inns and Courtyards because currently Marriott is located in the 8 pier cities however as they move forward the plan will be to go into the other cities as well.

Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre Awarded LEED Gold


First Marriott International hotel in India to achieve the designation. The Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre has been awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold from the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). With its various green initiatives, The Marriott Hotels & Resorts branded property is the only hotel in Pune and the first Marriott International hotel in India to receive the honour. LEED is the internationally recognized program for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. Since its opening in November 2010, the property has worked towards saving and preserving natural resources and the environment. The Pune Marriott has incorporated and adapted: low VOC emitting materials, reduced landscape water usage by using indigenous plants, use of rapidly renewable materials, 42% energy savings for the building operations, hybrid vehicles, alternative refuelling stations for electric cars, vegetated green roofs, omission of ozone depletion refrigeration mechanical systems and many other environmentally-friendly features. Further, 100% waste from ongoing operations and 95% of all

construction waste are segregated for recycling and diverted from landfills. Fifty percent of all building materials were manufactured within a 500-mile radius saving on transportation cost and lowering emissions. Since the inception of this project, Marriott Internationals architecture and construction (A&C) team, has encouraged the hotels design team to incorporate green and sustainable elements into the planning, architecture and systems to help the hotel achieve Gold LEED. Marriott International A&C continues work to attain LEED status for other projects in India. The Pune Marriott Hotel and Convention Centre is truly honoured to have received LEED Gold. We have always taken extra steps to ensure that we are responsible citizens. We look forward to continuing our efforts and contributing towards a greener world, said Balan Paravantavida, the hotels general manager. Owned by the Panchsheel Group, the hotel has been built in a manner that ensures 75% of the hotel enjoys natural day lighting, thus saving energy and provides a better working environment. The Pune Marriott has always used 100% chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) free refrigerant materials for air-conditioning, contributing towards a reduction in ozone (O3) depletion. Also, as a policy the property uses only Green Seal certified chemicals in all its housekeeping activities. The hospitality brand also encourages its associates to add to its green ideologies by introducing car-pooling programs. There are future plans to improve the hotels energy efficiency, renewable energy, indoor environmental quality and storm water management techniques. Gold LEED for Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre is an important milestone for Marriott in India. Marriott hotels have a robust and a well-established green initiative plan for all the hotels. This recent recognition of our efforts will strengthen our resolve to operate our hotels in this direction, said PRP Ramakrishnan, area director of engineering, Marriott - India, Maldives and Malaysia. By using less energy and water, LEED certified buildings save money; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and contribute to a

healthier environment for residents, workers and the larger community. Marriott Hotels & Resorts is Marriott International's signature and most widely distributed brand, with more than 500 hotels and resorts in 54 countries. Marriott continues to inspire performance and a balanced life on the road for discerning and high-achieving business and leisure travellers, offering warm, professional service; sophisticated yet functional guest room design; lobby spaces that facilitate working, dining and socializing; restaurants and bars serving international cuisine prepared simply and from the freshest ingredients; meeting and event spaces and services that are gold standard; and expansive, 24-hour fitness facilities. All Marriott hotels participate in the award winning Marriott Rewards frequent travel program that allows members to earn hotel points or airline miles for every dollar spent during each stay. The U.S. Green Building Council's LEED green building certification system is the foremost program for the design, construction and operation of green buildings. Nearly 40,000 projects are currently participating in the commercial and institutional LEED rating systems, comprising nearly 8 billion square feet of construction space in all 50 states and 120 countries. In addition, more than 11,000 homes have been certified under the LEED for Homes rating system, with more than 52,000 more homes registered. By using less energy, LEED-certified buildings save money for families, businesses and taxpayers; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and contribute to a healthier environment for residents, workers and the larger community. SERVICES PROVIDED: ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS

Accessibility equipment for the deaf


Accessible bathroom Accessible path of travel Braille or raised signage In-room accessibility Roll-in shower PROPERTY AMENITIES

24-hour front desk Air-conditioned public areas Total number of rooms - 416 Number of suites - 44 Number of floors - 16 Audio-visual equipment Babysitting or childcare Ballroom(s) Banquet facilities Bar/lounge Beauty services Business services Coffee in lobby Coffee shop or caf Concierge services Multiple large conference rooms Currency exchange Dry cleaning/laundry service Event catering Exhibit space Express check-in Express check-out Fitness facilities Full-service health spa Gift shops or newsstand Grocery Hair salon Health club Technology support staff Front desk hours

On-site medical assistance available Tours/ticket assistance Wired (high-speed) Internet access - surcharge Dial-up Internet access - surcharge Laundry facilities Limo or Town Car service available Massage - spa treatment room(s) Multiple small meeting rooms Multilingual staff Nightclub Secure parking Valet parking Porter/bellhop Restaurant(s) in hotel Room service (24 hours) Safe-deposit box at front desk Free guest parking only during stay Year Built - 2010 Number of restaurants - 9 24-hour business center Meeting facilities size (feet) - 29748 Number of meeting/conference rooms - 9 Train station pickup (complimentary) Sauna Secretarial services Shopping on site Number of buildings/towers - 1 Spa tub Steam room Swimming pool - outdoor Breakfast available (surcharge) Swim-up bar Technology helpdesk Television in lobby Translation services Wedding services Wheelchair accessible Wireless (high-speed) Internet access - surcharge

Parking (free) Valet parking (free) ROOMS Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre offers 416 airconditioned accommodations with iPod docking stations and DVD players. Rooms feature city, mountain, or pool views. Pillowtop beds feature Frette Italian sheets, triple sheeting, and down comforters. A pillow menu is available. 32-inch LCD televisions come with premium satellite channels and free movie channels. Rooms have partially open bathrooms. Bathrooms include shower/tub combinations with handheld showerheads, bathrobes, slippers, and makeup/shaving mirrors. This Pune hotel provides wired and wireless high-speed Internet access for a surcharge. Business-friendly amenities include desks, ergonomic chairs, and multi-line phones. Additionally, rooms feature laptop-compatible safes and welcome amenities. A nightly turndown service is provided and housekeeping is offered daily. ROOM AMENITIES

Premium television channel(s) DVD player Premium bedding Climate control Soundproofed rooms Air conditioning Complimentary newspaper Multi-line phone Direct-dial phone Daily housekeeping Turndown service Designer toiletries Bathroom phone Bathrobes Hair dryer Handheld showerhead

Makeup/shaving mirror Slippers Bathroom scale Shower/tub combination Electronic/magnetic keys Iron/ironing board Welcome amenities Desk Clock radio Rollaway beds available Blackout drapes/curtains Satellite television service High-definition television Wireless high-speed Internet access (surcharge) Wired high-speed Internet access (surcharge) Dial-up Internet access (surcharge) Ergonomic chair Speakerphone In-room safe (laptop compatible) iPod docking station Partially open bathroom ESPN Free movie channels Frette Italian sheets HBO Pillow top mattress Pillow menu LCD television City view Mountain view Pool view DINING Pune Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre has 9 restaurants serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 24-hour room service is available. RECREATION

Golf - miniature nearby Golf - driving range nearby Golfing nearby Tennis nearby Golf lessons available nearby SPA Body treatments Facial treatments


Two level convention centre with 12 meeting rooms in Pune perfect for functions of all sizes. Event Planners available to assist with all the details of your business meeting or event. Business services include a staffed business center, complete with copy, secretarial & fax services. Innovative event menus available for breakfast, lunch, dinner and reception, as well as breaks. Our Pune meeting rooms offer hi-tech, audio-video services and high-speed Internet access. 40,000 sq ft of flexible Pune meeting rooms & exhibition space with views of the rooftop pool. SOCIAL EVENTS & WEDDINGS

Explore more than 40,000 sq ft of elegant, state-of-the art, flexible banquet halls in Pune, India. The largest of our Pune banquet halls Sabha can accommodate up to 2000 reception guests. Customizable wedding menus available for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, cocktails & receptions. On-site event planners available to assist with organizing and planning all of your event details.


Delight in our 12 reception halls in Pune, India; perfect for all the events surrounding the big day Our wedding venues in Pune are ideally located near the Pune airport & Mumbai-Pune expressway. STAFF MEMBERS: They are currently operating with about 650 regular staff members. Over and above that they also have something called Contracted Labour depending on the high season and low season and they take in the Contracted labour, between 50 to 75, but 650 is the dense strength of the staff members. FOREIGN EXCHANGE INFLOW: Marriott Hotel does about 60% expat business, and 40% domestic business. MARKETING STRATEGY: As the name goes, Convention Centre, Pune Marriott Hotel is the largest Convention Centre in Western India and hence the strategy is very clear to put the hotel on the convention map of India. Till today if anyone thought of doing conventions because Pune was never considered because it didnt have a hotel or an infrastructure to support that. So the first marketing strategy of the hotel is to make it one of the top three convention centres in India. The second is that its a luxury hotel so to make it more like a hospitality leader in the country and considering the strength of Pune to make it the hospitality leader in Pune. The third is they have 8 restaurants so this will become their flagship hotel in the region in terms of food and beverage. The fourth is that this hotel is being considered as the wedding destination in Pune and they are doing a lot of weddings in the city so the marketing strategy is also to be considered as the first option for weddings.


The fifth is the luxury segment; they have a 15000 sq.ft. Spa so it covers the luxury element. ANNUAL SALES: 120 crores.


Worlds 10th largest hotel brand opens seventh hotel in India.

Courtyard by Marriott continues to gain popularity in the Indian market as the brand recently opened its seventh hotel, 179-room Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre. The opening today of Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre marks the third Marriott International hotel and the second Courtyard in the exciting Indian city. The Courtyard Pune City Centre is owned by The Advantage Raheja and operates under a long-term management agreement with Marriott International headed by Harinder J. Singh as general manager.


Bright vibrant colours and modern smart design, the new Courtyard Pune City Centre features great in-room amenities such as the deluxe bedding, iPod docking stations, high-speed internet access and a 37 LCD television. Throughout the hotel, from the lobby area to the guestrooms, Courtyard allows guests more control and choice over their stay, with services and amenities that create a healthy balance between business and leisure.

The hotel features a variety of great restaurants that appeal not just to guests, but also to Punes local food lovers. MoMo Caf offers all day dining options, combining Western dishes with local favourites. Red Zen features Pan Asian cuisine while Momo2Go is the perfect option for those who are looking for grab-and-go salads and sandwiches.

Presenting great value for money, the hotel caters well to both international as well as domestic travellers. The property also features four spacious banquet halls, a fitness centre, an outdoor swimming pool, party deck, a business centre and an executive lounge. Simon Cooper, president and managing director Asia Pacific, Marriott International said, The Courtyard by Marriott is a smart business hotel that caters to the needs of the traveller who is on the move. Asia-Pacific as a region has seen a tremendous growth curve as far as economic thrust and business acumen is concerned. A second Courtyard property in Pune was needed looking at the steady expansion the city has seen in various industries. We are delighted to be opening the Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre and to be working with such great partners in The Advantage Raheja." Rajeev Menon, area vice president - India, Malaysia, Maldives and Australia added, With the influx of IT, ITES, manufacturing and automobile industries we see tremendous potential in Pune in the coming years. Given the demand, this is our third offering from Marriott International in Pune. We are extremely delighted to present our newest hotel today which is magnificently built and will stand ahead for the great hospitality standards that Marriott International is committed to offer. Courtyard by Marriott offers a refreshing environment that helps guests stay connected, productive and balanced. Intuitive services and design accommodate guests needs for choice and control. With more than 900 locations in 35 countries, Courtyard by Marriott hotels participate in the award winning Marriott Rewards frequent travel program that allows members to earn hotel points or airline miles for every dollar spent during each stay.



Chandigarh welcomes its first luxury hotel, and the second JW Marriott Hotel in India

Having created a landmark of its JW Marriott brand at Juhu in Mumbai, the business capital of India, Marriott International Inc., a global lodging leader, today repeats this extraordinary achievement in the city of Chandigarh with the launch of its JW Marriott Chandigarh the first JW Marriott hotel in North India and the second in the country. This luxury 5-star hotel is designed with an aesthetic reflective of the JW Marriott brand and the unique lifestyle of "The City Beautiful" and is conceptualized on the basis of the five elements of nature and is the epitome of magnificence. Designers Wilson

Associates from Singapore and Karen Kim collaborated to create a masterpiece which is both contemporary and yet bears the signs of aesthetic North Indian architecture, giving it a wonderful cultural reference and significance and a true sense of place.

Speaking at the opening of the JW Marriott Chandigarh, Rajeev Menon, Marriott Internationals Area Vice-President India, Australia, Malaysia and Maldives, said: The opening of a JW Marriott Hotel in Chandigarh is a great milestone for us as Chandigarh is the best-planned city in India with architecture which is world renowned and a quality of life, which is unparalleled. As the capital of the states of Punjab and Haryana and the Union Territory, Chandigarh is an extremely prestigious city. We are extremely honoured to be presenting the pride of our luxury portfolio JW Marriott to the discerning guests of Chandigarh. Marriott is recognized the world over for its outstanding service and high levels of commitment to guests and this reflection in the JW Marriott Chandigarh will redefine hospitality in the city making it the preferred destination among locals and visitors alike. Deepak Manocha, General Manager, JW Marriott Chandigarh added: With the immense growth and development seen in this dynamic city, our hotel will exceed our guests requirement whether they are staying with us for leisure or business. With the JW Marriott Chandigarh, we intend to change the very definition of luxury hospitality in the region with our personalized services,


unique dining options and luxurious amenities, thereby creating a lasting impression for our guests. The JW Marriott Chandigarh offers an exciting array of fine dining options offering guests authentic cuisines from around the world. Saffron is a fine dining Indian restaurant, while The Caf@JW will host a buffet featuring world cuisine, and Oregano will enchant guests with authentic Italian delicacies. Chandigarh Baking Co (Deli and Patisserie) is an adaptation of a classic pastry shop with an attractive array of food and beverages. The lobby reinvented is an integration of the Lobby and Lobby Lounge known simply as The Lounge. It is divided into clearly defined zones where guests can work or relax. The hotel boasts a fine balance of wellness and indulgence with its offering of worldclass fitness facilities - the renowned signature Quan Spa and JW Fitness Centre will be the destination for rejuvenation and relaxation. Featuring the most spacious accommodation, the 165 guest rooms, 4 suites and 1 presidential are equipped with a host of luxurious features. The state-of-the-art banqueting facilities in the hotel offer a magnanimous 16,500 sq ft of indoor and outdoor space. The Grand Ballroom with a majestic ceiling height of more than 6 meters, stylish design and grandeur will be the venue for the royal and elegant weddings in Punjab. The unobtrusive hospitality and outstanding luxury services of the JW Marriott Chandigarh will soon make it the new luxury address in this in this progressive and vibrant city.


PERSONAL OBSERVATION: As a management student I feel, with the Marriott Hotels worldwide a person can look forward to the support you expect from a hospitality powerhouse and acquire the results you deserve from an industry leader. Marriott is an international lodging leader, with more than 3,500 properties and the broadest portfolio of brands in the industry. In the 80 years since their inception and the 50 years since opening their first hotel, Marriott has firmly established a culture and a tradition of innovation, service and leading performance. They are also dedicated to providing the resources needed to get their hotel up and running and competing effectively in its market. And, because they value a persons input, they provide multiple avenues for ongoing communication. They enjoy a strong collaborative relationship with their owners and franchiseesand that, in turn, is reflected in high levels of franchisee and owner satisfaction. Pune Marriott Hotel and Convention Centre gifted the corporate world of Pune their very first exclusive business club The Marriott Club at Pune Marriott Hotel and Convention Centre recently. Located on the 23rd floor of the premier hotel, the Marriott Club opened its glass doors presenting swanky boardrooms, wood panelled corridors and elegant leather seating to its high-profile guests. Targeted at company head honchos and the crme-de-la-crme of the city, the Marriott Club promises to serve as the perfect meeting ground for key decision makers where they can discuss new avenues of growth for the city and better ideas for the future.


CONCLUSION Marriott International, Inc. (MAR) offers the advantages of a strong balance sheet, sound management and a record of industry leadership. Their business model, brands, senior leaders, and a deeply ingrained service culture that places a high value on their associates, have formed a solid foundation and a long, storied history of success. Marriott is expanding at a rapid pace; they plan to get in about a 100 Hotels in India over the next 3 years. They invite everyone to explore how a person can benefit from the strength of Marriotts system and brands, and achieve powerful returns on their investment. At Marriott, they value their owners and franchisees and have great pride in the strength of their relationships, which is really important. Every owner and franchisee has a dedicated account manager, so a person has a single point of contact and an advocate within Marriott.




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