What Todo Cop Pullover

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Well, more police up here in Canada are pretty polite and willing to listen, so long as you aren't waiving

around a knife or a gun. So lets try this again. I did 100 in a 50 zone, cop pulls me over, and in an ideal world listens to me. Take me step by step on what to do. We'll start the scenario with the cop at my driver side window, and I just said the sentence, "what seems to be the problem officer?" Aaaaaaand, ACTION! First of all I wouldn't say "What seems to be the problem here" It would go more like this. Cop: Roll down your window Me: *Rolling down window no more then one inch, tell him I am reaching for my video camera for legal documentation, and start filming* "Who are you and who do you represent? I also need to see three forms of identification to prove who you are" Cop: Here they are. Do you know why I pulled you over? Me: Are you detaining me? Whose interest are you working in?" Cop: I don't know yet, and I am working in your best interest, I pulled you over because you were breaking the law by exceeding the speed limit" I can take one of many routes here, ill go through a few of my favorites. Me: Is that that the Law? Cop: YES Me: Actually it is a statute, and inability to differentiate between a statute and a law is fraud, even if you don't know the difference you can still be charged because you are a code enforcer. Cop:Show me your driver's license. Me: I AM TRAVELING AND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION GUARANTEES THAT I HAVE A RIGHT TO TRAVEL FROM POINT "A" TO POINT "B" WITHOUT FEE OR RESTRICTION AND NOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN "ADVISED" OF THAT FACT YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON MY RIGHT TO TRAVEL, AND I CAN SUE YOU PERSONALLY, NOT THE DEPARTMENT, BUT YOU, UNDER CIVIL CODE SECTION 1708 ABSTINENCE FROM

INJURY, WHICH STATES EVEN IN THE PERFORMANCE OF A LAWFUL ACT IF YOU ARE CAUSING INJURY YOU MUST ABSTAIN. THE INJURY YOU ARE CAUSING IS A TRESPASS ON MY RIGHT TO TRAVEL, SO YOU MUST ABSTAIN. This usually works, but you have to be FIRM. Look the bastard right in the eye. If you want to take a easier route, you can: 1. Take the original and tell him you intend to honour it within 3 days. 2. If he demands you return the original, consider the bill not properly and duly presented. 3. Ask before he gives it to you if he is giving you a ticket. When he says yes, you have an agreement to take the original, not a copy. They do not say they are giving you a copy of the ticket, they say they are giving you a ticket. BIG difference. 4. To accept the ticket, lay your hands out flat and make him put the ticket book in your hands. Do not touch the ticket until he is no longer in contact with it. Anything less and the presentation is not complete and he likely knows it. 5. Ask You dont mind if I conditionally accept this do you? 6. Quote section 16 (1) of the Bills of Exchange Act. It defines a bill of exchange and a violation ticket matches it exactly. 7. Ask him if he has the right to impose a copy of a bill when the original of the bill has never been duly presented. 8. Quote this section: 55 (2) In particular, the title of a person who negotiates a bill is defective within the meaning of this Act when he obtained the bill, or the acceptance thereof, by fraud, duress or force and fear, or other unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in breach of faith, or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud. Tell him he is engaged in a type of fraud by failing to understand the nature of the instrument he is presenting. If he does not give you the ticket and then claims in court that you rejected the ticket, he is guilty of perjury and it can cost him his job! Remember, he has not completed the presentation of the bill until it is in your control and possession and he is no longer touching it. Pulled from Robert Menard's book Or you can just Accept it for Value

This is probably the most powerful tool you can ever learn to use. But YOU must learn to use it. Now let's say you got yourself an exceptionally stupid cop, I mean a real dumb fuck who just wont let up, and is beat red, ready to beat you to a pulp. You have the right to ask him to call for support, that you feel unsafe. Get this on your video camera, if he doesn't call for backup, and you have video proof of you asking, he can get in a lot of trouble. Here is another situation for you, this happened to me before. Cop: GET OUT OF THE CAR, NOW! (if you do, you accepted his offer to be arrested) Me: YOU ARE AWARE I AM RECORDING THIS, I HAVE YOU IDENTIFIED ON CAMERA. SHOW ME THE LAW, THAT STATES: A FREE MAN, A SOVEREIGN BORN HUMAN BEING MUST EXIT THE SAFETY OF HIS OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY WHEN NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED, I AM NOW IN FEAR FOR MY SAFETY I WISH FOR THERE TO BE A THIRD PARTY, CALL IN A SUPERIOR" If he drags you out and beats you, sue him.

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