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N E V E R A G A I N W I L L O N E G E N E R AT I O N O F V E T E R A N S A B A N D O N A N O T H E R .

Service Officers Clarke Barnes

309 944-3674

St. Patricks Day Parade 2012

Ed Gaudet
563 343-9456

David Woods

R.Ernest Ledjte
563 785-6182

Tom Lemons
563 359-3201

Honor Guard Jett Bork

563 528-0636

John Lavelle
563 355-4213

The Next Chapter Meeting The annual chapter scholarship will be will be held at the Bettendorf presented this year and chapter members are encouraged to apply for the scholarship by Public Library on March 28, visiting the chapter web site and completing and 2012 at 1900 hours or at 7:00 application. Veterans and veterans families are PM which ever comes first! eligible. Scholarship contact is Larry Witt at 388-7173
Ofcers and Board of Directors
President Marlene Marolf 391-9621 Vice-President Roger Granbois 650-4958 Treasurer Harold Hansen 391-7776 Secretary John Lavelle 355-4213 Web Master Roger Granbois 650-4958 Dir. Gary McDermott 242-0501 Dir. Ed Gaudet 343-9456 Dir. Ed Gilmore 792-2415 Dir. Art Heyderman 359-4186 Dir. Larry Witt 388-7179

Chapter Scholarship

Minutes for Membership Meeting February 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Marlene Marolf at 1900 hours. Officers present Vice-President Roger Granbois, Treasurer Harold Hansen, and Secretary John Lavelle. The chapter made the pledge of allegiance and observed a moment of silence for all POW/MIA as well as all those serving our country in harms way. The chapter members introduced themselves as is our practice at each meeting and signed an attendance sheet. Membership chair Larry Witt informed the members that we have 162 members in our chapter including AVVA members. The minutes of the last chapter meeting were accepted as published in the newsletter. Harold Hansen shared the current financial status with the members. The VSO report indicated that the number of claims is still being processed and they are waiting for many claims to be evaluated. A new issue facing aging veterans deals with the VA making a determination of mental incompetence and having the veterans benefits and placed in the hands of a VA appointed duciary. This ruling comes from the VA in the form of a letter telling the veteran that they have been determined to be incompetent and that any benets or pension will be placed in the hands of someone else to manage their nancial affairs. Besides the concern for aging veterans this issue can have an impact on veterans with PTSD or TBI based on how the VA might choose to implement the rating of the veteran. Contact your VSO immediately if you receive a letter from the VA informing you any competency rating related to your medical and mental stability. Lyle Peterson spoke to the members about the possibility of the Golf For Injured Veterans Everywhere (G.I.V.E. Program) developing a satellite program in the Quad City area. The G.I.V.E. Program provides veterans enrolled in VA with PGA golf instruction and also provides golf equipment to those veterans. If this becomes a reality it will be a great opportunity for local veterans to take part in the program that began at the Riverside Casino & Resort in Riverside, Iowa. Members were reminded that donations for the education center at the Vietnam Wall in D.C. are still being taken, contact Lyle Peterson for more information. Clover Sales will take place in Iowa City on one Saturday in April, this sale is meant to help support the VSO volunteers that work at the VA Hospital in Iowa City. The change of meeting site for our chapter is on hold for the next six months, we will continue to meet at the Bettendorf Public Library for the next six months. This April marks the 15th Anniversary of our Chapter. There will be pizza at the April chapter meeting as well as a cake commemoration the anniversary of our VVA chapter. Be sure to attend and come hungry. The VVA National Leadership Conference will be held in Dallas (Irving) Texas from August 8th through the 12th. It is important to select members to attend the conference. Minutes submitted by John P. Lavelle, chapter secretary. The chapters quarterly visit to the patients at the VA Hospital in Iowa City was on March 15th and was conducted by Art Heyderman and Roger Granbois. They visited with a number of patients and shared the concerns of the chapter.

February One Day Stand Down at American Legion Post 26 served many of the area homeless veterans. The chapter provided a chili lunch for those attending the stand down. Art Heyderman, Roger Granbois, Denny Gray, Steve Bredar, and John Lavelle helped to serve the chili and many other members of the chapter also helped to serve the homeless veterans that came to the stand down.

Good Time Oldies Dance

Col Ballroom Saturday March 24, 2012 7:00 PM 50/50 Raffle
Honor Guard Colors Presentation Please report at 6:30 PM

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