Institut Perguruan Tun Hussein Onn, Batu Pahat, Johor

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Short Coursework elP


With the name of Allah,The Al-mighty.. Alhamdulillah, I wish a very thanks to God for giving this opportunity for me to finished the EL: Short Coursework task successfully just about time without any trouble and problem. This demanding task has giving me a lot of experiences especially during understanding the task. I hope my work that I had done on time will be accept by my lecturer. An appreciation is also should be given to Mr. Raof who had helped me to solve the problem in a way to finish this task. He also like to help his student anytime. This task includes a lot of tragedy and what happen in our life. Now I know a little knowledge about importance protect our earth. Thank you to all my friends for their support and cooperation during the task especially to my roomate, Muhammad Shahir, who has helped me to give his ideas and information that I dont know. Your commitment has encourages me to finish the task. Thanks a lot to my parents and family for their supporting me especially in finance. Because of them, I can buy my item and equipments to finish this task with successfully. They also help me and give me moral support to done this task without any problem and tension. Also, thanks to those who had involved in finishing this task. Hopefully this work could satisfy everyone who involved. Finally, I hope this task reader will always be happy and understand what I want to carried out in this task. Thank you.


Environment means all of the outside forces, events, and things that act on a thing. A person's environment is made up of everything that surrounds him or her, including houses, buildings, people, animals, land, temperature, water, light, and other living and non-living things. Living things do not simply exist in their environment. They constantly interact with it. Organisms change in response to conditions in their environment. The environment consists of the interactions among plants, animals, soil, water, temperature, light, and other living and non-living things. As human being, we need to protect our environment. Even though much of what is happening in the world today does not show it, we are totally dependent on the natural environment. Just because we as humans have the power to destroy environment and other species, this does not give us any right to do so. But more convincing to the ones having power in today's world is probably the economic argument. That we cannot afford to destroy the earth systems.

Six hurt as tornado hits London

Thursday, 7 December 2006, 19:12 GMT

Many people are spending the night in a respite centre after a tornado ripped through several streets in north-west London. Up to 150 houses and many cars were damaged when the freak weather hit the Kensal Rise area.One man in his 50s suffered a serious head injury and five were treated for minor injuries and shock. Fire services have sealed six roads in a zone covering a quarter of a square mile and searched at least 100 homes.Fire crews were called at about 1100 GMT on Thursday to Chamberlayne Road and surrounding streets, amid reports of collapsed scaffolding and damage to buildings. Witnesses said there was heavy rain and sleet, then debris flying through the air. Resident Colin Brewer said: "It was really, really incredible. All of a sudden I saw a swirl starting to form and then, it was amazing, but it then touched land. "I then saw clumps of all sorts of things flying into air. It went from exciting to terrifying." Local resident Daniel Bidgood said: "I was in my living room and I heard a big crack of lightning and thunder, then as I went to the window I heard a sound which was like standing behind a jetliner. "I could see a huge cloud rolling up the street, making this tremendous sound. "I went to try to take a picture of it but a shower of debris smashed all the windows of my house." He reported seeing trees ripped up from the roots, front doors missing, windows smashed and people being hit on the head by flying objects. Dave Bonner, of London Fire Brigade, said one house had its roof completely removed while another had an exterior wall demolished. Residents returning from work were told to report to the Church of the Transfiguration hall in Chamberlayne Road where they would be met by police and local authority representatives. Brent Council has set up a respite centre at the nearby Legion Hall on Albert Road for residents who have been made temporarily homeless.

A council spokeswoman said about 70 people are at the hall but they are preparing to help about 150. The UK experiences an estimated 50 tornadoes on land each year, putting it top of the European league.


WHERE north-west London


150 houses damaged


Many cars damaged

One man in his 50s suffered a serious head injury

five were treated for minor injuries and shock

Witnesses said there was heavy rain and sleet,

then debris flying through the air.

HOW Resident Colin Brewer said: "It was really, really incredible. All of a sudden I saw a swirl starting to form and then, it was amazing, but it then touched land


Thursday WHEN

7 December 2006

19:12 GMT


Ways To Protect Our Environment : When we read the doom and gloom in the media about our earth, we often feel overwhelmed and confused. But dont let that make you so depressed that you dont take action. There are things you can do each and every day to lesson your impact on the environment, starting right now. Here is a list of things you can start with that wont break a sweat (or your wallet.)

Use Reusable Bags How often does a typical family shop each month? If you kept reusable bags in your car for those grocery store and other stops, you would make a huge difference in the number of plastic bags that end up in landfills, all of which will still be around when your great-grandchildren are alive. If you look around your home, you may have several cloth bags already that would be suitable. Trader Joes also sells an attractive reusable grocery bag for $0.99.

Save Water Time your showers. If you took a 5 minute shower every morning instead of a 15 minute one, this would save tons of water in a year as well as save you money on your water bill. Turning off the water while you soap your body and lather the shampoo in your hair as well as shave will help you save lots more. To make this easier, turn on your knobs to where you like them for the perfect shower temperature, and mark the faucets with red fingernail polish so you know exactly where to turn them.

Go Digital Could you read an ebook instead of a paper version? Do online banking instead of getting a statement in the mail? Pay bills online instead of using an envelope?

Cloth Not Paper Its been said that using cloth diapers is the single most important way a parent can help the environment. I dont know if thats really true, but it does keep around 2 TONS of plastic out of the landfills. If you dont have the heart to do cloth diapers, then at least choose biodegradable diapers like. By the same token, microfiber cloths for cleaning save money and are more effective than paper towels for household cleaning.

Drive Green While it may not be in your best interest to buy a hybrid right now (some experts say there is less impact on the environment if you drive your current car until it cannot be repaired than trading it in for a hybrid), you can certainly get rid of that lead foot. Not only will you be less stressed and not have to sweat it when a police car pulls behind you, but youll use far less gas if you accelerate slowly. Keeping your car in good repair can also help. And obviously, combining errands as much as possible and not leaving your car to idle are also good ideas.

Bring Back Frugal I say lets make frugal cool again! At one time in this country, people prided themselves on do without, use it up, wear it out. They tried to stretch things as far as they would go, repair them when they broke, minimize what they purchased in the first place, and in general have a frugal outlook. Not only will your pocketbook thank you, but youll keep a lot of stuff out of the landfills. When you are done with something, Freecyle it ( or give it to charity instead of just tossing it. Remember, set goals for yourself and your family and commit to making changes slowly. This way, good habits of stewardship of our planet are more likely to stick and become permanent lifestyle choices. *If youve found this information helpful, please consider subscribing to our free newsletter and/or RSS feed at the top right corner of this page.

WAY TO SAVE THE EARTH (essay) Our earth is in great danger. Environmental problems such as acid rain, the ozone layer and other have become so complex to individuals. However, there are some things the individual can control. We can each learn practical ways to better our environment. Many environmental protectors argue that we must leave our car at home. It is because motor cars emission many harmful pollutions, for example, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. We just need walk to work, school and anywhere. So, we accidentally can reduce greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health. If we can stay off the road just two days a week, we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We also can help reduce pollution just by putting that can in a correct bin. Recycle also one of the ways to save the earth. As example, recycling newspaper saves trees and making new paper from old paper uses up much less energy than making paper from trees. This process will reduces the air pollution of papermaking. Some recyclable items include glass, paper, and most types of mettle can be given to our local recycle centre. Many natural disasters are caused by human. Human make a lot of trash in a year. So, there is no doubt that human should decrease total of trash that they make every day. If we still do not have any actions to save our environment, our earth will be exhausted. We should make sure to keep this habit to prevent unnecessary trash from entering the environment Another way is "pre-cycling". It means buying anything in materials that can be recycled. The idea is to prevent unrecyclable materials from become trash after we use it. Be kind to our planet by buying soda cans. So, after drinking the water,

the cans must be recycling. Actually, materials that have been recycled once can be recycled again. Save our earth is equal to save ourselves. Government can enact laws and educate citizens about environmental protection. There also, some environmentally concerned groups are also doing it. We should support their programs as well to save our earth.

Praise to God, because with His blessing I had finished this coursework and because of Him I could done my task successfully without any trouble and problem. I hope my work that I had done on time will be accept by my lecturer. During doing this coursework, I had learn many new things in my life. Thanks a lot to my lecturer,Mr. Raof because he had taught and shows me how to complete this task correctly. It is a useful experience to know how to do this coursework because before this, I did not really understand what the task is exactly wanted. About this coursework, I learn more about way to save the earth and our environment. After doing this coursework I think that very important for the impact of environment to human and wildlife. All of this is becuse of imbalance in our ecosystem. So, there is many reason for human to save our earth because it can make many positive effect for future. Whatever it is this assignment had give me a lot of experiences and feeling although it quite difficult. Thanks again for all exactly my parents and friends because of their helps during I was doing this task. May all of us peace in Allahs bless on our effort to gain our knowledge with doing this coursework. Thank you.

BIBLIOGRAFI ys_to_protect_our_environment.html

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