2012 03 - 06 PTA Meeting Minutes

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Sligo Creek ES PTA Meeting March 6, 2012 SCES Media Center, 7 pm

Meeting Minutes

A quorum of the membership was present. Next PTA Meeting The next meeting will shift to Wednesday, April 11th due to Spring Break. Approval of the Minutes The minutes from the February 7, 2012 PTA meeting were approved. Treasurers Report (Andrew Schulman) The Balance sheet and the Income & Expense Budget sheet was passed around. The PTA currently has $24,777 in equity. Andrew reported that he is re-stating the budget for the last fiscal year (July 2010 June 2011). The reason for the re-stating is that $1,500 that was approved in the last fiscal year for landscaping was not spent until Fall 2011, the current fiscal year. Because this money was approved last year, but was not put in this years budget, amendments will be made to last years budget and this years balance sheet to reflect this change. Budget Amendments (Diane Kelleher) Two amendments to the PTA budget were proposed. The first amendment was to increase the budget for French and Academy magazine subscriptions from $1,300 to $3,200. These magazine subscriptions have been paid by the PTA for a number of years, ever since MCPS stopped paying for them. The second amendment was to add a new line item to the budget to pay a stipend to a Science Fair Coordinator. Since we no longer have a science teacher, the 5 th graders do not have a Science Fair coordinator. The PTA has suggested that Ms. Dodson, our former science teacher, could fill this position during her non-MCPS time and we would pay her a stipend for this. A vote was held to approve both amendments and both were approved; however, approval of the second amendment was contingent on the legality of this arrangement.

Q & A with Ms. Swift How was the Board of Education Meeting? The meeting went well. How was World Culture Day and the Literacy Nights? All were well received by staff and parents. Ms. Swift got great feedback on them from staff and parents. Staffing for next year? Ms. Swift has just received the classroom staffing allocations for next year, but is unable to share the information with us because she has not yet shared it with the staff. She is currently projecting an additional 35 students for next year.

Nominating Committee The committee needs to be set up now, so that nominations can be presented to the membership at the June PTA Meeting. No one has volunteered to be on this committee yet. FARMS Rates for SCES Diane and Stuart are working on separating out the Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS) rate for Academy and Immersion classes. Currently, the FARMS rate is only given for the whole school on the Schools at a Glance publication put out by MCPS. The rate is broken down by program for staffing and resource allocations, but we want make sure that the Board of Education remembers that we have separate instruction. Diane and Stuart are writing a letter to the office that puts out the Schools at a Glance about this. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Minutes prepared by Alice Vorosmarti, PTA Secretary 3/19/12

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