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Our Audience 14-24 Perhaps have a 2-strand events programme e.g.

. 0-18 years and 18+ events (in addition specialist audiences e.g. stores visits with Les) The Art of Ageing Coming of Age - People could drop-in good for those who didnt wan to spend too much time on an event. - Taking stuff home was very popular e.g. individual piece of art worked on with family or friends - Worst event e.g. Culture shock getting people to create audio-visual stories, time consuming and too much commitment required. Events usually 4 hours 11-3pm expect 150-500 people. Working Man - More of a commercial showcase, evening with the gadgie man drew in 88 people - Humour with Keith Gregson a musical story teller got 328 visitors (drop in around gallery) - Worst event family again another big collaborative artwork but people couldnt work in individual groups too restrictive and time consuming. Pharaoh 140,000 visitors (big blockbuster) 2 events a week (mask making/ make own mummy/ actors / talks and demonstrations /make and take home events) Mask templates 400 using what was seen in the exhibit as inspiration (50 for 400 people - materials) Dads love things like this competition also great chance for grandparents to sit down. Worst event Temple times play brief for actors was pitched too high think of audience, who is likely to turn up.

Sage event 3500 people music event 25 different performances positioned around the museum participants loved it, as did visitors drop in style again make audience aware it will be there so people dont complain. Lectures 30-80 people advertise to university Newcastle University Public Events Programme. Guest Lecturers e.g. Les and Friends / An audience with Les. Get people in to help us (e.g. Newcastle College events Management course students) Make events varied (animal handling / lobster / singing and acting) at the heart of it should be your target audience. Break down of GNM audience: 0-10yrs 28% 11-24yrs 12%

98%White 59% Middle-Class What do we want our events to do? E.g. bring more people in / broaden audience, etc. At present World Cultures is least visited exhibit 5% and Fossil Stories (with the TRex) is most popular (Blockbuster quality) STORIES will perhaps be our blockbuster selling point. Comment Wall people love putting comments on wall e.g. words of wisdom in Coming of Age Exhibit our twitter feed and luggage tags could cover this aspect. Will need a twitter point (computer or tablet) in the exhibition space as GNM has very poor 3G access and also a very complicated method of signing people up to be allowed to use their wi-fi. Twitter feed on wall moderated tweet deck has the capacity to allow you to set up filters / failing that a computer programmer may need to be brought in. Hash tags positive thing for museum and visitors. Dont reply to comment as you are representing Museum and TWAM panel talks are ok as you are only representing yourself. Other things to consider Something like the magnetic board with build your own chariots used in the Pharaoh exhibition. Story competition The Doomed Prince translated people could send in their own ending received 1000s of responses and took 6 months to go through people would write prose draw the ending comment card to take away adding elements of contribution could involve Seven Stories? our story could be about an explorer/traveller/missionary? Pharaoh interactive cost 5000 and took 6 weeks to develop cost of touch screen (hardware only 500 main cost comes from software development) Rapid Prototyping 3D plastic model making Good to have a mixture of physical and digital interactive options. Pharaoh Trail Booklet without scratch off panel would cost 300 for 2000 booklets good way to get kids involved in exhibit or wider museum. Events links with exhibition Swing dance event 1920s-50s origins of the music blues, jazz etc we have musical object in exhibition brings us up to modern day could ask dance instructors who were at Swung Eight to do dance classes at the event. World Food Night Satellite event for EAT Festival World Booze Night World Cinema Night in garden or learning suite PRS License + Distribution cost depending on what films we show Disney films for children e.g. they were meant to be stories from various places around the world e.g. The Lion King / Aladdin / The Princess and the Frog Toy Story. (Could collaborate

with Disney Store?) Have to get Victorian style ticket from booth in exhibition/Victorian room? Tea Sutra demo and tasting DJ course that runs over more than one night world music Creative writing workshops Seven Stories tell your own story. Face painting and headdress making. Musical instrument workshops e.g. Georges brother on drums a harp player / steel drums in the garden lessons - other world music instruments could be good way to involve the Sage.

Kids in Museums talking about targeting teenage audience. GNM Learning Officer has booked out learning suite below our exhibition space for events every TUES + WED starting from July 24 Aug 29 (6 weeks) we can say what events we would like to take place here (time slots usually 11am-3pm) Publicize these events 1 month before at latest Mid-June. Local Business involved Saturday night animal handling event brought in 1000 visitors. Best night to open is a weekday night either Thursday or Friday dont have events on too late as people dont tend to stay e.g. start 6:30pm running til 10pm at the latest some exceptions e.g. midnight film screenings Measuring Impact usually measured in terms of how many people attend each event we could have token given to visitors at start of exhibit they drop into box at the exit, Good/ Bad /So-So.

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