Thai Localized Manual 46C

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Rel ease 4. 6C
Country Version Thailand
User Manual
(Preliminary Version)
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual

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September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
1 General Information ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Product Overview .......................................................................................................................... 5
2 Master Data ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Company Code Master Data ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Business Place/Branch ................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Customer/Vendor Master Data ................................................................................................... 10
3 xHTAXES ......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Tax Identification ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Tax on Sales and Purchases (Value Added Tax) ........................................................................ 11
3.2.1 Customizing Value Added Tax .......................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 VAT on Goods ................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.2 VAT on Services (Deferred VAT) ....................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Value Added Tax Reporting ............................................................................................... 20
3.3 Withholding Tax .......................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 General Information ............................................................................................................ 23
3.3.2 Customizing Withholding Tax ............................................................................................ 24
3.3.3 Withholding Tax Calculation and Posting .......................................................................... 32
3.3.4 Withholding Tax Numbering .............................................................................................. 36
3.3.5 Withholding Tax Reports ................................................................................................... 39
4 Check Management ........................................................................................................................... 52
4.1 Check Payable ............................................................................................................................ 52
4.1.1 Outgoing Check Status ...................................................................................................... 52
4.1.2 Check Register .................................................................................................................. 54
4.2 Check Receivable ....................................................................................................................... 56
4.2.1 Check Received Entry ....................................................................................................... 56
4.2.2 Listing ................................................................................................................................ 68
5 Petty Cash ........................................................................................................................................ 68
5.1 Using Account Payable function by setting up petty cashier as a vendor ................................... 69
5.2 Using Cash Journal Posting ....................................................................................................... 70
6 Correspondence ................................................................................................................................ 74
6.1 Receipt/Invoice/Tax Invoice Printing--FI ..................................................................................... 74
7 Asset Management ........................................................................................................................... 78
7.1 Final Assets Value ..................................................................................................................... 80
7.2 Low Value Assets (LVA) ............................................................................................................ 81
7.3 Leased Assets ............................................................................................................................ 81
7.4 Research and Development ....................................................................................................... 82
7.5 Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 90
7.6 Asset Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 90
7.6.1 Asset Depreciation List ...................................................................................................... 90
7.6.2 Gain/Loss on Disposal Assets ........................................................................................... 91
7.6.3 Asset History Sheet ........................................................................................................... 92
7.6.4 Assets Inventory List .......................................................................................................... 92
8 Materials Management ...................................................................................................................... 94
8.1 Purchase Order .......................................................................................................................... 94
8.1.1 Purchase order excluded VAT. ........................................................................................... 94
8.1.2 Purchase order included VAT. ............................................................................................ 94
Customizing for layout set ........................................................................................................ 96
8.2 Cost of Inventory ......................................................................................................................... 96
8.3 Logistics Invoice Verification ....................................................................................................... 99
8.4 Stock card / Inventory and Raw Material (IMAT) Report ........................................................... 100
8.5 Inventory and Raw Material for Special Stock Report ............................................................... 102
8.6 Free Spare Part Issue Report for Warranty Product ................................................................. 104
9 Sales and Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 105
9.1 Free goods ................................................................................................................................ 105
9.2 Free of charge ........................................................................................................................... 107
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
9.3 Debit / Credit Note ..................................................................................................................... 114
9.4 Tax Invoice ................................................................................................................................ 114
9.5 Exchange rate for export ........................................................................................................... 115
9.6 Withholding tax in Sales and Distribution .................................................................................. 116
9.7 Down Payment .......................................................................................................................... 117
...................................................................................................................................................... 118
9.8 Vendor Consignment ................................................................................................................ 119
9.9 Free Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 122
Appendix: Country Version Thailand Delta Information (release 4.6C compared with 3.1H and 4.0B)
........................................................................................................................................................... 126
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 126
Organizational Unit ......................................................................................................................... 126
Value Added Tax (VAT) ................................................................................................................. 127
VAT Running Number Assignment ........................................................................................ 127
Automatic Tax Month Calculation ............................................................................................ 127
Transfer Deferred VAT ............................................................................................................. 128
VAT reports .............................................................................................................................. 128
Withholding tax ............................................................................................................................... 129
Calculation and Posting ............................................................................................................ 129
Reports ..................................................................................................................................... 130
Check Payable ............................................................................................................................... 131
Check Receivable .......................................................................................................................... 131
Petty Cash ..................................................................................................................................... 132
Correspondence ............................................................................................................................. 132
Assets Management ...................................................................................................................... 133
Materials Management .................................................................................................................. 134
Sales and Distribution .................................................................................................................... 135
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
1 General Information
1.1 Overview
This User Manual is a documentation for the Country Version Thailand of the SAP R/3 release 4.6C
system. The Country Version Thailand has been delivered as an add-on solution for the R/3 releases
3.0D, 3.0F, 3.1H, and 4.0B. From 4.6C, the Thai-specific requirements are addressed in R/3 itself. The
intention of this manual is to describe Country Version functionalities, how to use it and how to
configure the system to make these functionalities work. The users are strongly recommended to
study this manual together with the standard documentation. This manual should be read in the early
stages of the implementation project of the Country Version Thailand in the R/3 release 4.6C.
1.2 Product Overview
The Country Version Thailand offers the necessary functions to use the SAP R/3 system in Thailand. It
covers both specific statutory requirements and common business practices. In the release 4.6C, the
Country Version Thailand covers:
Financial Accounting
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Withholding Tax
Check Management
Cash Journal
Correspondence: FI-Tax Invoice/Invoice/Receipt Printing
Asset Management
Materials Management
Purchase Order
Cost of Inventory
Logistics Invoice Verification
Stock Card and IMAT Report
Inventory and Raw Material Report for Special Stock
Free Spare Part Issue Report for Warranty Product
Sales and Distribution
Free Goods
Free of Charge
Debit / Credit Note
Tax Invoice
Exchange Rate for Export
SD Withholding Tax
Down Payment
Vendor Consignment
Free Warranty

September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
2 Master Data
In the Country Version Thailand, a new organizational unit called Business Place/Branch is one of a
major localized key field. This new field has been added to several existing master objects to enable
the standard functionality of R/3 to comply with the Thai legal requirements.
Other than the Business Place/Branch, the following master objects should be customized to support
the Country Version Thailand functions:
company code
2.1 Company Code Master Data
In Country Version Thailand the following Customizing settings are required for the company code
global data in the IMG:
Maintain the companys VAT Registration number with the format THxxxxxxxxxx
Country Version Thailand is using the VAT registration field in the company code global data to
store the companys VAT registration number. However this field can only be used if the company
code is in a EU country. Therefore you have to activate the EU country field in the country
definition of TH - Thailand via IMG General SettingsSet countriesDefine countries.
After maintaining the companys VAT registration number in the company code global data, you
then need to deactivate this EU country field again in the country definition of TH.

The prefix TH followed by the companys VAT registration number is a required
Document entry screen variant needs to leave as blank.
In the former Thai add-on version, this field is required to be set as 2 in order to activate the
withholding tax entry screen. However in this release 4.6C as standard version, the Country
Version Thailand is using the functionality of extended withholding tax, therefore there is no need
to set this field as 2 any more. This field should be leave as blank.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial accounting global settings Company code Enter global
2.2 Business Place/Branch
Place of business in Thailand means a place regularly used by a supplier for conducting his business
and includes a place regularly used for manufacture or storage of goods. If companies register into the
VAT system with several places of businesses, it is required by law that they have to book and report
their VAT transactions separately by their registered locations.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
In R/3 you can customize your place of business by using the organization unit called Business
Place/Branch. This organization unit is designed intentionally to support the process of
booking/reporting all VAT transactions.
The following VAT reports are required to be submitted to the Revenue Department.
Input Tax Report
Output Tax Report
Inventory and Raw Material Report
Attachment tax formPaw. Paw. 30 which prescribes by the Tax Authority
Normally each business place is booking its own transaction such as received tax invoices, received
goods/services, issued goods/services as shown in following diagram: -
Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order
Goods Received Goods Received Goods Received
Tax Invoices Tax Invoices Tax Invoices
Payment Payment Payment
However there are also cases that one business place has to make or operate something in the name of the
other place. In this case the place with the name on the tax invoice has to submit tax to the Tax Authority.
That means the VAT posting and reporting should be done according to the business place specified on tax
For example: Company A at Sathorn road operation orders goods/services from a vendor for the New road
operation. If tax invoice is issued by the vendor with the name of Company A at Sathorn road, the Sathorn
road operation has to submit tax to the tax authority. However if the tax invoice is issued with the name of
Company at A-New road, then the New road operation has to submit this tax.
Customizing Tables
1. Define Business Place
To define business places and the business places addresses for each company code.
Menu Path
IMG Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application
Document Numbering Thailand Define business place
To maintain the address of business place, please click on the address icon.
2. Assign business place to plant
You can define the plant that belongs to business place in Customizing. From this assignment the
system will automatically insert the business place as a default during the billing entry.
Plant Name Country Company Code Business Place
B0P1 SAP Thailand TH TH01 0001
Menu Path
September 2000
Company A
Sathorn Road
Head Office
Silom Road
New Road
Branch -2
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
IMG Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application
Document Numbering Thailand Assign business place to plant
3. Set User Parameter
To activate the country-specific field, such as branch no field, on the data entry screen, you
should set parameter CSF with value AR in the user parameter setting.
Menu Path
From the SAP Easy Access Screen, choose System User Profile Own Data
Field name in FI and Logistics
To enter business place in FI and Logistics, you need to fill different fields on the screen as following:
In MM and SD, business place needs to be filled in the "business place" field.
In FI, business place needs to be filled in the "branch" field.
Branch/Business Place FI Posting
In FI-AP, FI-AR, FI-G/L business place/branch information can be entered during the posting of
invoice, credit memo, incoming/outgoing payment, down payment, reversing and G/L document by the
following steps:
Enter business place at the branch field of document header
After entering the branch field in the document header, the system automatically copies this
value to all line items.
The business place/branch value is stored in FI document in the following fields: BKPF-
Please note that the system does not allow you to post one invoice with different
business places/branches in different line items
Branch/Business Place Payment Transactions
Same as other FI posting, the payment transactions need to be specified for the business place for
that payment transaction.
For online-payment (outgoing/incoming payment)
In this release you can enter business place directly at "branch no" field of the document header.
This is place of business for this transaction.
For automatic payment (batch processing)
To run the automatic payment program with the ability to assign business place to the payment
transactions, the following Customizing settings need to be done:
1. Define the assignment keys for branches via IMG Accounts receivable and
Accounts payable Business transactions Outgoing payments Automatic outgoing
payments Automatic posting Branch assignment for automatic postings define
assignment keys
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
2. Specify which branch should be used for each assignment key when running the
automatic posting via IMG Accounts receivable and Accounts payable Business
transactions Outgoing payments Automatic outgoing payments Automatic posting
Branch assignment for automatic postings define branch assignment for automatic
3. The paying company must have country 'TH' Thailand. The payment document from
automatic payment should have branch field in document header, same as in the branch
allocation definition.
Branch/Business Place FI Cash Journal Posting
If you are using cash journal to handle cash transactions, the following Customizing needs to be done
in order to support the automatic posting of the VAT and withholding tax to different business places.
When setting up the cash journal in the Customizing, you need to put the business place at the
additional text field (TCJ_C_JOURNALS-TEXT). Please note that there is no validation check for
business place in this field. To set up cash journal go to IMG Financial Accounting Bank
Accounting Business Transactions Cash Journal Set Up Cash Journal. As a result from the
Customizing, when posting cash transactions in this particular cash journal (Transaction-FBCJ), the
system automatically assigns the branch from the setting in the additional text field. This implies as
well that one cash journal can only be used for cash transactions of one business place.
See details information of Cash Journal in the standard documentation.
Branch/Business Place MM
In MM you can post your invoice or credit memo from LIV (Logistic Invoice Verification) with business
place by assigning business place to the plant.
The limitation of LIV (Logistic Invoice Verification)
You have to enter business place manually in the document header.
There is no default value displaying.
Business place is a required field. Therefore if you leave it blank, you will get an error message to
enter business place manually.
Branch/Business Place SD
For the billing processing, you can enter business place in the document before releasing to FI. This
also applies for the credit/debit memo processing and the cancellation of billing.
In SD, when you process a billing, the system will automatically insert the business
place as a default from the assignment of business place to plant in IMG. However it is
possible to overwrite this value at the billing header if it is required.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
To separate business place and tax code in SD-Billing document, you must assign routine no. 360 to
your billing type. You are also required to assign the business place to plant, the same way as in MM.
Assign routine no. 360 in the field data VBRK/VBRP to your billing type via copying control from
delivery note to billing or sales order to billing in SD Customizing.
In summary, the business place (branch) code can be input during the transaction entry in two
In Logistic (MM & SD), you need to use field business place (BUPLA) in the header
In Financial (FI-GL, AP & AR), you need to enter business place in the branch
(BRNCH) field at the document header. The system will then automatically updates into the
BUPLA line item.
As it is required by law that the VAT reports have to be submitted at the registered business place
level, therefore the branch codes needs to be set up accordingly to the companys business
Business place set up is required no matter if your company have only one business place or
more than one business place. It is mainly used to support the report requirement for the Thailand
Tax Authority
The system is using the BUPLA field to report VAT transactions separately by business place.
2.3 Customer/Vendor Master Data
In the customer and vendor master data, the following fields need to be set up during maintaining the
master data.
Tax code 1
In the Country Version Thailand if the customer/vendor is considered by law as a natural personal
or an individual business, the personal ID of that vendor/customer should be maintained in the
Tax code 1 field. The personal ID is 13 digits long and is presented on the tax form no. 03
(Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 03)
Tax code 2
The Tax ID of customer/vendor should be maintained in the Tax code 2 field. The tax ID in
Thailand is 10 digits long. The first digit of TAX ID shall be set with the following meaning:
1 and 2 as a natural person or individual business
Others as a corporate company
The withholding tax reporting tools is using the first digit of the TAX ID to identify the form number
to be used during the withholding tax certificate printing.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
3.1 Tax Identification
Each individual person or company operating business in Thailand is required to register themselves
at the Revenue Department (Thai Tax Authority). Each will be assigned a Tax Identification number,
which is always used when contacting or reporting to the Revenue Department.
In the Country Version Thailand, you can maintain your company codes tax ID at the VAT register field
in IMG Financial accounting, under Financial Accounting Global Settings Company Code Enter
Global parameters
For the business partners, you can maintain your customers or vendors tax ID at the tax code 2 field
of the master record. If your customer or vendor is an individual person, the personal ID of that person
shall be additionally maintained in the tax code 1 field. See more details in the customer/vendor
master data.
3.2 Tax on Sales and Purchases (Value Added Tax)
In Thailand the value added tax (VAT) is levied generally at a flat rate of 7% and is collected on most
goods and services. When selling the products/services, the vendor is supposed to issue an official
VAT document called tax invoice to the customer. As tax invoice is considered an important tax
reference document, therefore the company needs to maintain and manage these documents
properly. Every month-end the company is required to file several VAT reports for each business place
to the local Revenue Department where their business places have been registered. Additionally some
reports, such as the Raw Material and Inventory report, are required to be submitted annually.
3.2.1 Customizing Value Added Tax
Tax Procedure
To activate the value added tax functionality for the Country Version Thailand, you need to make sure
that your company code is defined in the country definition with the vehicle country key field set as
TH and the tax procedure field set as TAXTH. To maintain country definition choose IMG
General Settings Set countries Define countries.
Calculation Procedure
In Country Version Thailand the tax calculation procedure TAXTH has already been created as part
of the standard delivery. This calculation procedure contains the necessary specifications for
calculating and posting taxes on sales/purchases. The calculation of the tax procedure is based on the
tax rate defined in the tax code. You are required to run RFTAXIMP to activate pre-customized tax
rate. See detail how to run this program in the standard documentation.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The following tax codes are delivered in the system.
O7 7%
MWS Output O1 10%
O0 0%
VAT V7 7%
VST Input V1 10%
V0 0%
average 60:40
NV 7%
MWS Output DT 10%
VST Input D1 10%
D7 7%
VST Input VX 0%
NAV Input U0 7%
However if it is required, you can as well define a new tax code with the additional tax details for each
tax procedure in FI configuration. The system will automatically calculate each tax amount and post it
into the pre-defined G/L accounts. To maintain the tax code, choose IMG Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global Settings Tax on Sales/Purchases Calculation Define Tax
Codes for Sales and Purchases.
The posting rule should be customized by tax codes. This will allow you to define different tax
account for different tax code.
To change the tax rate, you must define a new tax code.
See standard SAP R/3 documentation for more details on Tax on Sales/Purchases.
Additional Procedure
For the Country Version Thailand the function module J_1H_TH_PROCESS_00001130 is assigned
in Open-FI process 00001130 for the country TH. This function module is using FI substitution
features to store the tax invoice number and the running number in field document header text
(BKPF-BKTXT). During the transaction processing, this function module will call the function
J_1H_OFF_NUMBERING that contains official numbering routine (tax invoice number and running
number) for Thailand, and also call the function TURKEY_BOE_BORDRO_00001130 to update the
number range for the bill of exchange (or PDC) transaction.
Menu Path
Transaction FIBF Settings Process Function Modules of an SAP appl.
The following Customizing settings are required additionally depending on the
company specific requirement.
Define Numbering groups
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
To control the Tax Invoice numbering at the level of business place, you need to define number
groups in the table J_1HVAT_OFF_NUMA and J_1HVAT_OFF_NUMV. This could be done in
IMG Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application
Document Numbering Maintain numbering groups
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Define Number ranges
You need to define number ranges for each number group for each month. Number ranges can be
maintained in IMG Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Maintain number ranges
Assign numbering group for tax invoice received running number
You need to assign numbering group to the combination of company code, business place, tax
year and tax code for the numbering control of tax invoices received from vendor. Go to IMG
Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document
Numbering Thailand Assign numbering group for tax invoice received running no.
Assign numbering group for tax invoice number issue
You need to assign numbering group to the combination of company code, business place, tax
and document type to control the numbering of the tax invoice issued to customer. Go to IMG
Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document
Numbering Thailand Assign numbering group for tax invoice number issue.
Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type
You need to make sure that you mark on the official numbering field for all document types
required automatically numbering assignment. To maintain this go to IMGFinancial Accounting
Global Setting Document Document Header Check Assignment of Document Class to
Document Type
Type Description Off.Num. Self-iss. Check date Doc.class
KA Vendor Document E E E
For the Country Version Thailand, you need to select only field Off.Num field.
Customizing in Sales and Distribution (SD)
Define tax classification in SD
Define the document flow in SD
Assign data transport routine 360 for Delivery to Billing and Order to Billing
Assign FI document type into Billing Type
Setting the reason code or valuation type and its corresponding G/L account for handling
tax differences
Define reason code for handling tax differences
To define reason code for handling tax differences, you need to define via IMG Financial
Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Outgoing Payments Manual Outgoing Payments Overpayment/Underpayment
Define Reason Codes (Manual Outgoing Payments)
Classification of Payment Differences
Rcd Short Text Long Text Corr.Type C D
J1H (TAX) VAT difference (TH) VAT difference amount posting (TH) -
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Define Accounts for tax differences
After defining the reason code for tax differences, you need to set the account determination
for that reason codes via Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Manual Outgoing Payments
Overpayment/Underpayment Define Accounts for Payment Differences (Manual
Outgoing Payment)
Account Assignment Account Assignment
Reason Code Account
J1H (TAX) xxxxxx
3.2.1 VAT on Goods
According to the Thai law, the liability to value added tax on sale of goods shall be governed by the
following rules: in all cases of sale of goods. The full liability shall arise upon the delivery of the goods,
except where any of the following acts occurs before such delivery, the liability shall be deemed to
arise upon the occurrence of such act:
(a) Transfer of the ownership in the goods
(b) Receiving payment of the price of the goods
(c) Issuance of a tax invoice VAT on Purchased Goods
The VAT on purchased goods (input tax) can be posted in:
1. FI-AP
2. FI-GL
3. Cash Journal
5. Down Payment
Detailed tax information has to be entered with the following procedure: -
The number of tax Invoice received from the vendor shall be entered into the reference
document field. In this field the system is also checking if the tax invoice number has been
entered before.
The tax date should be entered into the document date field.
Branch / Business place
When posting down payments in FI-AP and FI-GL, the business place can be entered
at the branch no field in the document header. The system will then automatically update the
business place into each line item (BSEG-BUPLA).
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
To post cash transactions in the cash journal, you need to pre-configure the business
place in the additional text field (TCJ_C_JOURNALS-TEXT) of your cash journal definition.
When entering the cash transactions (with transaction FBCJ), the system will automatically
insert the pre-configured business place into each line item (BSEG-BUPLA).
In the MM-LIV, even though you have already assigned plant to branch in the
Customizing, the system will not automatically insert the business place into the invoice
header. You have to manually enter the business place at the document header. However, the
system will automatically update the business place into each line item (BSEG-BUPLA).
To post tax transaction in FI-GL, you can enter the vendors name at long text field of the tax line
For the expense transactions entered via the Cash Journal, you can enter your vendors name at
text line item. (See details in cash journal).
For the Country Version Thailand in the add-on version, you need to
customize the extra text for entering vendors name in FI-GL. However in the release
4.6C, you can enter your vendors name in the long text field of the tax line item, so
there is no Customizing for extra text required. VAT on sold goods
The VAT on sold goods (output tax) can posted in:
1. FI-AR
2. FI-GL
3. Cash Journal
4. SD
5. Down payment
Detailed tax information has to be entered with the following procedure: -
Tax invoice information
1. In FI, the system will automatically generate the tax invoice number and store at the
reference document field (BKPF-XBLNR). If the company is issuing tax invoices manually or
from the external system, you should enter the tax invoices in a separated document type,
which is not defined automatically numbering assignment. In this case, you should enter the
tax invoice number in the same field.
2. In the SD, the tax invoice number is stored in the VBRK-XBLNR field (Billing-
>Header->Reference) of the billing document. When releasing this billing document to FI, the
system will automatically update the tax invoice number into the BKPF-XBLNR field and the
billing document number into the document header text (BKPF-BKTXT) field.
The tax date should be entered in the document date field.
Branch / Business place, there are the following cases
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
When posting down payments in FI-AP and FI-GL, the business place can be entered
at the branch no field in the document header. The system will then automatically update the
business place into each line item (BSEG-BUPLA).
To post cash transactions in the cash journal, you need to pre-configure the business
place in the additional text field (TCJ_C_JOURNALS-TEXT) of your cash journal definition.
When entering the cash transactions (with transaction FBCJ), the system will automatically
insert the pre-configured business place into each line item (BSEG-BUPLA).
In contrast to the invoice entered via the MM-LIV, the system will automatically insert
the business place at the document header from the assignment of plant to branch in the IMG.
The branch field can be overwritten if necessary. After posting this invoice, the system will
then automatically update the business place into each line item (BSEG-BUPLA).
For the Country Version Thailand in the add-on version, you need to customize the
extra text for entering vendors name in FI-GL. However in the release 4.6C, you can
enter your vendors name in the long text field of the tax line item, so there is no
customizing for extra text required.
3.2.2 VAT on Services (Deferred VAT)
In Thailand, the VAT on goods and services are treated in different ways. When selling goods, the
company needs to issue the tax invoice when the goods are delivered. For this case the company can
post the VAT transaction directly to the tax account. However when selling services, the company only
issues the tax invoice when the invoice is paid. Upon the invoice posting, the company needs to post
the VAT transaction to the Deferred VAT account. As soon as the invoice is paid, the company then
transfers the Deferred VAT to the VAT account.
The characteristic of the deferred VAT code and account
Deferred VAT code must be specified a target tax code to be transferred to.
Deferred VAT account should have the following specification:
Select open item management and
Select line item display.
See SAP R/3 Documentation Tax Code
To transfer the deferred VAT to the VAT account, you need to run the "J_1HDTAX" program. This
program is creating a list of the customer or vendor invoices that have been posted with the deferred
VAT account. Then you select the invoices that you want to transfer. At this point you can as well enter
the additional required information such as the tax invoice number and the tax invoice date. In case of
the tax amount shown on the tax invoice is different from the posted invoice, the difference amount is
posted automatically to the pre-defined suspense account in the Customizing.
To transfer the deferred VAT for the partial payments, the program creates a corresponding clearing
item with the open item status. When the final payment posted, it will then be cleared out
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
In release 4.6C, it is possible to transfer deferred VAT to VAT when invoice is not yet paid (transfer deferred
VAT in full amount), or only partially paid.
This "J_1HDTAX" program processes as follows: -
Select transactions from the selected Customer or Vendor to be transferred
Transfer deferred VAT from one invoice to one tax invoice (1:1) or
Transfer deferred VAT by grouping many invoices to one tax invoice (M:1)
Transfer "Tax Invoice Number" into field reference (BKPF-XBLNR) for input tax
Transfer Tax Invoice date into field document date (BKPF-BLDAT)
Generate new running number in the following fields: -
Document header text (BKPF-BKTXT) for Input tax
Reference document (BKPF-XBLNR) for Output Tax
Recognize the Tax Amount and Tax Base Amount
Post the different amount into suspense account. In case of change in the VAT amount, the
program will automatically post the difference into the suspense accounts as specified in the
payment differences by reason (transaction process ZDI).
Can transfer to VAT before payment posting in case of full payment
Partial payment is required before partial transfer of Deferred VAT
It is required to post the partial payment before you can transfer that partial deferred VAT. For
example service invoice has the amount of 1,100 Baht, which is including 100 Baht VAT. If you
want to transfer deferred VAT to VAT account with the amount of only 35 Baht, you must make
partial payment of 535 Baht, which is including the base amount of 500 Baht and the VAT of 35
Baht before you can execute the program J_1HDTAX. After executing the program
J_1HDTAX, the first screen displays invoice line item with full amount and payment line item with
partially amount. When you select the invoice to be transferred, the second screen displays
default tax base and tax amount from partial payment. You can change this amount according to
tax invoice received. The system is then automatically post the difference amount to the
suspense account that has been pre-defined in the Customizing.
Do not forget to transfer deferred VAT for each partial payment. Because the system does not allow
you to transfer the next payment until the former partial payment has been transferred.
Only Accounts Receivable
In case of several invoices paid by one payment, it is not possible to transfer deferred VAT of some
invoices before others. If you try to do so, you will get an error message from the system.
Transfer deferred VAT from Holdback/Retainage (Installment) Term of Payment
In this release you can transfer deferred VAT from invoice that has many vendor line items. This
case occurs from holdback/retainage (installment) term of payment or deferred VAT from leased
asset. If the payment is paid for only one particular vendor line item, you are then allowed to
transfer the deferred VAT for that item without waiting for the whole invoice to be paid. The system
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
transfers the right deferred amount by calculating from the liability amount. See the example case
below: -
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 40 400000 Raw materials consume 0000001000 D1 40,000.00
2 31 TH-V01 Dusit Limited testing 19000001802000 D1 13,200.00-
3 31 TH-V01 Dusit Limited testing 19000001802000 D1 17,600.00-
4 31 TH-V01 Dusit Limited testing 19000001802000 D1 13,200.00-
5 40 154009 Input tax 1 D1 4,000.00
If you pay for the amount 13,200 Baht for the vendor line item 2, you can transfer the deferred of
this liability (13,200*10/110).
The whole amount of the tax is transferred, if you transfer by J_1HDTAX program before any
line item of this invoice is paid.
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Reporting Tax Reports Thailand
Transfer deferred tax for Thailand
Customizing Tables
Define Reason Codes (Manual Outgoing Payments)
Define Accounts for Payment Differences (Manual Outgoing Payment)
See detail in the section of Customizing VAT.
Selection Screen
Company Code to
Document Number to
Fiscal Year to
General Selections General Selections Technical Settings Technical Settings
Posting date to
Reference number to
E Read items sequentially
Vendor/Customer selection
O Tax Invoice Receive from
Vendor to
O Tax Invoice Issued to
Customer to
Further selection Posting Parameters
Business place to ECarry out Batch Input
Deferred tax G/L account to EDisplay batch input session
Deferred tax code to Document Type SA SA
Special G/L indicator to Text Transfer Postings for Deferred Taxes Transfer Postings for Deferred Taxes
Valuation grpg. code
FI Document posting by FB01 or FB05.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
3.2.3 Value Added Tax Reporting
The following VAT reports should be run monthly or yearly and submitted to the Thai revenue
Input Tax Report
Output Tax Report
These 2 reports can be run by the Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases - RFUMSV00
Menu Path:
To run the VAT report, from the SAP Easy Access Screen choose: Accounting Financial Accounting
General Ledger Reporting Tax Reports Thailand Advance Return for Tax on
Sales/Purchases Value Added TaxInput Tax Report (RFUMSV00)
In Thailand, on every 15th of the next month, the company has to submit the VAT report of the current
calendar month to the revenue department. The input tax report shows the VAT transactions from
purchasing goods or services. The following information is required on the Input Tax Report:
Tax date (Date on Tax Invoice received from Vendor)
Number of tax invoice received from vendor
Vendor name
Tax base amount (value of goods and/or services)
Tax amount
The Input Tax Reports are required to be submitted to each local revenue department where the
business locations have been registered.
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Reporting Tax report Thailand Advance
Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
Selection Screen
set Parameter as the follows: -
Company Code to
Document Number to
Fiscal Year to
General Selections General Selections
Posting date 01.01.2000 to
Reference number to
31.01.2000 (select tax data in each tax month)
Further selections
Tax on sales/purchases code VX
(*must Exclude non-taxable tax code)
Business place xxxx
E Select Input Tax
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Output Control
E Read address data
Output List
Output lists Display Variant
E Input tax: Line items xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
E Input tax: Total xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
Posting Parameters
Do not update documents
Configure variant as the same of legal input tax report by
Assign field: Document date, Document header text, Vendor name 1-4, Tax percentage, Tax base
amount, user defined field 2 (Claimed tax amount), tax amount, etc.
Define sorting, grouping and filter as needed. For example, ascending sorting for document header text,
grouping for tax percentage or tax codes and filters for deductible input tax only.

This program prints all tax codes in the BSET table. You need to exclude the non-
taxable code by yourself.
For SAP document, each invoice should contain only 1 vendor because the VAT in
report displays 1 transaction for in 1 invoice.
If tax invoice date over 6 months, report will be generated separately by tax month of
document date in order to be submitted additionally. If under or within 6 month, the report
will be generated transactions include in that tax month accordingly tax law. In this
release, the VAT report displays all VAT transactions including manual entry transaction
from G/L account.
When you post the Tax transaction from General Ledger Accounting Posting, there is
no vendors information available. Therefore, you are required to enter vendor's name at
long text of tax line items (G/L only)
The VAT report shows transactions for invoice and the down payment clearing of that
invoice in two lines. It does not combine into one line as one tax invoice.
Vat in report can not total the column tax claim in case of having tax average of tax
claim and unclaimed because the attribute of field user defined field x is defined as
You can run the VAT report only one business place/branch at a time. Value Added TaxOutput Tax Report (RFUMSV00)
Output tax report will display the VAT transactions that company issue the tax invoices to the VAT
registered customers when selling goods or services. Output tax will occur at the time the goods is
sold or services is paid. In Thailand, every 15th of next month, the company has to submit the VAT report for
the current calendar month.
Output tax will be reported at the branch level for each month according to Thai legal requirement.
Menu Path
From the SAP Easy Access Screen choose: Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger
Reporting Tax report Thailand Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
Selection Screen
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
set Parameter as the follows: -
Company Code to
Document Number to
Fiscal Year to
General Selections General Selections
Posting date 01.01.2000 to
Reference number to
31.01.2000 (select tax data in each tax month)
Further selections
Tax on sales/purchases code OX
(*must Exclude non-taxable tax code)
Business place xxxx
E Select output tax
Output Control
E Read address data
Output List
Output lists Display Variant
E Output tax: Line items xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
E Output tax: Total xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
Posting Parameters
Do not update documents
Configure variant as the same of legal output tax report by
Assign field: Document date, Reference, Customers name 1-4,Tax base amount, Tax amount, etc.
Define sorting, grouping and filter as needed. For example, ascending sorting for document date and
reference, grouping for document type.

This program will print all tax code that generated into BSET. Users have to set non-
taxable code exclude in parameter by own self.
For SAP document, each invoice should contain only 1 customer because the report
will display 1 transaction in 1 invoice.
The VAT report is also presenting the VAT transaction from the G/L posting.
To post the VAT transaction via the G/L, you need to use the long text field of the
customer line item to store your customers name.
The VAT report displays the transaction of invoice and down payment clearing in two
separated line items. It does not combine into one line tax invoice.
You can run VAT report only one business place/branch at a time. Value Added TaxPost to Tax Payable account (RFUMSV00)
You can post tax transactions to a taxable account by generating the batch input session. See SAP
R/3 implementation document. After that you need to post this taxable account to the Revenue
Department vendor to process a payment.
Menu Path
From the SAP Easy Access Screen choose: Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger
Reporting Tax report Thailand Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
Selection Screen
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Set Parameter as the follows: -
Company Code to
Document Number to
Fiscal Year to
General Selections General Selections
Posting date 01.01.2000 to
Reference number to
31.01.2000 (select tax data in each tax month)
Further selections
Tax on sales/purchases code OX
(*must Exclude non-taxable tax code)
Business place xxxx
E Select output tax
E Select input tax
Tax Payable Posting
E Batch input session required
Posting document Type
Posting date
Posting period
Alternative tax payable acct
Due date of the tax payable
Session name RFUMSV00
E Process session immediately
Run deadline
Time for processing 00:00:00
Output Control
E Read address data
Output List
Output lists Display Variant
E Output tax: Line items xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
E Output tax: Total xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
E Input tax: Line items xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
E Input tax: Total xxxxxxxx Configure Configure
Posting Parameters
Update documents: Update run
The output lists can be suppressed if you do not intend to re-print the detail tax report.
This program can be run for only one business place/branch at a time.
You should select update document if you want to post to the tax payable account.
3.3 Withholding Tax
3.3.1 General Information
The handling of tax deduction is applied to all registered companies in Thailand including the foreign
person or company who generate the assessable income in Thailand. The payer shall deduct tax from
the assessable income according to the Thai revenue code and issue a certification of tax deduction.
At the end of month or within 7 days of the following month, the company is required to submit
withholding tax reports to the revenue department.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The SAP R/3 System provides two procedures for processing withholding tax: Withholding tax and
extended withholding tax. However the Country Version Thailand in release 4.6C is using only the
Extended withholding tax to handle the Thai withholding tax requirements.
3.3.2 Customizing Withholding Tax
The following Customizing settings are required to handle the Thai withholding tax requirements.
Please, as well, refer to the standard documentation on the Extended Withholding functionality.
Customizing Tables
1. Activate Extended Withholding Tax
The Country Version Thailand is using the Extended Withholding tax procedure to handle both
withholding in Account Receivable and Accounts Payable. Therefore you need to activate the
extended withholding tax of your company code.
Screen to activate extended withholding tax
Company Code Company Name Extended W/Tax
TH01 Country Template Thailand E
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Company Code Activate Extended withholding
2. Check Recipient Types
The Country Version Thailand uses the recipient type to identify which withholding tax form
number the system should use to print a certificate. Therefore in the Customizing SAP has
predefined the recipient type according to the Thai withholding tax form number and assigned it to
the predefined withholding tax type as following.
Screen to maintain recipient types
Vendor types of recipient for withholding tax types
WTX Type Recipient Type Text
01 02 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 02
01 03 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 03
01 53 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 53
01 54 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 54
11 02 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 02
11 03 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 03
11 53 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 53
11 54 Phaw.Ngaw.Daw. 54
These recipient types also should be filled when you maintain the vendor withholding tax master
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding TaxExtended withholding Tax
Basic Settings Check Recipient Types
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
3. Define income types
The following income types have been predefined in the system according to the income type on
the tax certificate.
Income Types Text
1000 Others
1100 40(1) Salary, Wage, Per diem, Bonus
1200 40(2) Fee, Brokerage, Discount
1300 40(3) Goodwill, Copyright
14A 40(4)(A) Interest on bonds, Deposits
14B 40(4)(B) Dividend
14B1 40(4)(B)(a) tax 30%
14B2 40(4)(B)(b)
14B3 40(4)(B)(c) tax 10%
14B4 40(4)(B)(d) Icom.except (a)(b) or (c)
1500 40(5) Property on Hire, Hire-purchase
1600 40(6) Liberal Professions:Laws,Arts,etc
1700 40(7) Contract of work
1800 40(8) Business Commer.Agri.,Indus,Trans
3000 Others - 3Tre
3500 40(5) Property on Hire, Hire-pur - 3Tre
3600 40(6) Liberal Professions:Laws,Art - 3Tre
3700 40(7) Contract of work - 3Tre
3800 40(8) Business Commer.Agri.,Indus- 3Tre
5402 According to section 70 bis.
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax Basic
Settings Check Income Types
4. Withholding Tax Types
The withholding tax type is used to control the essential calculation procedure for the extended
withholding tax. It as well controls when the withholding tax amount should be posted: at the
invoice posting or at the payment posting.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Define Withholding Tax Type for Invoice Posting
Base amount Rounding Rule
Net amount W/tax comm. Round
E Base amount reduction
E Post W/tax amount
Accumulation Type Control data
No accumulation E W/tax base manual
E Manual w/tax amount
E Acc. w/tax to max. E No cert. Numbering
Informatn.for regional wth. Define minimum/maximum amounts
Region Base amount Withholding Tax amount
O W/tax code level O W/tax code level
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Calculation Wtihholding tax type Define withholding tax type for invoice posting
Define Withholding Tax Type for Payment Posting
Calculation Calculation
Base amount Base amount Rounding rules Rounding rules Cash Discount Cash Discount
Net amount W/tax comm. Round C/disc per W/tx
E Post w/tax amount Control Data
Accumulation Type Accumulation Type E W/tax base manual E W/tax for payments
No accumulation E Manual w/tax amount E No cert.numbering
E Combine accum. E Self-w/holding E W/tax alrdy w/hd
E Acc. w/tax to max. Information for regional withholding tax
Define minimum/maximum amounts Define minimum/maximum amounts
Base amount Base amount Withholding tax amount Withholding tax amount
W/tax code level W/tax code level
Central invoice Central invoice Withholding tax amount Withholding tax amount
No centr. invoice Min. base amnt check at doc. invoice level
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Calculation Wtihholding tax type Define withholding tax type for payment posting
Assign Condition Type to Withholding Tax Type
This step is to set the withholding tax type for the account receivable with the condition type
set from the SD. It is only for the withholding tax at the payment posting.
The transaction posted from the SD is using the condition technique to get the withholding tax
information. Please refer to the standard documentation about pricing in the SD.
Withholding tax type Description Condition
R1 A/R-No centr.inv.& Chck min.base amt XXXX
Menu Path
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Calculation Withholding tax type Assign Condition Type to Withholding Tax Type
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
5. Withholding Tax Codes
The withholding tax code determines the withholding tax percentage and income type. To maintain
withholding tax code, you need to maintain the following information:
Tax codes
Income types
Tax percentage
Posting indicator
Setting- Deduct At payment
General Data General Data
Withholding Tax Type 11 W/tax code xx 10% Deduct at pay Off. w/tax key
Base Amount Base Amount Posting Posting
Percentage subject to tax 100% Post. Indic. 1
Calculation Calculation Reporting Information Reporting Information
With/tax rate 10% Income type xxxx
Setting- Gross up
General Data General Data
Withholding Tax Type 11 W/tax code xx 10% Gross-up Off. w/tax key
Base Amount Base Amount Posting Posting
Percentage subject to tax 100% Post. Indic. 2
Calculation Calculation Reporting Information Reporting Information
With/tax rate 10% Income type xxxx
Setting- One Cycle Gross up-- must define 2 withholding tax types
General Data General Data
Withholding Tax Type 11 W/tax code xx 10% OneGross-up Off. w/tax key
Base Amount Base Amount Posting Posting
Percentage subject to tax 100% Post. Indic. 3
Calculation Calculation Reporting Information Reporting Information
With/tax rate 10% Income type xxxx
General Data General Data
Withholding Tax Type 12 W/tax code xx 10% OneGross-up Off. w/tax key
Base Amount Base Amount Posting Posting
Percentage subject to tax 10% Post. Indic. 1
Calculation Calculation Reporting Information Reporting Information
With/tax rate 10% Income type xxxx
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Calculation Withholding tax Codes Define withholding tax code
6. Maintain minimum and maximum amount
In this transaction, you need to maintain the minimum base amounts for the withholding tax code
e.g. 500 Bath per contract.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Minimum/maximum amount per withholding tax code
W/tax type W/tax Code Valid from Currency
01 01 THB
Country TH W/tax type 01 W/tax Code 01 Currency THB Valid from
Minimum w/tax amount Minimum base amount 500.00
Maximum w/tax amount W/tax base exem. amount
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Calculation Minimum and Maximum Amount Maintain min/max amounts for withholding
tax codes
7. Assign withholding tax type to company code
To assign the withholding tax type to the company code
Company Code Withholding tax type Recipient type
Vendor data Validity Period
E Withholding tax agent W/tax obligated from w/tax until
W/tax number
Customer data Validity Period
E Subject to w/tx W/tax obligated from w/tax until
E Self-withhldg
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding
TaxCompany Code Assign withholding tax type to company code
8. Define Accounts for withholding tax
To define account code used for the automatic withholding tax posting.
Define Accounts for Withholding Tax to be Paid Over (transaction: WIT)
Define Accts for W/hold. Tax for "Gross.Up" Offsetting Entry (transaction: GRU)
Define Accounts for Self-Withholding Tax (transaction: OPO)
Define Accounts for Withholding Tax Offsetting Entry (transaction: OFF)
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Posting Accounts for Withholding Tax
9. Sequential Numbering for Withholding tax
To set withholding tax sequential numbering used on the withholding tax form.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Posting Certificate Numbering for Withholding Tax
Define Numbering Groups
Number Group Texts
TH0102 Withholding Tax Form No. 2
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
TH0103 Withholding Tax Form No. 3
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding
Tax Posting Certificate Numbering for Withholding Tax Define Numbering Groups
Define Number Ranges
This number range applies for month
Numbering Group TH0102
No From number To number Current number Ext
01 0100000001 0199999999
02 0200000001 0299999999
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Posting Certificate Numbering for Withholding Tax Define Number Ranges
Assign Numbering Concept to Company Code Country.
Note: For the Country Version Thailand, the system uses only numbering concept option 4:
Country Name Concept
TH Thailand K004
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Posting Certificate Numbering for Withholding Tax Assign Numbering Concept to
Company Code Country
Numbering Concept Option 4: Assign Numbering Group
To set number group for each business place and each recipient type. You have to set the
numbering according to your company code, branch, recipient type and number group.
Company Code Business Place Recipient Type Number Group
TH01 0001 02 TH0102
TH01 0001 03 TH0103
TH01 0001 53 TH0153
TH01 0001 54 TH0154
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global SettingsWithholding TaxExtended withholding Tax
PostingCertificate Numbering for Withholding TaxNumbering Concept Option 4: Assign
Numbering Group
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
3.3.3 Withholding Tax Calculation and Posting Discount Amount in Partial Payment
According to the Thai law withholding tax should be calculated from base amount after the deduction
of VAT and trader discount. In case of the partial payment with DISCOUNT, the withholding tax must
be proportional deducted for discount before calculating for the withholding tax.
With the standard outgoing payment function, the system does not recognize the partial discount from
the partial payment. Therefore in the Country Version Thailand, you need to use the function of
Payment request (transaction: F-59) to have a partial discount calculated and posted by the system.
Then you can make a normal payment for that payment request.
The standard payment program generates a discount items only at the clearing procedure.
Transaction Entry
1. Create Payment request (F-59) for each partial payment.
2. Make a payment (outgoing/automatic) for the payment request.
Menu Path
From the Easy Access Screen Choose: AccountingFinancial AccountingAccounts
PayableDocument EntryPayment Request
Customizing Tables
Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendors
Standard R/3 provides special G/L indicator P for payment request
Menu Path
IMGFinancial AccountingAccounts Receivable and Accounts PayableBusiness
TransactionsPostings with Alternative Reconciliation Account Define Alternative Reconciliation
Account for Vendors
Transaction: OBXT
The payment request is only used when there is a cash discount for the partial payment Post Withholding Tax Amount with Exchange Rate of Bank of Thailand
According to the Departmental Instruction no. 71/254 that prescribed about exchange rate for business
must use the rate of previous day that prescribe by Bank of Thailand for withholding tax.
Example: Bank and Withholding Tax Accounts
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
For the payment transactions, the system recognizes 2 exchange rates: one rate for bank accounts
and the other rate for withholding tax account
For example:
Vendor-A 1,000 USD, exchange rate = 30 Pay at fixed rate 35.00/usd withholding tax 10%
Vendor-B 2,000 USD, exchange rate = 30 Pay at fixed rate 38.00/usd withholding tax 10%
At payment exchange rate at previous day = 40.00/usd
Foreign Curr. Local Curr.
Debit Accounts Payable-A 1,000.00$usd 30,000.00 Baht (1,000 x 30.00)
Debit Gain/Loss on Exchange rate 5,500.00 Baht
Credit Bank Account 900.00$usd 31,500.00 Baht (1,000 (1,000x10%)) x 35
Credit Withholding Tax 100.00$usd 4,000.00 Baht (1,000 x 40 x10%)
Foreign Curr. Local Curr.
Debit Accounts Payable-B 2,000.00$usd 60,000.00 Baht (2,000 x 30)
Debit Gain/Loss on Exchange rate 16,400.00 Baht
Credit Bank Account 1,800.00$usd 68,400.00 Baht (2,000 (2,000 x 10%)) x 38
Credit Withholding Tax 200.00$usd 8,000.00 Baht (2,000 x 40 x 10%)
This release 4.6C the system allows you to define a new exchange rate type for each withholding tax
type. You should maintain the rates of this exchange rate type everyday. If you do not define a new
exchange rate type, the system will automatically picks up the rate from the standard exchange rate.
Customizing Tables
Check exchange rate types
To create a new exchange rate type for withholding tax calculation.
ExRt Usage Ref.crcy Inv EMU Fixed
xxxx Bank of Thailand Rate E E E
Menu Path
IMG General Settings Currencies Check exchange rate types
Define translation ratios for currency translation
To maintain ratio in each currency of new exchange rate type that you created.
ExRt From To Valid From Ratio (from) Ratio (to) Alt.ERT
xxxx USD THB 01.01.2000 1 1
Menu Path
IMG General Settings Currencies Define translation ratios for currency translation
Enter exchange rates (OB08)
To maintain the exchange rate of new exchange rate type that you created in each day.
ExRt Valid From Indir.Quot Ratio(from) From Dir. Quot. Ration (to) To
Xxxx 04.01.2000 X 1 USD = 46.55559 X 1 THB
Xxxx 03.01.2000 X 1 USD = 46.89999 X 1 THB
Xxxx 02.01.2000 X 1 USD = 47.45678 X 1 THB
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Xxxx 01.01.2000 X 1 USD = 47.56789 X 1 THB
Menu Path
IMG General Settings Currencies Enter exchange rates
Please maintain the date of the exchange rate by using the Announcement Date of the Bank of
Thailand. Do not use the date of the Reference Exchange Rate.
For example, if you want to post the transaction on January 15, 2000, you should enter the
exchange rate date with January 15, 2000 and the rate that the Bank of Thailand announces on
January 15, 2000, even though this rate is the average rate from January 14, 2000.
Assign withhold tax exchange rate for each withholding tax type
This step defines exchange rate type for withholding tax type. To use in withholding tax
Alternative Exch. Rate Type for Withholding Tax Calculation
Wth.Tax Type Name Exc. Rate
01 Invoice Posting Xxxx
02 Invoice Posting (one cycle grossing up) Xxxx
11 Payment Posting Xxxx
12 Payment Posting (one cycle grossing up) Xxxx
R1 A/R-No centr.inv.& Chck min.base amt
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax
Extended Withholding Tax Calculation Withholding Tax Type Define Exchange rate
type for Withholding Tax Type
The following information should be maintained in the vendor master:
Assign one or more withholding tax type
Assign form number (i.e. 2, 3, 53 or 54) into the recipient type. The recipient type
represents the tax form (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. Form).
The Liable flag should be marked.
Vendor xxxxxx
Withholding Tax Information Withholding Tax Information
W/tx Type W/tx code Liable Recipient Type
01 E 54
02 E 54
Limitation: Each vendor code should have only one recipient type. There is not validation
check provided by the system.
Menu Path
From Easy Access Screen choose: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable
Master Records Check Minimum of Withholding Tax Amount in Posting
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
In Thailand, if the assessable income in one contract is less than 500 Baht, the deduction of the
withholding tax is not required. The minimum check can be performed at both invoice and payment
posting depending on where the withholding tax is posted.
Case I. Checking minimum of withholding tax amount for invoice posting

If you set the minimum amount check at the invoice posting, the system will check the amount of
each invoice amount whether the amount is over and equal 500 Baht.
Case II. Checking minimum of withholding tax amount for payment posting
If you set the minimum amount check at the payment posting, the system will check the total
amount of selected invoices to be paid. If the total invoice amount is equal or more than 500 Baht,
even though the total paid amount is not more than 500 Baht, the system will calculate/post the
withholding tax from the paid amount of each invoice.
Example 1:Total invoice amount is more than 500 Baht, but the total paid amount is less than 500
Invoice Invoice amount Paid amount Withholding Tax 10%
No. 0001 100.00 100.00 10.00
No. 0002 100.00 100.00 10.00
No. 0003 600.00 200.00 20.00 (10% of 200)

Example 2: Total invoice amount is 500 Baht and the total paid amount is 500 Baht
Invoice Invoice amount Paid amount Withholding Tax 10%
No. 0001 100.00 100.00 10.00
No. 0002 100.00 100.00 10.00
No. 0003 200.00 200.00 20.00
No. 0004 100.00 100.00 10.00
In case of the foreign currency transaction, the system calculates the withholding tax from the
translated base amount translated in the local currency, not directly from the foreign currency
Customizing Tables
Define Withholding Tax Type for Payment Posting
To define minimum/maximum amounts in each withholding tax type by selecting Min.base amt
check at doc.invoice level
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended withholding Tax
Calculation Withholding tax type Define withholding tax type for payment posting
See maintain withholding tax type for payment posting in the Customizing withholding tax
To define minimum base amount per withholding tax code.
Menu Path
IMGFinancial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding
TaxExtended Withholding TaxCalculation Minimum and Maximum Amounts Define
Min/Max Amounts for Withholding Tax Codes
See define min/max amounts for withholding tax code in the Customizing withholding tax
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Note: Do not define minimum base amount for withholding tax code of one cycle gross up. Use Paid Condition in Withholding Tax Posting
The extended withholding tax provides the calculation method for handling 4 paid conditions in
Thailand. You need to enable the posting indicator of the withholding tax code.
1. Deduct at payment
2. One cycle grossing up (Offsetting)
3. Grossing up
4. Others--not specified or free calculation or manually assigned
Example: Advertising Fee 1,000.00 Baht, WTH 3% for one-cycle grossing up
WTH amount First cycle = 1,000 x 3% = 30
WTH amount Second cycle = 30 x 3% = 0.90
Final withholding Tax = 30 + 0.90 = 30.90
For the 'one-cycle grossing up', you have to enter 2 withholding tax types with specific Customizing
and this amount will be offset to the expense account.
Customizing Tables
Define Withholding Tax Type. See maintain withholding tax type in the Customizing withholding
Define Withholding Tax Code. See maintain withholding tax code in the Customizing withholding
One cycle gross up
Define withholding tax 2 Types (Please see maintain withholding tax type in the
Customizing withholding tax)
Define Withholding Tax code for each withholding tax types (Please see setting one
cycle gross up of withholding tax code in the Customizing withholding tax)
Vendor Master has to be assigned with these two withholding tax types and codes.
In release 4.6C the Country Version Thailand uses posting indicator as a paid condition. In
case of one cycle gross up, the paid condition has a further checking in the reporting tool.
3.3.4 Withholding Tax Numbering
When company makes a payment to the vendor, the company has to withhold tax from the payment
amount with the rate according to the income type, and issue a tax certificate for vendor/payee. A tax
certificate issued for the vendor/payee has to be in the right form as prescribed by the Director-
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The certificate form number can be determined by person/recipient type and income type from the
revenue code.
There are 2 numbers on each tax certificate.
1. Certificate numbering
To assign a running number on the top corner of certificate form. In the case that a tax certificate is
issued manually and entered into the system later, especially for the petty cash transaction or for the off-
line business process, the external number assignment should be used.
For the Country Version Thailand, the certificate numbering is stored in the BSEG-XREF3 field.
Therefore for the case of external number assignment, you need to make sure that you enter an
external in this field.
2. Sequential numbering
Sequential numbering is used to sequence the issued certificates, which are separated by the
withholding tax form number (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. Form) and business place. This sequence
number is also required to be shown on the tax certificate and reported on the tax report to the tax
The sequential number is stored in WITH_ITEM-CTNUMBER. There are two options for
generating this sequential number.
1. Activated in the Customizing of withholding tax type. The certificate numbering in withholding
tax type can be used for the sequential number for the Country Version Thailand.
Please see withholding tax type in the Customizing withholding tax.
2. Generate at the reporting point by setting the following parameters during running report
Numbering and Updating
ETest Run
EActivate number
Number Range xx
The Number Range Value is determined from the Customizing, the value of number range in
this parameter is required for a dummy value. It does not use for generate sequential number
in reports. See more detail in withholding tax reports.
3. Assign numbering concept option 4 to company code
See Certificate Numbering for Withholding Tax in the Customizing withholding tax.
Note: Must set only concept option 4 for Thailand Withholding Tax Certificate Numbering
In Invoice Posting
You may require to post withholding tax with assign a sequential number and certificate number in
invoice posting.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The external certificate number should be entered in the Reference 3 BSEG-XREF3 field at
vendor line item. If this field is blank, the document number will be assigned automatically as an
internal number in this field.
In Payment Posting
When you make a payment, the document number is automatically assigned as a withholding tax
certificate number in the BSEG-XREF3 field of vendor line item.
If you want to enter an external number in the payment document, you can only
manually change BSEG-XREF3 field of vendor line item by using document change
Customizing Tables
Define field Reference specification 3 in part of general data of vendor line items as an optional
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Document Line Item
Controls->Define Posting Keys
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Document Line Item
Controls->Maintain Field Status Variants Withholding Tax Sequential Numbering
There are 2 options to configure the system to run the withholding tax sequential numbering at invoice
and payment posting. Sequential by Customizing via IMG
Generate a sequential numbering immediately after post an invoice or payment by Customizing
Customizing Tables
Activate certificate numbering in withholding tax type. See define withholding tax type
for invoice posting in the Customizing withholding tax.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended
Withholding Tax Calculation Withholding Tax Type Define Withholding Tax Type for Invoice
If you do not want the system to generate sequential numbering, you can select E No cert. numbering
in part of control data Sequential numbering in Reporting
Generate sequential number at the reporting point by set parameter in RFIDYYWT.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
In case of you do not activate sequential number in the Customizing, you can let the system generate
sequential number automatically when printing withholding tax report. You can assign the running
number and issue date together when you are printing the certificate and report.
Please see details in withholding tax reports.
3.3.5 Withholding Tax Reports
The following withholding tax reports are required to be submitted to the revenue department.
Withholding Tax Certificate
Withholding Tax Form
Form no. 2
Form no. 3
Form no. 53
Form no. 54 for foreigner
Special Account Tax Deduction and Remittance Report
Standard version 4.6C has reporting tool for generate these reports. Customizing Configure the reporting tools according to general customizing
The Country Version Thailand in release 4.6C provides two output groups in the Customizing
Customizing View for the Withholding Tax Reporting Tool
Proc.type Output gp Vers.Name Title 1
The following information shows the detailed configuration of the output group CER and REP in
the Customizing.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Process Type: STD; Output Group: CER
Ctry-sp.w/hld name W/TX CERTIFICATE & FORM NO.54
reported doc. Vendor documents (according to W.T. posting time)
E open items
DME file
Format tree
list title COMPANIES
list title FI LINE ITEMS
User Program
Cert. Location
E No tax data
E No exemptn data
Process Type: STD; Output Group: REP
reported doc. Vendor documents (according to W.T. posting time)
E open items
Form name IDWTREPT_TH_1
Form name IDWTREPT_TH_2
DME file
Format tree
list title COMPANIES
list title FI LINE ITEMS
User Program
Cert. Location
E No tax data
E No exempt data
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended
Withholding Tax Withholding Tax Reporting (Generic) Define Output Groups
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual Withholding Tax Certificate Form (for Domestic Person)
When printing the Tax certificate by using the withholding tax reporting tool, you can let the system
generate a sequential number automatically if the sequential number is not yet exist. The system is as
well use the posting date or the selected date as the tax certificate issued date.
The standard form IDWTCERT_TH_DOM is used for printing the following certificate forms: -
1. Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 2 - tax that withheld from personal income under Section 40(3) & (4)
2. Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 3 - tax that withheld from personal income under Section 50(4) and
Section 3 tredecim.
3. Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 53- tax that withheld from companies income under Section 69 bis. and
Section 3 tredecim.
The tax certificate can be issued on the pre-printed form or blank paper depending on the companys
policy. You can tailor the delivered tax certificate template to match your company requirement by
using SAP Smart Forms. See more detail about Smart Forms in the standard documentation.
Menu Path
IMGFinancial AccountingFinancial Accounting Global SettingsWithholding TaxExtended
Withholding Tax Withholding Tax Reporting (Generic) Define Forms for Withholding Tax
Customizing Tables
Maintain form name IDWTCERT_TH_DOM.
Each income type has to be printed at a specific line number in the tax certificate form. The line
number is defined by parameters INCTYPE_n or INCTYPE_SEC3 for 3 tredecim. You must
maintain these parameters with the income type.
When createing a new income type, you must define new income type into value of INCTYPE_n.
You can define your own income type line on certificate by using the Smart Forms. To modify
form, choose IDWTCERT_TH_DOM form in node GLOBAL_DEFINITION, tab screen
'Initialization'. The following coding has already been predefine in the system:-
* Note to user: Each income type has a specific line number in form.
* You will need to maintain these parameters (INCTYPE_n)
* when the new incometypes was introduced.
DATA:INCTYPE_1(99) VALUE '1100',
INCTYPE_2(99) VALUE '1200',
INCTYPE_3(99) VALUE '1300',
INCTYPE_4(99) VALUE '14A',
INCTYPE_5(99) VALUE '14B1',
INCTYPE_6(99) VALUE '14B2',
INCTYPE_7(99) VALUE '14B3',
INCTYPE_8(99) VALUE '14B4',
INCTYPE_9(99) VALUE '3500',
INCTYPE_10(99) VALUE '1500,1600,1700,1800,3600,3700,3800',
INCTYPE_SEC3(99) VALUE '3600,3700,3800'.
Menu Path
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Withholding tax General
Withholding tax reporting (generic)
Execute standard withholding tax tools by ABAP Program RFIDYYWT.
Selection Screen
The variant SAP&TH_CERTDOM is a predefined reporting variant for running withholding
tax certificate for domestic person in Thailand. The parameters defined in this variant are as
the following:
Output Groups Output control and lists
Process Type STD E Exclude zero WT items
Output group CER E List reversed docs separately
Mandatory selections Output lists Display Variant
Country key TH E FI line items 1SAP Configuration
Reporting period DD/MM/YY to Forms
General Selections
Company code TH01 to E Print form 1
Numbering and Updating Output Device
E Test run
E Activate numbering Number Range xx
Overwrite cert. issue date
You can define your own reporting variant by choosing configuration in the output lists. The
output list is the detail listing. The certificate is printed from form 1. You have to define output
device for the form printing.
1. Please select test run, if you do not want the system to generate the numbering and post the
withholding tax payable to the revenue department. You have to select activate numbering if you
maintains no certificate numbering in the Customizing.
2. If you do not select test run,
And select activate numbering field, the number range field becomes a required field. You
can put any number range here, as dummy number range, but the system will use the number
range that has been customized in the IMG.
The system will pop up the post to revenue department screen. Please cancel this
screen if you do not want to post the withholding tax payable to the revenue department now.
3. If you want to re-generate issuing date, you have to enter a date in the overwrite cert. Issue date
Details in Certificate Form
Certificate Numbering Company Name
Company Tax ID Company Address
Vendor Tax ID Vendor Name and Address
Sequential numbering Form Type
Income Type Payment Date
Payment Amount Withholding Tax amount
Amount in words Paid Condition
Issued Date
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual Withholding Tax Form for Domestic Person (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 2, 3, 53)
This tax certificate form is developed by a tool called SAP Smart Forms.
The standard form IDWTREPT_TH_1 can be used for printing the following form numbers: -
1. Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 2 - tax that withheld from personal income under Section 40(3) & (4)
2. Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 3 - tax that withheld from personal income under Section 50(4) and Section 3
3. Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 53- tax that withheld from companies income under Section 69 bis. and
Section 3 tredecim.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global SettingsWithholding TaxExtended
Withholding Tax Withholding Tax Reporting (Generic) Define Forms for Withholding Tax
Transaction: SMARTFORMS
Customizing Tables
Maintain form by enter form name IDWTREPT_TH_1
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Withholding tax General Withholding
tax reporting (generic)
Execute standard withholding tax tools by ABAP Program RFIDYYWT.
Selection Screen
SAP&TH_WTH_REP is a predefined reporting variant for running withholding tax reports.
The parameters defined in this variant are as the following:
Output Groups Output control and lists
Process Type STD E Exclude zero WT items
Output group REP E List reversed docs separately
Mandatory selections Output lists Display Variant
Country key TH E FI line items 1SAP configuration
Reporting period DD/MM/YY to Forms
General Selections
Form 1:Withholding Tax Report No. 02, 03, 53
Company code TH01 to E Print form 1
Numbering and Updating Output Device
E Test run
E Activate numbering Number Range xx E Print form 2
Overwrite cert. issue date Output Device
You can define your own reporting variant by choosing configuration in the output lists. The
output list is the detail listing. The withholding tax form1 is print out form no. 02, 03 and 53. Please
do not select print form 2 if you dont want to print special tax account and remittance report. You
have to define output device for printing.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
1. Please select test run, if you do not want the system to generate the numbering and post the
withholding tax payable to the revenue department. You have to select activate numbering if you
maintains no certificate numbering in the Customizing.
2. If you do not select test run,
And select activate numbering field, the number range field becomes a required field. You
can put any number range here, as dummy number range, but the system will use the number
range that has been customized in the IMG.
The system will pop up the post to revenue department screen. Please cancel this
screen if you do not want to post the withholding tax payable to the revenue department now.
3. If you want to re-generate issuing date, you have to enter a date in the overwrite cert. Issue date
Withholding Tax Form no. 2 (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 2)
Withholding Tax Form no. 3 (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw 3)
Withholding Tax Form no. 53 (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw 53)
Company Name and Address
Company Tax ID
Tax Month/Year
Sequential number
Vendor Name and Address
Vendor Tax code 1
Vendor Tax code 2
Payment date
Income Type
Withholding Tax Rate
Payment amount
Withholding Tax Amount
Paid Condition Withholding Tax Form for ForeignerPhaw. Ngaw. Daw 54
The standard form IDWTCERT_TH_FRN can be used for printing form number 54 (Phaw. Ngaw.
Daw. 54--tax withheld from foreign person/companies under section 70 and Section 70 bis.).
This form has 2 parts, part one is Section 70 for assessable income under Section 40 (2), (3), (4), (5)
or (6), and part two is Section 70 bis. for disposes of profit out of Thailand. The form is designed to be
printed on the paper size A4. It contains the following information: -
- Name and address of payer and payee
- Withholding tax amount
- Payment date
- Exchange currency document number (from document short text)
- Amount in words
This report is printing the withholding tax transaction of the recipient type 54.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended
Withholding TaxWithholding Tax Reporting (Generic) Define Forms for Withholding Tax Reporting
Transaction: SMARTFORMS
Customizing Tables
Maintain form by enter form name IDWTCERT_TH_FRN.
Part two of the form no. 54 is printed into report by define income type is 54*.
Menu Path
From Easy Access Screen choose: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable
Withholding tax General Withholding tax reporting (generic)
Execute standard withholding tax tools by ABAP Program RFIDYYWT.
Selection Screen
The variant SAP&TH_CERTFOR is a predefined reporting variant for running the withholding
tax form number 54 for foreigner. The parameters defined in this variant are as the following:
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Output Groups Output control and lists
Process Type STD E Exclude zero WT items
Output group CER E List reversed docs separately
Mandatory selections Output lists Display Variant
Country key TH E FI line items 1SAP configuration
Reporting period DD/MM/YY to Forms
Company code TH01 to E Print form 2
Numbering and Updating Output Device
E Test run
E Activate numbering Number Range xx
Overwrite cert. issue date
You can define your own your reporting variant by configuring in the output lists. The output list is
the detail listing. The certificate is printed from form 2. You have to define output device for
1. Please select test run, if you do not want the system to generate the numbering and post the
withholding tax payable to the revenue department. You have to select activate numbering if you
maintains no certificate numbering in the Customizing.
2. If you do not select test run,
And select activate numbering field, the number range field becomes a required field. You
can put any number range here, as dummy number range, but the system will use the number
range that has been customized in the IMG.
The system will pop up the post to revenue department screen. Please cancel this
screen if you do not want to post the withholding tax payable to the revenue department now.
3. If you want to re-generate issuing date, you have to enter a date in the overwrite cert. Issue date
Withholding Tax Form no. 54 (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 54) Special Account Tax Deduction and Remittance Report
This report is to show the totals of payment amount and withholding tax amount within a day.
The program is selecting all withholding tax items that had been issued on month and year of tax
reporting date in data selection, then grouping them together by date and separate into appropriate
columns for Individual person and Cooperate.
This report shall be printed monthly as a reference document for the revenue department and kept in
the company.
The purpose of the report is to show all payment documents with the withholding tax amount.
Menu Path
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
IMGFinancial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended
Withholding Tax Withholding Tax Reporting (Generic) Define Forms for Withholding Tax
Transaction: SMARTFORMS
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Customizing Tables
Maintain form by enter form name IDWTREPT_TH_2
The personal tax ID and income type is used for determination.
Individual person: Tax ID must begin with 1XXXXXXXXX or 2XXXXXXXXX otherwise
is corporate.
Section 3 tredecim: only specific Income type 35xx, 36xx, 37xx, 38xx which
defined in form
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Withholding tax General
Withholding tax reporting (generic)
Execute standard withholding tax tools by ABAP Program RFIDYYWT
Selection Screen
The variant SAP&TH_WTH_REP is a predefined reporting variant for running the withholding
tax reports. The parameters defined in this variant are as the following:
Output Groups Output control and lists
Process Type STD E Exclude zero WT items
Output group REP E List reversed docs separately
Mandatory selections Output lists Display Variant
Country key TH E FI line items 1SAP configuration
Reporting period DD/MM/YY to Forms
General Selections
Form 1:Withholding Tax Report No. 02, 03, 53
Company code TH01 to E Print form 1
Numbering and Updating Output Device
E Test run
E Activate numbering Number Range xx E Print form 2
Overwrite cert. issue date Output Device
You can define your own reporting variant by configuring in the output lists .The output list is the
detail listing. The withholding tax form 2 is used to print the special tax account and remittance
report. You should not select print form 1 if you want to print only this report. You have to define
output device for printing. If you do not want to generate the numbering, please select test run.
Company Name and Address
Company Tax ID
Issue Date
Withholding Tax Amount in Section 3 of Individual Person
Others Withholding Tax Amount of Individual Person
Withholding Tax Amount in Section 3 of Corporate/Company
Others Withholding Tax Amount of Corporate/Company
Tax receipt number: The receipt from revenue department when submit withholding tax report and
amount. This field will leave as blank.
- Amount: Summation of withholding tax amount per date
- Comment: Blank
Total line
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual Generate Invoice for Revenue Department
With the withholding tax reporting tools, you can prepare invoices and make a payment to the revenue
department with the amount of withholding tax that has deducted from your vendors during tax month.
This report will post transaction to revenue dept. (as vendor) by clearing withholding tax items of
withholding tax account (as G/L). The clearing must select for withholding tax items that have been
issued certificates in that tax month.
Menu Path
AccountingFinancial AccountingAccounts PayableWithholding taxGeneralWithholding tax
reporting (generic)
Execute standard withholding tax tools by ABAP Program RFIDYYWT. You should post
transactions to revenue department after printing all reports especially withholding tax form no. 2,
3, 53 or 54 and special tax account and remittance report to check details and the total of
withholding tax amount that have to submit to revenue department. Using one of these variants:
SAP&TH_CERTDOM or SAP&TH_CERTFOR or SAP&TH_WTH_REP and set parameters in
this variant are the follows:
Output Groups Output control and lists
Process Type STD E Exclude zero WT items
Output group REP/CER E List reversed docs separately
Mandatory selections Output lists Display Variant
Country key TH E FI line items 1SAP configuration
Reporting period 01/01/2000 to 31/01/2000 Forms
General Selections
Form 1:Withholding Tax Report No. 02, 03, 53
Company code TH01 to E Print form 1
Numbering and Updating Output Device
E Test run
E Activate numbering Number Range E Print form 2
Overwrite cert. issue date Output Device
Note: Please do not select test run, if you want to post to the revenue department. The reporting
period should cover the date of tax month.
In the popup screen of 'Post Invoice to Revenue Department', you need to enter the following
parameters: -
- Vendor code for revenue department
- Posting date
- Document type
- Posing key
- Session name
Selection Screen See variant SAP&TH_CERTDOM or SAP&TH_CERTFOR or
Process Type
Output Group
Country Key
Reporting Period
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Company Code
Exclude zero WT items
List Reversed docs separately
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Batch Input and Invoice Post to Revenue Department.
4 Check Management
It is common in Thailand to pay or receive payments with Check. There are 4 predefined payment
methods in the Country Version Thailand.
A is a check without cross.

B is a check with &CO
C is a check with A/C Payee
T is a transfer method
For Country Version Thailand the form F110_TH_CHEQUE00 can be used for the payment method
A, B and C.
4.1 Check Payable
4.1.1 Outgoing Check Status
You can use the Check Register to monitor the status of your outgoing checks. The status of Active,
Void, Encash are predefined in the system. You should set up Sent status additionally in to the
Status Descriptions
Active' Printed Check on hand
Void Wasted check (Torn) or Incorrectly printed check
Sent Check is sent to vendor/received by vendor
Encash Check Encash by vendor
For each outgoing check you should maintain the check status. If the status is void, the void reason
must be as well maintained.
The procedure for maintain Sent status
Most companies in Thailand monitor if their checks are still at the company or at the vendors. In this
case, the Sent status can be used when the checks have been sent out to the vendors.
Run check register (RFCHKN10) via menu path Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts
Payable Information System Reports for accounts payable accounting Payment
transactions Check register and select items paid with line items
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Maintain Sent status for the sent check to the vendor. At the vendor line item of this payment,
you should enter as well the send date in the format of 'Sent: dd/mm/yy in the text field (BSEG-
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Menu Path
Accounting Financial AccountingAccounts PayableInformation SystemReports for accounts
payable accountingPayment transactionsCheck register and select items paid with line items
Selection Screen
Paying company code to
House bank to
Account ID to
E Payroll checks
General selections
Bank key to
Bank account number to
Check number to
Currency to
Amount to
Output controls
E List of outstanding checks
Additional heading
Item paid
Display Variant
O W/out line items
O With line items
Check number
Payment Document
Payment date
Payment Currency
Amount paid (FC)
Void reason
Enc./Void date
Invoice Document number
Line item
Posting date
Invoice Currency
Invoice Amount in FC
Discount amount
Net amount
4.1.2 Check Register
The check register or the RFCHKN10 report can be used for the Country Version Thailand. The
outgoing checks with the Sent status and the send date maintained at the text field can be shown as
well on this report.
Menu Path
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Information System Reports for
accounts payable accounting Payment transactions Check register and select items paid with
line items
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Selection Screen
Paying company code to
House bank to
Account ID to
E Payroll checks
General selections
Bank key to
Bank account number to
Check number to
Currency to
Amount to
Output controls
E List of outstanding checks
Additional heading
Item paid
Display Variant
O W/out line items
O With line items
Check number
Payment Document
Payment date
Payment Currency
Amount paid (FC)
Void reason
Enc./Void date
Invoice Document number
Line item
Posting date
Invoice Currency
Invoice Amount in FC
Discount amount
Net amount
4.2 Check Receivable
4.2.1 Check Received Entry
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Postdated check (PDC) is an acceptable payment medium in Thailand. The company that receives the
PDC can only cash this PDC on the date specified on the check onwards. To handle the PDC
requirement, you are recommended to use the Turkey B/E functions.
Example: the customer issues a check to your vendor on November 15, 1999 (Current Date). However
the date on the check is December 12, 1999. In this case the vendor has to keep this check until
December 12, 1999 and then he can cash it.
The accounting transactions when receiving check on the date, that is not yet a check due date:
Debit Postdated Check 1,000.00
Credit Account Receivable 1,000.00
Deposit this check at your bank when obligations on the due date.
Debit Bank 1,000.00
Credit Postdated Check 1,000.00
With the Turkey B/E function, you can keep tracking of your PDCs for the whole PDCs life cycle. You
can use the external number of B/E to maintain the check number. The check listing can be used to
list all checks at a particular due date.
Menu Path when receiving check from the customers
Transaction SE43N enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu. Then select Check Received Entry
or F-36 via Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Document Entry Bill of
exchange Payment
Customizing Tables
1. Define Special G/L: Account determination for bill of exchange receivable
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions bill of exchange Receivable Post bill of exchange Receivable Define
Alternative Reconcil. Acct for Bills/Exch.Receivable Special G/L: Account Determination
2. Define number ranges for collective documents
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions bill of exchange Receivable Post bill of exchange Receivable Define
Number Ranges for Collective Documents
- 01: post bill of exchange
3. Define bill of exchange portfolios
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Post Bill of Exchange Receivable Define Bill of
Exchange Portfolios
4. Define form for the Bill of Exchange. This SAPScript forms defined in this step is for listing data in
the table T001F.
Menu Path
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Transaction SM30 maintain V_T001F
Company Code Program Name Form ID Form
After posting the incoming check (BoE), the form F110_TR_BOE_BORD is generated with the
information as following:
The identification of the BoE (internal document number and internal document line
The BoE external number (Check number).
The amount of each BoE and the total amount of all posted BoE on this document.
The due date, the bank that will pay for the BoE and the bank account of the original
The respective transaction, e.g. payment, collection
PstKy account debit/Credit reconcile accounts description
09W account receivable 1,000.00 125000 BoE Receivable
15 account receivable 1,000.00-
Transaction: Payment
Company Code: TH01 - Country Template Thailand User: MANOPRASERTK
Date: 01.03.2000
Time: 04:28:18
Record no. Document no. Item Due date Account no. Bank Amount Currency
0100000013 1400000049 001 01.03.2000 XXXXXX 1011123450 1,100.00 THB
1 documents were processed with a total amount of 1,100.00 THB
Amount in words: ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED Check Processing
To handle the PDC requirement in Thailand, you are recommended to use the following functions in
the Turkey B/E functions:
Presented to bank
Cleared at bank
Bounced at bank
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N->enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Transactions Posting
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Check Received Entry
Check Processing
Check Reversal
Transactions Listing
Reprint Transactions
Select: Check Processing
Transaction: FTR03
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual Check Presented to Bank
When check is due, you can send this PDC to the your bank to cash money.
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Select Check Processing of Transactions Posting or
Directly call transaction FTR03 or
Select presented to bank.
Customizing Tables
1. Define number ranges for collective documents
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions bill of exchange Receivable Post bill of exchange Receivable Define
Number Ranges for Collective Documents
- 02: sent to bank
- 03: sent to Vendor
2. Setting Present Bill of Exchange Receivable at Bank
Maintain House Bank Details
Define the G/L account as an interim account at the Collection account field in each house
bank that you present the bill of exchange to
Company Code TH01 Country Template Thailand
House bank and account details
House bank xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Account ID xxxxx
Bank key Bank Country
Bank account Control key
Additional detailsfor bill of exchange presentation
Minimum days
Discount account Collection Account 1234567890
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Present Bill of Exchange Receivable at Bank
Maintain House Bank Details
You can only assign one interim account to one bank account; otherwise the system will not
be able to determine which bank account is the correct one.
Define Bank sub-account
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The bank account used here should be the G/L bank account with the Open Item
management and the line item display. It has to be the same account number as the collection
account. It is as well called as interim account.
ChAc Bank Account Usage Sp.G/L Customer recon.acct Bank subaccount for liability
INT 1234567890 Collection W 113112
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Present Bill of Exchange Receivable at Bank
Define Bank Subaccounts
Selection Screen
General Data
Company code xxxx
Document date
Posting date
O Present to bank
Selection Criteria
Presented to bank
Bill of exchange portfolio xxxxxxxxxxx
Currency THB
Presented to bank
User: I008221
Company code: TH99 - SAP Thailand Template Date: 29.02.2000
Bill portfolio: xxxxxxxxx Time: 10:36:54
No. Itm Year S Amount Curr. Bline date Ext. no. Bank key Customer
E 1 1400000049 1 2000 W 1,100.00 THB 22.02.2000 1234567 1011123450 TH-C01
This output list is an ABAP List Viewer (ALV) list which you can define column format by yourself.
Select document number to be presented to the bank and execute.
System pops up a screen to enter an interim account.
Please enter G/L account as a bank subaccounts.
Transaction: Presented to bank
Company Code: TH01 - Country Template Thailand User: MANOPRASERTK
Date: 01.03.2000
Time: 05:00:53
Record no. Document no. Item Due date Account no. Bank Amount Currency
0200000000 1400000049 001 01.03.2000 XXXXX 1011123450 1,100.00 THB
1 documents were processed with a total amount of 1,100.00 THB
Accounting Document:
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Customer document (DA)
Doc. number 1600000000 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0200000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 40 113109 Bank 1 - customer payment 14000000490012000 1,100.00
2 50 113112 Bank 1 - collection 20000301 1,100.00- Check Cleared at Bank
When you are informed from your bank that your PDC is cashed or cleared, you can then precede the
Cleared at bank function.
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Select Check Processing of Transactions Posting or
Directly call transaction FTR03 or
Select Cleared at bank.
Customizing Tables
Define number ranges for collective documents
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions bill of exchange Receivable Post bill of exchange Receivable Define
Number Ranges for Collective Documents
- 04: Cleared at bank
- 05: Cleared at vendor
Please make sure that the G/L account of your Bank Account, where you present this BoE, is
created with the field status group not suppressing Business Area field.
Selection Screen
General Data
Company code xxxx
Document date
Posting date
O Cleared at bank
Selection Criteria
Cleared at bank
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Interim Account 1234567890
Bill of exchange portfolio xxxxxxxxxxx
Currency THB
Cleared at bank
Company code:TH01 - Country Template Thailand Date: 01.03.2000
Bill portfolio: CHQR000001 Time: 05:28:02
Interim account: 113109
No. Itm Year S Amount Curr. Bline date Ext. no. Bank key Customer
E 1 1400000010 1 1999 W 4,318.68 THB 17.11.1999 1234567 1011123450 C01
E 2 1400000049 1 2000 W 1,000.00 THB 01.03.2000 1234567 1011123450 TH-C01
Select document number to be cleared (bank can collection from customer) and execute.
System pops up a screen for a confirmation as Do you want to continue process?
Customer document (DA)
Doc. number 1600000001 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0400000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 19 TH-C01 Thai Customers for 1,100.00-
2 40 113112 Bank 1 - collection 00000000 1,100.00

Accounting document (AB)
Doc. number 1000232 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0400000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 40 113104 Bank 1 - check clear 14000000490012000 1,100.00
2 50 113109 Bank 1 - customer payment 20000301 1,100.00- Check Bounced (Returned) at Bank
If the PDC has been presented to the bank, and the customers bank has refused to pay due to some
reasons such as not enough money in the customer's bank account, invalid check, incorrect words on
check, etc., This incoming payment should then be cancelled and get a new payment from the
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Select Check Processing of Transactions Posting or
Directly call transaction FTR03 or
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Select Bounced at bank.
Customizing Tables
1. Define Special G/L: Account determination for bill of exchange receivable.
To define special G/L for bounced/returned check and reconcile account.
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of
ExchangeTransactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Post Bill of Exchange Receivable
Define Alternative Reconcil. Acct for Bills/Exch.Receivable Special G/L: Account Determination
2. Define number ranges for collective documents
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Post Bill of Exchange Receivable->Define
Number Ranges for Collective Documents
- 06: Check Bounced at bank
- 07: Check Bounced at vendor
3. Define bill of exchange portfolios
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Post Bill of Exchange Receivable Define Bill of
Exchange Portfolios
Selection Screen
General Data
Company code xxxx
Document date
Posting date
O Bounced at bank
Selection Criteria
Bounced at bank
Interim Account 1234567890
Bill of exchange portfolio xxxxxxxxxxx
Currency THB
Bounced at bank
Company code:TH01 - Country Template Thailand Date: 01.03.2000
Bill portfolio: CHQR000001 Time: 08:56:18
Interim account: 113109
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
No. Itm Year S Amount Curr. Bline date Ext. no. Bank key Customer
E 1 1400000010 1 1999 W 4,318.68 THB 17.11.1999 1234567 1011123450 C01
Select the document number of the bounced/returned check (bank cannot collection from customer)
and execute.
The system pops up a screen for entering B/E portfolio and the special G/L indicator for that bounced
Transaction: Bounced at bank
Company Code: TH01 - Country Template Thailand User: MANOPRASERTK
Date: 01.03.2000
Time: 09:10:24
Record no. Document no. Item Due date Account no. Bank Amount Currency
0600000000 140000001 0001 17.11.1999 12345 1011123450 4,318.68 THB
1 documents were processed with a total amount of 4,318.68 THB
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Customer document (DA)
Doc. number 1600000002 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0600000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 19W C01 Thai Customers for 14000000100011999 4,318.68-
2 40 113112 Bank 1 - collection 00000000 4,318.68

Customer document (DA)
Doc. number 1600000003 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0600000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 09Y C01 Thai Customers for 14000000100011999 4,318.68
2 50 113109 Bank 1 - customer payment 20000301 4,318.68- Check Reversal
This transaction can be used to when there is a bounced/returned check and you are asked to re-send
the same bounced check to be cashed at the bank again. See program documentation
Customizing Tables
Define number ranges for collective documents
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange
Transactions bill of exchange Receivable Post bill of exchange Receivable Define Number
Ranges for Collective Documents
01: Payment
02: Sent to bank
03: Sent to vendor
04: Cleared at bank
05: Cleared at vendor
06: Checks/Bill of Exchange bounced at bank
07: Checks/Bill of Exchange bounced at vendor
08: Removed from system
09: Removed from portfolio
10: Added to portfolio
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N->enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Select Check Reversal of Transactions Posting or
Directly call transaction FTR04 or
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Select From Bounced at bank/vendor to Present to bank
Selection Screen
General Data
Company code xxxx
Document date
Posting date
Reverse posting
From "Bounced at bank/vendor" to:
O Presented to bank
Selection Criteria
From Bounced at bank to Presented to bank
Interim Account 1234567890
Portfolio for bounced bills xxxxxxxxxxx
Currency THB
Sp. G/L ind. for bounced bills X
From "Bounced at bank" to "Presented to bank"
Company code: TH01 - Country Template Thailand Date: 01.03.2000
Bill portfolio: RETURNED01 Time: 10:15:48
Interim account: 113109
No. Itm Year S Amount Curr. Bline date Ext. no. Bank key Customer
E 1 1600000003 1 2000 Y 4,318.68 THB 17.11.1999 1234567 1011123450 C01
Select document number that re-sent to bank and execute.
The system pops up a screen for a Confirmation of Do you want to continue processing?
Accounting document (AB)
Doc. number 1000233 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0600000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB Rev.doc. for 1600000003 / 2000
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 19Y C01 Thai Customers for 14000000100011999 4,318.68-
2 40 113109 Bank 1 - customer payment 20000301 4,318.68
Accounting document (AB)
Doc. number 1000234 Company code TH01 Fiscal year 2000
Doc. date 01.03.2000 Posting date 01.03.2000 Period 03
Ref.doc. 0600000000 Cross-company n
Doc.currency THB Rev.doc. for 1600000002 / 2000
Itm PK Account Account short text Assignment Tx Amount
1 09W C01 Thai Customers for 4,318.68
2 50 113112 Bank 1 - collection 00000000 4,318.68- Reprint Transactions
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The report can be used to list all entered checks.
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Select Reprint Transactions of Transactions Listing or
Directly call transaction FTR05 or
4.2.2 Listing
This Listing can be used to list all check records.
Menu Path
Transaction SE43N enter SAP_ICC_THAILAND in area menu
Select Listing of Transactions Listing or
Directly call transaction FTR02 or
Selection Screen
Enter a company code.
In the Bill of exchange portfolio field, enter the names of the bill portfolios.
To include cleared bills, select Cleared bills of exchange.
In the list, you can display each bill's history - a chronological list of all the system documents relating
to it.
5 Petty Cash
To set up the petty cash fund, firstly you need to estimate how much cash needed for disbursement
during a specified period such as week or month, and then get the reimbursement from your
supervisor or the authorized person in the finance department.
For example: If you think that the amount of your petty cash fund is 10,000.00 Baht per week, you will
then get reimbursed by check with this amount.
Debit Petty Cash 10,000.00
Credit Bank 10,000.00
During the period when the amount of money in petty cash fund is lower than a predetermined lower
limit, your fund should be replenished. If the voucher system is used, the accounts debited on the
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
replenishing voucher are those indicated by a summary of expenditures. The voucher is then
recorded in the voucher register as a debit to the various expenses and asset accounts and credit to
the Accounts Payable.
For Example: Cashier paid 1,500.00 Baht for postage expense to ABC vendor and 2,000.00 Baht for
seminar expense to Tax Center Vendor
1. Debit Expenses-Postage 1,500.00
Debit Input Tax (7% x 1,500) 105.00
Credit Petty Cash-ABC Co. 1,605.00
2. Debit Expenses-Seminar 2,000.00
Debit Input Tax (7% x 2,000) 140.00
Credit Withholding Tax (3% x 2,000) 60.00
Credit Petty Cash-Tax Center 2,080.00
After the petty cash fund has been replenished, the fund is restored to its original amount. As it is
required by law that the company or business place needs to claim its VAT on the 15
and its
Withholding Tax on 7
of next month, therefore each petty cashier needs to clear these expenses
before those dates.
When the cash on hand of each petty cashier does not reach a lower limit but it is time to report
withholding tax, the petty cashier has to post all expense invoices.
In release 4.6C, there are 2 solutions to handle the petty cash transactions: using Accounts Payable
function or using Cash Journal Function.
Using Account Payable function by setting up petty cashier as a vendor
Using Cash Journal Posting (Transaction FBCJ)
5.1 Using Account Payable function by setting up petty cashier as
a vendor
1. When maintaining Petty cashier vendor, you must select individual spec.. The
system will then automatically pop up screen to enter the trader name and address during
invoice entry.
2. Set the authorized profile for petty cashier. The authorization should not allow petty
cashier to make payment in both automatic payment and outgoing payment
The reasons that we should not allow petty cashier to make the payments are: -
To make sure that only the supervisor or the authorized person can issue the check under
the petty cashiers name.
If petty cashier can make payment by herself, check will be created under individual payee
as entered in the invoices, instead of petty cashiers name.
3. Set up the petty cash fund for petty cashier by down payment request (transaction F-
4. Converse down payment request by making down payment post (transaction F-48) or
automatic payment program by the authorized person
5. In the add-on version, the Country Version Thailand is using the B/E lower limit filed in
the vendor master to store lower limit of petty cash fund. In the release 4.6C, you need to set
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
up the lower limit amount by Sp. G/L indicator with posting key 39 (One-line posting, only
statistical not noted item).
6. You can check the available amount by display Account->Display Balance->Special
G/L on each petty cashier vendor
7. Enter expense transactions and the tax invoices by invoice posting (F-43), etc.
8. In case that the transaction is subject to withholding tax, you need to use the extended
withholding tax function to post the withholding tax transaction at either invoicing point or
payment point. The case of expense with withholding tax, SAP recommends to post
withholding tax at the invoice posting.
9. Withholding tax certificate no. (external lot) has to be entered at the reference 3 field
if it is issued manually. This is to keep records in the system for later withholding tax reporting
(Tax reporting no. 2, 3, 53 or 54). If the withholding tax certificate no. is generated by the
system, you can use the internal lot assignment.
10. Clearing invoice posting with post with clearing of outgoing (Transaction F-51) should
be used for every disbursement made from the fund. (when petty cashier paid the amount on
11. If you want to post withholding tax at the payment posting, you should use Post with
clearing transaction F-51, select outgoing payment, and select different posting for the
amount created automatically by system
12. If you post withholding tax as the payment point, you need to enter the certificate
number of the withholding tax certificate that you issue manually or automatically from the
13. When the amount of petty cash fund reaches the predefined lower limit, the fund
needs to be replenished. The petty cashier has to request for the replenishment from the
authorized person. The authorized person can check by displaying the total sheet, and then
run the automatic payment to create a check for petty cashier.
Note: You have to control the lower limit of your fund manually. To create withholding tax
certificate, you have to run report program RFIDYYWT.
5.2 Using Cash Journal Posting
Cash journal is designed to manage a companys cash transaction. For the requirement of Petty Cash
in Thailand, you may use this Cash journal to manage your petty cash transactions.
Customizing Tables
Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Documents
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Cash Journal
Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Documents
Set up Cash Journal
To set up a new cash journal for a company code. You should enter the appropriate data for the
following fields:
CoCode CJ No. G/L acct. Curr DT DT DT DT DT Name Authoriz. Person1 Person2 Additional Text
TH01 0001 100100 THB SA KR KZ DR DZ XXXX B001
Note: See more details in standard document
G/L Account is a petty cash account.
Currency is a currency that you want to run the cash journal.
For the Country Version Thailand, the Additional text is applied to store the business
place / branch. However there is no validation check on this field, therefore you have to
make sure by yourself that you enter a valid business place / branch code.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Cash Journal
Set Up Cash Journal
Create, Change, Delete Business Transactions.
To define accounting transaction type and G/L account for each expense and revenue with tax
Co. Code Trans. Number Trans. Type G/L account Tax Code Trans. Name
TH01 1 E 400000 V1 Expenses 10%
Accounting transaction type are delivered as following:
E (Expense)
R (Revenue)
B (Cash transfer cash journal to bank)
C (Cash transfer bank to cash journal)
D (Customers-incoming/outgoing payment)
K (Vendors-outgoing/incoming payment)
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Cash Journal
Create, Change, Delete Business Transactions
Set Up Print Parameters for Cash Journal
In order to print cash journal and cash journal receipts, use has to set up print parameters for the
corresponding print program per company code.
For cash journal
Print program--RFCASH00
Report variantwith entries FI_CASH_BB (Opening balance text), FI_CASH_EB
(Closing balance text), FI_CASH_CF (C/F text), FI_CASH_SI (Signature text)
For the cash journal receipts:
Correspondence type--SAPC1 Accounting document
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
If you mark at the Document Print Indicator AD, the receipts are printed based on FI
documents. If you do not mark at this indicator, the receipts are printed based on
documents saved in the cash journal (cash journal documents).
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business Transactions Cash Journal
Set Up Print Parameters for Cash Journal
For more information see SAP R/3 documentationCash Journal
Transaction Entry (FBCJ)
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Document entry Cash journal posting
Set receiving amount or opening posting by cash receipts for business transaction as follows:-
i) C-cash received from bank. Accounting transactions as
Debit Cash
Credit Bank
ii) D-cash received from customers. Accounting transactions as
Debit Cash
Credit Customer
iii) R-revenue. Accounting transactions as
Debit Cash
Credit Output Tax
Credit Bank
Daily transactions entries
a) Cash payments for business transaction as follows:-
i) E-expenses. Accounting transactions as
Debit Expense
Debit VAT
Credit Cash
ii) K-cash paid to vendors. Accounting transactions as
Debit Vendor
Credit Withholding Tax
Credit Bank
b) Cash receipts for business transaction as follows:-
i) R-revenues. Accounting transactions as
Debit Cash
Credit Output Tax
Credit Bank
ii) D-cash received from customers. Accounting transactions as
Debit Cash
Credit Bank
c) Check receipts for business transaction has two steps as follows:-
i) B-banks. Accounting transactions as
Debit Cash
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Credit Customers
ii) Print present check. SAPscript forms listing check to bank matching to B item.
Accounting transaction as
Debit Bank
Credit Cash
Note: your can print receipt/tax invoice from cash journal transaction by entering FI
document number at the correspondence request
Cash journal cannot be used for the one-time vendor/customer.
You also can not use the individual payee in Cash journal because there are no pop-up screen
(BSEC table) to enter vendor name and address during cash journal processing
You cannot reverse document that posted from the cash journal. However there is some
workaround solution by using the opposite tap-strip
See also
For more information, see the release information EnjoySAP Cash Journal or the SAP library under
Accounting Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Payment Transactions Cash Journal
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
6 Correspondence
6.1 Receipt/Invoice/Tax Invoice Printing--FI
In Thailand, Tax Invoice should be issued at different time for goods sales and services sales. For
goods sales, the tax invoice has to be issued immediately when the product is sold. However for the
service sales, when selling the service, you issue the invoice to your customer. When your customer
pays for the invoice, you will then issue tax invoice for him.
In the add-on version, you can print tax Invoice for goods sales and Invoice for service sales only in
SD. In the release 4.6C, we include Tax Invoice or Invoice printing in FI. Additionally, you can print
correspondence called Receipt from payment transaction.
Correspondence for print Tax invoices, Invoice, Invoice/Tax invoice, Receipt/Tax Invoice or Receipt
is printed from FI as following: -
1. Receipt/Tax Invoice from Cash Journal
1. When using Cash journal to process cash receipt transaction, Receipt/Tax Invoice is
printed from posted FI document.
2. You must type name and address into long text of cash account line item as the follows: -
Line 1 and line 2 for Name 1 to Name 4. The length of each line is 70 characters, so
you can type name 1, 2 into line 1 and name 3, 4 into line 2.
Line 3 and line 4 for address.
3. The receipt/tax invoice number is printed from tax invoice number stored in the reference
document (BKPF-XBLNR) field.
2. Receipt/Tax Invoice from Down Payment
In the case of goods sales or service sales where there is collection of advance payment, retention
money, deposit or reservation fee, liability to value added tax shall arise at the instance before the goods
or services are handed over.
When creating a down payment request from SD, and releasing to FI, the status of FI document is
posted as a noted item. You have to post down payment in FI-AR with reference to down payment
request in SD, after receiving money from the customer.
According to the Thai Law, when companies receive payment, they must issue tax invoices for down
payment. Therefore, to complete integration for down payment process, the release 4.6C provides
integration information from SD to FI.
Transaction Entry: -
Request from SD
1. Down Payment Request from SD
2. Down Payment Post from FI (for clear SD-down payment request)
Request from FI
1. Down Payment Request
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
2. Down Payment Post
Using document number from down payment post for printing.
Receipt/Tax Invoice is printed on the header of the correspondence.
The receipt/tax invoice number is printed from tax invoice number in the reference
document (BKPF-XBLNR) field.
If down payment request is created from SD, Receipt/Tax Invoice is printed with line items
of material, same as invoice from SD.
Down payment from FI, details are printed from extra text of correspondence.
If document currency is foreign currency, this correspondence displays amount into two
columns, foreign currency and local currency.
3. Tax Invoices from transfer Deferred VAT document
Liability to value added tax on provision of services should arise when the service is received and the
service is paid in full or in part. Therefore the company should issue tax invoice after receiving the
payment from customer.
Transaction Entry: -
1. Entry deferred VAT transaction directly from FI or document posted from SD with deferred VAT
2. Execute J_1HDTAXtransfer deferred VAT before or after payment transaction posted.
Use number of the transferred document for printing on the correspondence.
Tax Invoice is printed on the header of the correspondence.
Tax invoice number is printed from the running number stored in the reference document
(BKPF-XBLNR) field.
If you transfer deferred VAT of the document posted from SD, the line items of material are
shown on the Tax Invoice, same as invoice from SD.
If you transfer deferred VAT of the document posted from FI, details are printed from extra
text of correspondence. Therefore you should maintain detail information of your services in the
extra text of correspondence.
When you post deferred VAT in foreign currency, the system allows you to transfer
document only in local currency. Therefore the correspondence displays value of service, tax
amount, total amount and grand total only in local currency.
4. Invoice/Tax Invoice from invoice with real VAT
1. Printed Invoice/tax invoice from invoice posted with VAT code, such as 01
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
2. If you post down payment clearing, your tax invoice should be printed from the down
payment clearing, not from the Invoice. Therefore you need to make sure that the check box for
down payment transaction is marked when your maintain the parameters of the correspondence
print program.
3. Document number invoice or down payment clearing is used when printing the
4. The invoice/tax invoice number is printed from the running number stored in the reference
document (BKPF-XBLNR) field.
5. If you transfer deferred VAT of the document posted from SD, the line items of material are
shown on the Tax Invoice, same as invoice from SD.
6. If you transfer deferred VAT of the document posted from FI, details are printed from extra
text of correspondence. Therefore you should maintain detail information of your services in the
extra text of correspondence.
5. Receipt
Transaction Entry: -
Make incoming payment transaction
1. Use payment document number for printing.
2. Receipt is printed on the header of the correspondence.
3. Receipt number is generated from number range that assigned to the lot number in the
Customizing. This running number is per number group and per company.
4. The Receipt is using the generated number from the receipt lot. However the Receipt/Tax
Invoice number is using the tax invoice number stored into reference document (BKPF-XBLNR)
5. Detailed items displays on the Receipt is from the payment and corresponding invoices as follows:
Invoice number, invoice date, invoice amount, payment amount and total payment amount include
6. Invoice is printed from only the invoice with deferred VAT.
If you post an invoice from SD with a full payment, when printing correspondence, the line
items of material will be printed, same as invoice. However if the invoice has not been paid or
partially paid, material line items will not be displayed in detail. The system shows only the total line
of the service value and VAT .
If document posted from FI, details are printed from extra text of correspondence.
If document currency is foreign currency, this correspondence displays amount into two
columns, foreign currency and local currency.
Customizing Tables
Create receipt lot
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
At this step, you define the receipt lot for generating a number range for your company code
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business
Transactions Incoming Payments Manual Incoming Payments Outgoing Payment Notices
Create Receipt Lot
Maintain number range
After creating the receipt lot, you need to assign receipt lot to number group.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business
Transactions Incoming Payments Manual Incoming Payments Outgoing Payment Notices
Assign Receipt Lots to Number Ranges
Define correspondence type
If you define your own correspondence type, please make sure that the 'Doc. necessary' field is marked.
If you want to use the existing correspondence type from the system, please choose the one with the
'Doc. necessary' field marked.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Correspondence->Define
Correspondence Type
Assign programs for correspondence type
In this step, you have to assign your company code to the correspondence type, the J_1HKORD
program and your correspondence variant.
Correspondence Variant Attributes
At Output Control, you must select E Display taxes on sales/purch. for print record that relate to VAT
Enter receipt lot number (RCT_LOT) for the receipt running number (ONLY for the receipt, NOT for the
Receipt/Tax Invoice).
Select check box for down payment clearing transaction (CHECK_DP Skip invoice with DP related).
This parameter indicates that the system shall read only the down payment clearing document, instead
of reading both invoices and down payment clearings.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Correspondence Assign
Programs for Correspondence Type
Define form name for correspondence print
At this step, you assign J_1H_DOC_TH_04 layout set to your company code and J_1HKORD
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Correspondence Define
Forms Names for Correspondence Print
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
7 Asset Management
Chart of Depreciation: Thailand
The organizational structure of Asset Management module is called 'Chart of Depreciation'. In
the Country Version Thailand, SAP delivers a Thailand Chart of depreciation - 1TH, which
consists of:
Depreciation Area Depreciation type Currency
01 Book depreciation area THB
02 Special tax depreciation for APC in fin.statement THB
03 Special reserves because of special tax depreciat. THB
15 Tax Balance Sheet THB
20 Cost-accounting depreciation THB
30 Consolidated balance sheet in local currency THB
31 Consolidated balance sheet in group currency USD
32 Book depreciation in group currency USD
Transaction: EC08
Menu path:
Financial accounting Asset Accounting Organizational structure Create/delete chart of
Asset Class
The following table shows the comparison between the standard asset classes in released 4.6C
and the Thai asset classes pre-defined in the add-on version. If you want to have the Research
and Development class, you have to define additionally in the system.
Asset Class in add-on Standard Asset Class in standard
version (Release 4.6C)
100 : Real Estate 1000
200 : Buildings 1100
300 : Machines 3000
310 : Leased machines 6100
400 : Equipment 3000, 3200
500 : Vehicles 3100
600 : LVA and Equipment 5000
700 : LVA 5000
800 : Research and Development
900 : Asset under construction 4000
For the Country Version Thailand in release 4.6C, the depreciation and its calculation need to be
customized differently from other release as following:
Define Base Methods
In R/3, there are some predefined base methods delivered with the system. It is predefined for
each particular type of depreciation, depreciation method and the treatment of the end of
depreciation. The Base method is later assigned to the depreciation keys.
Menu Path:
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods
Depreciation key Calculation Methods Define Base Methods
Define Declining-Balance Methods
Transaction: AFAMD
This step is to set the multiplication factor for determining the depreciation percentage rate, the
upper limit and the lower limit for declining balance method
Decl. Descriptions Dec. Max. Min.
001 No declining
002 Declining Bal. Constant percentage 36.9043 36.9043
003 Declining Balance 2 x straight line 2 40
Menu Path:
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation
key Calculation Methods Define Declining-Balance Methods
Define Maximum Amount Methods
This step is to set the maximum amount for the base value. It is later assigned to the depreciation
Maximum amount Descriptions Valid Max. Currency
TH0 Maximum value for vehicles 31.12.9999 1,000,000 THB
In the Country Version Thailand add-on version, the base value ZT was created and used for in
the calculation key to indicate the maximum amount. However in the release 4.6C the base value
ZT is not used anymore. The system is looking for the maximum amount from the maximum
amount method specified in the depreciation key.
Menu Path:
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation
key Calculation Methods Define Maximum Amount Methods
Define Multi-level Methods
Transaction: AFAMS
In this step is to define multi-level methods. It is later assigned to the depreciation keys. Each
level represents a validity period for a given percentage rate. The following methods are
predefined in chart of depreciation of Thailand in the release 4.6C.
Method Descriptions Valid Dep Acq. Year Per Base Perc Rem Redu
001 0%; Base=24=Net book value; 2 9999 999 12 24 x
002 0%; Base=24=Net book value 2 9999 999 12 24
003 0%; Base=05=Limit Repl. Value 2 9999 999 12 05
004 0%; Base=03=Repl.value 2 9999 999 12 03
005 0%; Base=01=Acq. Value 2 9999 999 12 01
006 0%; Base=01=Acq. value; for Special Depr. 3 9999 999 12 01
007 36.9043%; Base=24=Net book value (declinig) 2 9999 999 12 05 36.9043
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
008 0%; Base=03=Repl.value; Reduct.40% (R&D) 2 9999 999 12 01 40
Menu Path:
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation
key Calculation Methods Define Multi-level Methods
Define Period Control Methods
Transaction: AFAMP
This step is to set period control methods and assign the period control keys of Acquisition
transactions, Subsequent acquisitions, Retirements and transfers and so on to each period
control method.
Period Method Descriptions Acq. Add Retire Transfer
001 01/01/02/02 01 01 02 02
002 01/01/01/01 01 01 01 01
003 01/06/02/02 01 06 02 02
004 06/06/02/02 06 06 02 02
005 06/06/01/01 06 06 01 01
Menu Path:
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods
Depreciation key Calculation Methods Define Period Control Methods
Maintain Depreciation Key
Transaction: AFAMA
This step is to maintain depreciation key by assigning calculation methods to them. The key
characteristics of calculation key are the base method, declining balance method, period and
multi-level into depreciation key.
Menu Path:
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation
key Maintain Depreciation Key
7.1 Final Assets Value
According to Departmental Instruction No. Paw. 3/2527 Clause 8 the deduction of wear and tear and
the depreciation of an asset in any category may not deplete its entire cost value, and the minimum
amount of 1 Baht shall remain as its outstanding cost value.
That means company has to keep a record of depreciated asset after reaching the expected useful life
with the remaining value of 1 Baht in the book of account if that asset is not retired or sold. The
remaining value of 1 Baht can be set as a memo value of each depreciation area.
Menu Path
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation Amount Specifications (Company
Code/Depreciation Area) Specify memo value Specify memo value for depreciation areas
Transaction: OAYI
Customizing Tables
Specify memo value for depreciation areas
Asset class Ignore memo value
7.2 Low Value Assets (LVA)
In Thailand, most companies have their own way of defining the maximum amount for the low-value
assets (LVAs) and categorizing which Assets should be in this class. If a fixed asset has a cost lower
that the maximum value, the company can either expense such items directly, or first capitalize and
depreciate this asset totally within one year of purchasing.
Customizing Tables
Specify amount for low value assets
Transaction: OAYK
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation Amount Specifications (Company
Code/Depreciation Area) Specify Max. Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes
Specify LVA asset classes Specify amount for low value assets-Company code selection
Amount for low-value
Specify LVA asset classes
Transaction: OAY2
Menu Path
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation Amount Specifications (Company
Code/Depreciation Area) Specify Max. Amount for Low-value Assets + Asset Classes
Specify LVA asset classes Asset Class Low-val. Asset check
7.3 Leased Assets
Based on the Thai Accounting Standard No. 29, there are 2 types of leasing with the different
accounting procedures.
1. Capital expense for lessees, treated as an asset. A financial lease gives rise to a depreciation
charge for the asset as well as a finance charge for each accounting period.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
2. Operating expenses for lessors; treated as assets. Asset held for operating leases in the balance
sheet of lessors should be recorded as a property, plant, and equipment.
The depreciation of leased assets should be an a basis consistent with the lessor's normal
depreciation policy for similar assets and the depreciation charge should be calculated on the basis
set out in Accounting Standard No. 10, Depreciation Accounting.
Customizing Tables
Define Leasing Types
This step is to categorize leased asset with the leasing type. The leasing type also contains the
essential parameters for posting the asset acquisition as following:
Document type
Input tax
Posting key: is used for posting vendor line item
SGL indicator
Input tax should be only the deferred VAT code.
Transaction: OAC1
Menu Path
Financial accounting Asset accounting Special Valuation Leasing Define leasing type
Maintain interest accounts in account determination.
You should maintain the following account codes:
Expense account for interest
Clearing interest posting

Transaction: AO98
Menu Path
Financial accounting Asset accounting Special valuations Interest Define account
The Country Version Thailand in release 4.6C provides only annuity interest method
because the Thai Standard Accounting no. 29 does not describe interest calculation
for sum-of-the-year digit method. Therefore the depreciation key TH92-for sum-of-the-
year digit should be cancelled as well.
In the definition of depreciation key for calculating interest, the "depreciation to the
day" cannot be used.
The present value of the asset is the lease amount including vat.
7.4 Research and Development
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Assets in the category of machinery and accessories thereof used in research and development under
Royal Decree No. 145: an initial wear and tear and depreciation shall be allowed on the date of its
acquisition at the rate of 40 percent of cost value. And the residual shall be depreciated in accordance
with the conditions and at the normal rate.
Assets under Research and Development shall possess the following characteristics and be in line
with the following criteria:
The machinery and accessories thereof are not for manufacturing goods or providing service, but are
designed for the following uses:
1. Research and development of products or raw materials for use in manufacturing processes,
Testing quality of products, or Improving manufacturing processes for reducing manufacturing
costs or increasing manufactured products.
2. The machinery and accessories thereof are unused, have a useful life two years or longer and
3. The cost value is 100,000 Baht or more.
The use of the machinery and accessories thereof under (1) must be notified to the Director-General
of Revenue in the form prescribed by him within the period of 30 days from the date of putting them
into use.
To comply with this legal requirement, the system validates the following definition of the research and
development asset :
1. The depreciation key third character of R such as THR1, THR2 should only be
assigned to the 'Research and Development' class. To handle this requirement, validation
check of master data needs to be defined as following:
The validation step 001: If the asset class is NOT in the R&D class, the system must
not allow you to assign depreciation key with R at the third character in the depreciation
area02 to this asset class.
The validation step 002: If the created asset is in the R&D asset class, the system
should allow you to assign depreciation key with R at the third character in the depreciation
area02 to this asset class.
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Master data Define validation
Transaction: OACV
Customizing Tables
Validation check: J_1H001 Asset class R&D and useful life
You need to define a new validation check with your own name such as Z_XXXXX by copying
from the Validation check J_1H001. The following coding can be used as example:
Validation Step 001 Spec. depreciation only for R&D
Short descriptions: Asset class <> 'TH800' AND Deprec. area = '02'
Technical Names: ANLA-ANLKL <> 'TH800' AND ANLB-AFABE = '02'
Short descriptions: Dep. key :3-3: <> 'R'
Technical Names: ANLB-AFASL :3-3: <> 'R'
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Message (Output if prerequisite is met and check is not fulfilled)
Type E No.999 Text This depreciation key &1 cannot use in depreciation area &2
Output fields 1 ANLB- AFASL 2 ANLB- AFABE
Validation name J_1H001 R&D asset
Validation step 001 Spec. depre. only for R&D
Message type E Message class Z1
Message number 018
Message text This depreciation key &1 cannot use in depr
Message variables
3 - 4 -
Note: TH800 is the name of research and development class.
Message no.999=you should define your own message number
Validation Step 002 Spec. depreciation only for R&D
Short descriptions: Asset class = 'TH800' AND Deprec. area = '02'
Technical Names: ANLA-ANLKL = 'TH800' AND ANLB-AFABE = '02'
Short descriptions: Dep. key :3-3: = 'R'
Technical Names: ANLB-AFASL :3-3: = 'R'
Message (Output if prerequisite is met and check is not fulfilled)
Type E No.999 Text This depreciation key &1 cannot use in depreciation area &2
Output fields 1 ANLB- AFASL 2 ANLB- AFABE
TH800 is a name of the research and development class.
Message class for customer is Z1
Message number can be defined by the user
2. Asset in 'Research and Development' must have a useful life at least two years.
To make sure this, you need to set up a validation Step 003 of the Master Data definition. In this
validation step the system will make sure that if the asset class is the research and development,
the useful life should be at least 2 year.
Validation Step 003 R&D Useful life
Short descriptions: Asset class = 'TH800' AND Deprec. area = '02'
Technical Names: ANLA-ANLKL = 'TH800' AND ANLB-AFABE = '02'
Short descriptions: Useful life > '001'
Technical Names: ANLB-NDJAR > '001'
Message (Output if prerequisite is met and check is not fulfilled)
Type E No.999 Text Asset class &1 in depreciation area &2 must have at least 2 Yr.
Output fields 1 ANLA- ANLKL 2 ANLB- AFABE
Validation name J_1H001 R&D asset
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Validation step 003 R&D Useful life
Message type E Message class Z1
Message number 019
Message text Asset class &1 in depreciation area &2 must have at least 2
Message variables
3 - 4 -
3. Asset must have an acquisition value at least 100,000 Baht.
This can be validated by the posting validation. When you post an acquisition of research and
development asset, the system will check whether the acquisition value is at least 100,000 Baht.
Transaction: OAZ1
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Transactions Acquisitions Define
Customizing Tables
Validation transaction check: J_1H002 R&D acq. value at least 100,000 Baht
Validation check J_1H002 should be defined as a customer name range such as Z_XXXXX
Validation Step 001 R&D acquisition value at least 100,000 Baht
Short descriptions:
Asset class = 'TH800' AND Deprec. area = '01' AND Deprec. area = '01'
Technical Names:
Message (Output if prerequisite is met and check is not fulfilled)
Type E No.999 Text Acquisition value should have at least 100,000 Baht for R&D
Output fields 1 ANTS- ANLKL 2
The user exit routine U9002 has to be created before assigned in this
Message class for customer is Z1
Message number can be defined by user
The following is step to define user exit U9002.
1. Copy program RGGBR000 to ZXXXXXXXXXXX
2. Maintain program ZXXXXXXXXXXX with insert exit U9002
3. Active this program
4. Assign this new program instead RGGBR000 into table T80D by Transaction SM31
enter V_T80D
Appl. Area Ex.Prog. Application Area
GBLR RGGBR000 Val/sub: Exits for rules
GBLS RGGBS0TR Val/sub:Exits for substitution
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
GBRU RGLVU000 Rollup: User exits
GIMV RGIVU000 Variable field movement
KROU RKROU000 Cst ctr summariztn: User exits
LCBA LC: GesBerSubstitution
LCTT LC: TransTypeSubstitution

Note: you must maintain the exit program, as listed below, at the table T80D of application
area GBLR, instead of the standard exit form pool RGGBR000.
* Regeln: EXIT-Formpool for Uxxx-Exits *
* This formpool is used by SAP for demonstration purposes only. *
* *
* Note: If you define a new user exit, you have to enter your *
* user exit in the form routine GET_EXIT_TITLES. *
* *
INCLUDE FGBBGD00. "Data types
* GLU1.
* returns name and title of all available standard-exits *
* every exit in this formpool has to be added to this form. *
* You have to specify a parameter type in order to enable the *
* code generation program to determine correctly how to *
* generate the user exit call, i.e. how many and what kind of *
* parameter(s) are used in the user exit. *
* The following parameter types exist: *
* *
* TYPE Description Usage *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* C_EXIT_PARAM_NONE Use no parameter Subst. and Valid. *
* except B_RESULT *
* C_EXIT_PARAM_CLASS Use a type as parameter Subst. and Valid *
* --> EXIT_TAB table with exit-name and exit-titles *
* structure: NAME(5), PARAM(1), TITEL(60)
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
* EXITS-NAME = 'U101'.
* EXITS-TITLE = TEXT-100. "Posting date check
EXITS-NAME = 'U100'.
EXITS-PARAM = C_EXIT_PARAM_NONE. "Complete data used in exit.
EXITS-TITLE = TEXT-101. "Posting date check
* forms for SAP_EIS
EXITS-NAME = 'US001'. "single validation: only one
EXITS-PARAM = C_EXIT_PARAM_NONE. "data record used
EXITS-TITLE = TEXT-102. "Example EIS
EXITS-NAME = 'UM001'. "matrix validation:
EXITS-PARAM = C_EXIT_PARAM_CLASS. "complete data used in exit.
EXITS-TITLE = TEXT-103. "Example EIS
* Thailand: Validation for asset
exits-name = 'U9002'. "Asset validation:
exits-param = c_exit_param_none. "No data used in exit.
exits-title = text-002. "title
append exits.
* Validation with Exits:U9002 for Thailand *
* FORM U9002
* Check amount must be greather or equal 100,000. *
* Note: in process, the amount will be sum from ANEP and *
* entered amount from screen *
* --> OK
form u9002 using ok.
tables: anep,anlc.
data: begin of idynp occurs 0.
include structure dynpread.
data: end of idynp.
data: dynnum like sy-dynnr,
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
*------- Check only for Logistic Invoice verif. transaction ------------
if sy-cprog = 'SAPLMR1M'.
move: '6310' to dynnum,
'DRSEG-WRBTR' to fdname.
*------- Read fields from dynpros --------------------------------------
refresh idynp.
move fdname to idynp-fieldname. append idynp.
DYNAME = sy-cprog
DYNUMB = dynnum
* REQUEST = ' '
OTHERS = 11.
*------- Validate amount ----------------------------------------------
read table idynp with key fdname.
if idynp-fieldvalue ca '.,'.
translate idynp-fieldvalue using '. , '.
condense idynp-fieldvalue no-gaps.
move idynp-fieldvalue to anep-anbtr.
anep-anbtr = anep-anbtr / 100.
condense idynp-fieldvalue no-gaps.
move idynp-fieldvalue to anep-anbtr.
if anlc-bukrs = anep-bukrs
and anlc-anln1 = anep-anln1
and anlc-anln2 = anep-anln2
and anlc-gjahr = anep-gjahr
and anlc-afabe = anep-afabe
and anlc-zujhr = anep-zujhr
and anlc-zucod = anep-zucod.
select single * from anlc where bukrs = anep-bukrs
and anln1 = anep-anln1
and anln2 = anep-anln2
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
and gjahr = anep-gjahr
and afabe = anep-afabe
and zujhr = anep-zujhr
and zucod = anep-zucod.
if sy-subrc = 0.
anep-anbtr = anep-anbtr + anlc-answl + anlc-kansw.
if anep-anbtr >= 100000. "Limited amount
ok = 'T'.
ok = 'F'.
if sy-cprog = 'SAPLMR1M'. "LIV - enjoy
message E020(Z1).
endform. "U9002
These validation and user-exit are not included in the release 4.6C. Therefore you have to
maintain by yourself.

4. For the depreciation 40 percent of asset acquisition value on the acquisition date, you have
to post depreciation manually in the depreciation area 02 for the tax purpose. Therefore, in asset
master record, you have to maintain a depreciation key that allows a manual depreciation in
depreciation area 02.
Customizing Tables
Depreciation key THR1 / THR2 set control indicator acquisition only allowed in
capitalization year =yes
Assignment of Calculation Methods
Dep./Int. Phase Base Method Decli.Bal. Prd Cont. Multilple. Chng.Over Chng.over
Ord.Depre. 1 0011 002 008 5
Ord.Depre 2 0017 003 005
Special tax 1 0023 004 006
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods
Depreciation Key Maintain Depreciation Key
The steps to post a manual depreciation are as follows:
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Postings Manual Value Correction.
Manual Depreciation
Transaction: ABMA
Fill in a transaction type 630--Manual spec. dep.on new dep.key.
Fill in 40 percent of acquisition value in special depreciation area.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
7.5 Vehicles
According to the ROYAL DECREE (No. 145) B.E. 2527: and Departmental Instruction No. Paw.
3/2527 Clause 5, 6,and 8, bus with no more than 10 passenger capacity or passenger car shall be
deducted depreciation at the rate not exceeding 20 percent of that part of cost value which does not
exceed one million Baht.
In this case you need to customize a maximum base value of this asset class to one million Baht. This
maximum base value can be set at the level of company code, asset class or at the level of the
depreciation area. At least in the depreciation area 02, which is for the tax purpose, the maximum
base value has to be set.
Customizing Tables
Define maximum amount method 1,000,000.00 for vehicle
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods
Depreciation Key Calculation Methods Define Maximum Amount Methods
Define maximum base value 1,000,000.00 for vehicle
Menu Path
IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Further
Settings Define Maximum Base Value
Transaction: OAW2
Remark: Please specify the base method 0007 for the ordinary phase 1 when maintaining the
depreciation key. The base method 0007 is indicating that the system should continue depreciation
after the end of the planned useful life, if the depreciation is still no more than maximum amount.
7.6 Asset Reporting
The following reports can be used for the Country Version Thailand:
Asset Depreciation List
Gain/Loss on Disposal Assets
Asset History Sheet
Asset Inventory List
7.6.1 Asset Depreciation List
The Asset Depreciation List can be used as an attachment of the item 12 on the Income Tax Form No.
50 (Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 50). It has to be submitted to the Thai revenue department every year. This list
shows the depreciation details in the same format as Phaw. Ngaw. Daw. 50.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Menu Path
ABAP Queries TH01
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Info system Reports on Asset Accounting
Preparations for closing Country Specifics Thailand Asset depreciation list (TH)
Selection Screen
Company Code
Report Date
Depreciation area
Depreciation type
Acquisition date
APC amount
Net book value previous year
Acquisition this year
Rate of depreciation
Depreciation this year
End book value
7.6.2 Gain/Loss on Disposal Assets
This report can be used as an attachment of the item 11 on the Income Tax Form No. 50 (Phaw.
Ngaw. Daw. 50). It has to be submitted to the Thai revenue department every year. The report shows
the revenue from disposal, retired APC (net book value), Gain/Loss and retirement cost.
Menu Path
ABAP Queries TH02
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Info system Reports on Asset Accounting->
Preparations for closing Country Specifics Thailand Asset disposal list (TH)
Selection Screen
Company Code
Report Date
Depreciation area
Depreciation type
Disposal amount
End book value
Retirement cost
Gain Type 0 = No restric
1 = Gain Only
2 = Loss only
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
3 = Revenue = net book value
Use gain type 0 for Thailand because this type shows transactions with no profit, gain and loss.
7.6.3 Asset History Sheet
This report shows the depreciation and the accumulated depreciation for each year.
Menu Path
ABAP/4 program RAGITT01
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Info system Reports on Asset Accounting
Balance Sheet Explanations International Asset History Sheet
Customizing Tables
Define history sheet version (Transaction: OA79)
Selection Screen
Company Code
Report Date
Depreciation area
Sort version
History sort version
Depreciation posted
Asset value
Accumulated depreciation
7.6.4 Assets Inventory List
The purpose of this report is to list the assets inventory as recorded in the system. You can use this
report to compare with your physical inventory.
Menu Path
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Info system Reports on Asset Accounting
Asset Balances Inventory Lists Physical Inventory Lists by asset class
Selection Screen
Company Code
Report Date
Depreciation area
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Asset number
Acquisition value
Acquisition year
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
8 Materials Management
8.1 Purchase Order
It is common practice in Thailand that the purchase order has to display the VAT amount separately from the
material cost. The gross amount should be printed in Thai words. There are two ways of processing PO as
8.1.1 Purchase order excluded VAT.
Create a purchase order by entering price excluded VAT. The VAT amount and the total amount of PO
will be calculated and displayed separately when printed.
Customizing PO excluded VAT
1. Create condition type 'ZWST' - VAT Amount by copying from condition type MWST. Please enter
detail as follows:
Field Value
Description VAT Amount
Condition class 'D' - Tax
Calculation type 'A' - Percentage
Condition category 'D' - Tax
Item condition 'X'
Amount/Value 'X'
Value 'X'
Delete 'X'
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Purchasing Condition Define Price
Determination Procedure Define Condition Type
2. Add condition type 'ZWST' into pricing procedure 'RM0000' and enter information as follows:
Step Cntr Ctyp Description From Man. Print Reqt. AltCty
36 0 ZWST x S 10 16
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Purchasing Condition Define Price
Determination Procedure Define Calculation Schema
8.1.2 Purchase order included VAT.
Create a purchase order by entering price included VAT. The system will calculate the VAT amount
automatically from the price included VAT. When printing the purchase order, it displays the total price
of material, VAT amount and gross amount of PO separately on the purchase order form.
Customizing PO included VAT
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
1. Create condition type 'J1H9' - dummy condition type by copying from condition type RA01
discount % on gross. Please enter detail as follows:
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Field Value
Description VAT Amount
Condition class 'A' - Discount or Surcharge
Calculation type 'A' - Percentage
Item condition 'X'
Value 'X'
Delete 'X'
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Purchasing Condition Define Price
Determination Procedure Define Condition Type
2. Add condition type 'J1H9' into pricing procedure 'RM0000' and enter information as follows:
Step Cntr Ctyp Description From Man. Print Reqt. AltCty
23 0 J1H9 X S 2 360
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Purchasing Condition Define Price
Determination Procedure Define Calculation Schema
Other requirements for both forms of purchase order.
Display amount in word.
Display purchase order form in Thai language.
Customizing for layout set
1. Create output type 'J1HP' - Purchase Order (Thai) by copying from standard output type 'NEU'.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Purchasing Messages Output Control
Message Types Define Message Types for PO
2. Assign layout set and output program for purchase order.
Layout set for PO form is defined as SAPscript forms named J_1HPOFORM.
Printing program is used the same as standard program 'SAPFM06P'.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Purchasing Messages Form (Layout sets) for
Messages Assign Form and Output Program for Purchase Order

8.2 Cost of Inventory
In Thailand, there are three alternatives of material valuations.
Weighted Average
The cost of each item is determined from the weighted average of the cost of similar items at the
beginning of a period and the cost of similar items purchased or produced during the period.
First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
The items of inventory which were purchased or produced first are sold first, and consequently the
items remaining in inventory at the end of the period are those most recently purchased or
Last-In, First-Out (LIFO)
The items of inventory which were purchased or produced last are sold first, and consequently the
items remaining in inventory at the end of the period are those most recently purchased or
Customizing Steps
To use batch determination with classification to handle FIFO/LIFO costing method, there are some
general Customizing steps.
1. Specify batch level.
Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Specify batch level and
activate status management
2. Activate batch number assignment.
Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Batch Number Assignment
Activate Internal Batch Number Assignment
3. Activate split valuation for material.
Menu Path: Logistics Material Management Valuation and Account Assignment Split
Valuation Split Valuation
4. Activate valuation category X for valuation area.
Menu Path: Logistics Material Management Valuation and Account Assignment Split
Valuation Configure Split Valuation
5. Create characteristics 'J1H_GRDATE for class type '022' or '023' which linked to data
dictionary field (MCHA-LWEDT) or (MCH1-LWEDT) according to batch level used. System
will input its characteristic value automatically when users post goods receipt.
6. Create characteristics 'J1H_BATCH_NO for class type '022' or '023' which linked to data
dictionary field (MCHA-CHARG) or (MCH1-CHARG) according to batch level used. System
will input its characteristic value automatically when users post goods receipt.
7. Create selection class 'J1H_COST_FORMULA' in class type '022', allocate characteristics
'J1H_GRDATE' and 'J1H_BATCH_NO' to this class. If users handle batch level on material
level or client level (class type - 023), they have to create new selection class which class
type '023' instead.
Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Classification Master Data Classification
8. Create sorting rule 'J1H_FIFO' for sorting characteristics value in ascending order by goods
receipt date and batch number.
September 2000
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Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination Check
Define Sort Rules Create Sort Rules
MM Customizing
1. Create inventory management strategy type 'J1HF' for FIFO by copying from 'ME02'. This strategy
type links to
- Access Sequence 'ME02'
- Selection Class Type '022'
- Selection Class 'J1H_COST_FORMULA'
- Sort Sequence 'J1H_FIFO'
- No. of Batch Split '999'
- Quantity Proposal '1'
That means this strategy type will use characteristics 'J1H_GRDATE' - goods receipt date and
'J1H_BATCH_NO' - batch number to automatically select and sort the required batches
Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination and Check
Strategy Type Define Inventory Management Strategy Type
2. Assign new strategy type 'J1HF' at the first step in search procedure 'ME0001'.
Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination and Check
Batch Search Procedure Definition Define Inventory Management Search Procedure
3. Determine inventory management search procedure 'ME0001' to movement type.
Menu Path: Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination and Check Batch
Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation Allocate IM Search Procedure / Activate
4. Create batch search strategy record for plant by referring to search 'J1HF' - FIFO.
Menu Path: Logistics Material Management Inventory Management Environment
Batch Search Strategy Create
SD Customizing
1. Create inventory management strategy type 'J1HF' for FIFO by copying from 'SD01'. This strategy
type links to
- Access Sequence 'SD01'
- Selection Class Type '022'
- Selection Class 'J1H_COST_FORMULA'
- Sort Sequence 'J1H_FIFO'
- No. of Batch Split '999'
- Quantity Proposal '1'
That means this strategy type will use characteristics 'J1H_GRDATE' - goods receipt date and
'J1H_BATCH_NO' - batch number to automatically select and sort the required batches
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination and Check
Strategy Type Define Sales and Distribution Strategy Type
2. Assign new strategy type 'J1HF' at the first step in search procedure 'SD0001'.
Menu Path: IMG Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination and Check
Batch Search Procedure Definition Define Sales and Distribution Search Procedure
3. Determine search procedure 'SD0001' to sales area and order type that you need.
Menu Path: Logistics General Batch Management Batch Determination and Check Batch
Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation Allocate SD Search Procedure / Activate
4. Create batch search strategy record for plant by referring to search 'J1HF' - FIFO.
Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Environment Batch Search
Strategy Create
Pre-requisite in material master data
1. Assign valuation category must be 'X' in the material master view accounting and define price
control = V moving average when you create material master data.
2. Assign class 'J1H_COST_FORMULA' to material number in the material master data.
3. Assign availability check = CH Batch
Goods receipt:
Automatically generated batch number.
Automatically assign characteristic value for goods receipt date and batch number.
Post to inventory account with the actual value of batch.
Store individual material cost for each batch when list of stock value for material.
Goods issue:
Automatically propose the right batch according to FIFO/LIFO method.
Retrieve material cost from each batch and post to accounting correctly.
8.3 Logistics Invoice Verification
Logistics Invoice Verification (LIV) is a function in Material Management. It is closely integrated with FI-AP. If
you implement the extended withholding tax in FI, you have to enter the withholding tax types and mark at
Liable flag when maintaining your vendor master record.
According to the Thai Legal requirement, entries in an input tax report must be made in sequential order of
receiving the tax invoice regardless of the receiving date appearing on the tax invoice. For Country Version
Thailand, the invoices received can be booked in a sequential order, as set up in FI Customizing.
Pre-requisite for Customizing
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Create business place (branch).
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Define Business Place
Set up FI Customizing which are required to generate running number for input tax. (See VAT
The function carried out in Logistics Invoice Verification for Thailand is required to enter business
place manually when creating invoice or credit memo. When canceling invoice, business place from
the original invoice document will be automatically updated in the cancelled document correctly.
FI Integration
Automatically update business place in FI document at line item after posting invoice.
Update business place (branch) field in table BSEG-BUPLA, BSET-BUPLA.
Generate running number for VAT purpose in the field document header text.
8.4 Stock card / Inventory and Raw Material (IMAT) Report
According to the Thai requirements, company must provide a stock report to display goods received
and issued in each period.
Program "J_1HSTCD" will display data required by the Director-General of the Revenue Department of
Thailand. These reports are used for auditing of Revenue Department purpose.
Stock card report for accounting / Inventory and raw material report
- Display quantity and amount movement (receipt/issue) for each material within the specific
- Display every movement that effects to material not only quantity but also value which is
posted from changing material valuation or invoice verification.
- Sort by plant, material number, document date, time entry, material document.
- Display goods movement for stock type unrestricted-use, quality inspection, blocked stock and
include special stock O, V, W.
- Display data required by the Director-General of the Revenue Department of Thailand (IMAT
Stock card for store department
- Display only quantity movement for each material within the specific period by plant, storage
- Sort by plant, material number, storage location, document date, time entry, material
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
- Can select by stock type that you want to see goods movement.
Normal stock type
Stock in transit at plant level
Stock in transit at storage location level
Return stock
Stock balance report
- Summarize total value of every material by plant.
- Display total quantity, amount and stock return quantity of each material by plant, material
- Display data required by the Director-General of the Revenue Department of Thailand.
Stock card report for special stock
- Display quantity movement (receipt / issue) for each material within the specific period for
each special stock
E : Order on hand
K : Vendor consignment
M : Return packaging vendor
O : Material provide for vendor
V : Return packaging customer
Q : Project stock
W : Consignment customer
Menu Path
To access the report, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Financial
Accounting General Ledger Reporting Tax Reports Thailand.
Selection Screen
Database selections
Material number
Company code
Storage location
Material Type
Special stock indicator
Selection date
Selection parameters
- Display stock movement by plant (with amount)
- Display stock movement by plant, storage location
O Normal stock
O In transit ( SLOC.)
O In transit ( Plant )
O Return stock
- Display special stock movement
O Inventory and Raw Material Report detail
O Stock balance report summary
Scope of list
No zero stock
List only materials which ending balance is not equal to zero.
Changed stock only
List only materials which beginning balance is not equal to
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ending balance.
Non-changed stock only List only materials which beginning balance is equal to
ending balance.
The report generates a list with the following data:
Material number
Material Type
Start date beginning balance
Total goods receipt
Total goods issue
End date ending balance
Storage location
Special stock indicator
Reference document
GR/GI slip
Movement type
Quantity receipt
Quantity issue
Balance quantity
Price per unit
Balance amount
Comment (description of movement type)
8.5 Inventory and Raw Material for Special Stock Report
To comply with the Thai requirements concerning inventory and material management, you should be
able to display a list of all materials issued and received across periods.
Program "J_1HSTKV" can be used to display stock movement and balance for each special stock in
Special stock types delivered in the standard SAP R/3 are as following:
E - Order on hand stock
K - Vendor consignment stock
M - Returnable packaging vendor stock
O - Material provide for vendor stock
Q - Project stock
V - Returnable packaging with customer stock
W - Consignment customer stock
Menu Path
To access the report, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Financial
Accounting General Ledger Reporting Tax Reports Thailand.
- Enter date selection to see transactions in history.
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
- Display goods movement by order, material number for order on hand stock.
- Display goods movement by vendor, material number for vendor consignment stock.
- Display goods movement by vendor, material number for returnable packaging vendor stock.
- Display goods movement by vendor, material number for material provided for vendor stock.
- Display goods movement by WBS, material number for project stock.
- Display goods movement by customer, material number for returnable packaging customer
- Display goods movement by customer, material number for customer consignment stock.
- Display stock balance by order, material number for order on hand stock.
- Display stock balance by vendor, material number for vendor consignment stock.
- Display stock balance by vendor, material number for returnable packaging vendor stock.
- Display stock balance by vendor, material number for material provided for vendor stock.
- Display stock balance by WBS, material number for project stock.
- Display stock balance by customer, material number for returnable packaging customer stock.
- Display stock balance by customer, material number for customer consignment stock.
Selection Screen
- Database selections
Material number
Company code
Storage location
Material Type
Special stock indicator
Selection date
- Additional selection
Customer number
Vendor number
WBS number
Sales order number
- Report selection
Inventory and Raw Material Report detail
Stock balance report summary
- Scope of list
No zero stock List only materials which ending balance is not equal to zero.
Changed stock only List only materials which beginning balance is not equal to
ending balance.
Non-changed stock only List only materials which beginning balance is equal to
ending balance.
The report generates a list with the following data:
Company name
Business place ( Plant )
Material number
Material Type
Unit of measure
Storage location
Special stock indicator
Vendor name / Customer name / WBS number / Sales orders number
Start date beginning balance
Total goods receipt
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Total goods issue
End date ending balance
Reference document
GR/GI slip
Movement type
Quantity receipt
Quantity issue
Balance quantity
8.6 Free Spare Part Issue Report for Warranty Product
After VAT registered trader sells/provides products/services with warranty and the products are
damaged, the trader may send the spare part to customer in order to replace the damaged parts or
customer send the products back to have them repaired. Spare part that used in this case is free of
The trader has to keep information and prepare a report of the spare part issued under free warranty
separately from the inventory and raw material report. In addition, this report is a part of inventory and
raw material report, which the information of each branch of the VAT registered trader must be
reported to the Revenue Department for auditing purpose.
There are two alternatives of issuing materials from the stock.
1. Issue via delivery order ( SD module )
2. Issue via service order ( SM module )
Menu Path
To access the report, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Financial
Accounting General Ledger Reporting Tax Reports Thailand.
Pre-Requisite Customizing
Issue via delivery order.
See more detail free warranty topic in SD module.
Issue via service order (SM module)
Create new movement type
993 - issue via service order
994 - cancel 993
set automatic account assignment
Selection Screen
Company Code
Posting Date
Sales Orders Type
Sales Orders Number
Material Document Number
Item Category
Material Number
Movement Type
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Company Name
Business Place
Material Number / Description
Unit of Measure
Material Type
Posting Date
Material Document Number
Customer Name
Serial Number
Warranty Date
Equipment Number
9 Sales and Distribution
9.1 Free goods
In Thailand when company sells goods or services with free goods to the customer, the value of free
goods should be excluded from the tax base.
There are two alternatives for posting free goods when release billing to FI.
Alternative Process Account posting Customizing
I Billing Dr. Customer See Customizing
Other sales deduction account
Cr. Sales revenue account
Output tax account
II Billing Dr. Customer See Customizing
Cr. Sales revenue account
Output tax account
Pre-requisite FI Customizing
1. Create business place.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Define Business Place
2. Assign business place to plant.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Assign Business Place to Plant
3. Customize the related FI Customizing for running number of output tax. (See detail in VAT topic)
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SD Customizing of Alternative I
1. Activate pricing for the free goods item category (TANN).
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Function Free Goods Control Free Goods
Pricing Control pricing for free goods item category
2. Check pricing condition that is required to use for free goods.
Condition type R100
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Function Free Goods Control Free
Goods Pricing Maintain condition type for 100% discount
Add condition type R100 in the pricing procedure.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Function Free Goods Control Free
Goods Pricing Maintain pricing procedure for pricing
Select procedure 'RVAA01' - Standard and then choose control.
3. Assign routine no. 360 in field Data VBRK/VBRP at item level for item category TAN and
TANN in the copy control from delivery note to billing.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Maintain copying
control for billing documents Copying Control: Delivery Note to Billing Document
SD Customizing of Alternative II
1. No activate pricing for the free goods item category (TANN).
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Function Free Goods Control Free Goods
Pricing Control pricing for free goods item category
2. Assign routine no. 360 in field Data VBRK/VBRP at item level for item category TAN and
TANN in the copy control from delivery note to billing.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Maintain copying
control for billing documents Copying Control: Delivery Note to Billing Document
Automatically display default business place when create billing.
Allow user to change business place (branch) field when creating/changing billing document
before releasing to FI.
Allow user to enter text description for free goods line item via sales order item text
material sales text and display it in the printout of invoice.
Automatically update business place in FI document at line item after releasing billing document to
Update business place (branch) field in table BSEG-BUPLA, BSET-BUPLA.
Generate running number for VAT purpose in the field reference.
Display in the output tax report.
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
In the standard R/3, when you cancel a billing, the original billing document number will be copied
into the reference field (at the header) of the automatic created billing and FI document. In case
that you activate the running number of tax invoice in FI Customizing, the system will store the tax
invoice number in the reference field of the billing. When you cancel a billing, the original tax
invoice number will be copied into the reference field of the automatic created billing and FI
9.2 Free of charge
In case of registrant who is responsible for VAT liability when transferring the ownership of the goods
with no benefit and no collect value added tax from a purchaser, the registrant has to absorb the
output tax.
A registrant liable to tax shall prepare document of tax liability and display in the output tax report.
Document must have quantity and value of goods for VAT calculation purpose and entry shall be
made within three working days from the date of liable to tax.
There are two alternatives for account posting in delivery process and billing process.

Alternative Process Account posting Customizing
I Delivery Dr. Clearing expense account See Customizing
Cr. Inventory account
Billing Dr. Expense from free warranty account
Absorb output tax account
Cr. Clearing expense account
Output tax account
II Delivery Dr. Expense from free warranty account See Customizing
Cr. Inventory account
Billing Dr. Clearing expense account
Absorb output tax account
Cr. Clearing expense account
Output tax account
Pre-requisite FI Customizing
1. Create business place.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Define Business Place
2. Assign business place to plant.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Assign Business Place to Plant
3. No activate official numbering in FI document type, which are used for free of charge. (More detail
See VAT topic)
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Menu Path: IMG Financial Accounting Global Setting Document Document Header
Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type
4. Set up FI Customizing which are required in running number for output tax. (See VAT topic)
Customizing of Alternative I
SD Customizing
1. Create a new sales document type 'J1H2' - free of charge sales by copying from standard order
type 'OR'.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Sales document
header Define Sales document types
2. Create a delivery type 'J1H2' - delivery free of charge by copying from standard delivery type 'LF'.
Menu Path: IMG Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries Define delivery type
3. Create billing type 'J1H2' - free of charge by copying from standard billing type 'F2', assign number
range for billing document and enter FI document to billing type.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing document Define billing types
4. Change sales order type 'J1H2' and assign billing type 'J1H2' to relevant with this order type.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Sales document
header Define Sales document types
5. Create copy control from sales order type 'J1H2' to delivery type 'J1H2' by copying from sales
order type 'OR' to delivery type 'LF.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Shipping Copying control Specify copying
control for delivery

6. Create copy control from delivery type 'J1H2' to billing type 'J1H2' by copying from delivery type
'LF' to billing type 'F2' and change information as follows:
Leave space in reference field at header structure.
Assign routine number 360 in the item category TAN at item structure.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing document Maintain copying
control for billing document
7. Create a new condition type J1H2 by copying from standard condition type KOFI.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Define access sequence and account determination type Define account determination type
8. Create a new account determination procedure J_1H02 and assign condition type J1H2 into
account determination procedure.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Revenue account determination Define and assign account detemination procedure Define
account detemination procedure
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
9. Assign G/L account for account determination procedure.
App Condty ChAc Sorg Actkey G/L account
V J1H2 INT SD01 ERL 232600
V J1H2 INT SD01 EVV 262000
V J1H2 INT SD01 J1H 262000
V J1H2 INT SD01 MWS 175000
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Revenue account determination Assign G/L account
10. Assign account determination procedure J_1H02 to billing type 'J1H2'.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Revenue account determination Assign account determination procedure
11. Create condition type 'J1HA' and enter information as follows:
Field Value
Description Absorb output tax
Condition class A Discount or surcharge
Calculation type A Percentage
Calculation category D Tax
Plus/Minus X
Item condition X
Manual entries C Manual entry
Amount/Percentage x
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define condition type
12. Create a new pricing procedure 'J_1H01' - Price for FOC and enter information as follow:
Step Cty From Mdt. P Sub Stat Reqt Altcty. AltCBV Actky
915 MWST 11 S 10 16 MWS
950 J1HA 11 x 2 362 J1H
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing procedure Maintain pricing procedure
13. Create a new document pricing procedure 'C' - Free of Charge.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing proceudre Define document determination procedure
14. Assign document pricing procedure to order types
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing proceudre Assign document pricing procedure to order types
15. Assign document pricing procedure to billing types
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing proceudre Document pricing procedure - Assign billing types
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
16. Define pricing procedure determination
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing proceudre Define pricing procedure determination
17. Create schedule line category 'T1' - Free of charge by copying from schedule line category 'CP'
and assign movement type 990. (Please create movement type 990 in MM before assign ).
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Schedule lines
Define Schedule lines category
18. Assign schedule line category 'T1' to item category 'TAN.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Schedule lines
Assign Schedule lines category
19. Assign account determination cash procedure KOFIAC to billing type J1H2.
20. Assign G/L account for condition type cash.
App Condty ChAc Sorg Dist. Div. Actkey G/L account
SD Customizing of alternative II
1. Create a new sales document type 'J1H2' - free of charge sales by copying from standard order
type 'OR'.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Sales document
header Define Sales document types
2. Create a delivery type 'J1H2' - delivery free of charge by copying from standard delivery type 'LF'.
Menu Path: IMG Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries Define delivery type
3. Create billing type 'J1H2' - free of charge by copying from standard billing type 'F2', assign number
range for billing document and enter FI document to billing type.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing document Define billing types
4. Change sales order type 'J1H2' and assign billing type 'J1H2' to relevant with this order type.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Sales document
header Define Sales document types
5. Create copy control from sales order type 'J1H2' to delivery type 'J1H2' by copying from sales
order type 'OR' to delivery type 'LF.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Shipping Copying control Specify copying
control for delivery
6. Create copy control from delivery type 'J1H2' to billing type 'J1H2' by copying from delivery type
'LF' to billing type 'F2' and change information as follows:
leave space in reference field at header structure.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
assign routine number 360 in the item category TAN at item structure.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing document Maintain copying
control for billing document
7. Create a new condition type J1H2 by copying from standard condition type KOFI.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functionsAccount assignment/Costing
Define access sequence and account determination type Define account determination type
8. Create a new account determination procedure J_1H05 and assign condition type J1H2 into
account determination procedure.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Revenue account determination Define and assign account detemination procedure Define
account detemination procedure
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
9. Assign G/L account for account determination procedure.
App Condty ChAc Sorg Actkey G/L account
V J1H2 INT SD01 ERL 262000
V J1H2 INT SD01 EVV 232600
V J1H2 INT SD01 J1H 262100
V J1H2 INT SD01 MWS 175000
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Revenue account determination Assign G/L account
10. Assign account determination procedure to billing type 'J1H2'.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Account assignment/Costing
Revenue account determination Assign account determination procedure
11. Create condition type 'J1HA' and enter information as follows:
Field Value
Description Absorb output tax
Condition class A Discount or surcharge
Calculation type A Percentage
Plus/Minus X
Item condition X
Manual entries C Manual entry
Amount/Percentage x
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define condition type
12. Create access sequence 'J1TH' - Thailand 100% offset with table 390.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define access sequence
13. Create condition type 'J1HB' and enter information as follows:
Field Value
Description Gross Price (Reverse)
Access sequence J1TH
Condition class A Discount or surcharge
Calculation type A Percentage
Condition category H Basic Price
Plus / Minus X
Item condition x
Manual entries D Not possible
Amount/Percentage x
Delete x
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
14. Create a new pricing procedure 'J_1H02' - Price for FOC (same as free warranty) and enter
information as follow:
Step Cty From Mdt. P Sub Stat Reqt AltCBV Actky
10 PR00 X 2 ERL
30 J1HA 10 S 2 J1H
40 MWST x S 10 16 MWS
100 J1HB x S 2 ERL
110 VPRS B x 4
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing procedure Maintain pricing procedure
15. Create a new document pricing procedure 'C' - Free of Charge.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing procedure Define document determination procedure
16. Assign document pricing procedure to order types
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing procedure Assign document pricing procedure to order types
17. Assign document pricing procedure to billing types
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing procedure Document pricing procedure - Assign billing types
18. Define pricing procedure determination
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing control
Define and assign pricing procedure Define pricing procedure determination
19. Create schedule line category 'T1' - Free of charge by copying from schedule line category 'CP'
and assign movement type 990. ( Please create movement type 990 in MM before assign ).
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Schedule lines
Define Schedule lines category
20. Assign schedule line category 'T1' to item category 'TAN.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales document Schedule lines
Assign Schedule lines category
MM Customizing
1. Create movement type 990 by copying from movement type 601.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Inventory Management Define new movement
2. Assign automatic account assignment.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Valuation and account assignment Define
automatic account assignment
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Automatically display default business place (branch) when create billing.
Allow user to change business place (branch) field when creating/changing billing document
before releasing to FI.
Automatically split invoice when create billing which has different business place (branch).
Business place (branch) cannot be changed after releasing to FI.
Only one business place (branch) can be specified per one document.
No tax invoice number generation in the field reference (VBRK-XBLNR) of accounting document
header but update with current billing document in the field reference.
Automatically update business place in FI document at line item after release billing to FI.
Update business place (branch) field in table BSEG-BUPLA, BSET-BUPLA after posting to FI.
Display in the output VAT report.
In the standard R/3, when you cancel a billing, the original billing document number will be copied
into the reference field (at the header) of the automatic created billing and FI document.
9.3 Debit / Credit Note
According to the Revenue Department of Thailand, a valid credit or debit note should contain the
following information:
Word "Credit Note" or "Debit Note" on a conspicuous spot.
Name, address and taxpayer identification number of the registrant issuing the debit note or credit
Name and address of the purchaser of goods or the recipient of services.
Date of issuance of the credit note or debit note.
Serial number of the original tax invoice and of the pad. If any, value of the goods or services
appearing on such invoice, true value of the goods or services, the difference between the two
values, and amount of tax additionally collectible on the difference.
Short explanations on the cause of issuing debit or credit note.
SD Customizing
Assign layout set "RVINVOICETH" to use for printing debit / credit note
Assign routine no. 360 in field Data VBRK/VBRP at item level for item category TAN in the
copy control from delivery note to billing.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Maintain copying control
for billing documents Copying Control: Delivery Note to Billing Document
9.4 Tax Invoice
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
According to the Thai law, tax point will occur when goods are delivered. That is the time when
company has to issue the Invoice/tax invoice to the customer. A tax invoice shall contain at least the
following information:
Word 'Tax Invoice' on a conspicuous spot.
Name, address and taxpayer identification number of the registrant, in case of sale of consigned
goods, the tax invoice must display the information of the consignor.
Name, address of the purchaser or goods or the recipient of services.
Serial number of tax invoice and of the pad, if any.
Name, type, category, quantity, and value of the goods and services.
Amount of value added tax computed on the value of goods and services, which shall be clearly
separated from such value.
Date of issuance of the tax invoice.
Contain the passage The Branch Issuing this Tax Invoice is
SD Customizing
Create new output type J1H1.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic function Output procedure Message
Assign layout set "RVINVOICETH", standard printing program RVADIN01 to output type J1H1.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic function Output procedure Message
9.5 Exchange rate for export
According to the Departmental Instruction No. Paw 71/2541, issuing tax invoice for the sale of goods
or provision of services as described below, in which the price of goods or service fee is agreed in a
foreign currency unit, the registrant is required to enter the value of the goods or services and the
value added tax in Thai currency in the tax invoice using the daily reference rate for currency
exchange announced by BOT as the exchange rate for converting foreign currency into Thai currency
for the following day in compliance with Section 9 of the Revenue Code, because the rules under
Section 79/4 cannot be applied in converting foreign currency into Thai currency.
(1) Sale of goods or provision of services in Thailand;
(2) Provision of service in Thailand and made use of in a foreign currency (cross border supply of
(3) The sale of crude oil and oil products;
(4) Provision of international cargo transport services by sea-going vessel;
(5) Provision of international cargo transport services by aircraft.
1. Exchange rate used for posting to A/R when releasing billing document to FI must be buying rate
(exchange rate type G), not the average rate or rate type M.
2. Exchange rate date must be the date of billing date minus 1 day.
FI Customizing
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
1. Create business place.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Define Business Place
2. Assign business place to plant.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Assign Business Place to plant
3. Customize the related FI Customizing for running number of output tax. (See detail in VAT topic)
SD Customizing
1. To change the exchange rate type from M to the other, you can maintain it in the customer
master record.
2. Setup some required information in the copy control from delivery note to billing in SD
Customizing as following:
Set pricing exchange rate type = C - exchange rate determination according to billing
Assign routine no. 364 in the field copy requirement.
Assign routine no. 360 in the field Data VBRK/VBRP.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing document Maintain copying
control for billing document
Retrieve exchange rate type from customer master data correctly.
Automatically display default business place when create billing.
Allow user to change business place (branch) field when creating/changing billing document
before releasing to FI.
Exchange rate that posted to FI is correct by using billing date minus 1 day.
Update translation date consistency to exchange rate, which is posted to FI document.
Automatically update business place in FI document at line item after releasing billing document to
Update business place (branch) field in table BSEG-BUPLA, BSET-BUPLA.
9.6 Withholding tax in Sales and Distribution
The extended withholding tax functionality can be used as well in the SD module. However it is
restricted to only the withholding tax at payment. Therefore in the billing document some new fields
were added on the item level to store the withholding type/withholding code combinations of the item.
The determination of the withholding information can be done by using condition technique. For more
detailed information please refer to the standard documentation about pricing in the SD. All features of
the condition technique are available (like requirements, formulas, etc.).
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
See: Customizing Withholding Tax in the SD (from Argentina Country Standard Documentation)
9.7 Down Payment
In the case where a buyer pays an advance of a certain amount to the seller before agreeing to
conclude an outright purchase and sale or to make a sale under a hire-purchase contract. The seller
receives the advance; the down payment or the deposit payment shall be treated as having received
partial payment of the price.
The seller is thus required to issue a tax invoice on the amount received at the time of receiving partial
of the price of goods, the down payment or the deposit payment.
If buyer agrees with the seller to buy goods in an outright purchase and sale after having paid an advance of
a certain amount to the seller, the seller shall be treated as having sold the goods to the buyer at the total
value of the goods including the advance.
The seller is required to issue a tax invoice on the total value of the goods minus the advance at the
time when the goods are delivered to the buyer.
Pre-Requisite FI Customizing
1. Create business place.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Define Business Place
2. Assign business place to plant.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Assign Business Place to Plant
3. No activate official numbering in FI document type, which are used for down payment request.
Menu Path: IMG Financial Accounting Global Setting Document Document Header
Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type
4. Set up FI Customizing for the running number of output tax. (See VAT topic)
SD Customizing
1. Activate billing plan for sales orders type.
2. Assign routine no. 360 in field Data VBRK/VBRP at the item level of item category TAO.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Maintain copying
control for billing documents Copying Control: Delivery Note to Billing Document
Pre-requisite Master Data
Assign item category group = 0005 for down payment material in the material master data.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Posting billing for down payment request
No running number generated.
FI document status is noted item.
Posting billing according to billing plan
Generate tax invoice number in filed reference (VBRK-XBLNR).
Display default business place (branch) automatically in the header of billing by
checking from business place/plant relationship.
Update business place (branch) in field VBRK-BRNCH, BSEG-BUPLA and BSET-
BUPLA after release to FI.
In the standard R/3, when you cancel a billing, the original billing document number
will be copied into the reference field (at the header) of the automatic created billing and
FI document. In case that you activate the running number of tax invoice in FI
Customizing, the system will store the tax invoice number in the reference field of the
billing. When you cancel a billing, the original tax invoice number will be copied into the
reference field of the automatic created billing and FI document.

September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
9.8 Vendor Consignment
For normal Credit sales of consigned goods, the consignee creates billing document and issues tax
invoice to the customer. The tax invoice should include the information of the consignor and required
information from the Revenue department of Thailand.
To complete the vendor consignment process, you have to make sure that the cost and price of
material are the same. So there is no conflict for amount and G/L account between delivery and billing
Account posting in delivery process:
Dr. Clearing expense
Cr. Account Payable - Consignment Sale
Account posting in billing process:
Dr. Customer
Cr. Clearing expense
Output tax consignment
SD Customizing
1. Create a new sales document type 'J1H1' for vendor consignment sales by copying from standard
order type 'OR'.
2. Create a delivery type 'J1H1' for vendor consignment delivery by copying from standard delivery
type 'LF'.
3. Create billing type 'J1H1' for billing vendor consignment by copying from standard order type
'J1H1' and assign FI document to billing type.
4. Change sales order type 'J1H1' and assign billing type 'J1H1' to relevant with this order type.
5. Create copy control from sales order type 'J1H1' to delivery type 'J1H1' by copying from sales
order type OR to delivery type 'LF.
6. Create copy control from delivery type 'J1H1' to billing type 'J1H1' and assign routine number 360
in the item category TAN.
7. Create new condition type 'J1H1' in order to use in new account determination procedure.
8. Create new account determination procedure'J_1H01'-Vendor Consignment and assign the
condition type 'J1H1' to this procedure.
9. Assign G/L account for account determination procedure J_1H01.
App Condty. ChAc Sorg. Actky G/L account
V J1H1 INT SD01 ERL 262000
V J1H1 INT SD01 EVV 100000
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
10. Allocate account determination procedure 'J_1H01' to billing type 'J1H1'.
11. Create a tax classification '8' - output tax consignment in the customizing for material.
Menu Path: Sales and Distribution Basic Function Taxes Define Tax Relevancy of Master
MM Customizing
1. Create stock determination group/rule for plant.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Stock Determination Define Strategies for stock determination
2. Define stock determination rule for movement type.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Stock Determination Assign stock Determination in the Application Inventory Management
3. Define stock determination rule for item category 'TAN', 'BVN'.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Stock Determination Assign stock Determination in the Application Delivery
4. Open vendor field for movement type 601 - K.
5. Assign account modification VAC for movement type 601-K, 602-K.
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Movement Type Copy, Changes movement types
6. Assign automatically G/L account 262000 Clearing expense for account posting in delivery process
Menu Path: IMG Material Management Valuation and Account Assignment Account
Determination Account Determination without wizard Configure Automatics Posting
Generate tax invoice number in filed reference (VBRK-XBLNR)
Display default business place (branch) automatically in the header of billing by checking from
business place/plant relationship.
Allow use to change business place (branch) field when creating/changing billing document,
before releasing to FI.
Update business place (branch) in field VBRK-BRNCH.
Generate tax invoice running number in FI document header, field reference (BKPF-XBLNR).
Can see business place in FI document at line item after release to FI.
Update business place (branch) field in table BKPF-BRNCH, BSEG-BUPLA and BSET-
BUPLA after release to FI.
No inconsistency posting account for delivery and billing process.
Display in the output VAT report correctly.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
In the standard R/3, when you cancel a billing, the original billing document number will be copied
into the reference field (at the header) of the automatic created billing and FI document. In case
that you activate the running number of tax invoice in FI Customizing, the system will store the tax
invoice number in the reference field of the billing. When you cancel a billing, the original tax
invoice number will be copied into the reference field of the automatic created billing and FI
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
9.9 Free Warranty
After VAT registered trader sells/provides products/services with warranty and the products are
damaged, the trader may send the spare part to customer in order to replace the damaged parts or
customer send the products back to have them repaired. Spare part that used in this case is free of
The trader has to keep the information and prepare a report of the spare part issued under free
warranty separately from the inventory and raw material report. In addition, this report is a part of
inventory and raw material report, which the information of each branch of the VAT registered trader
must be reported to the Revenue Department for auditing purpose.
There are two alternatives for the account posting of the delivery and billing process.
1. Issue via sales orders with service notification.
2. Issue via sales orders without service notification.
Process Account posting
Delivery Dr. Expense from free warranty account
Cr. Inventory account
Billing Dr. Clearing expense account
Absorb output tax account
Cr. Clearing expense account
Output tax account
Menu Path
To access the report, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Financial
Accounting General Ledger Reporting Tax Reports Thailand.
Pre-requisite FI Customizing
1. Create business place.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Define Business Place
2. Assign business place to plant.
Menu Path: IMG Cross-Application Component General Application Functions Cross-
Application Document Numbering Thailand Assign Business Place to Plant
3. No activate official numbering in FI document type, which are used for free of charge. (More
detail See VAT topic)
Menu Path: IMG Financial Accounting Global Setting Document Document Header
Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type
4. Set up FI Customizing which are required in running number for output tax. (See VAT topic)
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Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Alternative I - Issue via sales orders with service notification.
SD Customizing
1. Create sales orders type J1H5 Free warranty by copying from standard order type OR.
2. Create item category J1HZ Free warranty by copying from standard item category TAN and
assign it relevant to billing = "A".
3. Assign item category J1HZ to sales orders type J1H5.
4. Create a new schedule line T2 - Free warranty by copying from standard schedule line CP.
5. Assign movement type 991 to schedule line T2.
6. Create access sequence J1TH.
7. Create condition type 'J1HA' - Absorbed output tax
Field Value
Condition Class A Discount or surcharge
Condition Class A Discount or surcharge
Condition Type A Percentage
Condition Category D Tax
Item Condition X
Plus / Minus X - Minus
Manual Entries C Manual entries has priority
Amount / Percentage X
8. Create condition type 'J1HB' Price (Gross) Reverse 100% to deduct the gross price.
Field Value
Access Sequence J1TH
Condition Class A Discount or surcharge
Condition Type A Percentage
Condition Category H Basic Price
Item Condition X
Plus / Minus X - Minus
Manual Entries D - Not possible to process manually
Amount / Percentage X
9. Create a new pricing procedure J1H_02.
Step Cty From Mdt. P Sub Stat Reqt AltCBV Actky
10 PR00 X 2 ERL
30 J1HA 10 S 2 J1H
40 MWST x S 10 16 MWS
100 J1HB x S 2 ERL
110 VPRS B x 4
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
10. Create a new document pricing procedure T free warranty.
11. Assign sales document type J1H5 with document pricing procedure T.
12. Assign pricing procedure determination to sales area.
13. Create copy control from sales document J1H5 to delivery document LF , assign item category
J1HZ and assign routine number 360.
14. Create billing type J1H5 Free warranty by copying from standard billing type F2.
15. Create copy control from delivery document LF to billing document J1H5.
16. Create condition type 'J1H5' for account determination procedure.
17. Create account determination procedure 'J_1H05'.
Step Count Condition Type Requirement
1 0 J1H5 3
18. Create sales orders type J1HW Return free warranty by copying from standard order type RE.
19. Create item category 1HRW Return free warranty by copying from standard item category
20. Allocate item category 1HRW to order type J1HW.
21. Create a schedule line category T3 Return free warranty.
22. Allocate movement type 992 to schedule line T3.
23. Create copy control from sales document J1HW to delivery document LR and assign item
category 1HRW.
24. Create billing type J1HW Return free warranty.
25. Create copy control from billing document J1H5 to sales document J1HW.
26. Create copy control from sales document J1HW to delivery document LR.
27. Create copy control from sales document J1HW to billing document J1HW.
MM Customizing

1. Create a new movement type
991 free warranty by copying from standard movement type 601.
992 return free warranty by copying from standard movement type 653.
995 RE GI-Free Warran.991.
2. Assign account modification key VAM to account modification of the movement type.
Process Flow:
1. Create equipment master data.
2. Create service notification.
3. Create sales orders with reference to service notification and use order type J1H5.
4. Create delivery order with reference to sales orders.
5. Post goods issue with movement type 991.
6. Create billing document with billing type J1H5.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual
Alternative II: Issue via sales orders without service notification
SD Customizing: same as alternative 1.
MM Customizing: same as alternative 1.
Process Flow
1. Create sales orders with order type J1H5 and enter information that require to display in the
Sales orders header
Field Guarantee - warranty date
Sales order item purchase order data section ship-to-party
Field Purchaser order no. - serial number
Field Your reference - warranty number
2. Create delivery order.
3. Post goods issue with movement type 991.
4. Create billing document with billing type J1H5.
Automatically display default business place (branch) when create billing.
Allow use to change business place (branch) field when create/change billing document before
releasing to FI.
Automatically split invoice when create billing which has different business place (branch).
Business place (branch) cannot be changed after release to FI.
Only one business place (branch) can be specified per one document.
No tax invoice number generation in the field reference (VBRK-XBLNR) of accounting document
header but update with current billing document in the field reference.
Automatically update business place in FI document at line item after release billing to FI.
Update business place (branch) field in table BSEG-BUPLA, BSET-BUPLA after posting to FI.
Display in the output VAT report.
In the standard R/3, when you cancel a billing, the original billing document number will be copied
into the reference field (at the header) of the automatic created billing and FI document.
September 2000
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual SAP AG
Appendix: Country Version Thailand Delta Information (release 4.6C compared with 3.1H
and 4.0B)
The section is the delta information of the Country Version Thailand on release 4.6C (Standard Version) compared with the add-on release 3.1H and 4.0B.
For more detailed information of each functionality, please refer to the User Manual of each release.
Organizational Unit
Business Place/Branch
In the Country Version Thailand, a new organizational unit called Business Place/Branch is one of a major localized key field. It is mainly used to support the
requirement of VAT. The law requires all companies, register in the VAT system, to submit the VAT reports accordingly to their registered place of business.

The following table displays the information of branch/business place organizational unit from the release 3.1H, 4.0B and 4.6C.
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Table/field for Branch/Business Place BKPF-BRNCH,
BKPF-BRNCH No branch field
Use plant field with a specific
structure to capture branch
information -
Branch/Business Place in Logistics In Logistics, you have to assign
business place to plant table
In Logistics, you have to assign
branch to plant table T001W
maintain in view J_1HT001WV
In MM-IV, you have to enter Plant
by running J_1HBDTE program
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Value Added Tax (VAT)
VAT Running Number Assignment
The assignment of the running number is to arrange the tax invoices in a sequential order, as required by the Revenue Code.
The following table displays how to manage the running number in release 3.1H, 4.0B and 4.6C
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Automatic number assignment When transaction posted When transaction posted When select update in
For both input and output tax,
running number stored in
For input tax, running number
stored in BKPF-BKTXT field
For output tax, running number
stored in BKPF-XBLNR field
For both input and output
tax, running number stored in
Running number definition Definition stored
inJ_1HVAT_OFF_NUMV table
for input tax
Definition stored in
for output tax
Definition stored in
for input tax
Definition stored in
for output tax
Running number definition
for both input and output tax are
stored in J_1HVAT table
The last number range is
stored in J_1HVATC table
Automatic Tax Month Calculation
The input tax that is not applied for deduction in a tax month, is allowed to be carried forward for deduction in a subsequent tax month, which should be not more
than 6 months from the succeeding month that the tax invoice issued.
The following table shows the program that manages tax data for the tax month.
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Tax Month definition Automatically calculate tax
month by comparing between
posting date and doc. Date in
VAT report program
Automatically calculate tax
month by comparing between
posting date and doc. Date in
VAT report program J_1HVAT
Define field status group J1H1
to open field Baseline Date of
tax line item
Enter the tax date into field
BSEG- ZFBDT by program
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Transfer Deferred VAT
The deferred VAT has to be transferred to the VAT account after the tax liability arises.
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Deferred VAT Transfer Program J_1HDTAX J_1HDTAX J_1HDTAX
Different amount handling Automatically post to suspense
account, as defined in
Customizing, for the different
amount of VAT
Automatically post to suspense
account, as defined in
Customizing, for the different
amount of VAT
Manually adjustment required
for the different amount of VAT
Transfer fully paid Invoice (transfer full
Possible Possible Possible only if tax line item has
base line date maintained
Transfer partially paid Invoice (transfer
Possible Possible Possible only if tax line item has
base line date maintained
Transfer unpaid Invoice (transfer full
Possible Possible Not possible
VAT reports
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Input / Output VAT reports VAT reporting program is
Report program uses standard
ALV function
Report issue only one branch at
that time
VAT reporting program is
Improve sorting and grouping
VAT reporting programs are
J_1HSV00 for Input / Output
Tax report before update
J_1HVAT for Summary report
and Input / Output tax report
after update
Summary VAT and attachment report None
Using ABAP/4 program
Store VAT data into standard
table - UMSV and UMSVZ
for the summarized data of VAT
Using ABAP/4 program
Store VAT data into add-on
table J_1HVAT to keep VAT
J_1HVATC keep the last
running number
July 2000 128
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Withholding tax
In release 4.6C, Country Version Thailand uses the function of Extended Withholding Tax and Generic Withholding Tax Reporting Tools to handle the
withholding tax requirement in Thailand.
Calculation and Posting
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Function used Extended Withholding Tax
Extended Withholding Tax Classical Withholding Tax
Calculation of discount for Partial
Use the function of payment
request for calculate discount
and withholding tax in partial
Add-on process in function module
to calculate discount and minimum
Active cash discount in company
code level
Modify the process of creating
partial discount line by
Modify the process of creating
partial discount, minimum
check and create discount line
item by
Exchange Rate used Use standard process to
translate foreign currency with
the Exchange rate of Bank of
Thailand in both automatic
payment and outgoing payment
Use standard process to translate
foreign currency with the Exchange
rate of Bank of Thailand in only
automatic payment
Define parameter 1HWT in
company code level
Minimum amount checking Check minimum amount 500
Baht of Withholding tax base
Check minimum amount 500 Baht
of Withholding tax base
Check minimum amount 500
Baht of Withholding tax base
July 2000 129
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Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Withholding tax transaction table Use Standard Withholding tax
transaction table WITH_ITEM
Withholding tax certificate
number and sequential number
is generated by customizing
Withholding tax reports are
generated by Generic
Withholding Tax Tools
Determine certificate and form
no. From add-on table - Table
Use W/tax transaction from
add-on table to issue the
certificate and reports - Table
Generate W/tax certificate
number with object number
range J_1HWTCERT
Generate Withholding tax
sequential number with object
number range J_1HWTSEQN
Create withholding tax
certificate by using by using
ABAP/4 Program J_1HWTCR
Create withholding tax reports
no. 2,3,53 and 54 by using
ABAP/4 Program J_1HWTRE
Create special tax account
report by using ABAP/4
Program J_1HSPAR
Withholding tax transaction
stored in the add-on table
Generate Withholding tax
certificate number by table
To create withholding tax
expense account by transaction
process ZDI
Create withholding tax
certificate by using ABAP/4
Program J_1HWTCR
Create withholding tax report
no. 3,53 and 54 by using
ABAP/4 Program J_1HWTRE
Create special tax account
report by using ABAP/4
Program J_1HSPAR
July 2000 130
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Check Payable
To manage the status of issued check.
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Check status maintenance Use field text of vendor line
item to keep sent status
Same as 3.1H - append
structure in table PAYR
PAIDD for Paid Date (the
date that sending check to
PAIDU for Paid By (the
person who maintenance
J_1HCHQS for maintain paid
Append structure in table
PAIDD for Paid Date (the
date that sending check to
PAIDU for Paid By (the
person who maintenance
J_1HCHQS for maintain paid
Program used for check register
RFCHKN10 for print check
register and maintain sent
J_1HCHQR for print check
J_1HCHQR for print check
Check Receivable
In the release 4.6C, the Postdated check can be managed by using the Turkeys Bill of Exchange Functionality. This functionality covers Postdated check and
also check returned.
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Function used for PDC Use Turkeys BoE function
Transaction F-36 and
Same solution as 3.1H
Use Standard BoE function with
additional solution for returned
Enter check receivable and
PDC via F-36
Use J_1HRCHQ for
maintaining returned check
Use Standard BoE function with
additional solution for returned
Enter check receivable and
PDC via F-36
Use J_1HRCHQ for
maintaining returned check
July 2000 131
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Petty Cash
In release 4.6C, SAP provides an additional solution Cash Journal - to process your cash on-hand and reimbursement for the petty cashier.
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Available solutions Standard Accounts Payable
Cash Journal
Standard Accounts Payable
with additional solution for
Provide ABAP/4 program
-J_1HPCSH to process the
reimbursement and improve the
output of reports
Standard Accounts Payable
with additional solution for
Provide ABAP/4 program -
J_1HPCSH to process the
Description 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Tax Invoice printed from Document
with VAT code and Transferred VAT
document (Service Sales)
Can be printed by running
program J_1HKORD
No solution available in FI No solution available in FI
Receipt printed from Payment
Can be printed by running
program J_1HKORD
No solution available in FI No solution available in FI
Receipt/Tax Invoice printed from Cash
Journal, Down Payment document
Can be printed by running
program J_1HKORD
No solution available in FI No solution available in FI
Invoice printed from Service Sales Can be printed by running
program J_1HKORD
No solution available in FI No solution available in FI
Invoice/Tax Invoice printed from Tax
transaction and Down Payment
Can be printed by running
program J_1HKORD
No solution available in FI No solution available in FI
July 2000 132
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Assets Management

Most of the functionalities in release 4.6C are the same as 4.0B and 3.1H, except the reporting as follows:
Description 4.6C 4.0B. 3.1H
Asset depreciation list
Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal
Asset Registration (History) List
Asset Inventory List
Use ABAP Queries TH01
Use ABAP Queries TH02
Use program RAGITT01
Use ABAP Queries '01'
Use program J_1HDEPR
Use program J_1HDIPL
Use program J_1HREGL
Use program J_1HASSI
Use program J_1HDEPR
Use program J_1HDIPL
Use program J_1HREGL
Use program J_1HASSI
July 2000 133
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual SAP AG
Materials Management
Topic 4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Purchase order

- Price included VAT New user exit of VAT calculation
for price included VAT
Enter percentage of VAT by manual Enter percentage of VAT by
Inventory Management
- Stock card report
- IMAT report
Group into one program
J_1HSTCD and have parameter to
select report.
- IMAT report for
Special stock
New program J_1HSTKV - -
Logistic invoice verification
- Business place / Branch - Can enter business place / branch
by manual when enter the invoice
via LIV.
- Automatically update branch by
the system in FI document.
- Update running number - Update in header text field of FI
- Update in reference field of FI
Invoice verification
- Business place / Branch
- Automatically update branch by
the system in FI document.
- Use plant structure to define
- Enter plant in FI document by
using program J_1HBDTE
- Update running number
- Update in reference field of FI
- Update when execute J_1HVAT.
July 2000 134
Thai Localization 4.6C User Manual SAP AG
Sales and Distribution
4.6C 4.0B 3.1H
Business place / branch - Can enter business place / branch
by manual when create billing.
- No branch field to enter by
- Automatically update branch by
the system in FI document.
- Use plant structure to define
Exchange rate for export
- Exchange rate must be
established on billing date
minus 1 day.
- Provide user exit to
retrieve the correct exchange rate
- Provide note for users to
implement it by themselves.
Down payment - Display down payment amount
and VAT in the tax invoice.
- -
Free warranty - Can process by using SD and
display in the spare part issue
- Can process by using SD and
display in the spare part issue
July 2000 135

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