Honors Poem Paper

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Trejo 1 Beyra Trejo Paul Holder Humanities 28 February 2012 Honors: American Literature Analyzing Contemporary Poetry The

Business of Fancydancing by Sherman Alexie was published by Hanging Loose Press in 1992. This book is a collection of stories and poems. These stories and poems are arranged in three different chapters. The first being Distance, second being Evolution and third, Crazy Horse Dreams. This book had great influence on its readers because the authors perception sets the tone as commanding. This guides Alexies readers throughout the book and allows them to gain a perception of American Indians. The larger themes presented in this book create significant impact on the authors audience because he expresses multiple feelings such as sadness, regret, and grief. Indian Boy Love Song (#3) was a captivated poem that was included in the book The Business of Fancydancing. This poem by Alexie claims that an Indian boy told his cousin that she was more beautiful than any white girl he had ever seen. Then states the intimacy they both had with one another She kissed me then with both lips, a tongue that tasted clean and unclean at the same time (Alexie 56). This section of the poem could be interrupted in various ways. When the author states that the taste he had felt was clean and unclean at the same time, it is an example of symbolism. When the author states it felt clean, it could be symbolic of an Indian woman he had been in an emotional state with and felt that the kiss was pure and natural. The author also states the kiss was unclean; this could be symbolism of American Indian history and how he felt it was tainted. at the same time like the river which divides the heart of my heart, all the beautiful white girls on one side and my beautiful cousin on the other (Alexie 56). Alexie concluded this piece by metaphorically using a river stand for both ethnic backgrounds, both

Trejo 2 White and Indian. He explains that it represents the division between his heart and how pieces of it stand on both sides. This creates an effect on the reader because the perception of the author opens a point of view that explains his feelings for both the Indian culture and White. Indian Boy Love Song (#2) was another captivating poem because the author shared an intimate relationship in his life and the way that he had felt about communication. I never spoke the language of the old women...visiting my mother in winters so cold they could freeze the tongue wholeI never held my head to their chests believing in the heartIndian women, forgive me. I grew up distant and always afraid (Alexie 55). This poem uses metaphors to describe to the reader the type of relationship the Indian boy has with women. The author claims that the Indian boy never had decorous relationship with his mother because it was difficult for him to understand the language of the old women (Alexie 55). The poem concluded its message by showing the deeper impact it had on the Indian boy, I never help my head to their chest believing in the heartIndian women forgive me. I grew up distant and always afraid (Alexie 55). He explains that he was distant and afraid throughout his life and overall desired a better relationship with his mother because when he had the chance to visit her and interact he could not have or make any connections in his heart. This book should be read because readers are able to make an emotional connection to vary feelings introduced by the author. A contemporary reader can learn and gain a different understanding and perspective of this time period and American Indians through the hardships that are described in each piece of poetry. A poem that should be read by all readers should be Indian Boy Love Song (#1) because every individual could relate and make connections to this piece. Everyone I have lost in the closing of a door the click of the lock is not forgotten, they do not die but remain (Alexie 54). This poem includes many different elements and creates a

Trejo 3 deep significant meaning to the symbolism that is being utilized, allowing readers to make extensive connections about family members or anyone that is close to them in their life. The Business of Fancydancing by Sherman Alexie was an intriguing collection of both stories and poems. In a total of five stories and forty poems this book is strongly recommended to readers that seek honest information about Native Americans. Alexie paints painful honest visions throughout this book of the beautiful and brutal lives American Indians had lived. The poet of this book can touch an individuals heart with the content that he provides. This collection was challenging to analyze because the author had a message in his writing and explained it through the use of metaphors, symbolism, similes and rhyme. Alexie is seen as a great influential poet that creates pieces of writing that enhances the readers perception. He has created various other pieces that should be read. The Business of Fancydancing can potentially deepen your appreciation for contemporary poetry because it is an informative type of creative writing.

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