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Sapience Personal Client User Reference Document

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Sapience Personal Client Screen .............................................................................................. 2 Top Menu Bar ...................................................................................................................... 3 Links and Online Help: ......................................................................................................... 5 Last Server Sync and Refresh Information: .......................................................................... 6 My Work Summary .............................................................................................................. 6 My Activities ........................................................................................................................ 8 Flow Time ............................................................................................................................. 16 Sapience Systray ....................................................................................................................... 18 Quick Offline Allocation ............................................................................................................ 20 Sapience Client Auto Upgrade ................................................................................................... 20 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 22

Annexure A: Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................ 23 Annexure B: Personal Client Usage Hints .............................................................................................. 24
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Personal Client

Sapience Personal Client has three key features: My Work Summary, My Activities and Flow Time. My Work Summary provides the user with a personal dashboard, which details the following: Users daily time distribution across purposes Activities executed Application usage Online / Offline time breakup

My Activities allows the user to view and account daily time based usage of different applications, web applications or browser URLs. The user can account these activities to an assigned purpose, and appropriate activity. Flow Time displays a temporal view or a time based of the various applications, activities and purpose that the user has spent time on. User can view the various allocations, and can change allocations for offline activities. User activities are then uploaded to the server either through a Server Sync option explicitly selected by the user, or through a time based upload schedule. The default schedule is an upload of activities every four hours.

1.0 Sapience Personal Client Screen The following screen is displayed when the Personal Client is invoked:
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Personal Client

The sections below explain the various aspects of this screen. 1.1 Top Menu Bar The various menu options and their associated operations are as follows: : Sync with Sapience Server Personal Client synchronizes information with Sapience server periodically based on a system defined schedule. Additionally, the user can also initiate a sync operation through this option. This option allows you to manually upload your activities and status to the server, instead of waiting for next automated sync up. It also downloads relevant information like new projects that the user has been assigned to, delta changes in organization wide settings, users activities from other desktops etc.
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Personal Client

Synch with Sapience server: Synchronizes with the server for any new updates concerning Purpose assignments, settings etc. For example, if the manager has added new purposes for you, then this option lets you obtain these purpose names immediately without waiting for an automated sync up. : Refresh Activities Sapience Personal Client periodically procures and displays latest update of your activities based on a pre-defined schedule (set to every four hours). The refresh option lets you get an update of the latest activities immediately on screen. : Help This option will provide online help. A pdf file for Sapience Client help will open up.

Activity Collection On / Off:

This option allows the user to switch off / switch on the activity collection mechanism of the Personal Client. If the activity collection is switched off, then the option gets displayed in red, and all time after that is accounted to Offline Time. The activity collection will resume after user switches the Activity Collection to On, or when the user logs in the next time or powers on the machine. Once switched off, Sapience Client can be switched on anytime by the user by clicking on the On radio button. Sapience Client will switch on automatically after a maximum duration of four hours of being off. At times, users forget to switch this on, and hence this is switched on automatically.
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Personal Client

Default Purpose: On the top right corner, there is an option for you to select the Default Purpose for automated activity allocation. The default purpose can be selected from a list of assigned purposes. The activities sourced by the Personal Client will be automatically assigned to the currently set Default purpose.

1.2 Links and Online Help:

Help and direct links are available on the main screen (as shown above) as follows: : Clicking on this icon will provide online help. A pdf file for Sapience Client help will open up. Sapience Web Client: This will open up the web client login page Knowledge Center: This will open up the Sapience Knowledge center which has relevant information regarding Online training videos, FAQs, Usage tips, Quick Start Guide and Business benefits.
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Personal Client

Quick Start Guide: This will open up a document which explains and guides new users in operating Sapience

1.3 Last Server Sync and Refresh Information:

The last line provides the following information: - Last Server Sync: Last time when data from Sapience Client was synced up to the server - Last Refresh: Last time when activities were refreshed and shown in the Client

1.4 My Work Summary

This option illustrates users daily time distribution across purposes, Activities executed, Application usage, and Online / Offline time breakup. For a given date, the following details are provided: Check Box: A check mark here indicates that the given days data is to be included in computing the Average and displaying the Activity, Applications and Accounted Time (Online / Offline break-up) graphs. First Activity: The start time of the first accounted activity for that date Last Activity: The end time for the last accounted activity for that date
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Personal Client

Estimated Total Time: This is an estimate of the time spent by the user on that day. This is calculated as the difference between Last Activity and First Activity. Accounted Time: This is the total of all accounted time for that date For selected purposes from left panel, the following analysis are provided: o Time Distribution: a bar graph provides the breakup of Total Accounted time for each purpose in terms of hours and minutes. The Offline time accounted for a purpose is shown with white slanting lines on the bar graph. o Activities: A bar graph shows the percent time spent in various selected activities. This helps user to identify the top activities for the time period o Applications: A bar graph shows the percent time spent in various selected applications. This helps user to identify the top applications in terms of time used for the selected time period Time Break-up: This graph will display the breakup (percent and total) of accounted time in terms of Online and Offline activities.
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1.5 My Activities This tab displays various activities performed by the user over the entire 24 hours. Out of the 24 hours, the offline time component signifies the time that the user was not actively using the machine (includes switch off time). The screen shot given below illustrates the My Activities page. The page has a filter pane (light blue in background) and the details pane below it.

The user can filter the data as follows: Date: Date for which data is to be viewed. On selection of the date, the time of the First Activity, Last Activity, Estimated Total Time (approx. time difference between Last and First Activity) and Total Accounted Time for the selected date is displayed.
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Personal Client

Online / Offline: Type of data to be viewed. In case Online is selected, further details like computer name and total time accounted on the selected computer, Applications > 5 mins and Applications < 5 mins categories are displayed. In case of Online, user can further qualify the view based on the name of the computer worked on. This is required if the user has worked on multiple computers. Sapience sources the computer names worked on by the user and displays them in the pull down list. The user can also filter based on Application usage (> 5 mins or < 5 mins). Purpose: User can filter for a specific Purpose by clicking on the filter funnel as follows:

On selection of the appropriate filter, the details of the data are displayed in the lower pane (as seen in the previous screen shot). Data is clubbed and displayed via Application, and App Files / URLs. The grid displays the Start Time and overall time spent in each activity, and assigns this to the default activity and purpose. If required, user can change this activity and purpose allocations. Personal Client stores this new allocation as personalized intelligence, and will henceforth use the activity and purpose as default mapping for users given application and file/URL combination. Details regarding the various columns are as follows:
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Application: o This will display the application used (e.g. Outlook, Visual Studio, or a Web Application etc.) o If the same application has been used multiple times, then a summary record (with a + sign) will show the total time spent on this application. Clicking on + expands this record. The column will now display the multiple time intervals when this tool was used. Application Files / URL: o This column will display the files or URL names referred to or browsed by the application. URLs browsed for Internet Explorer / Mozilla or Chrome browser will be displayed. o If the same file or URL has been accessed multiple times, then a summary record (with a + sign) will show the total time spent across this file within the tool. Clicking on + sign will expand the record and the column will display the various time intervals when this file was used. Start Time: o The first row for each day indicates the start time for the first accounted activity for that day. o The subsequent rows indicate the start time for specified activity. Accounted Time: o The first row for each day indicates the total time out of 24 hours that the user has accounted for. o The subsequent rows indicate total accounted time spent in the activity. An example is illustrated in the screen image below:
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Personal Client

Consider the row which displays the Microsoft Office Excel tool usage. The expanded rows display the file names and the corresponding time intervals and their allocations. Activity and Purpose: Time spent is allocated to a specific activity and purpose, based on pattern matching intelligence according to the following precedence criteria: o In case of a previous allocation made by the user for the given File or URL, then the Activity and Purpose is set to his previous allocation o In case the first 10 characters of the current file name matches the first 10 characters of a previous file allocation made by the user for the given File, then the Activity and Purpose is set to his previous allocation
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o In the absence of an user based pattern intelligence, the allocation is based on corporate rules set for a given Application or URL. o If none of the above pattern rules exist, then the allocation is set to Miscellaneous activity and Private purpose o Make this the default allocation checkbox allows the user to specify whether this intelligence should be stored as the default rule to be applied to future occurrences of the given Application/File or URL combination. If checked, Sapience Client will pick up this pattern and allocate automatically. o In case a given pattern of Application or Web based URL and its associated mapping to Activity and Purpose has been set as Fixed or Cannot Override for an entire Organization (on the server side), then the user will not be able to edit or change such an allocation. Such rows will come up in grey, thereby signifying that it cannot be changed.

The user can change this allocation as required (except for the cannot override patterns). The screen shot given below shows a sample allocation. The user can either allocate the time to a specific project or specify Default Purpose. In case of Default Purpose, the future time will be automatically allocated to the users default purpose that has been set (in the top right corner drop down box).
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Personal Client

Accounting Offline Time: Offline time is the total time spent away from the computer (including overnight no usage time). The entire offline time for a specific day is broken up into 30 minute slots and displayed across four slabs, namely, 12:00 am 9:00 am, 9:00 am 2:00 pm, 2:00 pm 7:00 pm, and 7:00 pm 12:00 pm. Sapience also checks if any meeting defined in Outlook overlaps with offline slots and allocates the time to Meeting automatically. The unaccounted time is displayed in blue and italics. The screen shot given below illustrates Offline time accounting. User can select any offline slot and account for it as follows: Expand the offline slot (click on + sign) to display the 30 min slots. The unaccounted time will be displayed The user can account this time by clicking on one row or selecting multiple rows, and providing the appropriate allocation
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Personal Client

On accounting, the accounted time gets displayed in normal font and the total accounted time in the day header row is increased accordingly

The screen shot given below shows Offline time accounting.

Outlook meeting allocations: Sapience picks up meetings defined in Outlook. The following criteria is used to filter out Outlook meetings: o Meetings not picked up for public holidays o Recurring daily meetings not picked up for weekends o "Private", "Canceled", "Declined", Deleted and "Tentative meetings are not picked up
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Personal Client

o If user has not logged in at all for an entire day, then all meetings are not picked up (Sapience will assume that the person is on leave) o Meetings of duration > 12 hours (including "full day") meeting are not picked up Offline time which overlaps with a defined Outlook meeting is by default allocated to Meeting Activity. The user can change this default allocation by right clicking on the row and changing the Activity / Purpose (see screen below). Additionally, if the user checks the Make this the default allocation checkbox, then any future occurrence of the same meeting name will be automatically allocated to the changed Activity and Purpose. If the user has been offline but has not spent the time in the Outlook meeting that was defined, then the user can check Not an Outlook meeting checkbox and then allocate the Offline time accordingly.
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Personal Client


Flow Time

Flow Time displays a temporal or a sequential time based view of the various applications, activities and purpose that the user has worked on. User can view the various allocations, but can change allocations only for offline activities. A sample flow time screen is shown below.
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Personal Client

The screen is divided in multiple parts or panels as follows: The first row shows the last seven days and the dark red shaded areas depict the time spent on that day. A blue highlighted slider bar allows the user to select the required day for showing details in the next panel. The second panel shows the time spend across Applications, Activities and Purpose in a time based chronological manner. The user can highlight a selection in this pane and the lower panels provide further details regarding Online, Accounted Offline, Unaccounted Offline, Top 5 Purposes, Activities and Applications in the highlighted or selection window. The user can filter and view time spent in a specific Activity, Application or Purpose by right clicking in the highlighted window and selecting the required option (see screen below)

The user can allocate offline time by right clicking and selecting the Allocate Offline Time option. This will pop-up the activity allocation window and the user can select the required Activity and Purpose for allocation.

A panel on the right side provides interruption information details as shown above. Information is provided in terms of two parameters maximum interrupted time spent in one activity and
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Personal Client

the average time spent in one activity before switching to another activity in the highlighted window.

2.0 Sapience Systray The agent systray provides the user with current status (whether off/on) and various other features as described below. The systray pop-up is displayed below:

The Default Project can be changed through the Set Default Purpose option on the systray.
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Personal Client

If the Activity Collection is set to off, then the systray also displays the time when Activity Collection will start. The screen shot given below shows the details displayed when Activity Collection is switched off.

The systray also contains links to open up the Sapience Personal Client, Sapience Web Client and Sapience Knowledge Center. Systray also displays the last time when data from Client was synced up with the server. Enable Offline Allocation (explained in the next section) is a facility for the user to allocate time spent in offline activities in a quick manner through a pop-up. This pop-up comes up when a user returns from an offline period. The user can disable this pop-up if required. The user can assign Offline Time through the Assign Offline Now link. This link will behave in a similar manner as the Quick Offline Allocation feature described below.
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Personal Client

3.0 Quick Offline Allocation User can allocate time spent away from computer or offline, immediately after returning from an offline activity back to the computer. When a user returns back to the computer, Sapience displays a small pop-up balloon checking if user would like to allocate offline time. If the user wants to move ahead with the allocation, the following pop-up is displayed:

This pop-up will display all offline unallocated slots for the previous eight hours. The user can select the offline allocations slots and allocate them to the required Activity and Purpose. In case an offline slot overlaps with a defined Outlook meeting, then the required meeting details also get displayed.

4.0 Sapience Client Auto Upgrade Sapience Client automatically detects new available upgrades and displays a notification as follows:
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Personal Client

The user can click on this notification and the following systray pop-up is displayed:

On clicking of the Update link, the following pop-up will be displayed:

The user can click on Yes and Sapience will get upgraded in the background in silent mode. After successful completion of upgrade, the following notification is given to the user:
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Personal Client

5.0 Summary The above document explains the overall usage of the Sapience Personal Client at a high level. The Annexure A below provides answers to typical questions. Annexure B gives a few hints that will simplify and speed up the usage of the Personal Client User Interface.

For any additional queries or information, please refer to our FAQ document or contact
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Personal Client

Annexure A: Frequently Asked Questions

1. When I open up the Client, I cannot see all activities until this instant. How do I see my latest activities in the Personal Client? Latest activities can be viewed by clicking on the Refresh Activities icon in the top menu bar. 2. Activity Time data not coming up in Personal Client even after refreshing It could be because Activity Collection has been stopped. Please verify the Activity Collection Status in the top menu bar. If that is off, then switch it on. Try refreshing activities after a few minutes, and you should be able to see the latest activities. If the data is still not coming up, then please contact 3. Error while uploading to server This happens if there are problems when the Personal Client tries to access the server. Please contact system administration to check server accessibility. 4. I have spent some time in a meeting and away from my computer. How do I account for this time? Go to the offline category and expand on the timeslots available. Select the time you spent on the meeting, and allocate it to an Activity that indicates a meeting. 5. The accounted time shows much less time than what I have actually spent working. There may be some time in offline that you may not have accounted for. 6. I made some mistakes while accounting time for a previous day. Can I change some data for information already uploaded to the server? Yes, you can change this information for the up to last 7 days and re-upload to the server.
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Personal Client

Annexure B: Personal Client Usage Hints

Summary Sapience requires daily inputs from you via the Desktop Personal Client UI. This will typically require 510 minutes of your time each day, in the initial week. Sapience has adaptive, self-learning intelligence which will help reduce your daily time to 2-3 minutes. We are continuing to evolve this intelligence in our product, and look forward to any suggestions that you may have after using the product. This Annexure provides few hints regarding usage of the Sapience Desktop Personal Client UI. Desktop Personal Client UI Usage Hints

Toolbar (top)

Feature Activity Collection On/Off button

Comment / Suggestion Personal Client is normally running. You can stop it by setting Activity Collection to Off, if you will be doing any Personal work. No data is logged, and the time is treated as Offline time. You dont really have to stop the Personal Client because activities that you mark as Private cannot be viewed through the Web Client by anyone. If you stopped the Personal Client, remember to turn it back ON. Otherwise, none of your office related online work will be recorded. This updates Personal Client UI screens with actual data being collected by the Personal Client Refresh happens automatically every 4 hours, so you dont have to normally do it You can press Refresh if you want current days data to be updated for viewing by you, or just before you start allocating todays time slots to Activity and Purpose This syncs Personal Client data with the Server by uploading changes on the Personal Client, and downloading new updates about Activities from server Sync happens with the Server every 4 hours, so an explicit sync is required only if you want an immediate update


Sync with Server

My Work Summary

Time distribution

Press refresh if you wish to get the latest update for Time Distribution and graphs Average Time Distribution bar covers only Monday to Friday data, and does not include today (since data is
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partial) Activity, Application, Online time graphs Data that is shown is for all Purposes that have been selected (from the checkboxes in the top left area), and for current time range

My Activities

Refresh button

Press Refresh button if you plan to make allocations for todays time on this page This option is typically used to allocate offline time to a default, if the Purpose cannot be determined automatically It is normally set to your single purpose If you are assigned to multiple purposes, select the one that you will be working on for the day or next few hours This lists high usage applications (used for at least 5 minutes that day) Review this list and verify the automatic allocations of Activity and Purpose Change them if required through right click Changing is possible for a time slot, or all time slots, or a group of time slots by selecting each row using CONTROL key, and the doing right click These list applications that have been used for less than 5 minutes You can allocate entire time to the dominant Activity and Purpose by right clicking on the main row Though you can also allocate Activity/Purpose for individual applications and time slots, it is not really required, except if they add up to a lot. Their usage will not impact long time trends much. These list the time slots when you were offline in sequential order Time slots that exceeded 30 minutes at a stretch are shown split into successive 30 minute slots (first or last slot may be less than 30 minutes). This means you can allocate such extended offline time in one or more 30-minute chunks only. The slots start from 00:00 Hrs., so you will have to scroll down to your working hours You can view the default Activity and Purpose allocations. For slots that were for a different purpose, you can first pick the rows using CONTROL key. Then allocate them in
Personal Client

Default Purpose (on the top toolbar)

Apps 5+ minutes

Apps - <5 minutes

Offline 30+ minute slots

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bulk with a right click. Hint: It is also okay to pick a set of successive 30 minute slots adding up to time spent on an Activity and Purpose, and allocate. They need not correspond exactly to the actual time.
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Personal Client

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