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Argus Overview e-learning Transcript

Page 2: Course Objectives

Text This course will introduce you to Argus, Pfizer's global safety database and adverse event reporting system. You will have a chance to practice some basic Argus functions and navigation, such as: Logging in and out of the system Using basic search and filter functions Viewing and printing results Opening and closing cases Exploring system shortcuts and worklist filters This course will last approximately 40 minutes. If you exit the course before completing it, you will not receive credit for completing the course, and you must start over at the beginning when you re-enter the course or use the menu to return to where you were. Audio Narration Welcome to the Argus Overview course! This course will introduce you to Argus, Pfizer's global safety database and adverse events reporting system. You'll have a chance to practice some basic Argus functions and navigation, such as: Logging in and out of the system Using basic search and filter functions Viewing and printing results Opening and closing cases And exploring system shortcuts and worklist filters This course will last approximately 40 minutes. If you exit the course before completing it, you will not receive credit for completing the course, and you must start over at the beginning when you re-enter the course or use the menu to return to where you were.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 4: Using the Training

Text The Argus training courses use a number of activities to present different topics, simulate the Argus system, and help you learn. Click each type of activity to find out about it. See It For See It activities, the system demonstrates how to perform an action. While the narration explains what is happening, the action occurs on-screen automatically. You can skip the See It activities if you are already comfortable with the material. Key points in the audio will appear onscreen in yellow caption boxes. Try It For Try It activities, you operate the system yourself to perform the same function you observed in the See It activity. The system provides you with feedback; however, your work is not scored, and you can skip the activity if you are comfortable with the material. Instructions will appear onscreen in green caption boxes. When you see these green caption boxes, you'll need to complete the indicated action. Do It Do It activities require you to complete an action on your own without guidance or direction. Do It activities are scored, and you must complete them successfully in order to move to the next section of the course. If you feel you know how to do a task when you start a course, you can skip the See It and Try It activities and go directly to the Do It activity using the menu button. Knowledge Check Knowledge check activities test your understanding of a topic. Most of these activities are in question-and-answer form, but some may be matching or classification activities. Audio Narration The Argus training courses use a number of activities to present different topics, simulate the Argus system, and help you learn. Click each type of activity shown below to find out about it.

Page 5: Using the Menu

Text When you click the menu button, you will notice that pages beyond a certain point are grayed out. You can move past some activities in the course, such as See It or Try It activities, but you must pass other activities to move on in the course. These include Do It activities, Knowledge Checks, and other pages containing critical information. You will not be able to move ahead to grayed-out pages until you have completed the previous page that is available in the menu. Audio Narration When you click the menu button, you'll notice that pages beyond a certain point are grayed out. You can move past some activities in the course, such as See It or Try It activities, but you must pass other activities to move on in the course. These include Do It activities, Knowledge Checks, and other pages containing critical information

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

You will not be able to move ahead to grayed out pages until you have completed the previous page that is available in the menu.

Page 6: The Role of Argus

Text Argus is Pfizer's global safety database and adverse event (AE) reporting system. Argus includes integrated workflow management and other automated functions to streamline the collection, analysis, and reporting of safety data. Argus: Is accessible via Web browser Automatically schedules regulatory reports based on case assessment information, product and license configuration, and reporting rules Supports electronic safety and reporting in compliance with the ICH E2B guidelines Serves as a repository for source documents Because Argus has been specifically configured to meet Pfizer's business processes and procedures, Argus enhances consistency and compliance. Audio Narration Argus is Pfizer's global safety database and adverse event (AE) reporting system. Argus includes integrated workflow management and other automated functions to streamline the collection, analysis, and reporting of safety data. Argus is accessible via Web browser. It automatically schedules regulatory reports based on case assessment information, product and license configuration, and reporting rules. Additionally, Argus supports electronic safety and reporting in compliance with the ICH E2B guidelines and also serves as a repository for source documents. Because Argus has been specifically configured to meet Pfizer's business processes and procedures, Argus enhances consistency and compliance.

Page 7: Case Flow in Argus

Text Cases are received into Argus in one of two ways: Electronic Transmission: Data is imported via E2B or electronically dropped in via Drop In Data Entry (DIDE) tool. Non-electronic cases (e.g., paper source): These cases are manually entered into Argus. Once case data has been received into Argus, it moves through the appropriate case processing workflow. The workflow includes steps for Data Entry, reviews, and Distribution as appropriate based on the case data. Argus facilitates each of these steps. After case data has moved through the appropriate case processing workflow, Argus has automated functions which create case report output in the applicable format, which are then printed or electronically transmitted.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Audio Narration Cases are received into Argus in one of two ways. For cases received via electronic transmission, data is imported via E2B or electronically dropped in via Drop In Data Entry (or DIDE) to these cases. Non-electronic cases are manually entered into Argus. Once case data has been received into Argus, it moves through the appropriate case processing workflow. The workflow includes steps for Data Entry, reviews, and Distribution as appropriate based on the case data. Argus facilitates each of these steps. After case data has moved through the appropriate case processing workflow, Argus has automated functions which create case report output in the applicable format, which are then printed or electronically transmitted.

Page 8: Features of Argus

Text Argus has many features that assist in case processing. Click each of the features listed here to learn more about Argus. Easy access to cases and reports Argus provides easy access to individual cases and reports via search and navigation features, some of which we will explore in this course. Field validations Argus identifies errors or omissions that are required for reporting. Auto-population Some fields are auto-populated based on configured information or auto-calculated based on data that is entered. For example, when you select a Study ID for a clinical study that has been configured into Argus, certain fields in the Study Information section are auto-populated. Or when full dates are entered for the patient's date of birth and the event onset date, the patient's age and age group are auto-calculated. MedDRA browser Argus utilizes the MedDRA dictionary to code event descriptions. Argus can also identify a MedDRA Preferred Critical Term if no seriousness criteria have been entered once the event is coded and the case is saved. Auto-generating narratives Narratives can be auto-generated in Argus using the data that was entered for the case. Auto-scheduling reports Argus automatically schedules regulatory reports based on case assessment information, product and license configuration, and reporting rules. This feature enhances consistency and compliance. Audio Narration Argus has many features that assist in case processing. These features help to ensure effective pharmacovigilance, compliance with regulatory reporting requirements, and patient safety. Click each of the features listed here to learn more about Argus.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 9: Introduction
Text In this section of the course, we will use a series of See It and interactive activities to learn about logging into Argus and about some of the Argus menus and icons. Once you feel comfortable with this material, you can move ahead to the next section of the course. Audio Narration In this section of the course, we'll use a series of See It and interactive activities to learn about logging into Argus and about some of the Argus menus and icons. Once you feel comfortable with this material, you can move ahead to the next section of the course.

Page 10: Logging In

Audio Narration Logging into Argus is straightforward. You can log into Argus with your Pfizer network username and password that you use to log on to your computer, once you have completed training and received your account. Keep in mind that Argus usernames will contain only lowercase characters. Additionally, certain characters should be avoided in both your username and password, including the ampersand and percentage sign. Please refer to the Argus User Reference Guide for a complete list of accepted special characters. Make sure the correct database is selected from the drop-down list, and click the Login button.

Page 11: The New Worklist

Audio Narration By default, your home page will be the Personal Argus Status page. This page displays a list of cases, contact log entries, and action items that are assigned to you. If you perform case processing functions in Argus, another useful page is New worklist. You can access this page from the Worklist menu. Audio Narration From the New Worklist page, you can see new worklist items that have been assigned to you but not accepted. You can also see unassigned items.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 12: Menu Buttons

Text Use your mouse to explore the highlighted menu buttons. Active Cases The Active Cases menu displays two types of information: If you have any cases open, the case numbers will be displayed at the top of the menu. Last Accessed Cases will display a list of the last ten cases you have accessed. Click on any of the case numbers at the top of the Active Cases menu to see the Case Form for that case. Click on any of the case numbers in the Last Accessed Cases sub-menu to open the case and see the Case Form. Worklist Each worklist displays a different set of cases which include those that have not yet been accepted by a user (New), those that have been accepted by a user (Open), and those that have open action items (Action Items), for example. Other worklists may be used to monitor the submission of reports. The options available from this menu will depend on your Argus privileges. You may not have access to all the options currently shown. Case Actions When a case is not currently open, the Case Actions menu provides two options: Open: Search for and open an existing case. New: Create a new case (covered in the Argus Book-in course).When a case is open, additional options will appear in this menu. These options, which perform actions on the currently open case, are as follows: Close, Save, Copy, Medical Review, Print, Delete, and Case Revisions. Reports The Reports menu categorizes by function the various reports that are available in Argus. The options available from this menu will depend on your Argus privileges. You may not have access to all the options currently shown. Argus Insight Argus Insight is a query and reporting module that complements Argus, allowing you to search data from the Argus Safety database. Not all users have access to Argus Insight; this button will only appear if you have access. Utilities The Utilities functions help users view, change, or retrieve information related to cases. Dashboards Dashboards provide an easy way to find summary information. Audio Narration Every Argus screen has a row of buttons across the top that make up the Menu Bar. When you move your mouse over any of these buttons, a drop-down menu will be displayed. Use your mouse to explore these highlighted menu buttons.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 13: Icons

Text Use your mouse to explore the highlighted icons. New Case Icon Click this icon to display the Initial Case Entry screen that is used to enter a new case in Argus. This is equivalent to selecting New from the Case Actions menu. Note that each icon also has a keyboard shortcut. In this case, you could press Ctrl+Alt+N to open the Initial Case Entry screen. Open Case Icon Click this icon to display the Case Open screen which is used to search for and open existing cases in Argus. This is equivalent to selecting Open from the Case Actions menu. This process is discussed in the next section of this course. Worklist Icon Click this icon to display the New Worklist. Logout Button Click the Logout button in the top right to log out of Argus. It is important to use this button to log out rather than just closing your browser window. Audio Narration At the upper right side of the screen you will notice a row of icons as well as a Logout button. These icons provide short cuts to frequently-performed actions. You may see different icons, depending on what actions you are authorized to perform in Argus, and what you are currently doing in the system. The three icons you see here are always displayed. They provide shortcuts to actions you can also perform through the menu bar. Use your mouse to explore these highlighted icons and the Logout button.

Page 14: Introduction

Text In this section of the course, we will use a series of See It, Try It, and interactive exploration activities to learn about searching for cases in Argus. We will also explore different ways to view and print search results. Once you feel comfortable with this material, you can move ahead to the next section of the course. Audio Narration In this section of the course, we'll use a series of See It, Try It, and interactive exploration activities to learn about searching for cases in Argus. We'll also explore different ways to view and print search results. Once you feel comfortable with this material, you can move ahead to the next section of the course.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 15: Beginning a Search

Text Search For Use the drop-down list to select the search criterion, such as case number, event term, or study ID. Then enter an appropriate search term in the text box. Product Family This option may be used to search for cases by product. Date Range Use the Date Range drop-down list to select a specific search date range, such as this year, the last 30 days, or all dates. Initial/Follow-up Select Initial to search by the initial case receipt date. Select Follow-up to search by the dates that follow-up information was received. From/To Use these fields to search by a Custom Date Range. Enter dates in the "dd-mmm-yyyy" format. You can enter partial dates by substituting the day, month, or year values with question marks. Entering dates in these fields will change the selection in the Date Range field to Custom Date Range. Advanced Condition The Advanced Condition button is used to create and run more complex queries, "advanced conditions", for data in Argus Safety. Privileges to set up advanced conditions will be limited to specific users as needed. More details on the use of advanced conditions will be available in the Argus User Reference Guide. Full Search (Like,Soundex) Select Full Search to search for partial items, such as part of a case number or an event term. If the Full Search option is not used and the item entered under Search For text field is "AB," then a string such as "ABSCESS" will match, but a string such as "LABOR" will not. If the Full Search option is used, both these items will match. By checking this box, the search will also yield results that "sound like" the term you are looking for. For example, searching for "absess" would bring up any results that contained "abscess." Search Once the search criteria have been entered, click this button to execute the search. Results from Argus Insight Click this button to import search results from Argus Insight queries. Not all users will have access to Argus Insight; this button will not be active if you do not have access. Audio Narration To begin a search, we'll navigate to the Case Open form by selecting the Case Actions menu at the top of the screen. Select Open from the options that appear. From this screen, we can search by a number of different criteria. Roll your mouse over the different highlighted options at the top of the screen to learn about them.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 16: Entering Case Search Criteria

Text Case # This selection allows you to search by the case number assigned by Argus. Case Num/Ref This allows you to search by a reference ID for the case. This could include a license party number, a local reference number, or a product complaint number. Please refer to the Argus User Reference Guide for more information. Event Term This selection allows you to search by coded preferred event term(s) listed within the cases.An example is selecting Event Term from the drop-down list and entering "renal failure" into the text field. Event Verbatim This selection allows you to search by event terms as reported (Description as Reported). Keyword This selection allows you to search for keywords entered in the case notes or used to describe attachments. Please refer to the Argus User Reference Guide for more information. Lot # This selection allows you to search by the product lot number. Patient ID For clinical trial cases, you can search by patient ID. Project ID For clinical trial cases, you can search by project ID. Study ID For clinical trial cases, you can search by study ID. Prj/Stdy/Othr/Cntr/Rptr/Pat You can search for cases based on multiple study identifiers. Audio Narration We'll begin by using the Search For drop-down list. Use the drop-down list to select a search criterion, such as case number, event term, or keyword. Then enter an appropriate search term in the text field. When a search term is entered in the text field, the other search fields become grayed out and cannot be used. To learn about the different ways you can search for cases using the Search For drop-down list, click each option in the drop-down list.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 17: Searching for Partial Terms

Audio Narration You can search for a partial case number by using the percentage sign as a wild card character. Use the wild card character in the beginning or middle of your search term depending on where you are missing information. You can also use multiple wild card characters in one search term. Follow the directions on-screen to search for a partial case number using the wild card character and the Search For fields. You've successfully completed a search using wild card characters. You can also use Full Search to search for a partial case number. Follow the directions on-screen to search for a partial case number using this method.

Page 18: Filtering

Audio Narration Filtering is another way to search for cases in Argus from the Open Case screen. Delete any text in the Search For text field. This makes it possible to use the Date Range and Product Family search criteria. You can then use the Date Range drop-down list to select a certain date range. You can also enter a custom date range into the From and To date fields. Remember that changing the To and From dates will change the Date Range drop-down selection to Custom Date Range, and making a selection from the drop-down list will overwrite any dates you've entered in the To and From fields. In addition to dates, you can also filter by product families by making a selection from the Product Family drop-down list.

Page 19: Viewing Results

Text This displays the total number of results found in the search. In this example, the total number of rows is 10. Use this drop-down list to select which rows to display on-screen. You can use this to move ahead or back within the results. The available options will vary depending on the total number of rows and the page size. Use this drop-down list to change the number of rows being shown on the screen. Use the back and next arrows to move ahead and back through the pages of results. By default, the results are sorted by case number. You can also sort the results by any of the available columns, such as Lock State, Initial Receipt Date, Product, and State. To do this, click on the column title that you would like to use to sort the data. The sort arrow appears next to the column title that the data is being sorted by. If the arrow is pointing up, the data is sorted in ascending order. If the arrow is pointing down, the data is sorted in descending order. To change the sort order, click the arrow. The Lock State icon indicates whether each case is locked or unlocked. Both locked and unlocked cases can be viewed, but only unlocked cases can be modified.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Use the scroll bar to scroll through the current page of results. To open a case from the results, click the case number. The Archive icon indicates that a case has been archived. Audio Narration After you've performed a search, the results appear below the search criteria. There are a number of ways to view or sort the results. Click each of the highlighted areas to learn about these.

Page 20: Printing Results

Audio Narration There are also a number of ways to print results from the Case Open screen. To print a list of all results, we can click the Print List button in the lower right of the screen. This will print a list of all results currently displayed with the lock state, case number, date, product, and state for each case found. To print more details, it's necessary to select a case or multiple cases from the list of results. We can select all cases by clicking the checkbox in the header row of the results. Or we can unclick this box to deselect all cases. We could also select individual cases by clicking the checkboxes in the result rows. When you're printing a case, it's important to consider the state of the workflow that the case is in. For example, if the case is in data entry, it will not have gone through full review. The workflow state is displayed in the State column. Once a case or cases are selected, a number of print buttons appear in the lower right of the screen. In addition to the Print List button, there is now a Print button and a Print Medical Summaries button. There is also a Batch button, which can be used to print or transmit reports for the selected cases. The Print button will print information from the Case Form tabs. Once the button is clicked a new window will appear. From this window, we can select which parts of the Case Form should be printed. We can either click sections individually or click the Select All button to print all sections of the Case Form. To ensure protection of patient and reporter information per applicable privacy laws, it is very important that you never select the Patient Information and Reporter Information checkboxes. If you use the 'Select All' option from the Print case web dialog box, please make sure to deselect two checkboxes noted. Once we have made a selection, we'll click the Print button to view the forms. We can also use the Print Medical Summaries button to print medical summaries of the selected cases. The Medical summary includes information from the case such as the event details and assessment and other pertinent case information.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

To make navigation easier, the plus icon allows you to expand and display the different cases in this report. Once the case has been expanded, you can click on a particular section to move directly to it.

Page 21: Introduction

Text Now that we have learned how to find cases in Argus, let us explore how to open a case and navigate through the data entered in the case. In this section of the course, we will also learn how to close a case and log out of Argus. If you are already familiar with how to open, navigate, and close a case, you can move ahead to the next section of the course, which is a Do It activity that will test your knowledge of what you have learned in this course. If you want to move ahead, select Do It from the course menu now. Audio Narration Now that we have learned how to find cases in Argus, let us explore how to open a case and navigate through the data entered in the case. In this section of the course, we will also learn how to close a case and log out of Argus. If you are already familiar with how to open, navigate, and close a case, you can move ahead to the next section of the course, which is a Do It activity that will test your knowledge of what you have learned in this course. If you want to move ahead, select Do It from the course menu now.

Page 22: Opening a Case

Audio Narration To open a case from a list of search results, we'll click the case number. You can open cases the same way from other screens in Argus where cases are listed, such as the New Worklist. From the New Worklist form, you can also search by a number of different criteria, such as case number, product, and event preferred term. You can also filter cases by group membership and case owner. Use the Search button to execute a search just like you would when using the Case Open form. Keep in mind that the New Worklist option for opening cases is only available if you have case processing workflow privileges. If you do not, you can open cases from the Case Actions - Open form. Now that we've learned how to find and open cases using several different Argus tools, let's explore the data found in a case.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 23: The Case Tabs

Audio Narration The Case Form screen contains all the information for a given case. The lock status, case number, and patient initials or ID, if available, are listed at the top left of the screen. The case priority and workflow state are listed on the right. Case data is divided into different areas, or "tabs." We're currently on the General tab. It contains information about the type of case, when it was reported, and who reported it. Depending on the Report Type selected, certain fields become visible. If the Report Type indicated a study case, then the Study Information section would appear. If the Report Type indicated a literature case, then the Literature section would appear. Now that we've changed the report type, study information is shown. We can also change the report type to literature. The Study Information is no longer visible, but we can scroll down to see the Literature Information fields. At the bottom of the screen, we can also view the reporter information. This case has two reporters. This is indicated by the sub-tabs shown under Reporter Information. Currently, we're viewing data for the first reporter. We can click the other sub-tab to view information about the other reporter. Now that you've learned about the General Tab, follow the directions on-screen to navigate through the other tabs. You can also click on the Case Form tabs to review what you've learned about each. Scheduled, generated, and submitted report information can be found on the Regulatory Reports tab. Click next to continue or click the Case Form tabs to go back and review.

Page 24: Case Icons

Text The Close Case icon allows you to close the case you currently have open. You could also do this by selecting Close from the Case Actions menu. The Print Case icon allows you to select and print details from the open case. You can also do this by selecting Print from the Case Actions menu. Remember, to adhere to privacy laws, never print the Patient Information and Reporter Information sections. The Save Case icon allows you to save any changes that you have made to the open case. You could also save any changes by selecting Save from the Case Actions menu. The Forward Case icon displays the Case Routing dialog box to route the case forward. This feature should be accessed via the Route button in the Activities tab: Routing Comments section. The Return Case icon displays the Case Routing dialog window. From this window, you can only route the case back to the previous user or workflow state. The Medical Review icon displays the Medical Review dialog window. This window displays a summary of key case information that is useful for Medical Reviewers. You can also access the Medical Review screen by selecting Medical Review from the Case Actions menu.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

The Coding Review icon displays the Coding Review dialog window. This window allows you to manage all the fields that use the coding process. It facilitates the coding of all the events and products from a single view. You could also do this by selecting Coding Review from the Case Actions menu. The Draft Report icon displays a list of draft report forms that can be opened individually. The E2B Check icon displays a report of all E2B warning errors and validations. Please refer to the Argus User Reference Guide for more information. This icon is used to perform a field validation, which checks for omissions and inconsistencies that may affect the scheduling of reports or prevent the case from saving. Validation errors appear as red or orange dots on the Case Form tab. Please refer to the Argus User Reference Guide for more information. Audio Narration We have already learned about the New Case, Open Case, and Worklist icons, but a number of new icons now appear in the top right of the Case Form. These icons appear on all tabs of the Case Form and provide easy access to common case actions. Depending on your access rights, some of these icons may not be active for you in Argus. Click each of the icons highlighted at the top right corner of the screen to learn more.

Page 25: Try It

Audio Narration Now that we've learned about navigating through the Case Form, let's try closing the case and logging out of Argus. Follow the directions on-screen to close this case and logout of Argus.

Page 26: Logging Out

Audio Narration It's important that you log out of Argus correctly by using the Logout button as you did in the Try it. If you forget to logout correctly and instead click the X in the upper right corner to close the browser window, cases you have open may be unavailable to other users. If you have logged out by clicking the x button, then the next time you log in, enter your username and password normally. The system displays a message saying that you are already logged in. Since you did not logout previously, select Yes and begin using Argus normally.

Page 27: Introduction

Text Now it is time to demonstrate what you have learned by completing a search on your own in the Do It activity. This activity is an assessment, and you must complete it correctly to move to the next section of the course. You can use the back button or the menu to review. When you are ready, click next to complete the Do It activity.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Audio Narration Now it's time to demonstrate what you've learned by completing a search on your own in the Do It activity. This activity is an assessment, and you must complete it correctly to move to the next section of the course. You can use the Back button or the menu to review. When you are ready, click next to complete the Do It activity.

Page 28: Do It
Audio Narration Use the Case Open form to search for and open the case involving study ID A2581078. Then use the Event tab to find the reported adverse event for the case. Finally, close the case.

Page 29: Knowledge Check

Text In the Do It activity, you accessed the Events tab in the Case Form, but there are other tabs containing case data in Argus. Which Case Form tab contains the medical history? Select the correct answer. Correct. You can find the medical history on the Patient tab. No, try again. No, that is not correct. You can find the medical history on the Patient tab. Audio Narration In the Do It activity, you accessed the Events tab in the Case Form, but there are other tabs containing case data in Argus. Which Case Form tab contains the medical history? Select the correct answer.

Page 30: Knowledge Check

Text Which Case Form tab contains the case narrative? Select the correct answer. Correct. You can find the case narrative on the Analysis tab. No, try again. No, that is not correct. You can find the case narrative on the Analysis tab. Audio Narration Which Case Form tab contains the case narrative? Select the correct answer.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 31: Knowledge Check

Text Which icon would you use to preview the list of available draft report forms for the open case? Select the correct answer. Correct. Use the Draft Report icon to display the available case data using standard expedited reporting templates. No, try again. No, that is not correct. Use the Draft Report icon to display the available case data using standard expedited reporting templates. Audio Narration Which icon would you use to preview the list of available draft report forms for the open case? Select the correct answer.

Page 32: Knowledge Check

Text True or false? You can print all or sections of a case by selecting it from a case list and clicking the Print button. Select the correct answer. True False Correct. This statement is true. Also, it is important to remember not to print the Patient and Reporter information. No, that is not correct. This statement is true. Also, it is important to remember not to print the Patient and Reporter information. Audio Narration True or false? You can print all or sections of a case by selecting it from a case list and clicking the Print button. Select the correct answer.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

Page 33: Congratulations

Text You have now completed the Argus Overview course. By completing this course, you should be familiar with Argus, Pfizer's adverse event reporting system. You should also be able to navigate through the system and complete some other basic functions, such as logging in, searching for cases, and viewing and printing case data. You can use the menu to review any section of the course. You can also click the resources button to access additional information about using Argus. Audio Narration Congratulations! You have now completed the Argus Overview course. By completing this course, you should be familiar with Argus, Pfizer's adverse event reporting system. You should also be able to navigate through the system and complete other basic functions, such as logging in, searching for cases, and viewing and printing case data. You can use the menu to review any section of the course. You can also click the Resources button to access additional information about using Argus.

Page 34: Course Completion

Text Complete a brief online evaluation of the training by clicking on: To document your completion of this training, click the Complete Training button. When the dialog box appears follow the instructions shown. If you fail to do this, your electronic completion records will not be updated. Audio Narration Thank-you for taking this course. We would appreciate your feedback. Please complete a brief online evaluation of the training by clicking the Evaluation button. To document your completion of this training, click the Complete Training button. When the dialog box appears follow the instructions shown. If you fail to do this, your electronic completion records will not be updated.

Version 2, July 2008

For use by Pfizer employees and those with whom Pfizer contracts

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