HSDPA BreathingEffect

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According to our deployment experience on HSDPA 1.8Mbps and 3.6Mbps, higher throughput requires more output power and hence degrading the radio quality (Ec/No). The deployment of HSDPA 7.2 Mbps and 14.4 Mbps shall have more degradation on radio quality. The Vendor shall describe how to minimize the cell breathing effect and the changes on radio planning required for HSDPA 7.2Mbps.
Customer Clarify Questions

Why coverage of additional CPICH power with 90% loading is better than 75% loading? Need more details on answer

75% Load _ 100. 00% 99. 00% 98. 00% 97. 00% 96. 00% 95. 00% 94. 00% 93. 00% 92. 00% 91. 00% 90. 00% 89. 00% 88. 00% 87. 00% 86. 00% 85. 00% 84. 00% 83. 00% 82. 00% 81. 00% 80. 00% - 12. 3 - 12. 4 - 12. 5 - 12. 6 - 12. 7 - 12. 8 - 12. 9 Cover age Rat e

90% _Load

addpw _ 90% r _Load

- 13

- 13. 1 - 13. 2 - 13. 3 - 13. 4 - 13. 5 - 13. 6 - 13. 7 - 13. 8 - 13. 9 EcI o ( dB)

- 14

Previous diagram provided from Huawei was the practice testing result. Under different loading situations, we doing the simulate test to study the effect on different pilot power applied. The yellow curve shows 0.8dB power pilot increased under 90% loading. We noted that after increase 0.8dB pilot power the yellow curve behaviors as similar as the blue curve (no extra pilot power under 75% load). It proved that increase the pilot power was an effective method to overcome the degradation of radio quality. You can found that part of the testing result shown additional CPICH power with 90% loading is better than 75% loading, which is caused by the coupling loss. Coupling loss is defined as the path loss between mobile and base station antenna connectors. When increasing of coupling loss, the contribution of downlink load (assume the network loading form 75% to 90%) to the noise rise will decrease.


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Below graph and formula show how the coupling loss and cell loading related to each others.

N oiseR ise = 1 +


+ f ) D L Pm ax


According to the above analysis, large the coupling loss; less noise rise. Therefore at the cell edge locations, Ec/Io with additional CPICH power with 90% loading will be better than 75% loading. And this test doing under the actual radio environment, a certainly tolerance was founded at the test result, the yellow curve as a reference information not only show the behaviors after pilot power added but also the EcIo distributing from the actual testing environments.

Noise rise (cell load form 75 90 %) Down Link Coupling loss % to


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