Encounter R2 - The Scorpion

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Encounter R2: 500XP The Scorpion!

Stormclaw Scorpion XP 100

Initiative +3, Speed 6

HP 32; Bloodied 16 AC 16; Fortitude 14, Refl ex 12, Will 11 Resist 10 lightning Claws (standard; at-will) Lightning Setup: +8 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and a Medium or smaller target is grabbed (until escape). A grabbed target takes 5 lightning 2 Kobold Slingers damage at the start of the stormclaw scorpions turn. 8 Kobold Minions Sting (standard; at-will) Poison 1 Stormclaw Scorpion +6 vs. Fortitude; 1d4 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is immobilized (save ends both). The stormclaw scorpion can use this attack against a Beetle Lore target it has grabbed. Nature DC 15: A fire beetle has two fiery glands that Reactive Sting (immediate reaction, when an enemy grabbed continue to glow for 1d12 hours after the beetles death; by the scorpion escapes; at-will) The stormclaw scorpion makes a sting attack against the enemy. these can be removed and used as torches. Dungeoneering DC 15: The group notices traces of Fire Must beat DC str 16 check to break grab.


Kobold Slinger Level 1 Artillery XP 100

Initiative +3 Senses ; darkvision Speed 6

Scorpion Lore

Nature DC 15: Stormclaw scorpions hunt by night. They AC 13; Fort 12, Ref 14, Wil 12; see also trap sense Dagger (standard; at-will) Weapon often infest desert tombs and ruins, since they like to nest in dark places. Their claws crackle with electricity. +5 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.

HP 24; Bloodied 12

Sling (standard; at-will) Weapon Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage; Special shot. Set up: Special Shot The group comes upon 4 kobold minions surrounding Firepot (Fire): The target takes ongoing 2 fire damage (save ends). and loudly trying to catch the scorpion. Shifty (minor; at-will): The kobold shifts 1 square. Equipment leather armor, dagger, sling with 20 bullets and 3 With a DC 12 stealth check, they can surprise the group. rounds of firepot.

The second group of minions and slingers enter in round Kobold Minion Level 1 Minion XP 25 2. Initiative +3; darkvision, Speed 6 Roll initiative twice for 8 minions, so 2 groups of 4 move HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 15; Fortitude 11, Ref 13, Will 11; trap sense at once. They move to flank the characters whenever Javelin (standard; at-will) Weapon possible. +5 vs. AC; 4 damage. Javelin (standard; at-will) Weapon Ranged 10/20; +5 vs. AC; 4 damage. Battle Chart: Shifty (minor; at-will) The kobold shifts 1 square.

Kobold Slinger, HP: 24: ______________ Stormclaw Scorpion, HP: 32: __________ Kobold Slinger, HP: 24: ______________ Kobold Minion Kobold Minion Kobold Minion Kobold Minion Kobold Minion Kobold Minion Kobold Minion Kobold Minion

Kobold Slinger Tactics

Kobold slingers avoid melee combat. They prefer to stay behind cover and bombard foes with special shot and sling stones.

Stormclaw Scorpion Tactics

The stormclaw scorpion grabs with its claws. On subsequent rounds, it deals lightning damage and stings its prey. If its victim escapes, the scorpion makes a reactive sting attack.

Kobold Minion Tactics

Kobold minions are fierce in packs, but cowardly when separated. They can shift as a minor action each round to achieve flanking positions.

Loot: 70 gp +1 Staff of winter: (Daily, Free) After a cold spell, you can immobilize every enemies within 3 squares.

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