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1.1 INTRODUCTION Employee is a valuable asset for the organization.

Employee means the individual who perfrorms certain tasks and duties for the accomplishment of organization goals. Turnover mans voluntary cessation of membership of an organization by an employee of that organization. (morel at 2001) turnover intention is broadly defined as attitudinel, decisional and behavioral processes proceeding voluntary turnover. Employee turnover incurs significant cost, both in terms of direct cost and also in terms of indirect cost and the loss of social capital. Employee turnover is a mojor issue for the companies in many Asain countries such as Singapore, Hang Kong, South Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan. Now in India some industries like Software, BPO, Banking, Insurance etc., are facing this issue. The importance of workforce turnover as a sustainability issue has been recognized by Global Reporting Initative(GRI), Which has incuded turnover as a core social performance indicator in its sustainability reporting guidelines. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Employee turnover is giving some sleepless nights to Human resources manager of Information Technolories sector of India as well as the Recruitment Consultants. Recrutars sector is selected due to two reasons. First of all, there is an alarming increase in emplyoyee turnover rate. Second reason is Consultancy industry is showing a rapid growth giving a noticeable change in Indian economy. COMPANY PROFILE About Adecco: Adecco Group is the worlds leading provider of HR solutions. With more than 33,000 FTE employees and a network of 5,600 branches, in over 60 countries and territories around the world, we offer a wide variety of services, connecting close to 750,000 associates with well over 100,000 clients every day. The service offered fall into the broad categories of temporary staffing, permanent placement, career transition, talent development and workforce management solutions, as well as outsourcing and consulting The Adecco Group is based in Zurich-Glattbrugg, Switzerland and we are a Fortune Global 500 company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. OUR VISION By creating greater choice in the domain of work, we unlock potential in individuals, enterprises and society in general creating the fundamental conditions for adaptability and success. We help individuals find work, support companies throughout their life cycle and success. We help

individuals find work, support companies throughout their life cycle and make a positive contribution to society by sustaining employability. We strive to foster and enhance the key role we play on a global scale. MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO Work has a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people every day. The importance of work and what we do to help people find jobs cannot be overstated. Work is a basic need; it should be a basic right for all people. We help individuals find work, support companies throughout their life cycle and make a positive contribution to society by sustaining employability. Patrick De Maeseneire , CEO Adecco group STRATEGY The world of work is consulting changing and Adecco is one of the leading forces shaping that change. With a growing demand for both flexible and skilled workforces we have two distinct approaches to the market. For positions that require general skills, we offer our clients tailored solutions, focusing on industry know-how and cost leadership. This also means ensuring continuity and nurturing longterm relation and skill enhancement for our associates. To fill positions requiring specialized professional skill, we have experts who can find the right candidates. Our aim is to provide consecutive assignments, ensuring talent retention and skill enhancement for our associates. In both approaches to the market, it is our goal to focus on operational excellence, specialization and efficient delivery models. As the global leader in HR services, we are aware that traditional patterns of employment will continue to evolve in the years to come. We therefore encourage present and future generations to see changes as opportunity in its multiple forms. We invite people to accept tomorrows challenges with confidence and to join us in shaping the future of the workplace. Adecco India Adecco India is a part of Adecco Group the worlds leading provider of HR solutions and a Fortune 500 Company. Adecco India, headquartered in Bangalore, is a leading end-to-end HR solutions company that focuses on Executive Search, Recruitment, Learning and Temporary Staffing services to client organizations. With a national presence through 85 branches across the country, Adecco is the fastest growing HR solutions company in India. Rapid growth with the largest network of over 85 branches

Over 110000 associates on assignment every day, nationally Distinguished list of over 1500 clients across India Over 1100 trained and specialized consultants to customize HR solutions Adecco India offers a spectrum of services

Recruitment Solutions Staffing Solutions Talent Management Assessment Solutions Payroll Management Managed Services Recruitment Process Outsourcing Domain expertise across specific industries

Information Technology IT Enabled Services Telecom, Media, and Entertainment Engineering, Process, and Infrastructure Consumer Services and Retail Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance. Adecco India, a market leader in specialist recruitment services, provides tailor-made recruitment solutions across verticals, with a branch network that has extensive geographic coverage in India. Thorough research and accurate mapping of interests of both , our clients, as well as , our candidates, is what sets us apart. As a corporate partner to clients, we source professionals with high intellectual capabilities to help enhance the clients human capital on one hand, and on the other, we help individuals optimize their career choices. Service offerings Contingency Recruitment An ongoing recruitment & placement activity to client organizations. We do a search for candidates through our internal, extensive and robust search engine called Hirecraft and then the chosen candidate is put in touch with the client to take it forward Turnkey Staffing A service offering to indentify the right skill at the right time to fulfill a project or a position. It addresses the need in all the levels junior, middle and senior management

Cross- border Recruitment The offering introduces professionals with the required background to meet particular client requirements from anywhere in the world Recruitment Process Outsourcing We manage the entire recruitment/ hiring process from job profiling through the on boarding of the new hire, inducting staff, technology, method and reporting for a client. NEED OF THE STUDY The study can reveal the effectiveness of the organization The study can ascertain the HR Practice is in sync with the objectives of organizational commitments The study may be able to provide the guidance in adopting suitable measures strategies to the HR system of the organization The study can make to identify the level of employees commitments towards organization of profession The study gives feed back in identify the right thing needed for employee and give suggestive measure to management SCOPE OF THE STUDY It is confined to the assessment of HR practices of employees commitments of Adecco India Ltd. The main focus of the study is generally concerned with the analysis of HR Practices of the company The study will help to know about the employees expectations & options The company can get ideas about themselves which can be the basis for changing their HR practices in future The study idea about the prevailing conditions of the employees can be reduced The gap between management & employees can be reduced OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the study are To explore the reasons and intentions of employee turnover To find the implications of employee turnover in the Indian context To find out the effects of controllable factors such as satisfaction with pay, working conditions and organizational commitments on employee turnover To find out the effects of uncontrollable factors such as satisfaction with pay, working conditions and organizational commitments on employee turnover

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Eminent research scholars have defined the term research as scientific search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. It is actually a voyage of discovery. Thus research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Research Problem Sources of Data Research Design Tool & techniques Sampling design Sample Size Area Of Survey To examine the organizational i. Primary data Census research Chi-square, k.s test Universe or Population Adecco India Ltd, Chennai professional and

SOURCES OF DATA Primary data Data, which are collected for first time and it, happens to be original in character Secondary data Data, which have been published already in the form of magazines, documents, thesis etc, STATISTICAL TOOLS & TECHNIQUES: The statistical tool applied for the study may include simple percentage, chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistical tools: The statistical tool applied for the study may include simple percentage, chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

CHAPTERISTION Chapter 1 Introduction, Statement of the problem, objectives, research methodology

Chapter 2 Theoretical background, review of literature Chapter 3 Data analysis and interpretation Chapter 4 Findings and suggestion, conclusion LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The study was completely generalized because the findings and conclusion are made with all the Adecco India Ltd., Chennai respondents The sample size chosen for the study is representative of total population Few respondents were reluctant while answering the questionnaire Data and information collected from the respondents are based on their opinions and knowledge. Sometimes they may subject to bias.

Recruitment consultant Entry Requirements Although this area of work is open to all graduates a degree in the following subjects may increase your chances: Human resources; Marketing; Public relations (PR); A degree relevant to the sector you want to work in. Postgraduate study is not essential for entry to the profession. You may find that relevant experience and skills are more useful. Potential candidates will need to show evidence of the following: Ambition and confidence; Goal orientation;

Good interpersonal and communication skills; Teamwork; Ability to handle multiple priorities; Problem-solving techniques; Ability to meet deadlines and targets; Ability to cope with responsibility and high pressure; Customer service skills; Sales orientation; Creativity. Work experience in sales, marketing or any customer-oriented role is useful for starting a career in the recruitment industry. Also, being an active member of students societies may help you demonstrate the skills needed.

Competition is fierce as the occupation attracts candidates from all disciplines but the sector is growing constantly with more than 100,000 people working in recruitment consultancies. As a result, more entry-level vacancies are generated. However, competition for entry-level jobs remains fierce. Both sexes are equally represented in the sector. It is illegal for employers to discriminate against candidates on the grounds of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or religious faith. For more information on equality and diversity in the job market see Handling Discrimination ( Training On-the-job training is offered to trainee consultants for the first few months. Larger firms offer induction or skills training for new staff members entering as trainee recruitment consultants. Short courses on specific aspects of the industry, run in-house or by external training providers, may include: Interviewing skills; Employment law; running a payroll;

Business planning; Negotiation and sales techniques; Psychometric assessment; Headhunting. A range of commercial training providers offer short courses specific to the skills required in the industry. It is also worth noting that the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) (, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) ( and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) ( run personal development training for members. Professional qualifications are available through the REC and the CIPD. The REC in collaboration with Middlesex University Business School offers three nationally-recognised professional qualifications for the sector: The certificate in recruitment practice. This can assist those new to the industry or those who have experience, but no formal training. The certificate can be studied by distance learning or through an intensive three-day course. The diploma in recruitment practice. This is a specialist qualification suitable for anyone involved in finding, assessing and selecting staff. Validated by Middlesex University Business School, it allows direct entry on to year two of the degree in recruitment practice. The diploma can be completed by flexible learning or through London-based evening classes. The degree in recruitment practice. This is a joint REC and Middlesex University Business School initiative that started in 2005. The degree can be completed by open learning, providing greater flexibility than a standard distance learning programme. In practice, recruitment agencies consider professional qualifications beneficial, but not essential, but those wishing to gain a thorough understanding of professional practice and the industry may find them valuable in the longer term. Personal membership of the REC is not a requirement, but can be of benefit in keeping your knowledge up to date and demonstrating professionalism to clients.


I am Patric Jayakumar. K MBA student conducting a survey on Who stay and Who leave?"A study on the organizational dynamics surrounding employee turnover with reference to Adecco India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. I would be grateful if you kindly spare some time to answer my questions. This inforation will be used purely for academic purpose and would be kept confidential. Personal Profile 01.Age <25 25-30 30-40 >45

02. Gender Male Female 03. Education .. 04. Designation 05. Expirence Below 2 Years 2-4 years 4-8 Years Above 8 Years

06. Pay Below 10K 10-15 K 15-20K Above 20K

Job Profile

07. Considering what it costs to live in this area, my pay is: Very Inadequate Inadequate Neither Adequate nor Inadequate More than Adequate

08. For the Job I do,I feel that the amount of the money I make is: Extremely Good Good Neigther good nor bad Bad Very bad

09. Does the way pay is handle around here make it worthwhile for a person to work especially hard? It definitely encourages hard work It fairly encourages hard work It encourages hardwork It definitely discourages hard work

Satisfation with nature of Work:10. State your opinion regarding the below: 5. Highly Satisfied 4. Satisfied 3. Neither Satisfied nor dissatisfied 2. Dissatisfied 1. Highly Dissatisfied Factors The chance to try my own method of doing the Job The chance to do something does makes use of my ablities The freedom to use my own judgment Options(1-5)

Satisfation with Supervision:-

11. Do you ever have the feeling you would be better of working under different supervision? I almost always feel that way I almost feel that way I sometimes feel that way I rarely feel that way I never feel that way

12. The supervision I receive is the kind that Greatly discourage me from giving extra effort Discourages me from giving extra efferts Neither Discourages nor encourages me from giving extra effort Encourages me from giving extra effort Gratly encourages me from giving extra effort

13. How does the way you are treated by those who supervise you influence your overall attitude towards your job? It has a very unfavirable influence It has a unfavirable influence The influence is neutral It has a favorable influence It has a very favorable influence

Organizational commitments:14.State your opinon regarding the below: 1. Strongly dissagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor dissagree 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree Factors I am willing to put in a great deal of effort beyond that normally is expected in order to help this organization to be successful Options(1-5)

I talk up this organization to my friends as a great organization to work for, I feel very little loyalty to this organization I find that my values and the organizations values are very similar I am proud to tell others that I am part of this organization This organization really inspire the very best in me in the way of job performace I am extremely glad that I choose this organization to work for over others O was considering at the time I joined I really care about the fate of this organization Distributive justice:15. State your opinion regarding the below: 1. Strongly dissagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor dissagree 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree Factors I received the evaluation that I deserved The evaluation reflected the quality of my performance I consider the evaluation to be fair Procedural justice:16.The rules, procedures and polices used to evaluate my performance was Proper Fair Appropriate Improper Options(1-5)

Job hopping:-

17.State your option regarding the below: 1. Strongly disagree 2. 3. 4. 5. Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Factors To me, switching jobs is kind of a fun I switch jobs because my colleagues do so I tend to change jobs for no apparent reasons Options(1-5)

Turnover intentions:18.State your opinion regarding the below 1. Strongly dissagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor dissagree 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree Factors I will likely actively look for a new job in the next year I often think about quiting I probably look for a new job in the next year Doptions(1-5)

Perceived alternative employment opportunities:-

19. State your opinion regarding the below 1. Strongly dissagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor dissagree 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree Factors If I quit my current job, the chance that I would be able to find another job which is a good as, or better than my present one is high If I have to leave this hob, I would have another job as good as this one within a month There is no doubt in my mind that I can find a job that is at least as good as the one I have now, Given my age, education and the general economic condition, the chance of attaining a suitable position in some other organization is slim The chance of finding another job that would be acceptable is high It would be easy to find acceptable alternative employment Options(1-5)

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