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Pricing and Packaging for VMware vSphere 5

Timothy Stephan, Senior Director, vSphere Product Marketing, VMware

On July 12, VMware Introduced a Major Upgrade of the Entire Cloud Infrastructure Stack

vCloud Director vCloud Director 1.5


Cloud Infrastructure Launch

(vSphere, vCenter, vShield, vCloud Director)
vCenter Management vCenter SRM 5 vSphere 5
vSphere vSphere vSphere Storage Appliance 1.0 vSphere

vShield Security vShield 5

vSphere 5 Licensing and Pricing Overview

vSphere 5 Licensing: Evolution Without Disruption

vSphere 4.x Licensing Unit Core per proc Physical RAM per host Pooled vRAM entitlement Processor Restricted Restricted =

vSphere 5 Processor Unlimited Unlimited Amt of vRAM pooled across entire environment

< <


What is vRAM?

vRAM is the memory configured to a virtual machine Assigning a certain amount of vRAM is a required step in the
creation of a virtual machine

Key vRAM Concepts


Each vSphere 5 processor license comes with a certain amount of vRAM entitlement
2 3

Pooled vRAM Entitlement

Consumed vRAM

Sum of all processor license entitlements Sum of vRAM configured into all powered on VMs

Compliance = 12 month rolling average of Consumed vRAM < Pooled vRAM Entitlement

Key Concepts Example

Each vSphere Enterprise Edition license entitles 64GB of vRAM. 4 licenses of vSphere Enterprise Edition provide a vRAM pool of 256GB (4 * 64 GB)

vRAM Pool (256GB)

Consumed vRAM = 80 GB
64GB 64GB 64GB 64GB

Customer creates 20 VMs with 4GB vRAM each

vSphere Ent

vSphere Ent





Host A

Host B

Compliance = 12 month rolling average of Consumed vRAM < Pooled vRAM Entitlement

vSphere 5 Licensing Detail

Updated 8/3/11 vSphere 5 Licensing Model in More Detail

vSphere 4.1 and prior Per CPU with Core and Physical Memory Limits Licensing Unit SnS Unit Core per proc Physical RAM capacity per host
CPU CPU Restrictions by vSphere editions
6 cores for Standard and Enterprise, Ess, Ess+ 12 core for Advanced and Ent. Plus

vSphere 5 and later Per CPU with vRAM Entitlements

= < <


Restrictions by vSphere edition

256GB for Standard, Advanced and Enterprise. Ess, Ess+ Unlimited for Enterprise Plus

Unlimited Entitlement by vSphere edition

vRAM entitlement per proc

Not applicable

32GB vRAM for Essentials Kit 32GB vRAM for Essentials Plus Kit 32GB vRAM for Standard 64GB vRAM for Enterprise 96GB vRAM for Enterprise Plus

Pooling of entitlements Max amount of vRAM per VM counted Compliance policies Monitoring tool

Not applicable


YES vRAM entitlements are pooled among vSphere hosts managed by a vCenter or linked vCenter instance 96GB a powered on VM will count for a
maximum of 96GB against the pool regardless of its actual configured amount

Not applicable Purchase in advance of use High Watermark Not applicable

Purchase in advance of use 12 months rolling average of daily high watermark YES built-into vCenter Server 5

Summary of Customer and Partner Feedback

The new licensing model based on pooled vRAM

1. Affects only a small percentage of customers today, but customers are concerned about their futurelooking business cases that have been based on future hardware capabilities and the previous vSphere 4 licensing model. 2. Introduces additional hesitation for virtualizing business critical apps

3. Penalizes short lived usage spikes in dev & test and other transient VM scenarios
4. Makes vSphere for VDI expensive

Updated 8/3/11 Changes to the vSphere 5 Licensing Model

Affect Many Fewer Customers - Substantially raise the vRAM entitlements per vSphere edition from 48/32/24/24/24 GB to 96/64/32/32/32 GB. Enable Virtualization of Business Critical Application - Cap the amount of vRAM counted per VM at 96GB* Enable Test and Dev Environments - Calculate a 12 month average of configured vRAM rather than a high water mark Enable View Deployments - Addressed with vSphere Desktop edition licensed per user

*Note: this change will NOT be reflected in the native vSphere 5 vRAM reporting capability at GA time; it will be included in a future vSphere 5 update release. Before this update release, customers will be able to use a stand-alone free utility for tracking vRAM usage that will reflect this change

vSphere 5 Licensing In Action

How does it work?
Each CPU must have at least one vSphere license
assigned Cores and physical RAM do not matter Each processor license managed by a vCenter or multiple vCenters in Linked mode contributes an amount of vRAM capacity to the total vRAM pool Example: 4 vSphere Ent. Licenses create a vRAM pool of 256GB of vRAM (4 x 64GB) Each vSphere Edition creates a separate pool that must be kept in licensing compliance vRAM pool is shared among powered-on VMs running on all hosts in a vCenter Example: 20 VMs with 4GB of configured vRAM consume a total of 80GB vRAM It doesnt matter how many VMs you run and on which hosts you run them. vMotion, DRS, HA do not require additional licenses At any point in time the 12 month rolling average of daily high watermark of consumed vRAM must be equal or less to the vRAM pool capacity Compliance is at the vCenter level not the host level vRAM pool can be extended by: Upgrading all CPUs to higher end vSphere Edition Adding processor licenses to the same set of CPUs Adding a new host with new licenses
vRAM Pool (using 80 GB out of 128 GB)

vSphere 5

VMware vCenter Server

vSphere Ent vSphere Ent





Host A

Host B
VM Processor (4GB vRAM) License

Tools for Tracking vRAM Entitlement vs Usage

Before upgrading to vSphere 5, customers can use a

separate free utility that analyzes a VI3 or vSphere 4 environment, and determines vRAM consumed

The tool will be available later in Q3 2011

After upgrading to vSphere 5:

1. vRAM licensing monitoring and reporting tool built into vCenter 5 2. Free add-on to vCenter for in-depth historical trending analysis

When Does the vSphere 5 Licensing Model Apply?

For ELA customers

Customers with active ELA will continue to be subject to the terms of their
contracts for the duration of their contract, independent of which vSphere version they deployed

ELA customers may contact their VMware sales representatives to update the
terms of their ELAs to the new vSphere 5 licensing model For customers without ELAs

The new model applies only to vSphere 5 licenses. Prior versions of

vSphere will continue to be based on their respective licensing model

The new vSphere 5 licensing model will apply upon acceptance of the
vSphere 5 EULA (necessary condition to upgrade to vSphere 5)

Customers who purchase vSphere 5 licenses and decide to downgrade to

older versions of vSphere will be subject to the EULA terms and licensing model of the vSphere version they downgrade to

Desktop Virtualization with vSphere 5

vSphere Desktop - NEW edition for VDI deployments

Can only be used for desktop virtualization New purchases only Licensed on a total number of Powered On desktop virtual machines
Sold in pack size of 100 at a list price of $6,500 USD

Unlimited vRAM entitlements All features and functionalities of vSphere Enterprise Plus

Existing VDI Customers

vSphere licenses with active SnS and used for VDI may be upgraded to
corresponding vSphere 5 edition and have unlimited vRAM entitlement

Must be managed by different instance of vCenter Server

VMware View
Comprehensive end to end Desktop Virtualization Solution
Available as View Enterprise and View Premier

vRAM Entitlements

vSphere edition
vSphere Enterprise+ vSphere Enterprise vSphere Standard vSphere Essentials+

Previously announced vRAM entitlements 48 GB 32 GB 24 GB 24 GB

New vRAM entitlements 96 GB 64 GB 32 GB 32 GB

vSphere Essentials
Free vSphere Hypervisor

24 GB
8 GB

32 GB
32 GB*

* Note: this limit is GB of physical RAM per physical server

vSphere 5 Extends the Benefits of Pooling from the Technical to the Business Side of IT
Simplicity Removes two physical constraints (core and
physical RAM) replacing them with a single virtual entitlement (vRAM) Customers now have a clear path to license vSphere on next-gen hardware configurations

Better aligns cost with actual use and value
derived rather than hardware configurations and capacity.

Flexibility Extends the concept of resource pooling from

technology to the business of IT by allowing aggregation and sharing of vRAM entitlement across a large pool of servers

Evolution without disruption Allows customers to evolve to a cloud-like "pay

for consumption" model without disrupting established purchasing, deploying and license management practices and processes

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