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This story is purely fictional and all characters are made up.

If it bears no resemblance to anyone dead or alive, its purely coincidental.

I hope this never happens anywhere. Friendship is a strong tie, its meant to be tightened, not cut - Me

Brad, we have got another one Brad was arranging a pile of papers on his desk when the news had arrived. He took one last sip from his coffee mug, turned to his partner, stared at him and said Lets go Where are we going? Brad asked. Chad slowed the car at an intersection, looked at Brad, smiled and steered left. You are still an idiot. Grow up Yes yes... I will do that. So where are we going? They passed a couple of streets, across a lot of big buildings covered by reflecting glass. The streets had just about enough people for a weekend afternoon not too many, not too less. Beyville University Brad was shocked. He, however, did not show it. Beyville University was one of the most prestigious universities in the country- one of the very few places that detectives had to visit, except for giving some speeches or as guests. Brad was an alumnus. He knew the University inside out. But that was a long time ago. Whats the case? Suicide Chad replied. They knew how to talk to each other well. Clear questions, crystal answers. It was simple. Why do they need detectives for a suicide case? Brad asked Chad stopped the car. Both of them got out of the car. The boulevard was beautiful, silent and serene. The campus was covered by a blanket of autumn leaves and a yellowish-orangish tinge covered the landscape. The detectives walked towards the crowd. There was an ambulance stationed outside the hostel entrance. There were a couple of cops and dumbstruck students in the crowd. The detectives saw a couple of girls crying as they walked in. They walked through the corridor until they reached the crime scene. There he was - the victim. Everyone out Brad shouted out. Everyone inside the room moved out. Brad and Chad had their own methodology of work. They would look at the file, burn the information into their brains and tear the entire place apart, until they could figure out what had happened at the scene the past couple of hours. Brad moved closer to the body that was still hanging on the fan. Chad started inspecting the room as Brad moved towards the body. There was a chair lying on the ground. It had all the makings of a suicide, except motive. Chad helped Brad take the body down. Chad went out to get a stretcher to carry the body out. Brad looked at the body. The boy was handsome. He had all the makings of a very good student and person. He looked like one of those people who was very lucky and who everyone looked up to. Why would you suicide? It doesnt make any sense He pulled back the boys sleeves; there was a cut on his wrist. So this wasnt your first time, was it? His neck had a red mark of the scarf that was used. Brad got up. Why do you bother me so? You had everything, yet you took your life again. Son, if you can hear me, you did something stupid. I hope your soul rests in peace Brad! Chad shouted out. Talking with the dead again?

The body was being taken away. Thats when Brad remembered something he had forgotten to check the boys pockets. Wait As he searched through the pockets, he found a slip. You may go The body was carried away Brad went closer to Chad, flashed the paper around and said Suicide. He opened up the crushed paper. It had a couple of words written in blue ink. The inks smudged. Probably was crying when he wrote it Brad continued. What does it read? Chad was curious I hate you, Matt Brad read out Who is Matt? Chad asked What a waste of my time! The kid suicides and they think that they need detectives for such work? Pathetic. Brad! Chad looked at Brad What? Cant you show some respect to the dead? I mean the kid did have some problems that he resorted to suicide. Cant you show some respect? The alive barely deserves respect. Why do you think I care about the dead then? If this is about... Lets go Brad interrupted Chad They walked back through the same corridor. Brad, arent you even curious who found out the body Chad asked. Brad stopped. He turned to Chad who was following him, stared into his eyes and said Chad, we are detectives. When the case is solved, its solved. It was a suicide. There are no signs of murder. Post mortem also wont happen as the kids parents wont sign the consent. Our job here is done. I could care less of who found what right now They went out. The body had already been taken away but the throng hadnt disappeared. The cops were still waiting for a say from the detectives and the students wanted to know what was going on. Behave properly to the students, they are hurt. Show a bit of humanity, please. Let the other thing go for now Fine. You go tell the cops its a suicide and to close the case As Chad walked away, Brad tried to make his way to the car and tried to avoid the press and the students. One girl tugged on his shirt and pulled him back. She looked as she was crying for a long time then. She was beautiful, but her mascara was dripping from her eyes. The tears had left its trail. Please tell me who did it. Who killed Ricardo? Brad put a hand on the girls cheeks. She reminded him of his daughter. In a sympathetic tone he said I am sorry, no one killed him. He did it on his own

No... She burst into tears. Why am I losing everyone that I care about? First it was Matt and now him? The name struck him. His curiosity rose. So there was something going on. The motive of the suicide was not clear. The cops could have written it off as a suicide because of some love failure, but then why write that you hate someone in the suicide note? Brad was getting excited. There was something there. He grew curious. He looked at the girl and his tone changed. Whos Matt? His voice was less soothing and to some extent intimidating. The girl didnt care; she was crying and trying to keep the tears back at the same time. She said Matt and Ricardo were good friends This was followed by another outburst of tears. Brad was getting annoyed of the crying then. Listen kid, stop crying and tell me about both of them ... <sob>... Matt and Ricardo She was fighting very hard to find words <sob> they were best friends in fact... She looked at Brad and said Why did Ricardo do it? Why? Why? She fainted from exhaustion. Brad didnt care as she fell. For him, the case was intriguing, complicated and subtle. Two suicides in the same place - something smelled fishy. He was smiling. He was jubilant. He walked back towards the car. He was going to figure out why both of them committed suicide. When they reached back at the station Brad told Chad to try and get info on Matt. He wanted to know how the two dead people were connected. Chad was confused I thought you said it was a suicide and we put an end to the case Yes yes... now run along and get me the info he looked at Chad. Chad just stared back at him. Please? Brad added on. Chad gave a loud sigh and went to his table. Brad smiled as he saw Chad punch some numbers into the phone and started making calls. A couple of minutes later Chad went back to Brad Well I am not sure how the suicides are connected, but those two boys they were close. According to the warden, they were thick of friends and really bright students. Socialised well with the other students. Nothing wrong anywhere. He is still surprised why either one of them committed suicide We need inside info. I mean we need to talk to someone who knew both of them really close, for the people they were not for the students they were. I want to talk to one of their mutual friends Brad replied They are kids They are adults legally, mature enough to take some pain Brad replied. Brad, you have to stop this. Your obsession once drove you mad... Brad raised an arm to interrupt Chad Not that. Do not bring that up. This has nothing to do with that. Find me a friend who is willing to speak Another sigh and Chad moved towards the door. Although it was a partnership, Brad was brilliant compared to Chad and had more experience. Chad respected Brad for that. Brad would cling on to

certain things so much so that sometimes it became an obsession. Everyone in the department knew Brad to be like that. Such obsessions had led him to solve some of the greatest crimes in his precinct and the spoils of his victory shone in gold and bronze upon his table. About an hour or two from then a boy and a girl were seen entering the department. They were escorted by a tall man with a well framed body with trimmed facial hair. The students sat on a couch for visitors at the department. Chad stood near them and waited on for Brad. Brad went into the room and he had two glasses or orange juice with him. Thought you might need this he handed over the glasses to the students. They reluctantly accepted the glasses. I have a few questions. Nothing uncomfortable. Just want to know some things Yes sir the boy replied. The girl was scared of the whole thing and was clinging onto the boys hand. Tell me about Matt. Tell me how was he before the suicide Sir, Matt was a good friend. But then suddenly he grew really weird. We had no idea what he was doing. He didnt keep a lot of secrets. As far as I could understand, it started with the feeling of losing a friend and then went till social anxiety. He felt like nobody cared. Then it reached a point when he started pissing everyone off and started alienating from everyone. It was sad to see him... he was interrupted by the girl We tried a lot to help. But we just couldnt get through to him. He was suicidal a couple of times but all those times he talked it out with us. Then every time he said something about depression or suicide, it sort of became ... um... clichd. When he came to college and we first met, he was an eccentric fun loving guy. But then it all started falling apart Family problems? Exam stress? What was the reason? Brad was growing curious No. He created his own problems. He said that whenever he was not engaged with something thoughts will creep into his mind and that sort of ruined him socially the girl seemed to know more. Drink... it might help. The students took a small sip. Brad eased into his couch and Chad sat on a wooden chair next to them. Now I dont know much about Matts suicide... Brad continued The boy interrupted him He took a pill... Brad stared at the boy. He was apologetic for butting in um... sorry... sir No go on. Tell me Brad said The boy looked at the girl, then at Brad and Chad and continued He took a pill. It was Ricardo who found him dead. When we got there he was still frothing in his mouth. By the time the doctors came... The girl broke into tears. Ever since that... the boy too was now fighting back the tears ... Ricardo had been acting weird. I guess it had hit him real hard. He stayed aloof from all of us and we thought wed give him some space. After all they were best friends... And then this happens Brad said The girl gave out a small squeal-like sound and started to cry. The boy tried to comfort her, but there were tears that were falling from his eyes as well. Chad looked at Brad. What? Brad asked as if he didnt know what he had done.

Chad comforted the two students and in a couple of minutes the tears died down. We never thought Ricardo would suicide. I mean ... he was strong the boy continued. Tell me a little more about their social lives Brad asked The girl was quick to reply Ricardo socialised more than Matt. He was great with people... She wiped a tear from her face Matt on the other hand was more of a spider A what? Brad asked A spider is a person who socialises more in the web. Its a lingo the boy replied. So he basically spent more time blogging and networking? Chad asked Yes the boy replied. Hm... can you give me the addresses of these sites? Maybe we could get something from it Brad asked He didnt have much of a blog but he was active on the girl said Actually he did have a blog. Ill give you the address He looked at the girl and said Only very few knew about it Chad, get these kids back to college. He looked at the two students and said Well I still think it was a suicide but thank you for all the information He smiled. Chad stared at him again. He was smiling at two innocent kids who had lost two of their dear friends it was too harsh. As Chad escorted the students back to the car, Brad went back to his desk and typed the link in. A black blog came up. It was called Random. The latest post was titled |The perfect murder plot| It went on: I dont know whats been happening over the past few weeks. I hate it here. Its killing me. I dont know why also I hate it. I have everything that one could wish for yet I hate. I see my friends daily. I fake a smile with them, but in these four walls I feel loneliness and emptiness. I keep on checking my mails, messages and call logs. No activity anywhere. Its been bugging me for some time. I think all of them hate me. I feel unwanted even when I am with them. I keep thinking these really bad things. I know its too early for cribbing... Brad looked at the time of post. It was 9:30 a.m. ... but this is what I do more these days. As much as I hate it, I dont know a way around it. Things have been going exponentially downhill lately. I think I will end it. I know Ricardo will come to my room in the night. Hes been the only one I have opened up to properly. Its because of him that I am still alive. I am thankful to him for that. But now for some odd reason I feel like hes pissing me off more than anyone else. I envy him for his handsomeness and the great life he has. Now I sort of want him to burn. I dont hate him. Hes my closest friend. But my mindset is forcing me to carry out this experiment. For sure hell come one last time and try to settle things. For sure none of it will work. So heres whats gonna happen. I have a strip of paracetamol tablets. I am going to replace one with a poison pellet. I will talk to him with words that will sooth everything and hopefully boil his temper to a point where hell burst. Then Ill say I am going to suicide and take the pill from the strip. Hell think its

just a paracetamol tablet and wont do anything. If I am right, I should froth in my mouth and this should cause him to go into a panic. If I can manage it I should fall onto his arms and ... Soon he should be depressed; hell feel what all I have gone through. Soon he might be driven mad, crazy maybe to his end even. Its gonna be fun, even after my death. Itd be the perfect murder. The victim driven to suicide, the weapon also suicide of the killer its perfect. Brad stayed motionless. It was too much for any human to digest it. It was too cruel, too unreal. They were friends. How can anyone even think of such a thing? he thought.

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