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TOPIC METHODOLOGY ESTIMATED TIME REQUIREMENT 8 hours BUDGET PARTICULARS Course Design Course Management Faculty (5) Fare - Faculty Board and Lodging Materials Equipment - LCD Total ) AMOUNT 30,000 50,000 25,000 5,000 6,000 15,000 8,000 --------------P139,000

Defn of terms Lecture a) 2 kinds of elections Defn of Suffrage a) diff theories Distinguish suffrage from election System of election Lecture/Case Studies/ adopted in the Philippines Theory upon which suffrage is based(Principle the enfranchised citizened or voter is the trustee of the people Importance of safeguarding the integrity of the ballot

15 Hours

Module 2 standards set by the national government. An in-depth study of exemplary practices undertaken by
successful LGUs in the field of local enterprise development will also be included in this module.

1)Comelec Functions & its laws 2) Interpretation of Election laws



64 hrs./ 8 days - Lecture 8 days - Practicum 3 days

Course Design Course Management Faculty (5) Meals during Practicum Materials Equipment - LCD Subtotal

70,000 75,000 35,000 15,000 37,500 10,000 ---------------P 242,500

3) Stages, pointers & procedure before, during, Reporting and after Election a) 90 ys before regular & 60 Lecture/Practicum days before special election 4) Voters ( qualifications) 5) Candidates (qualifications) 6) Party-list system a) Procedure b) What cannot be registered as political parties 7) Precints & Polling Places 8) Ballot boxes 9) Watchers a) rights b) Appointments c) qualifications 10) Election offficers

Module 3: TOPIC 1) Campaign a) Election Propaganda (prohibited acts & lawful acts) b) Contributions (term, prohibited contributions) c) Expenditures (statements of contributions and expenses) 2) Election offenses METHODOLOGY Lecture/Case Study ESTIMATED TIME REQUIREMENT 25hrs./ 4 days BUDGET PARTICULARS Course Design Course Management Faculty (8) Fare - Faculty Materials Equipment - LCD Total ) AMOUNT 150,000 75,000 60,000 7,500 30,500 27,000 --------------P 350,000

1) Appreciation of Ballots a) Rules for Lecture/Writeshop appreciation of ballots 2) Election returns 3) Canvass and proclamations a) Nature of canvass & proceedings b) Pre-proclamation Recovery c) jurisdiction over Pre-proclamation cases 4) Board of canvassers a) Authority and scope 5) Election Contest a) Procedure b) Rules peculiar to contest involving local officials c) Rules or principles applicable to contests relating to regional, provincial, city, and barangay officials d) Jurisdiction over Election offenses

80 hrs./ 10 days

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