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The United Nations has warned that the world is on
the brink of another recession, projecting that global
economic growth will slow down further in 2012 and
even emerging powerhouses like India and China,
which led the recovery last time, will get bogged

The UN 'World Economic Situation and Prospects
2012' report has cut the global growth forecast for
next year to 2.6 per cent from 4 per cent in 2010.

It has called 2012 a "make-or-break" year for the
global economy, which will face a "muddle-through"
scenario and continue to grow at a slow pace.

"Following two years of anaemic and uneven
recovery from the global financial crisis, the world
economy is teetering on the brink of another major
downturn," the UN report said, warning that "the risks
for a double-dip recession have heightened".

The report said the failure of policymakers, especially
those in Europe and the United States, to address
the jobs crisis, prevent sovereign debt distress and
escalation of financial sector fragility poses the most
acute risk for the global economy in 2012-2013.

Growth in developing countries like India and China, which had stoked the engine of the world economy so far,
will also slow down to 5.6 per cent in 2012 from 7.5 per cent in 2010.

"Developing countries are expected to be further affected by the economic woes in developed countries
through trade and financial channels," the report said.

GDP growth in China and India is expected to "remain robust, but to decelerate", it said.

India's economy is expected to expand by between 7.7 per cent and 7.9 per cent in 2012-2013, down from 9.0
per cent in 2010. In China, growth slowed from 10.4 per cent in 2010 to 9.3 per cent in 2011 and is projected to
slow further to below 9 per cent in 2012-2013.

Notably, the UN has revised its 2012 prediction downward for every major country.

It projected 1.3 per cent growth for the US (down 0.7 per cent from its last forecast), 1.5 per cent for Japan
(down 1.3 per cent), 0.5 per cent for the 27-nation European Union (down 0.8 per cent) and 8.7 per cent for
China (down 0.2 per cent).

A serious, renewed global downturn is looming because of persistent weaknesses in major developed
economies on account of problems left unresolved in the aftermath of the recession of 2008-2009, it said.

"Most developed country governments have indiscriminately switched from fiscal stimulus to premature
austerity measures. This has further weakened global aggregate demand, already nurtured by persistent high
unemployment," it said.
2 DEC, 2011, 11.08AM IST, PTI
World on brink of another economic meltdown and
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Additionally, the economic woes in Europe and the US are exacerbating volatility in international financial and
commodity markets and slowing growth in developing countries.

"All of these weaknesses are present and reinforce each other, but a further worsening of one of them could
set off a vicious circle leading to severe financial turmoil and a renewed global recession for 2012-2013," the
report said.

The report outlines several policy directions that could avoid a double-dip recession, including the optimal
design of fiscal policies to stimulate more direct job creation and investment in infrastructure, energy efficiency
and sustainable energy supply, stronger financial safety nets, better coordination between fiscal and monetary
policies, as well as providing sufficient support to developing countries for addressing the fallout from the crisis.

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kharardeer (Baroda)

If one eats too much for days, very soon either he falls sick or he becomes a pauper.
That is the case with USA or Europe. India eats very little, saves a lot and also
wastes much less. Things are likely to be better here, unless there is a political
instability, which is being created by some politicians. Politicians please do your jobs
of democratic norms. Let things be decided in parliament through debates, not
through hold ups.
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sonia (india)

Yes, and in a situation such as this, the ruling party, in connivance with its corrupt
and greedy 'top businessmen' such as Unitech's Sanjay Chandra, is thrusting 100%
FDI in remaining sectors of the economy down everyone's throats. India will be
pushed over the brink, and corporate lobbyists in the government, media, judiciary
will then have nothing to lobby for.
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Andrew Mohan Charles (Kerala)

Austerity is something I would like to see. Bicycles for my parliamentarians that is
what it should be.
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