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State Wise Basic Police Data Police Population Ratio Police Area Ratio (Number of Poliemen per 100 Sq. Kms.) Number of Vehicles per 100 Policemen after by one constable in the year 2007 despite many fold increase in challenges faced by police forces in the country and significant increase in the incidence of terrorism, communal violence, naxalism, security threats etc.
Year 1997 2007 % increase

This chapter attempts to provide you with the collated data on basic police issues in the country, which you may not find through normal published sources. The information in this chapter is as on 01.01.2008 along with the analysis thereof for eleven years from 1997 to 2007 for alternate years. The data covers all the States and the Union Territories of the country. The basic police data gives the information on Sanctioned Strength of Civil & Armed Police, Population per Policeman i.e. Police - Population Ratio, Area per Policeman, Number of Police Zones, Ranges, Districts, Circles, Police Stations, Police Posts and Number of Armed Police Battalions in the country. An analysis of national data on police for the period of last eleven years for alternate years is given in Table-A which gives percentage wise changes with reference to the preceding year and also with reference to eleven years period from 1997 to 2007. Thus the percentage change shall be for 2 years block. Police-Population Ratio It shows that percentage wise growth in the sanctioned police strength in our country has shown an increase of 27.03% whereas the growth in population was 19.42% during the last eleven years. As a result thereof, it is seen that 695 people were being looked after by one constable in the year 1997, which has decreased to 653 people required to be looked

Total population (In crores) 95.52 114.07 (in millions) 955.20 1140.7 Total Police Population (In lakhs) 13.74 (in millions) 1.37


17.46 1.75


The actual availability of Policemen gets further reduced owing to vacancies running upto 15.31% as on 1.1.2008. During this eleven year period the State Armed Police Forces have shown an increase of 13.58% from 3.63 lakhs i.e 0.363 million) in the year 1997 to 4.12 lakhs i.e 0.412 million) in the year 2007. Details of Population per Policeman for the Sanctioned as well as the Actual Police Strength are shown in the Table 1.3. (Page No. 14) Area of Supervision (from 43.41 policemen per 100 Sq. Km. in 1997 to 55.15 Policemen in 2007) The Police - Area Ratio (number of policemen per 100 sq. kms.) has increased by 27.03% during eleven years period of 1997 to 2007. At national level, as on 01.01.2008, we had an average of one constable for every 2 sq. kms. of our geographical area. In the less populous states like Arunachal Pradesh, for the Sanctioned Strength this ratio was highest at 1:13.92 sq. kms. followed by Rajasthan with 1:4.71 sq. kms. and in the densely populated States/UTs it was lowest in Delhi and Chandigarh at 1:0.02 sq. kms. Details of Police-Area Ratio for sanctioned and Actual Police Strength are given in Table 1.3. (Page No. 14)


Sl. No. 1 Particulars 1997

National Basic Police Data (1997 2007)

1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 %age change over last 11 years

Population (Ist October Each year) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force Population per Policemen Policemen per lakh (hundred thousand) of Population (i) Civil Police (ii) Total Police


986,614 1,037,952 1,072,580 1,107,064 1,140,715 3.29 5.20 3.34 3.22 3.04 19.42

1,011,988 1,098,471 1,146,250 1,143,516 1,183,665 1,334,344 8.55 4.35 347,071 8.80 0.24 352,760 1.64 3.51 396,032 12.27 12.73 411,871 4.00 13.58 31.85 362,620 380,553 4.95

3 4

1,374,608 1,479,024 1,493,321 1,496,276 1,579,697 1,746,215 7.60 0.97 695.06 4.20 110.43 0.81 143.87 4.03 36.20 4.35 47.16 0.97 66 4.35 159 1.92 643 1.90 1567 6.24 2308 12.54 12367 1.59 7091 8.76 302 +2 Coys 0.20 716.83 3.13 106.61 3.46 139.50 3.04 36.11 0.24 47.25 0.20 73 10.61 162 1.89 659 2.49 1554 0.83 2451 6.20 12476 0.88 7083 0.11 307 +2 Coys 5.58 700.81 2.24 106.92 0.29 142.69 2.29 37.38 3.51 49.89 5.58 43 41.10 166 2.47 666 1.06 1701 9.46 2457 0.24 12702 1.81 7284 2.84 344 +2 Coys 10.54 653.25 6.79 116.97 9.40 153.08 7.28 42.14 12.73 55.15 10.54 43 0.00 167 0.60 672 0.90 1761 3.53 2479 0.90 13057 2.79 7535 3.45 377 +2 Coys 53.87 28.67 10.28 4.69 22.29 11.07 5.03 37.68 27.03 31.85 6.38 10.41 5.99 27.03 694.90 667.07 4.01

5 6

105.94 143.91

111.34 5.09 149.91 4.17

Policemen per hundred square kms.area (i) Civil Police (ii) Total Police

31.96 43.41 69 159 605 1,440 2,368 11,840 4,897 293 +2 Coys

34.69 8.55 46.71 7.60 69 0.00 156 1.89 631 4.30 1,475 2.43 2,639 11.44 12,174 2.82 6,520 33.14 296 +2 Coys

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police SubDivisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of PolicePosts Number of State Armed Police Battalions

Total Area of the country is 3,166,414 sq. kms.


Graph for Table A

Police-Population-Ratio per lakh of Population and per hundred Sq.Kms.of area during 1997-2007
143.91 149.91 143.87 139.50 142.69 180 160 153.08

Population And Police Personal

120 100 80 60 40 20 0








Population in Crores (10 millions)







Police-PopulationRatio per Lakh (one hundred thousand) of population

Police-Area-Ratio per hundred square kms. area








Mobility Mobility is measured in terms of the ability of the police force of a unit to move at once. Police mobility is directly linked to police performance. Quick response in real time, to law and order situations helps to preserve the precious lives of people and to protect public and private property besides being a reliable indicator of police performance. The vehicles needed to provide mobility to Police Force have been divided into four categories i.e. Heavy Vehicles (Buses, Trucks & Troop Carriers), Medium Vehicles, Light Vehicles (Jeeps / Cars) and Two Wheelers. Apart from the above types of vehicles, the States have also procured different types of Special Purpose Vehicles like mine proof vehicles, riot control vehicles, ambulances, mobile forensic vehicles, water tankers, prison vans etc. depending on vital police functions and their local area specific needs. At national level, a total of 1,21,677 vehicles were available with the States/UTs police forces as on 01.01.2008. It comprised of Heavy Duty Vehicles (9,903), Medium Duty Vehicles (16,308), Light Vehicles (45,597), Three/Two Wheelers (46,024) and others (3,845). The national average of the number of vehicles per 100 policemen was 6.97 vehicles as on 01.01.2008. At State level for sanctioned strength the highest number of 13.11 vehicles

per 100 policemen were held by Arunachal Pradesh followed by 12.51 by Andhra Pradesh and 11.25 by Tamil Nadu Police. This ratio was lowest at 2.99 vehicles for Nagaland Police followed by 4.63 vehicles for West Bengal and 5.16 vehicles for Jammu & Kashmir Police. Details of transport facilities per 100 Policemen for sanctioned as well as actual strength are given in Table 1.3. (Page No. 14) It can be observed that the major chunk of police vehicles (71,808) are four wheelers, which account for more than 60% of the total holding of vehicles with Police. Four Wheelers cater to the police mobility needs both of the Police Stations and supervisory officers. Data on rank wise Actual Strength of Civil Police, Armed Police and Traffic Police received from States/UTs have been tabulated at its respective place. It has been analyzed with reference to the Sanctioned Strength vis--vis Actual Strength. According to this at National level following trends are visible from this data:Sr. No. (i) (ii) (iii) Items Sanctioned Actual 653 1.81 6.97 771 2.14 8.23

Population-perpoliceman Area in Sq. Km. per policeman Transport Facility per 100 policemen

State-wise details are given in Table 1.3. (PageNo. 14)

Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength (b) Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 12 (a) Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength (b) Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 39.3 32.3 6 10 29 153 445 1,642 143 15 7.2 6.8 1 2 16 5 17 71 2 5 80.2 65.7 6 28 28 46 262 197 26 78.8 55.3 4 11 40 104 204 850 452 16 32.4 26.2 3.7 3.5 31.4 20.9 59.5 46.4 132.1 108.5 504.0 479.3 211.6 173.2 79.6 55.9 108.9 88.0 256.1 243.0 82.9 55.1 60.1 46.9 757 921 198 209 473 577 1256 1790 88,807 5,723 51,499 52,075 108,075 6,018 62,920 74,188 71,961 18,956 16,846 1,719 2,901 2,960 2,822 288 16,394 38,271 35,105 559 43,722 18,172 8,353 882 89,119 3,058 24,649 56,016 Particulars (2) Andhra Pradesh (3) 275,069 81,819 Arunachal Pradesh (4) 83,743 1,194 Assam (5) 78,438 29,738 Bihar (6) 94,163 93,202


TABLE 1.1 (Continued ... )

Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength (b) Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 12 (a) Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 179.9 116.6 314.4 290.4 133.5 129.9 220.7 209.3 116.5 78.7 258.8 249.7 104.0 112.6 200.8 189.2 556 858 318 344 749 770 453 478 27,369 4,670 72,838 49,443 42,236 5,055 74,868 52,136 18,472 14,871 8,897 1,107 4,015 894 655 315 63,157 16,552 9,681 2,474 44,679 4,702 4,764 1,358 27,365 4,161 58,316 47,434 Particulars (2) Chhatisgarh (7) 135,191 23,482 Goa (8) 3,702 1,608 Gujarat (9) 196,022 56,077 Haryana (10) 44,212 23,620

20.2 13.7 31.2 20.2 4 21 63 361 105 14

112.4 108.5 136.5 126.1 0 0 2 7 0 25 43 1

29.7 32.2 38.2 37.2 0 7 31 94 85 477 1193 15

107.3 101.1 117.9 111.8 0 5 21 47 0 252 298 5


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TABLE 1.1 (Continued ...)
Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (b) (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 12 (a) Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 163.5 149.5 220.2 181.6 565.3 304.0 776.7 475.4 138.5 137.7 181.9 173.7 135.3 109.7 155.2 124.7 454 551 129 210 550 576 644 802 11,845 58,003 51,828 71,226 14,369 94,763 54,277 88,679 9,754 3,700 2,091 605 37,090 25787 20,913 1,634 41,084 12,957 10,744 1,701 62,669 11,390 8,557 2,753 10,669 68,976 41,320 77,289 Particulars (2) Himachal Pradesh (11) 55,673 6,524 Jammu & Kashmir (12) 101,387 12,201 Jharkhand (13) 79,714 29,838 Karnataka (14) 191,791 57,139

19.2 17.5 25.8 21.3 0 3 12 23 0 88 101 4

68.0 36.6 93.5 57.2 2 7 22 38 26 176 185 26

51.8 51.5 68.1 65.0 4 7 26 30 112 339 197 13

40.3 32.7 46.2 37.1 0 6 29 142 232 872 285 12


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


TABLE 1.1 (Continued ... )

Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (b) (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 12 (a) Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 106.7 101.1 128.8 114.8 80.7 73.6 111.7 101.6 172.8 130.5 189.3 143.0 291.6 212.2 729.6 589.9 776 871 895 985 528 699 137 170 39,137 69,844 151,999 15,414 43,909 76,826 201,251 19,064 34,464 7,527 4,673 2,783 50,620 21,333 19,224 2,289 138,765 17,570 13,234 9,105 5,544 11,444 9,870 459 36,382 55,493 183,681 7,620 Particulars (2) Kerala Pradesh (15) 38,863 34,094 Madhya shtra (16) 308,245 68,763 Mahara(17) 307,713 106,316 Manipur (18) 22,327 2,613

93.6 88.7 113.0 100.7 2 4 17 49 191 446 23 8

18.0 16.4 24.9 22.7 0 10 48 146 0 939 479 21

59.7 45.1 65.4 49.4 0 7 35 265 0 994 682 15

34.1 24.8 85.4 69.0 2 4 9 21 0 56 14 13


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TABLE 1.1 (Continued ...)
Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 223 273 107 117 65 65 841 1032 9,248 8,328 33,487 38,492 11,293 9,115 33,487 47,216 5,645 4,830 3,603 174 2,968 5,653 5,360 222 20,523 12,964 12,964 353 27,759 15,836 10,733 3,092 6,463 3,462 20,523 31,380 Particulars (2) Meghalaya (19) 22,429 2,522 Mizoram (20) 21,081 974 Nagaland (21) 16,579 2,176 Orissa (22) 155,707 39,725

256.3 223.8 447.8 366.7

355.4 304.7 935.8 855.0

943.2 943.2 1538.9 1538.9

79.0 69.9 118.9 96.9


12 (a)

28.8 25.2 50.3 41.2 1 2 7 4 16 35 47 5

16.4 14.1 43.2 39.5 0 1 8 14 0 35 17 3

123.8 123.8 202.0 202.0 1 3 11 16 9 51 32 13

20.2 17.8 30.3 24.7 0 8 34 35 89 505 494 15


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


TABLE 1.1 (Continued ... )

Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 368 391 884 972 152 164 646 752 67,645 66,020 3,604 87,973 71,869 72,626 3,886 102,421 48,902 19,643 18,743 1,472 54,985 11,500 11,035 2,662 1,985 1,704 1,619 179 72,708 15,415 15,265 10,225 52,226 61,126 2,182 87,006 Particulars (2) Punjab (23) 50,362 26,464 Rajasthan (24) 342,239 64,184 Sikkim Nadu (25) 7,096 591 Tamil (26) 130,058 66,163

197.3 184.8 271.6 255.6

95.2 85.7 113.2 102.9

369.2 335.9 657.5 609.8

131.5 109.9 154.8 133.0


12 (a)

103.7 97.1 142.7 134.3 3 6 24 77 0 295 262 20

17.9 16.1 21.2 19.3 0 8 37 0 173 716 946 12

30.7 28.0 54.8 50.8 1 1 4 11 0 28 48 2

66.9 55.9 78.8 67.6 4 12 31 244 287 1256 94 15


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TABLE 1.1 (Continued ... )
Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 135 165 1140 1316 441 541 1049 1243 21,159 143,885 17,443 70,370 25,918 166,152 21,389 83,377 10,248 13,903 10,911 659 111,887 36,214 31,998 2,154 13,393 4,943 4,050 1,153 49,948 26,754 20,422 1,177 12,015 129,938 16,446 56,623 Particulars (2) Tripura Pradesh (27) 10,486 3,491 Uttar khand (28) 240,928 189,420 UttaraBengal (29) 53,483 9,439 West (30) 88,752 87,437

344.2 293.6 742.4 606.1

68.6 59.1 87.7 76.0

174.2 141.9 226.6 184.8

64.8 57.1 95.4 80.5


12 (a)

114.6 97.7 247.2 201.8 1 2 4 22 29 65 34 13

53.9 46.4 69.0 59.7 7 17 70 0 378 1441 385 33

30.7 25.0 40.0 32.6 0 2 13 0 34 125 250 4

63.8 56.3 93.9 79.3 3 8 22 65 86 431 421 17


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



TABLE 1.1 (Continued ... )

Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 141 154 227 244 1270 1447 756 857 2,647 4,308 179 217 2,902 4,628 204 246 2,078 718 569 193 3,889 419 419 262 93 96 86 22 217 10 2,184 4,209 108 246 Particulars (2) A&N Islands (31) 8,249 408 Chandigarh (32) 114 1,052 D&N Haveli (33) 491 259 Daman & Diu (34) 112 186

535.3 509.3 711.3 648.8

400.1 369.7 439.9 409.5

41.7 35.9 78.8 69.1

132.3 116.7 132.3 116.7


12 (a)

26.5 25.2 35.2 32.1 0 0 3 4 4 21 44 0

3692.1 3411.4 4059.6 3778.9 0 0 1 3 0 11 0 3 Coys

22.0 18.9 41.5 36.5 0 0 2 0 0 2 14 0

219.6 193.8 219.6 193.8 0 0 2 2 0 3 10 0


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


TABLE 1.1 (Continued ... )
Sl.No. (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area (Square Kms.) Population (Ist October - 2007) in thousands Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Actual Strength of Civil Police including Distt. Armed Reserve Police Sanctioned Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of State Armed Police Actual Strength of Women Police Sanctioned Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Actual Strength of Total State Police Force as on 1.1.2008 Population per Policeman (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength 11 (a) Policemen per lakh of Population (Police-Population-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Policemen per 100 Sq. Kms. Area (Police-Area-Ratio) Civil Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Total Police (i) Sanctioned Police Strength (ii) Actual Police Strength Number of Police Zones Number of Police Ranges Number of Police Districts Number of Police Sub-Divisions Number of Police Circles Number of Police Stations Number of Police Posts Number of State Armed Police Battalions 250 212 198 234 346 441 653 771 79,450 295 2,418 1,478,888 67,420 349 3,083 1,746,215 71,579 13,429 7,871 3,220 295 16 1,950 764 468 190 1,146,343 411,871 332,545 57,466 53,991 349 2,319 1,334,344 Particulars (2) Delhi dweep (35) 1,483 16,860 Lakshacherry (36) 32 69 Pondi(37) 480 1,067 All India (38) 3,166,414 1,140, 715

320.2 424.5 399.9 471.2

505.8 427.5 505.8 427.5

217.3 182.8 288.9 226.6

117.0 100.5 153.1 129.6


12 (a)

3640.7 4826.6 4546.2 5357.4 0 3 10 42 0 136 25 15

1090.6 921.9 1090.6 921.9 1 1 1 1 1 9 3 0

483.1 406.3 642.3 503.8 0 0 2 6 15 42 10 5 Coys

42.1 36.2 55.1 46.7 43 167 672 1,761 2,479 13,057 7,535 377+2 Coys


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



TABLE 1.2 AREA AND PROJECTED POPULATION (STATE / UT-WISE) Sl.No. States / UTs. Area in Sq. Kms. Population (As on Ist October-2007) (in Thousands) (4) 81,819 1,194 29,738 93,202 23,482 1,608 56,077 23,620 6,524 12,201 29,838 57,139 34,094 68,763 106,316 2,613 2,522 974 2,176 39,725 26,464 64,184 591 66,163 3,491 189,420 9,439 87,437 408 1,052 259 186 16,860 69 1,067 1,140,715

(1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

(2) Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhatisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir * Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal A&N Islands Chandigarh D&N Haveli Daman & Diu Delhi Lakshadweep Puducherry All India

(3) 275,069 83,743 78,438 94,163 135,191 3,702 196,022 44,212 55,673 101,387 79,714 191,791 38,863 308,245 307,713 22,327 22,429 21,081 16,579 155,707 50,362 342,239 7,096 130,058 10,486 240,928 53,483 88,752 8,249 114 491 112 1,483 32 480 3,166,414

Source Area: Survey of India, O/o Director, Map Publication, Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand. Population: Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India *Only the operational area out of total area of 2,22,236 Sq. Km. has been considered.


Sl.No. States / UTs. Population per Policeman Sanctioned (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (2) Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhatisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal A&N Islands Chandigarh D&N Haveli Daman & Diu Delhi Lakshadweep Puducherry All India (3) 757 198 473 1,256 556 318 749 453 454 129 550 644 776 895 528 137 223 107 65 841 368 884 152 646 135 1,140 441 1,049 141 227 1,270 756 250 198 346 653 Actual (4) 921 209 577 1,790 858 344 770 478 551 210 576 802 871 985 699 170 273 117 65 1,032 391 972 164 752 165 1,316 541 1,243 154 244 1,447 857 212 234 441 771 Area in Sq. Kms. per Policeman Sanctioned (5) 2.55 13.92 1.25 1.27 3.20 0.73 2.62 0.85 3.87 1.07 1.47 2.16 0.89 4.01 1.53 1.17 1.99 2.31 0.50 3.30 0.70 4.71 1.83 1.27 0.40 1.45 2.50 1.06 2.84 0.02 2.41 0.46 0.02 0.09 0.16 1.81 Actual (6) 3.10 14.63 1.52 1.81 4.94 0.79 2.69 0.89 4.70 1.75 1.54 2.69 0.99 4.41 2.02 1.45 2.43 2.53 0.50 4.05 0.74 5.18 1.97 1.48 0.50 1.67 3.07 1.26 3.12 0.03 2.74 0.52 0.02 0.11 0.20 2.14 Transport Facility per 100 Policemen Sanctioned (7) 12.51 13.11 5.73 5.94 6.27 8.09 7.16 6.59 5.83 5.16 5.41 7.82 9.58 7.22 5.44 9.38 6.06 6.63 2.99 7.63 5.84 6.52 5.43 11.25 5.38 6.93 5.28 4.63 8.92 5.99 19.12 19.92 5.83 15.76 11.35 6.97 Actual (8) 15.22 13.79 7.00 8.47 9.68 8.76 7.36 6.95 7.07 8.44 5.67 9.74 10.75 7.94 7.20 11.61 7.40 7.25 2.99 9.36 6.20 7.17 5.85 13.10 6.59 8.00 6.48 5.49 9.78 6.43 21.79 22.58 4.94 18.64 14.47 8.23








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