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Curriculum Vitae

D.O.B.: Address: Phone: (H) (M) Email: Occupation: (in bold)
(suburb in CAPITALS) (space the numbers .i.e. 99 11 22 33)

Optional: include your photo here

(e.g. student you may leave this one out)

Academic Qualifications

(with all qualification or experience details, list the most recent ones first) e.g. 2004 Higher School Certificate, Happy Haven High School, Schoolville NSW 2002 School Certificate, Happy Haven High School, Schoolville NSW

School Subjects

(optional: add some of your best results)

Employment Experience

e.g. 2004 Cashier for 3 months at Joes Butchery, Choptown NSW

School Achievements

e.g. 2005 Starring role in Happy Haven High School production, Bananas in Pyjamas

Skills, Abilities and Interests

e.g. Computer proficiency and Internet skills Cash register operation skills Working with animals

You decide on the order

Community Service and Volunteer Work

(think hard!!)

Personal Qualities
e.g. I am consistently: Well-dressed Punctual Polite and respectful

Career Goals

e.g. Career in Computer Technology

Personal Statement

e.g. I am a diligent, reliable and confident person who would make an excellent employee in your business/institution.


(These are people who can vouch for you over the phone but not close relatives. Relatives with a different surname are okay especially if theyre in business. List them alphabetically. Make sure you ask/inform this person about being your referee!) e.g. Ms Paige Turner (B.Ed.) English Head Teacher, Happy Haven High School Ph: 99 11 22 33

(Staple any written references to this document. List the referees names here alphabetically.) e.g. Mr Joe Kerr Joes Butchery proprietor

Mrs Barb E. Kew (B.Sc., Dip.Ed.)

Science Teacher, Happy Haven High School

Notes: - Most people use the terms resum and curriculum vitae (CV) interchangeably. CV is the more common term. - Your CV should be made up of two parts: a prcis and a folio of supporting documents. In most cases, you only need to provide the former (a stapled, 2-3 page document) when applying for a job. Your prospective employer may ask to see the full folio before hiring you. In this folio you should feature proof of identity, certificates, awards, written references, school reports and so on. Its your brag book. - Adapt your CV to suit the job for which youre applying - As your career progresses, the structure and items included in your CV will change. Be vigilant in updating it. Youll be amazed at how much stuff you actually do. - Similarly, in terms of your work, study, community involvement and achievements, KEEP EVERYTHING. Record events and dates, whether or not you have supporting documents. Activities and achievements that seem trivial to you can mean a lot to a prospective employer. - Ask for written references from employers/teachers etc. (preferably before you leave the job/school) - List only 3 or 4 referees on your CV prcis (but choose a diverse group). Ask for permission from each referee BEFORE listing them, and include their work number only. - Make the font and layout a little more interesting if you like,

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