War of The Worlds

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I can write an autocue for a report Monstrous Mayhem Strikes London

Welcome to BBC news at 6:00, Im Joshua Challoner, and Im Deacon Jones with the breaking MARTIAN attack. This morning at 7:29, heat rays have been blasting the river Themes to smithereens. Citizens have been forced to leave England; David Cameron says that everyone needs to just stay calm. It has been reported that Martians have been towering over Big Ben! Another cylinder has just hit Westminster Bridge collapsing it into the water sending tsunami like waves across onto dry land! There has been a huge ball of gas, suffocating everyone to the ground chocking them to Death! Which at the same time 3 tripods landed in the middle of Horsell Common collapsing trees putting holes in the ground. Hundreds of men have just been wiped out by a missile from Mars destroying everything in its path including The Houses of parliament, London Eye and Big Ben! The Armed Forces have been using helicopters, planes, and tanks but they have not been powerful enough to destroy the Martians and send them back to their home planet of Mars. Please stay near you radios or televisions so youre informed on this shocking news

I can write a report for an autocue` Hello and welcome to the ITV news with Faith Sutton + Dominic Bow Terrifying mayhem on streets of London Hundreds of people have died in just 3 days from a battle against the Martians! Tripods with heat ray weapons attacked the London high streets. Crowds of people headed towards the ocean for safety on boats and sailing ships. The head soldier reported that everyone should stay calm, as he was trying to keep everything under control. cSoldiers still patrol the southern areas of London, but, unfortunately most of the soldiers have perished in battle as the heat ray struck like lightning on their camouflaged safety truck. Sadly many citizens have been affected by this horrific attack, and many more seriously

injured. The attack was dreadful, the whole human race maybe wiped out, everyone ran for their precious lives.

ITV news will keep you upto date as soon as we have further details.

Eve of the War

Lights, lots of lights, filling the night air above houses, trees reaching as far as you could see.

G reen, red, black, the colours that filled the sky with a sizzle like the sound of burning food. BANG! Missiles aiming for Earth, but more terrifyingly Horsell Common!

By Ella Cullen ~ Sims Eve of the War Noisy missiles heading towards Horsell Common, BANG, BANG, BANG BANG! Noise everywhere, from ground to cloud, spacecrafts hovering and firing random coloured lazers on house after house. People bursting into flames and becoming incinerated by the alien destroyer. Fired by the alien captain himself, the evil green general of big green heads, from outer space. The Martians should be travelling back to their home planet, Mars and not bother us anymore. The invasion was terrible; everything was turned to either fire or ash, flat as a steam roller flattens the ground. Everyone just ran for their lives as fast as they possibly could, trying to sprint away from the colossal, green, alien Martian bobble heads.

By Dominic Bow

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