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Einsteins Theory of General Relativity Video 1: Classical Relativity (Einsteins relativity made easy)

1. Relativity is a method for two people to agree on what they see if one of them _________ ______________. 2. The fact that a GPS can pinpoint any location on Earth so accurately depends on the existence of __________ __________ satellites and a little relativity. 3. Without Einsteins theory of relativity the accuracy of the GPS would drift by more than _______________ _____________ every day. 4. Pouring a drink or reading a book inside a car will be no problem as long as the car doesnt change ___________ or ________________ . 5. Constant motion feels just like ____________ ______________. 6. Its not enough to ask how fast am I moving? We must ask how fast am I moving _________________ _______________ some other thing. 7. If Susan walks on the walkway at 3 mph, she can accurately say she is moving at 3 mph, but Sara sees her _________________ ________________ _____________ _______________. 8. Two observers can simply _____________ or ____________ their speed with respect to each other to any _____________________ of velocity they make. This idea is the basis of Classical Relativity. 9. In the back there are a baseball ____________ and a _____________, and their ______________ ________________, armed with a speed gun. As long as the truck doesnt ___________ __________ or ___________ ____________ or hit any ______________ ______________, they can conduct pitching practice just the same as they would on the baseball field. 10. The relativity of classical physics is merely a very close ___________to reality. At very, very fast speeds, classical relativity ________ _________.

Video 2: General Relativity (Einsteins Relativity: time dilation)

1. According to Maxwell, light was an electromagnetic wave that moved through ____________ ______________ with a speed of ___________ _________ per second. The equations seemed to say that light moved at that speed relative to _________________. 2. The very foundations of physics were facing a crisis. A 26 year old ____________ _______________ named Albert Einstein would provide the way out of this crisis. 3. Einstein accepted the idea of relative motion but restated it as follows: any person moving at a constant velocity will observe the same laws of physics that a ____________ ____________ observes. Since the speed of light is part of the laws of physics, all observers will measure ________ ___________ speed of light regardless of their state of motion. But speed is just a measure of distance moved in a given time, and in order to agree on the speed of light, different observers might have to __________________ about distance and time! 4. A light year is the distance that light travels in one year, about ________ ____________ ______________. 5. According to Einstein, light always travels at one light second per second, _____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ of the person who measures it. 6. If the clocks onboard the moving vessel ran only __________ _______ ________ as the ones at rest, our problem would be completely solved. 7. Over the last one hundred years, countless experiments have shown without a doubt that it is time itself that __________ _________. 8. A clock is any device that counts events that occur at _________ __________. 9. The light in the stationary clock travels up and down ________ but the light beam in the moving clock must travel a longer ________ __________. 10. The __________ of time in Einsteins universe is __________ ___________.

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