Design and Implementation of Two Variable Multiplier Using KCM and Vedic Mathematics

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L. Sriraman[1], T.N. Prabakar[2], Lecturer[1],Professor[2],

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Oxford Engineering College, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India. [1] [2] ,
Abstract - In this paper, a novel multiplier architecture based on ROM approach using Vedic Mathematics is proposed. This multipliers architecture is similar to that of a Constant Co-efficient Multiplier (KCM). However, for KCM one input is to be fixed, while the proposed multiplier can multiply two variables. The proposed multiplier is implemented on a Cyclone III FPGA, compared with Array Multiplier and Urdhava Multiplier for both 8bit and 16bit cases and the results are presented. The proposed multiplier is 1.5 times faster than the other multipliers for 16x16 case and consumes only 76% area for 8x8 multiplier and 42% area for 16x16 multiplier . Index Terms: ROM, KCM, Urdhva and Array Multiplier.

which are termed as Sutras. This is a very interesting field and presents some effective algorithms which can be applied to various branches of engineering such as Computing and Digital Signal Processing. II. ARRAY MULTIPLIER In Array multiplier[2], AND gates are used for generation of the bit-products and adders for accumulation of generated bit products. All bitproducts are generated in parallel and collected through an array of full adders or any other type of adders. Since the array multipliers are having a regular structure wiring and the layout are done in a much simplified manner. Therefore, among other multiplier structures, array multiplier takes up the least amount of area but it is also the slowest with the latency proportional to O(Wd) where Wd is the word length of the operand. Example 1 describes the multiplication process using array multiplier and Fig.1 depicts the structure of the same. Instead of using Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), here Carry save adder are used for adding each group of partial product terms because RCA is slowest adder among all other fast adders available. In case of multiplier with CSA, partial product addition is carried out in Carry save form and RCA is used only in final addition. Example 1: (1011 x 1101) = 10001111 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1x 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Left Shift by 1 bit 1 0 1 1 Left Shift by 2 bit 1 0 1 1 Left Shift by 3 bit 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Here from the above example it is inferred that partial products are generated sequentially, which reduces the speed of the multiplier. However the structure of the multiplier is regular.

I.INTRODUCTION Multiplication is one of the more siliconintensive functions, especially when implemented in Programmable Logic. Multipliers are key components of many high performance systems such as FIR filters, microprocessors, digital signal processors, etc. A systems performance is generally determined by the performance of the multiplier because the multiplier is generally the slowest clement in the system. Furthermore, it is generally the most area consuming. Hence, optimizing the speed and area of the multiplier is a major design issue. Vedic mathematics [1] is the ancient Indian system of mathematics which mainly deals with Vedic mathematical formulae and their application to various branches of mathematics. The word Vedic is derived from the word Veda which means the store-house of all knowledge. Vedic mathematics was reconstructed from the ancient Indian scriptures (Vedas) by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960) after his eight years of research on Vedas [1]. According to his research, Vedic mathematics is mainly based on sixteen principles or word-formulae

Fig.2b.Line Diagram for 3 digits

Fig. 1 Array Multiplier using CSA Hardware Architeuture Fig.2c.Line Diagram for 4 digits

III.URDHAVA MULTIPLIER Urdhava Tiryakbhyam[1][3] (Vertically and Crosswise), is one of Sixteen Vedic Sutras and deals with the multiplication of numbers. The sutra is illustrated in example 2 and the hardware architecture is depicted in Fig.3. In this example two decimal numbers (31 x 35) are multiplied. Line diagram for the multiplication of two numbers (31 35) is shown in Fig. 2a using Urdhva Method. The digits on the two ends of the line are multiplied and the result is added with the previous carry. When there are more lines in one step, all the results are added to the previous carry. The least significant digit of the number thus obtained acts as one of the result digits and the rest act as the carry for the next step. Initially the carry is taken to be zero. Example 2: 31 x 35 = 1085 3 1 3 5x 1 5x 5 3 1 3 5 15+3=1 8 3 3x 9 + 1 =10

From the Example 2 it is observed that all the partial products are generated in parallel. So the speed of the multiplier is higher compared to array multiplier. The above discussions can now be extendecd to multiplication of binary number system with the preliminary knowledge that the multiplication of two bits a0 and b0 is just an AND operation and can be implemented using simple AND gate. To illustrate this multiplication scheme in binary number system, let us consider the multiplication of two binary numbers a3a2a1a0 and b3b2b1b0. As the result of this multiplication would be more than 4 bits, we express it as r7r6r5r4r3r2r1r0. Least significant bit r0 is obtained by multiplying the least significant bits of the multiplicand and the multiplier. As in the last case, the digits on the both sides of the line are multiplied and added with the carry from the previous step. This generates one of the bits of the result (rn) and a carry (cn). This carry is added in the next step and hence the process goes on. If more than one line are there in one step, all the results are added to the previous carry. In each step, least significant bit acts as the result bit and the other entire bits act as carry. For example, if in some intermediate step, we get 110, then 0 will act as result bit and 11 as the carry (refered to as cn in this text). It should be clearly noted that cn may be a multi-bit number.

Carry to next stage

Answer: 31 x 35 = 1085

Fig.2a.Line Diagram for 2 digits

Thus we get the following expressions: r0 = a0b0 (1) c1r1 = a1b0 + a0b1 (2) c2r2 = c1 + a2b0 + a1b1 + a0b2 (3) c3r3 = c2 + a3b0 + a2b1 + a1b2 + a0b3 (4) c4r4 = c3 + a3b1 + a2b2 + a1b3 (5) c5r5 = c4 + a3b2 + a2b3 (6) c6r6 = c5 + a3b3 (7) with c6r6r5r4r3r2r1r0 being the final product. Partial products are calculated in parallel and hence the delay involved is just the time it takes for the signal to propagate through the gates.

Fig.3: Urdhava Multiplier Hardware Architecture

The main advantage of the vedic multiplication algorithm (Urdhva-Tiryak Sutra) stems from the fact that it can be easily implemented in FPGA due to its regularity. The hardware realization of a 4-bit multiplier using this Sutra is shown in Fig. 3. This hardware design is very similar to that of the array multiplier where an array of adders is required to arrive at the final product. Here in Urdhava, all the partial products are calculated in parallel and the delay associated is mainly the time taken by the carry to propagate through the adders which form the multiplication array. IV.PROPOSED METHOD Though the proposed method is based on ROM approach both the inputs for the multiplier can be a variable. In this proposed method a ROM is used for storing the squares of numbers as compared to KCM where the multiples are stored. Method: To find (a x b), first we have to find whether the difference between a and b are odd or even. I.Even Difference = [Average] 2 [Deviation] 2 II. Odd Difference = [Average x (Average + 1)] [DEVIATION x (DEVIATION+1)] Where AVEERAGE = [(a+b)/2] and Deviation = [Average smallest(a,b)]

Thus, for example consider the multiplication of (16x12) which is explained in Example 3 and (15x12) which is explained in Example 5 below. In this method the squares of the numbers are stored in a ROM. For a 4x4 multiplier all the squares of the numbers starting from 0000 to 1111 is stored. Then the squares of numbers both the average and deviation are obtained from the ROM which can be once again only from 0000 to 1111. In the case of Odd Difference the square of the number is added with the corresponding number, since n(n+1) is equal to (n2+n). This is because in the case of Odd number Difference, the average and the deviation will contain 0.5. Here Ekadikena Purvena the Vedic Sutra which is applied for squaring of numbers ending with 5 is used. The Sutra is explained in Example 4 Example 3: 16 x 12 = 192 1)Find the difference between (16-12)=1 Even Number 2)For Even Difference, Product = [Average]2 [Deviation] 2 i.Average = [(a+b)/2] = [(16+12)/2] = [28/2] = 14 ii.Smallest(a,b) = smallest(16,12) =12 iii.Deviation = Average Smallest(a,b) = 14 -12 =2 3)Product = 142 - 2 2= 196 - 4 = 192 Example 4: 252 = 625 1)To find the square of 25, first find the square of 5 which is 25 and put 2in the tens place and 5 in the ones place of the answer respectively. 2)To find the number in the hundreds place, multiply 2 by its immediate next number, 3, which is equal to (2x3) = 6 3)Answer 252 = 625 Example 5: 15 x 12 = 180 1)Find the difference between (15-12)=3 Odd Number 2)For Odd Number Difference find the Average and Deviation. i.Average = [(a+b)/2] = [(12+15)/2] = 13.5 ii.Deviation = [Average smallest(a,b)] = [12.5 smallest(13,12)] = [13.5 - 12] = 1.5 3)Product = (13x14) - (1x2) = 182 2 =180

Fig.4 RTL View of Proposed Multiplier - 4bit

The above figure Fig.4 depicts the RTL view of the proposed multiplier for 4x4 case. 8x8 multiplier is implemented using ROM approach, by storing the squares of the numbers in the memory starting from 0000 0000 to 1111 1111. The memory requirement for a 8x8 multiplication will be 8192 memory bits. But in the case of 16x16 multiplier the memory requirement will be huge, 216 x 32 = 2097152 memory bits! So, in order to reduce the memory requirements for higher order bit multiplication (16x16, 32x32, etc.) the lower order (8x8) multiplier can be instantiated. By this process the constraint of larger memory requirements can be overcome. V.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
Criterion Array Multiplier Urdhava Multiplier Proposed Multiplier 114 16 8192 1782 129.52 46.14 3.67 13.55 Area Total Combinational 163 149 Functions Dedicated Logic 48 48 Registers Total Memory Bits 0 0 Transitions 1557 1501 Speed(After 137.46 142.67 Pipelining)(MHz) Power Static Power(mW) 46.14 46.14 Dynamic Power(mW) 2.03 2.50 I/O Power(mW) 13.43 13.55 Table 1: Results for 8x8 Multiplier Criterion Array Multiplier Urdhava Multiplier

VI.CONCLUSION Thus the proposed multiplier will provide higher performance for higher order bit multiplication. In the proposed multiplier for higher order bit multiplication i.e. for 16x16 and more, the multiplier is realized by instantiating the lower order bit multipliers like 8x8. This is mainly due to memory constraints. By using some kind of Encoding techniques if the stored values can be compressed then this multiplier will provide much higher performance. VII.REFERENCES
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Proposed Multiplier 291 48 16384 5341 119.76 46.17 9.57 17.41

Area Total Combinational 738 694 Functions Dedicated Logic 96 96 Registers Total Memory Bits 0 0 Transitions 3173 3084 Speed(After 77.65 80.23 Pipelining)(MHz) Power Static Power(mW) 46.20 46.19 Dynamic Power(mW) 4.41 3.61 I/O Power(mW) 17.37 17.34 Table 2: Results for 16x16 Multiplier

From the above Table 1 and Table 2 it can be inferred that the proposed multiplier is best suited for higher order bit multiplication (i.e.more than 8x8). Since in FPGA there are onchip memories that can be used to store the squares of the numbers, the proposed multiplier will consume only fewer logic elements for its implementation.

Practices,2006, 4th Edn. Pearson Prentice Hall.

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