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Jennifer Reynolds Dr.

McKool ELD 308 Lesson Plan: Writing Mini-Lesson Grade: 5th Time: 20 minutes Standard:

W.5.9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Objective: Students will be able to use evidence from the informational text When We Grow Up in their own personal writing reflections. Materials: Writing notebooks When We Grow Up text Written example reflection Procedure: 1. Lesson Introduction In the past couple of days, we have been working with the story When We Grow Up by Anna Rockwell. Well today, were going to revisit this text one more time to expand on our writing skills! For todays lesson were, going to find and use evidence from the story we read earlier to write reflections based on what we want to be when we grow up! 2. Teach and Model Now that we have gone over our goals for this activity, I am going to share with you my example of my personal reflection. Can anybody tell me what it means to reflect? Yes! It means to think back on something and write your opinion about it. Have your example on the overhead, large enough so each student can see and follow along. This is my reflection that I wrote before class to show you an example of what I want you to do. In my reflection, I wrote about some of the characters in the story, some of the jobs they choose and then I talked about what I learned from the information in the story 3. Guided Practice

Now that Ive shown you an example, hopefully you better understand now what I expect of all of you! Now turn to your partner, and discuss some other things we might want to include in our reflections? Allow time for discussion and planning Good! Those are all great examples of things you may all want to include (ex. Opinions, personal connections, text-to-text or selfconnections, etc;) 4. Independent Practice Boys and girls we did a great job so far with this activity but now its time for you to do it on your own! Get your writing notebooks out, and call this project your reflection on When We Grow Up Remember everything we went over today about writing reflections, and keep in mind my example and the things you may want to include! Allow time for planning and writing. 5. Closure What did you learn from todays lesson that will change the way you write in the future? Why is writing reflections important for improving our writing skills? 6. Assessment You will be able to determine if the lesson is successful is if each student can understand and implement evidence from the story into their personal writing reflections.

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