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Dominic Tierney.

FDR and the Spanish Civil War: Neutrality and Commitment in the Struggle that Divided
Duke University Press: Durham & London, 2007.

Review by Soledad Fox

During the Spanish Civil War, many Americans viewed the isolationist policy of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
administration as the key obstacle facing the Spanish Republic. For his wife Eleanor, the President’s
policy was a source of shame and frustration. In April 1938, she wrote to the pro-Republican
correspondent Martha Gellhorn: “… I understand your feeling in a case where the Neutrality Act has not
made us neutral…the Neutrality Act is really not a Neutrality Act, but very few people realize it.”

Gellhorn was one of the many influential American writers who covered the war in Spain and lobbied
tirelessly for Washington to repeal the arms embargo imposed on the Spanish Republican Government
which struggled to defend itself against Franco’s better equipped forces. While Mussolini and Hitler
supplied the military rebels copiously, the Republic had nowhere to turn to buy arms. Gellhorn and others
were in due course disappointed by the President’s intransigence since his own doubts about the policy
had been steadily mounting.

Dominic Tierney’s study maintains that Roosevelt had, especially as the war progressed, an increasing
sympathy for the Republic. Tierney examines the opposition between Roosevelt’s private inclinations and
the official foreign policy of non-intervention. So why wasn’t the embargo lifted? Did pressures from
American Catholic organizations hem him in? Did he think it would weaken popular support for his
administration? Was he afraid of upsetting US relations with the British and the French? According to
Tierney’s nuanced reading, there was a complex web of domestic and international factors constraining
Roosevelt’s Spanish policy, despite intense pressure to change it. The embargo had stirred widespread
and passionate dissent in the United States. Some, as Tierney says, idealized the Republic, others
demonized it and in turn glorified Franco’s Catholic “crusade.” The mere suggestion of any official aid—
whether military or humanitarian—to Republicans was suspect and politically charged. In 1937 US
Catholic politicians even opposed a proposal backed by ambassador Claude Bowers and Eleanor
Roosevelt to bring Basque refugee children to the United States.

Tierney provides a long overdue update on this subject. He reviews existing works in light of new findings
from Russian and American archives, and his analysis underlines the international ramifications of the war
and shows to what extent its outcome was the consequence of decisions made elsewhere, particularly in
Washington. Roosevelt’s stance towards the Spanish Civil War emerges as neither heroic nor indifferent
but “marked variously by creativity, inconsistency, activity, incoherence, experimentation, as well as both
flexibility and inflexibility.”

Tierney traces Roosevelt’s evolution as he came to doubt the merits of the embargo and struggled to
circumvent its legislation. He relates the fascinating episode in May 1938 when the President became
involved in a “hair-brained,” “outlandish,” and covert attempt to ship planes to Spain via France. Although
the plan was leaked, and eventually failed, it reveals a leader who tried to aid the Republic without
seeming to break with his own policies.

Even for most readers who know the outcome of this story, Tierney’s account manages to be suspenseful.
It was always, of course, highly improbable that Roosevelt would reverse the embargo, yet his
chameleon-like political persona consistently gave Republican supporters hope that a radical shift in US
policy was imminent. When it was too late, Roosevelt could only offer his remorse to the Spanish
Republic. In January 1939, he addressed his cabinet and, as Harold S. Ickes recalled, stated for the first
time that “the embargo had been a grave mistake…that we would never do such a thing again.” Eleanor
would always deeply regret the American embargo of Spain, and was quick to assign blame collectively
and to her husband: “We were morally right, but too weak. We should have pushed him harder.”

Soledad Fox teaches Spanish and Comparative Literature at Williams College. She is the author of a
biography of Constancia de la Mora.

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