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Knowledge Managem ent

SAP Labs & Infosys

PG Finance: Pulkit Bansal 104 Krishna Chaitanya A. 123 Kirti Rathi 133 Joy Deep Tiwary 155 PG HR: Sushma C S 107 Shivi Shrivastava 143

Sr. no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Topic Introduction to Knowledge Management Introduction to SAP Labs Introduction to Infosys Survey SAP Labs Survey Infosys K M Initiatives at SAP Labs K M Initiatives at Infosys Analysis and Comparison of Knowledge Management framework at Infosys & SAP Labs Conclusion Page no 3 4 5 6 13 21 21 22 31


What is Knowledge Management? Knowledge management is how organization manages its collective expertise and subject matter knowledge. This activity contains several elements, specifically: acting, monitoring, evaluating, planning, and decision making, all of which allow an organization to use and transfer knowledge among its workforce. A broad range of thoughts on the KM discipline exist. As the discipline matures, academic debates have increased regarding both the theory and practice of KM, to include the following perspectives: Techno-centric with a focus on technology, ideally those that enhance knowledge sharing and creation.

Organizational with a focus on how an organization can be designed to facilitate knowledge processes best. Ecological with a focus on the interaction of people, identity, knowledge, and environmental factors as a complex adaptive system akin to a natural ecosystem.

The core components of KM include people, processes, technology (or) culture, structure, technology, depending on the specific perspective. Different frameworks for distinguishing between different 'types of' knowledge exist. One proposed framework for categorizing the dimensions of knowledge distinguishes between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge represents internalized knowledge that an individual may not be consciously aware of, such as how he or she accomplishes particular tasks. At the opposite end of the spectrum, explicit knowledge represents knowledge that the individual holds consciously in mental focus, in a form that can easily be communicated to others. A knowledge management system (KMS) is the planned workplace linkage of specific process steps or domains within an organization. A KMS allows an organization to systematically manage knowledge in order for its workforce to acquire, create and use knowledge to innovate and compete in the marketplace. Functionally, a KMS is a complex set of systematically coordinated human and organizational processes. Most organizations have ways to manage their knowledge, even if those ways are under-used or even unrecognized. But a truly effective management of knowledge requires the construction of an organizational system, a KMS. Some of the advantages claimed for KM systems are: 1. Sharing of valuable organizational information throughout organizational hierarchy. 2. Can avoid re-inventing the wheel, reducing redundant work and saving time. 3. May reduce training time for new employees 4. Retention of Intellectual Property after the employee leaves if such knowledge can be codified.


SAP Labs India An Introduction

SAP India is the fastest growing subsidiary of SAP AG, the world's leading provider of business software solutions. SAP India began its operations in 1996 with headquarters in Bangalore and offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, and a direct presence in nine cities across India, besides having marketing associates in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Over the last 11 years, SAP has been the undisputed market leader in the Indian enterprise software market. In August 2006, the company was the first enterprise software vendor in India to cross the 1000-customer mark and with strong momentum powering the adoption of its solutions in 2007, the number of its Indian customers is now well over 3000. Declared as the Hub of the year in Asia Pacific and Japan in 2007, SAP India witnessed an unprecedented growth of over 100% both in terms of license revenue and customer acquisition. Besides a growing headcount of 4835 employees (Labs, Global Delivery Centers, Field), SAP India has a strong and growing ecosystem of 200+ partners for its different solutions and different verticals across geographies, Global Services Partners and 105363 combined SDN and BPX Members in India. Powered by the SAP NetWeaver platform that drives innovation and enable business change, SAP Business Suite solutions are helping enterprises around the world to adopt business practices, effectively plan their future strategies and successfully compete in an ever-changing marketplace. SAP industry solutions address the needs of more than 25 industry segments, including retail, public sector, banking and financial services. SAP Education, a strong arm of SAP India, has 35 e-learning training centers and trained more than 6000 professionals. Knowledge, Experience, and Technology for Optimising Business Leveraging on rich experience, SAP delivers a comprehensive range of solutions to empower every aspect of business operations. By using SAP solutions, organisations of all sizes, including small and midsize enterprises, can reduce costs, improve performance, and gain the agility to respond to changing business needs. SAP has developed the SAP NetWeaver platform that allows customers derive more value from their IT investments. To ensure SAP's position as a technology leader, SAP Ventures invests in emerging entrepreneurial companies that are advancing exciting new technologies. Through SAP Research, we introduce new ideas for future solutions. Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, SAP is listed on several exchanges, including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, under the symbol "SAP."

Infosys - Introduction
Infosys Limited formally Infosys Technologies is a global technology services company headquartered in Bangalore, India. Infosys have offices in 29 countries and development centers in India, US, China, Australia, UK, Canada, Japan and many other countries.


Infosys has over 145,088 employees of 85 nationalities. Infosys provides business consulting, technology, engineering and outsourcing services to help clients in over 30 countries. Infosys has revenues of US$ 6.825 billion (Q3-FY12).Infosys ranked among the most innovative companies in a Forbes survey, leading technology companies in a report by The Boston Consulting Group and top ten green companies in Newsweek's Green Rankings. Infosys was voted India's most admired company in The Wall Street Journal Asia 200 every year since 2000. The corporate governance practices were recognized by The Asset Platinum award and the IR Global Rankings. The values that drive the company:

Client Value: To surpass client expectations consistently Leadership by Example: To set standards in our business and transactions and be an exemplar for the industry and ourselves Integrity and Transparency: To be ethical, sincere and open in all our transactions Fairness: To be objective and transaction-oriented, and thereby earn trust and respect Excellence: To strive relentlessly, constantly improve ourselves, our teams, our services and products to become the best

Infosys pioneered the Global Delivery Model (GDM), which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The GDM is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. Infosys offerings span business and technology consulting, application services, systems integration, product engineering, custom software development, maintenance, reengineering, independent testing and validation services, IT infrastructure services and business process outsourcing. Infosys was rated best employer to work for in 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Hewitt Associates. In 2007, Infosys received over 1.3 million applications and hired fewer than 3% of applicants. Infosys won the Global MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises) award for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, and is inducted into the Global Hall of Fame. Infosys was also ranked as the 15th most trusted brand in India by The Brand Trust Report in 2011.


Survey Questionnaire SAP LABS

COMPANY PROFILE Name of the Company : SAP Labs Rs. 5 to 10 crores Rs. 10 to 50

2. Annual turnover: Upto Rs. 5 crores

crores Rs. 50 to Rs 100 crores More than Rs 100 crores

3. Name and Designation of the respondent : Gururaj C S 4. e-mail id :

Associate Manager Web Address :

5. a) Postal Address : #646, 5th main, Vijayanagar, Bangalore 6. a) Phone Nos :

Software Exports, if any: +919986073665 b) Fax No. :

7. Main Products/ services offered: ERP software, SAP Business Objects

8. No. Of employees: 54589

No. Of executive level employees: 10. No. of computer terminals: Less than 5

than 15

5 to 10

10 to 15 more

Other ICT facilities available: Internet Intranet Wi Fi

Sales Others 11.

Functions in which ICT is used: Manufacturing

Design Marketing /

Administration & Accounting

Certifications and Standards acquired by the company (Please Specify):


Q.1 How critical are the following barriers, on the Creation of Knowledge in your organization? (Please tick one box for each factor) : ( KNOWLEDGE CREATION ) Not at Moderat Very Factors Limited High all e High 1. Lack of time for executives 2. No reward system for Knowledge Sharing 3. Organizational culture factors 4. Lack of appropriate IT infrastructure 5. Lack of formal documentation procedures x x X x

6. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.2 Where is the knowledge and information pertaining to the following activities available? (Please write 1 for Not at all, 2 for Limited, 3 for Moderate, 4 for High, 5 for Very High for each operation and Knowledge Location) ( KNOWLEDGE AVAILABILITY ) In In ICT based Operations Knowledge Location In People Documents systems 1. Product/Service Design, Development 3 5 5 and Technology Management 2. Purchasing 3. Finance 4. Production/Service Management 5. Marketing and Sales 6. Logistics and Distribution 7. Human Resources 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

8. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.3 How do you store the Information and Knowledge captured by the organization mentioned in the above question? (Please tick one box for each repository) ( KNOWLEDGE STORAGE ) Not at Moderat Knowledge Repository Limited Often Always all ely 1. Restricted to only individual 2. Verbally communicated to other managers 3. Converted into documents 4. Uploaded to the computer based systems X X X x


5. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.4 To what extent do you use the following sources to capture the information and knowledge vital to your firms success? (Please tick one box for each source) (KNOWLEDGE SOURCE) Moderat Knowledge Source Not at all Limited High e 1. Customer Requirements 2. Competitor Information 3. Supplier Requirements 4. Partnership/Alliance 5. Trade associations / Networks 6. In house R&D Activity 7. Internet 8. Training/Awareness Programs 9. Exhibitions / Trade Fairs/ Seminars etc. X X X X X X X X X

Very High

10. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.5 What is the importance given to the following considerations by your organization, for implementing or improving your knowledge management system? (Please tick one box for each consideration)( IMPROVING / IMPLEMENTING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ) Moderat Very Consideration Not at all Limited High e High 1. Development of your Information and Communication X Technology system 2. Initiating Team Work for X performance improvement 3. Development of new Incentive X System 4. Availability of the relevant information to the concerned X person 5. Ability to access the right X information at the right time 6. Ability to constantly learn as X an Organization 7. Ability to compete in the new x IPR regime 8. Reduce dependency of X individual employees 9. Improving management X systems and efficiency 10. Others (Please specify):________________________________________________________


Q.6. What is the percentage of company turnover allocated to R & D ? 13.9% Q.7. What according to you is the importance of developing new products and services in the emerging knowledge economy ? so that products developed are easily understood by the customers and ease of use translates to greater sales. Q.8. Which of the following individual(s) bears the greatest responsibility for creating a learning culture in your company ? CEO : ______1___ A senior management team : ____3__ Human Resource Professionals : ______9___ Strategic Planners : _____3____ Quality Professionals : __2______ Others (please specify) : _______ Q.9. Yes Q.10a. Are intangible assets valued as part of your balance sheet ? No Q.10.b. If yes, which intangible assets are valued by your organization ? Q.10.c. What are the current valuation methods used ? Does the position of Chief Knowledge Officer / Chief Learning Officer exist in your Organization ? ( 1= most important )

Does your organization have a Knowledge Management Culture ? Questionnaire

A : Inventory of Information Useable information is lost or unavailable. It is chaotically organized. Knowledge and information is very difficult to access. Processes are duplicated and the wheel is regularly re-invented. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7o Usable information is systematically inventoried, catalogued and stored. Knowledge is available to everyone in the organization. It is easily accessed and disseminated.

B : Access to Information



C : Transfer of Information People tend to hoard information and knowledge. Very little usable information is transferred across teams, departments, and divisions. The organization is internally focused. Information and knowledge from outside is not systematically collected, shared discussed or acted upon. There is no thinking outside the box . People have little opportunity to create new ways of doing things and share and apply their good ideas. Knowledge that is created stays where it is. There is no attempt to market our good ideas. 1 2 3 4 5 6o 7 Usable information is systematically transferred to different parts of the organization.

D : Benchmarking of Information Knowledge is systematically acquired from outside so that we continuously benchmark ourselves against best practices.


E : Creation of New Knowledge There is an active R & D philosophy at all levels. Everyone is encouraged to develop new ideas and put them into practice.


F : Leveraging of Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7o When new ideas are developed or new knowledge is created, we actively market our knowhow to provide new sources of revenue. We have processes that audit and measure our intellectual capital. People are seen as assets.

G : Measurement of Intellectual Capital People talent is viewed as a cost. There is no attempt to measure the intangibles that add value. People are inadequately trained in IT. IT is used badly either it is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7o

H : Usage of IT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7o People are well trained and equipped to use IT sensibly to help us to acquire, codify,


under used or over used ahead of the desire or ability of people to use it. I : Rewards for Knowledge Sharing Knowledge is seen as power. People arent in the habit of sharing knowledge. They either dont know how to share it and / or claim they are too busy. Reward, recognition and promotion go to those who have knowledge, not to those who share it. Knowledge Management is viewed as a fad. There is only token involvement by senior management.

disseminate and transfer knowledge.


Sharing of knowledge is rewarded. People recognize the importance of investing time now in knowledge sharing and transfer, in order to create a sustainable future.

J : Attitude of Senior Management towards Knowledge Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7o Senior Managers are good role models for Knowledge Management. They view knowledge as an asset to be invested in and to give competitive edge. There are few hierarchical differentiations. Open office settings facilitate sharing of knowledge.

K : Openness towards Knowledge Sharing Knowledge is locked into the hierarchical structure. The climate is one of secrecy and exclusion. People dont talk about the sharing and use of knowledge. People dont take time out to review what they have learned and how they can apply that learning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7o

L : Stories 1 2 3 4 5 6o 7 The creation, sharing and use of knowledge is celebrated and broadcast. There is ongoing review of learning from mistakes, risks and successes.

M : Attitude towards Learning 1 2 3 4 5 6o 7

N : Vision


There is no commitment to the idea that Knowledge Management is essential to our future success.


There is a clear vision of how the effective creation, transfer and use of knowledge leads to business-enhancing outcomes.

SCORING SHEET Item No. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Title Inventory of Information Access to Information Transfer of Information Benchmarking of Information Creation of New Knowledge Leveraging of Knowledge Measurement of Intellectual Capital Usage of IT Rewards for Knowledge Sharing Attitude of Senior Management towards Knowledge Management Openness towards Knowledge Sharing Stories Attitude towards Learning Vision TOTALS O 7 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 X 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 GAP* 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 26

Survey Questionnaire



9. Name of the Company : Infosys Limited 10. Annual turnover: Upto Rs. 5 crores
crores Rs. 50 to Rs 100 crores More than Rs 100 crores (Y) Rs. 5 to 10 crores Rs. 10 to 50

11. Name and Designation of the respondent : Systems Engineer 12. e-mail id :
Web Address :

13. a) Postal Address : A-703, Ovhal spring, Vishal nagar pune 14. a) Phone Nos : 738723938 15. Main Products/ services offered: IT services
Exports, if any: b) Fax No. :

16. No. Of employees: 145000

No. Of executive level employees: 10. No. of computer terminals: Less than 5

than 15 (Y)

5 to 10

10 to 15 more

Other ICT facilities available: Internet Intranet(Y) Wi Fi

Sales Others 11.

Functions in which ICT is used: Manufacturing

Design Marketing /

Administration & Accounting

Certifications and Standards acquired by the company (Please Specify):

Q.1 How critical are the following barriers, on the Creation of Knowledge in your organization? (Please tick one box for each factor) : ( KNOWLEDGE CREATION )


Factors 1. Lack of time for executives 2. No reward system for Knowledge Sharing 3. Organizational culture factors 4. Lack of appropriate IT infrastructure 5. Lack of formal documentation procedures

Not at all


Moderat e (Y)


Very High

(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)

6. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.2 Where is the knowledge and information pertaining to the following activities available? (Please write 1 for Not at all, 2 for Limited, 3 for Moderate, 4 for High, 5 for Very High for each operation and Knowledge Location) ( KNOWLEDGE AVAILABILITY ) In In ICT based Operations Knowledge Location In People Documents systems 1. Product/Service Design, Development (Y) and Technology Management 2. Purchasing 3. Finance 4. Production/Service Management 5. Marketing and Sales 6. Logistics and Distribution 7. Human Resources (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)

8. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.3 How do you store the Information and Knowledge captured by the organization mentioned in the above question? (Please tick one box for each repository) ( KNOWLEDGE STORAGE ) Not at Moderat Knowledge Repository Limited Often Always all ely 1. Restricted to only individual 2. Verbally communicated to other managers 3. Converted into documents 4. Uploaded to the computer based systems (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)

5. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.4 To what extent do you use the following sources to capture the information and knowledge vital to your firms success? (Please tick one box for each source) (KNOWLEDGE SOURCE)


Knowledge Source 1. Customer Requirements 2. Competitor Information 3. Supplier Requirements 4. Partnership/Alliance 5. Trade associations / Networks 6. In house R&D Activity 7. Internet 8. Training/Awareness Programs 9. Exhibitions / Trade Fairs/ Seminars etc.

Not at all


Moderat e

High (Y)

Very High

(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)

10. Others (Please specify):_________________________________________________________________________ Q.5 What is the importance given to the following considerations by your organization, for implementing or improving your knowledge management system? (Please tick one box for each consideration)( IMPROVING / IMPLEMENTING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ) Moderat Very Consideration Not at all Limited High e High 1. Development of your Information and Communication (Y) Technology system 2. Initiating Team Work for (Y) performance improvement 3. Development of new Incentive (Y) System 4. Availability of the relevant information to the concerned (Y) person 5. Ability to access the right (Y) information at the right time 6. Ability to constantly learn as (Y) an Organization 7. Ability to compete in the new (Y) IPR regime 8. Reduce dependency of (Y) individual employees 9. Improving management (Y) systems and efficiency 10. Others (Please specify):________________________________________________________ Q.6. What is the percentage of company turnover allocated to R & D ? 33% Q.7. What according to you is the importance of developing new products and services in the


emerging knowledge economy ? Because of slowdown in major markets (Europe and US), customers are looking for cost effective solutions which can be developed through R&D. Q.8. Which of the following individual(s) bears the greatest responsibility for creating a learning culture in your company ? CEO : _1________ A senior management team : _1_____ Human Resource Professionals : _4________ Strategic Planners : __2_______ Quality Professionals : _2_______ Others (please specify) : _______ Q.9. Does the position of Chief Knowledge Officer / Chief Learning Officer exist in your Organization ? Nopes Y (Infosys has Chief Transformation Oficer whose role is similar to that of a / Chief Learning Officer) Q.10a. Are intangible assets valued as part of your balance sheet ? Yes / No Yes Q.10.b. If yes, which intangible assets are valued by your organization ? Goodwill On Acquisition, Acquired Contract Rights, Intellectual Property / Distribution Rights, Software Licenses, Rights Under Licensing Agreement Q.10.c. What are the current valuation methods used ? The excess of cost to the Group of its investments in subsidiary companies over its share of the equity of the subsidiary companies at the dates on which the investments in the subsidiary companies are made, is recognised as Goodwill being an asset in the consolidated nancial statements. Alternatively, where the share of equity in the subsidiary companies as on the date of investment is in excess of cost of investment of the Group, it is recognized as Capital Reserve and shown under the head Reserves and Surplus, in the consolidated nancial statements. For calculating depreciation on intangible assets (Goodwill On Acquisition, Acquired Contract Rights, Intellectual Property / Distribution Rights, Software Licenses, Rights Under Licensing Agreement) straight line method is used ( 1= most important )

Does your organization have a Knowledge Management Culture ?


A : Inventory of Information Useable information is lost or unavailable. It is chaotically organized. Knowledge and information is very difficult to access. Processes are duplicated and the wheel is regularly re-invented. People tend to hoard information and knowledge. Very little usable information is transferred across teams, departments, and divisions. The organization is internally focused. Information and knowledge from outside is not systematically collected, shared discussed or acted upon. There is no thinking outside the box . People have little opportunity to create new ways of doing things and share and apply their good ideas. Knowledge that is created stays where it is. There is no attempt to 1 2 (Y) 4 5 6 7 Usable information is systematically inventoried, catalogued and stored. Knowledge is available to everyone in the organization. It is easily accessed and disseminated.

B : Access to Information 1 2 (Y) 4 5 6 7

C : Transfer of Information 1 2 3 4 5 (Y) 7 Usable information is systematically transferred to different parts of the organization.

D : Benchmarking of Information Knowledge is systematically acquired from outside so that we continuously benchmark ourselves against best practices.


E : Creation of New Knowledge There is an active R & D philosophy at all levels. Everyone is encouraged to develop new ideas and put them into practice.


F : Leveraging of Knowledge 1 2 3 4 (Y) 6 7 When new ideas are developed or new knowledge is created, we


market our good ideas.

actively market our knowhow to provide new sources of revenue. G : Measurement of Intellectual Capital We have processes that audit and measure our intellectual capital. People are seen as assets.

People talent is viewed as a cost. There is no attempt to measure the intangibles that add value. People are inadequately trained in IT. IT is used badly either it is under used or over used ahead of the desire or ability of people to use it. Knowledge is seen as power. People arent in the habit of sharing knowledge. They either dont know how to share it and / or claim they are too busy. Reward, recognition and promotion go to those who have knowledge, not to those who share it. Knowledge Management is viewed as a fad. There is only token involvement by senior management.


H : Usage of IT 1 2 3 4 5 (Y) 7 People are well trained and equipped to use IT sensibly to help us to acquire, codify, disseminate and transfer knowledge.

I : Rewards for Knowledge Sharing Sharing of knowledge is rewarded. People recognize the importance of investing time now in knowledge sharing and transfer, in order to create a sustainable future.


J : Attitude of Senior Management towards Knowledge Management 1 2 (Y) 4 5 6 7 Senior Managers are good role models for Knowledge Management. They view knowledge as an asset to be invested in and to give competitive edge. There are few hierarchical differentiations. Open office settings facilitate sharing of knowledge.

K : Openness towards Knowledge Sharing Knowledge is locked into the hierarchical structure. The climate is one of secrecy and 1 2 3 (Y) 5 6 7


exclusion. L : Stories People dont talk about the sharing and use of knowledge. People dont take time out to review what they have learned and how they can apply that learning. There is no commitment to the idea that Knowledge Management is essential to our future success. 1 2 3 4 5 (Y) 7 The creation, sharing and use of knowledge is celebrated and broadcast. There is ongoing review of learning from mistakes, risks and successes.

M : Attitude towards Learning 1 2 3 (Y) 5 6 7

N : Vision 1 2 3 4 5 (Y) 7 There is a clear vision of how the effective creation, transfer and use of knowledge leads to business-enhancing outcomes.

SCORING SHEET Item No. A B Title Inventory of Information Access to Information O 7 7 X 4 4 GAP* 3 3



Transfer of Information Benchmarking of Information Creation of New Knowledge Leveraging of Knowledge Measurement of Intellectual Capital Usage of IT Rewards for Knowledge Sharing Attitude of Senior Management towards Knowledge Management Openness towards Knowledge Sharing Stories Attitude towards Learning Vision TOTALS

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 98

5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 5 75

2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 23

KM initiatives at Infosys
Infosys has always been recognized for its KM initiative and efforts at world level. Adding a feather in its cap, Infosys has been recognised amongst the top 16 Asian companies to be listed in the prestigious Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) study, 2009. During the past several years, Infosys has made a concerted effort to provide an integrated solution to meet the knowledge needs of the organisation in the four basic dimensions of knowledge management - people, process, technology and content through an integrated knowledge management (KM) solution. Since its inception, Infosys gave importance to learning in the organization. Its efforts to assimilate and distribute knowledge within the company began with the establishment of Education and Research Department in the year 1991. The department began gathering content and knowledge that was available within the organization and the scope of the department grew with the launch of intranet. A fully fledged KM program began in 1999 with the launch of Kshop. Through Kshop, knowledge generated in each project across the global operations of Infosys was captured. Infosys KM initiative for domain areas like software engineering is built on the KM Maturity Model, and is promoted via the motto Learn once, Use Anywhere. A particularly useful incentive scheme consists of knowledge


Currency Units, (KCUs), whereby employees can award points to knowledge assets posted by their colleagues and can also earn points when their own posted knowledge assets are utilized or ranked by their colleagues. Through questionnaire, we came to know that Knowledge management is widely used concept in INFOSYS and not only Knowledge is created but as per INFOSYS model, it is shared and they sit on last of Knowledge maturity i.e. Innovative. Also, culture @INFOSYS supports new knowledge creation and with help of IT, it is easily accessible to all the employees. Not only this is the vision and employees attitude towards learning also, high making them high on Knowledge creation process. Overall, the score is 75 denoting developing potential which translates to Knowledge is managed in an adhoc way. There is a gap between espoused theory and practice. The vision lacks clarity. However, based on other inputs, it is our belief that that KM culture @INFOSYS is of Transforming Potential and it means Knowledge is created and utilized to give the organization an edge in the marketplace.

KM initiatives at SAP Labs

SAP Labs follows a centrally lead but de-centrally energized initiative. KM objectives at SAP Labs range from workforce transformation and capture of proven practices to develop organizational agility and enhancing stock valuation. A formal initiative was launched with special focus on 11 critical success factors which are explained in the analysis section. Architecturally, this is facilitated via the knowledge.SAP portal Ask Knowledge- SAP expertise location management application. Fifteen communities of knowledge are operational. For building capacity among the organization, various introductory courses like KM@SAP Labs are available though SAP Labs online University. Other features are analysed in the following sections. SAP Labs knowledge portal has got various awards. Analysis and Comparison of Knowledge Management framework at Infosys & SAP Labs Both Infosys and SAP Labs are having units all over the world, and thousands of employees from different countries and cultures are working. Both companies have developed robust Knowledge Management system for taping both explicit and tacit knowledge needed to full-


fill their business objectives and smooth flow of information within the organization and from outside environment. Implementation strategies adopted by the two organizations are different in some aspects and similar in some other aspects. The following table shows the comparison of Infosyss and SAP Labss KM characteristic and implementations.


KM Characteristics Aim

Infosys To move towards a "Learn Once, Use Anywhere" paradigm.

SAP Labs To set up a system that defines the process, tools and behaviors needed to deliver the right content, in the right context, to the right people at the right time. i. Transform the workforce to one that capitalizes on business opportunities at every turn. II. Leverage experience Leverage expertise Hire & retain the best people Unify the company Develop organizational agility Accelerate marketplace delivery Enhance image of the company Enhance stock valuation Transform the way individuals in the organization leverage knowledge assets to support the fast action, optimal decisions and innovation needed to drive customer value


i. To minimise the efforts dissipated in redoing learning that has already happened elsewhere, and ii. Ensuring that Infosys employees (Infoscions) in contact with the customer have the collective and organised knowledge of the Infosys with them.


Delivering all organisational learning to benefit the customer.


Knowledge Management Maturity Model. Based on critical Success factors identified. KMM- Knowledge Management Maturity They are Model is based on the realisation that path 1. Align K M goals to the corporate strategy to achieve KM success involves significant 2. Build the technology infrastructure to changes: a. In the working culture, support KM b. In the Processes of the organisation, and 3. Focus on strategic knowledge c. System in the organisation. communities ii. Instead of taking one giant leap a staged frame work is done under progressive 4. Establish a multi-dimensional framework development. The most well established linking communities to the business model available today to/ for managing 5. Approach KM as a holistic business changes in phased manner is Software Engineering Institute's (SEI Carnegie system Mellon Institute) Capability Maturity Model 6. Establish community goals that align (CMM). business and member drivers iii. Further the purpose of KMM Model is 7. Integrate KM processes to business twofold: a. To provide framework, this can be used to process assess current level of KM maturity, 8. Recognize that KM is a process, not a b. To act as a mechanism to focus, and help 28 project prioritize, efforts to raise the level of KM maturity. 9. Establish metrics and a performance

Key features of KM frame work in Infosys are as follows 1. A KM team in the learning unit Infosys management decided to locate the KM team in its Education & Research (E&R) group, outside of its mainline business units. To enable the team to enforce changes in the organization as a whole, they bolstered the KM team's influence by giving it a high-level steering committee that included many members of the board of directors and several other heads of business units. 2. A decentralized architecture Content management is handled by establishing a set of satellite repositories, owned by local groups and affiliated with the central KM repository. The central KM team coordinates the KM promotion effort, with a large network of KM "promoters" across business units who are responsible for promoting KM in their respective teams. 3. Incremental scope The KM solution at Infosys was rolled out incrementally, first to a few research units and other support functions, then to several technical groups in the service delivery units. Only after covering most of the technical community was the solution extended to cover customer-facing groups, such as sales and marketing. 4. Content first, then collaboration The KM solution was initially all content-based. This strategy, based on the theory that ramping up sufficient content for the chosen target audience will make the rollout of the KM solution to that audience successful, has worked very well. Only after the contentbased solution had generated sufficient enthusiasm and support across the organization were other elements developed to support collaboration. 5. Voluntary participation An important principle for KM at Infosys has been not to force employees to use the KM system. In the early stages, direct incentives were offered for participation. Later in its KM journey, the promotion scheme was changed to focus more on awards and recognition, rather than monetary rewards. Introduction of KCM (Knowledge Currency Units) is really providing a boosting effect. 6. An in-house solution While specialized KM products have been evaluated periodically for various functionalities, even those products touted by suppliers as "comprehensive KM solutions" have never been able to cater to all of the company's KM requirements.

Key features of KM framework in SAP Labs are as follows


1. 2.

Centrally lead , but decentrally energized Initiative Based on critical success factors identified.

Knowledge Community concept accepted at SAP Labs take a holistic approach to KM. It allows communities to form around self-described interests, but it does not allow employees to waste time on communities that are not tightly aligned to a corporate goal. 70 + officially chartered knowledge communities are set up. Introductory learning course provided through SAP Labs University is very helpful to make people aware about KM and for capacity building for the knowledge sharing and dissemination process.

KM system: similarities and contrast between Infosys and SAP Labs

Both the companys vision and objectives are to set a smooth KM system which ensure capturing and disseminating all knowledge necessary to satisfy their business objectives and ultimately serve the customers better. In both the companies adequate technology back up are facilitated for connectivity between geographically separated units and people. For capturing the content and its preservation, both companies have developed Knowledge portal namely Kshop in Infosys and Knowledge.SAP in SAP Labs. All the employees are provided access to the portal and encouraged to submit their knowledge tips and bits to knowledge repository. In both the companies various measures are there to build knowledge culture and capacity among employees to share and use knowledge. The following are the significant differences seen in the implementation of KM strategies. Infosys follows KMM- Knowledge Management Maturity Model which is based on the realisation that path to achieve KM success involves significant changes in the working culture and in the processes of the organization. Instead of taking one giant leap a staged frame work is done under progressive development. SAP Labs identified some critical success factors to be followed for the building of KM system which has been discussed in the analysis part. They have strategized these initiatives through centrally lead, but decentrally energised framework. Regarding Knowledge communities, Infosys allows making of communities by interested group employees based on their interest to share their views and ideas across all the units.


Online collaborative tools like wikis; blogs etc are being used to facilitate the communication. Normally Management dont impose any control over such communities. But in SAP Labs, communities are centrally formed by expert group specifically set up for this purpose. They will identify the need for communities in different subject field related to its business objectives. It does not allow employees to waste time on communities that are not tightly aligned to a corporate goal. 70 + officially chartered knowledge communities are set up.

Both Infosys and SAP Labs have recognized the importance of proper Knowledge Management System and implemented using proper strategies suitable for their environment. From the survey results it is evident that almost all employees of the both organization have understood the value of KM to the organization and the individuals. Both companies have won international awards for setting up and running efficient KM system in respective companies. Both companies are trying to incorporate latest trend in KM research and development by setting up separate KM research team in respective companies.


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