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From: To:.

Com Subject: Unibet account information Date: Thu, 12 January 2012 15:07:51 +0100 Hi Henrik, unfortunately we can not move any VIP points over to your new account as they ended on 21/12 2011th If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us again. Sincerely, Lasse Unibet Support -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------From: Date: 01/13/2012 15:52 Two: Subject: RE: Unibet account information Hi Lasse It was a shame. I have not read the T & C's through which most likely is that VIP Points expire after x number of months I hope you will make an exception and transfer my VIP points anyway?? That would be the most sensible of you in the given situation where many players now and choose where they will play in the future. We're talking, as you probably already sharply observed, of course not poker - but sportsbet. I can no longer sports betting on my favorite site (Betfred) due to the new legislation. Unibet seems like an obvious alternative ..... but of course only if I feel I appreciate me as a customer - it gives itself. Furthermore, I note that you, Lasse, either sleepy or have been misinformed by some incompetent fool in your organization regarding what currencies a provider must offer its players. I then sends a copy by mail from the gaming authority. Furthermore, I would like to ask ..... I now ONLY provider accounts in USD? Or have plans to offer accounts in other currencies - like all the other gaming companies are doing. FFS Lasse .... it should be people like you or your organization who knew these things or at least spent time trying to figure it out - not me as a private player / client. Fuck you are a fool! Regards Henrik

From: To: Subject: Unibet account information Date: Fri, 13 January 2012 19:15:49 +0100 Hi Henrik, We can not transfer your VIP points, as they have expired on 21/12-2012. But you're still in the poker club and therefore you can earn points again. Here, during the January / February we also begin to offer an

entirely new kind of bonuses, namely Rewardbonusser. Here, you play for a certain amount and / or play a particular game. Once you've done this, then you get a bonus, you have complete control what you want to use. Due. the new Danish license, so it will at Unibet only be possible to have his Danish Unibet Account in Danish Kroner. Unfortunately I can not see any attachment in your email, but we have been informed about is that under the new Danish license, then Danish Unibetkontoer future only be in Danish kroner. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us again. Sincerely, Casper Unibet Support -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------From: Date: 01/13/2012 21:32 Two: Subject: RE: Unibet account information Hi Casper You're probably the most incompetent fool ever. On a scale of 1-10, Casper .... how interested do you think I'm in your rewardbonusser etc when I'm below makes it pretty clear that I want to be valued as a customer before I in any way want to play at Unibet? You'd better just take a wild guess, Casper - can hardly imagine it is the brain you use to solve such a relatively easy task. Casper, you're looking for an attachment ... who told you there was an attachment in email? dammit ..... impressive when you can be as far away from the window and still HA work. I HAVE SENT A COPY OF AN EMAIL FROM BETTING OFFICE ...... Have a look to what I wrote before you respond and make yourself complete fool of your giant retard. Henrik

From: To: Subject: Unibet account information Date: Fri, 13 January 2012 21:42:21 +0100 Hi Henrik, Thank you for your inquiry. If you would like to be valued as a customer, then it would be a good start to appreciate the customer service that is trying to help you. I have seen the email you sent now. But it is nevertheless the case that we know Unibet Danish only allows customers to have Danish crowns on their Unibet. Unless you have additional questions, I see this email correspondence as closed! Sincerely,

Casper Unibet Support From: Date: 01/13/2012 22:42 Two: Subject: RE: Unibet account information

Hi Casper You knew ha 'your fees again ... unless you've ever gone to school? It tends typically to be that way on the open market when the customer feel appreciated, he also appreciates the business he is in the customer and is therefore typically his money in the business. If the customer does not feel appreciated, he / she is usually out and act elsewhere. This is an excellent example of poor customer care. No understanding of customer needs and incompetent management and answer even the simplest queries. I would even ask me to play with authority and find answers because there are a fool in your organization and kfter loud and nice up on that "It is a legal" ..... damn how stupid you are allowed to be. IT IS NOT a legal requirement, you fools! Unibet have chosen to only offer accounts in USD ...... there is a huge difference!! It had been so easy for you to just say "here at unibet we are some retards who ONLY provider accounts in GBP - if you want your account in another currency, you must play at our competitors." Then I raised my money and been gone long ago and I had avoided looking like some fools with intelligence and abilities are almost equal to a person who is severely affected a Down's syndrome. Good luck Henrik

From: Two: Subject: Unibet account <CID875BFA09E6C9> Date: Sat, 14 January 2012 14:12:57 +0100 Hi Henrik, Your recent email to Unibet is extremely inappropriate, especially your comments about Casper. It is possible that you are unhappy with Unibet, but there and then to the language you have chosen, it is not working. We do not allow you to mess up some Unibet employees in this way. Therefore, your account has been closed and will only be reopened when you submit a well-meaning apology to Casper. Sincerely, Daniel Unibet Support

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------From: Date: 01/16/2012 15:37 Two: Subject: RE: Unibet account

Hi Daniel You are now number 3 I talk to in connection with this case - you are talented. We'll obviously never agree on this matter. I can not approximate infer below that you think could have handled my questions differently and as such it is, in your eyes, only me who is COMPLETELY wrong. To continue correspondence with you will be like beating into a quilt and it bothered me damn frankly no more. I have a long way from the necessary skills needed to close this case so that all parties are satisfied. I do not even know the law well enough to advise your clients in an orderly and professional manner. Not surprisingly, you can probably understand that I no longer want to be a customer and also did not want to have money standing at Unibet. Therefore, I look like my account reopened immediately, so I can raise my balance and make my sports betting elsewhere. Then you can close, delete, jump and dance on my account everything I want. Now of course I fit in with what I expect of you / you, but it is hopefully clear to you that it is illegal to close an account due to trash talk. I can dismiss me as a customer when I have raised my money if I'm against all expectations should want to play at betting company with the earth's worst and most incompetent support. Was it excuse enough ..... or he is still crying?? Henrik

From: Two: Subject: Unibet account <CID781E7C191ED3> Date: Tue, 17 January 2012 20:33:52 +0100 Hi Henrik, No, unfortunately there was not much excuse of your mail so we can not reopen your account. You can call us so we can make payment to you. Sincerely, Daniel Unibet Support

From: Date: 18/01/2012 00:51

Two: Subject: RE: Unibet account

Just low the payment to the Visa card I have registered my account. Please confirm Henrik

From: Two: Subject: RE: RE: Unibet account <CIDD486D0EDB535> Date: Wed, 18 January 2012 22:04:02 +0100

Hi Henrik, Thank you for your inquiry. Please call us or we will not pay for you ... Have a good evening ... If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us again. Sincerely, Annette Unibet Support

I'll call then and gives Daniel all the information I receive bids so they can make the payment. From: Two: Subject: Unibet Date: Thu, 19 January 2012 16:19:52 +0100 Hi Henrik, Thank you for your inquiry. I can confirm that we have today launched a withdrawal from your Unibet account at 7441.25. Once these are approved by the Finance Department (either later today or tomorrow morning), so the

money will go to your account at between 3 and 10 business days. If you have questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Daniel Unibet Support

From: Date: 19/01/2012 16:30 Two: Subject: RE: Unibet Thank you. I confirm just for the sake of the account information you got on the phone earlier today. The amount requested to account for Sydbank at Store Torv 12, 8000 Aarhus C Reg 7110 kt. The 0,001,296,995th Henrik

From: Two: Subject: Unibet info Date: Fri, 20 January 2012 21:42:06 +0100 Hi Henrik, Your payment has not been confirmed in from Unibet. You have previously been informed of the action it takes before your Unibet can be opened and may be used for transactions to and from Unibet. This is in accordance with Rule 2.3: 2.3 Unibet reserves the right at any time To refuse to open an account and / or close an existing account without justification; - Refusing to accept deposits without justification; Suspend and / or cancel a customer's participation in promotional activities, competitions or other activities at all times when Unibet estimates that an account's going to used for fraudulent or other suspicious actions. - To require proof of identity, authorization to use a specific credit card and / or other information from the Account Holder, before expediting deposits and / or withdrawals; - Without warning to transfer and / or license information about an account holder to another legal entity

in any country, under the Unibet Group Plc, subject to Unibet guaranteeing that the information at all times be treated in accordance with applicable laws Privacy and / or the like; - Without warning to transfer and / or authorize an Account Holder's rights and responsibilities to another legal entity in any country, under the Unibet Group Plc, subject to Unibet guaranteeing the liabilities being met; - Hold and manage account holder's funds in accordance with generally accepted guidelines governing such funds, this may include a bank and / or a payment service provider (Payment Solution Provider) are entrusted to manage funds in the account holder's name and / or interest; - Confiscate funds on a Unibet Account and / or refuse to honor a claim in connection with the Unibet if Unibet directly or indirectly have been violated and / or other unauthorized activities have occurred in connection with an event and / or handling of a Unibet . This is assuming that the above happens with a Unibet Account and / or the particular requirement. Sincerely, Casper Unibet Support

From: Date: 23/01/2012 19:33 Two: Subject: RE: Unibet info

Hi Casper ..... Lasse, Daniel and other hopeless Unibet employees who by now have had with this case to make. I am well aware I do not have the highest thoughts of me and as such will do anything to embarrass me and dragging this case protracted. Another stupid decision by an idiot who can only be described as being the most incompetent person in the gaming industry. It was you, Daniel, who informed me about the closure of my account .... so I must assume it is you who is the fool if I find it hard to imagine that Unibet would allow such a business intellectually less well-to-man, those powers . Casper has made clear below that under clause 2.3 is my account closed and will remain closed - in addition to transactions can not be made until I meet the demands I have made ...... well, I'll see what I can do to dry the tears on your cheeks away so we can finalize this farce. Before that, I would in particular like to make it clear to you that I do not want to drag this protracted or otherwise make a big deal out of this ridiculous case. I just want, for reasons of principle, my money paid to my bank account - neither more nor less. This case has gone completely out of hand and I'm not even entirely without blame in that we are in this situation. When I take your weak character into consideration, I should have taken the gloves on and talked you after your mouth and if you right in EVERYTHING you have said .... even if much of your page, strictly speaking, has been wrong in so many ways . I did not, unfortunately. I was frustrated by the unprofessional, amateurish, and decidedly bad

treatment I got from you, and thereby came to take her mouth full and name Casper and Lasse as "retarded" and drew comparisons to people who suffered from Down syndrome. This I prefer 100% in me again - it should never have been said - I mean it's not and when I do not know any of you personally, I can not obviously comment on whether this really is true. Furthermore, I am sorry to have nedladet myself to compare otherwise lovely people suffering from these critically ill with a bunch uproffesionelle and very dubious Unibet support staff. Your commitment and understanding of general business operations and customer care / understanding is in my eyes very hard to spot, and as such I can be in any doubt about whether Unibet employs support staff in some state funded grant scheme? Is there such a scheme in Malta? if that makes you could then just consider the flavor ..... it can not be much worse than it is. I hope I will transfer my balance immediately and avoid more embarrassment from your side .... there is plenty to choose from. Your recent mail from Casper states clearly your "right" to close a player's account, but not what precedes lukkelsen of just my account - yet another example of a hopeless disinterested support personnel. I would like if I do not transfer money to have a description of exactly what the rules are violated and what legal justification I have for withholding my funds. Furthermore, I hope I will refer to the current "rules and conditions" from unibet. com and NOT fool below have done .... namely refers to "rules and conditions" from LMAO .... are not you sweet to take you just a little bit together?? Henrik

From: Two: Subject: Unibet account information Date: Tue, 24 January 2012 17:46:45 +0100 Henry, our security department has required that you give us an excuse for the way you have written to us - now even more than many mails. You have now used another email to call us fools, idiots and the like. If this is your attempt to give us an excuse, it is not accepted. Compared to withhold your funds, we need to refer to our Terms, which you accepted when you opened the account and as we described in last mail. More is not so much to say about it. So, it is quite clear Henrik, either you give us an unreserved apology, without this opportunity to call us idiots, imbeciles, retarded or whatever you can find on or else the money will not be paid. It is your sovereign choice. This case is indeed gone idle, and Henry, we will not use more resources to repeat the answers we already have, so if your next request does not contain an unconditional apology, then you will not get any response. Sincerely,

Daniel Unibet Support

From: Two: Subject: RE: Unibet account information <CID701FAD88E5D5> Date: Wed, 25 January 2012 01:44:14 +0100 Hi daniel You are absolutely right - this case is in the degree gone idle. You are probably the best of my knowledge, been personally affected by my rather harsh criticism of your handling of this case. I can not see why you would otherwise have to withhold my sources and thus are constantly being forced to listen to how unprofessional and incompetent you are to contest your job at Unibet. I could long ago have made a transfer and closed the case and then my account. Understand me right, I mean NOT that the person is either idiots or fools. On the contrary, you are probably fine fantastic guys. But when it comes to professionally clean your ability to solve ALL have had with this issue because I am unfortunately forced to let my criticisms stand and as such can not therefore apologize more than I have done / are doing and also not let me manipulate just because I have money trapped. However, I am sorry if some involved have been touched personally - this was not my opinion. Hope this hair saved the wires a little and you are now ready to make the payment I, 17th +18 in January, informed me could take place in the disclosure of account number. If not I think I can pay my money, I would like to request a transaction history, and an overview of all activity that has been on my account in 2011. When my account is closed unfortunately I can not even obtain such information. This is to lodge a complaint on a number of points and associated involvement of the authorities and, if necessary, a decision in front of a judge. The exclusive right to decide themselves how many resources are more needed in this case.


I hereby enclose an official complaint regarding a number of signed and Unibet openly disagree in. I have allowed myself to include gaming authority in this complaint because I believe that the "terms and conditions" (henceforth referred to as "VB") are violated to such an extent that Unibet's license to offer gambling in Denmark, in my opinion, should be reassessed. Reason for complaint: The process starts about 11/12 January 2012 when I contact Unibet support via live chat. I have a question to the expiration of my loyalty points and, for me, sudden currency change from EURO to GBP in my account. I will be greeted by a disinterested employee who later turns out not to be competent to answer my questions. The employee, Lasse, engaging nonetheless to respond and indicate decidedly wrong basis and reason for the sudden changed currency. One can argue with such ignorant and misinformed people who Lasse that section 12.3 of the VB Unibet will benefit in the future. According to section 13.6 of the VB stores Unibet Webchat at LEAST 1 year, so I would like to request a copy of all web chats I had with Unibet support during the period January 10 to 13. This chat is the start of a long correspondence between Unibet and myself resulting in ting banishment of my account and confiscate my funds equivalent to 1000 . The correspondence I have attached in this email. My first complaint relates to the deprivation of my loyalty points which I believe is unwarranted. At Unibet's website informed Unibet in January 2012 their clients to earned loyalty points expiry if a player's account had been inactive for 180 days. Acc. VB 2.17 defines an account as inactive if not registered log-in/log-out for a period of more than 12 consecutive months. This requirement, I have met and would like to have a complete overview of my account activity for 2011 for the documentation of this. Under section 4.4 of VB to all Internet communications stored it should be possible to obtain documentation to Unibet for a period in early 2012 misinformed their customers. The website has today been updated and requirements for limitation of loyalty points is changed. My second complaint relates to Unibet's illegal seizure of my account's funds. On an extremely thin and not yet clearly informed basis, withhold Unibet an amount equal to 1000 . according to the attached email correspondence is the money is not released until an apology is made. An apology is offered despite the fact that Unibet CLEARLY breaking the VB section. 2.8 in which they represent and warrant at any time NOT to impose conditions to account holder to begin the transfer of funds. I will therefore, in accordance with section 2.15 of VB, which I have previously asked for like a complete and detailed transaction history. To this must be added that I find it extremely objectionable that Unibet evident among staff talking about and are aware that the seizure of the account's funds is illegal, but still maintains the decision because the individual involved seems to have been personally affected. I have even acknowledged that I have gone over the line a few times, but is nevertheless steadfast in my criticism of Unibet's employees in connection with this case. Confiscation of funds at the time being specified basis, is in my eyes on the border with mitment theft and outright harassment. Harassment must be understood in the sense that I several times have been told I could get my money just to get the feedback that I have to settle Unibet's requirements before a transfer can take place. There can only be two scenarios here. Either the employees are not competent enough to maintain a

healthy communication between departments - otherwise, which of course only be talking about harassment. I am not understand how a company with so uprofesionelle and incompetent employees may be allowed to operate and manage people's money in Denmark. I can so far only infer from this case that Unibet at any time and at a very flimsy basis, find it okay to confiscate Danish customers' money without any legal justification, if only they refer to the terms and conditions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon Greetings Henrik


Hi Henrik, We have made the matter clear to you. You must send an apology to us and you can call in order to receive your deposit. Sincerely, Daniel Unibet Support Hi Daniel I would again like to refer to the section. 2.8 in VB as I have accepted as a prerequisite for offering games in Denmark. Moreover, I no longer know what I should apologize for? I have in previous mails made it clear that I have a couple of times gone over the line. At present, detain In other words money because of not accepting criticism of your employees which just makes you appear even more unprofessional. Furthermore, I would like that I treat all my objections and see VB transmit various statements which I requested in the complaint. Henrik Hi Henrik, Let me make it clear once again: You have used some of your many emails to call the staff at Unibet for: idiots, imbeciles, retarded, etc. Based on this you will never again be able to use your account or open a new account at Unibet.

You must send us a written apology, and then you could call in and get your balance on the account paid. This is consistent with our rules, see section 2.4. This is Unibet's final decision and no matter how many emails you might otherwise send, so it does not change the fact that we must have the excuse and you should not expect that we will answer some inquiries again from your side that does not contain an unreserved apology. Sincerely, Daniel Unibet Support Hi Daniel, A demand for an apology is not totally in line with section 2.4 in VB and when definitely not to section. 2.8. I will not begin to teach you about RV, but simply point out that I do not follow them. Let me again make it clear to you that I have previously taken away from my foolish and immature language in an attempt to visualize how miserable your support is. I can, must and will not apologize for my criticism of the parties involved in order to receive money on the account. I would like to have that I, as per VB, treat my complaint and forward the documents I have requested. Have a good evening Regards Henrik

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