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bout the Benefits of Cognizant 2.

Keeping in mind the rapidly changing workforce and business environment, three years ago, Cognizant introduced Cognizant 2.0, a company-wide Web 2.0 platform for program management, knowledge sharing, process orchestration and collaboration. Currently, over 80,000 employees are connected to the network. This has helped us win deals, increase client stickiness, communicate widely on a common platform, and also help in improving employee retention, says Sukumar Rajagopal. He points out that according to a study last year, projects, which used Cognizant 2.0 platform, performed better than those that did not. There has been a 15% improvement in productivity in projects using C2.0 over the average value of productivity across projects, 8% improvement in the ability to deliver projects on time and 7% improvement in the ability to deliver on-budget, he says.

Waterfall Model Overview

The Waterfall model is a highly structured, sequential software development process that progresses through various software design and development phases in linear order. An ordered list of the phases in the Waterfall process includes the following: Requirements specification 1. Design 2. Construction (implementation or coding) 3. Integration 4. Testing and debugging (validation) 5. Installation 6. Maintenance 7. The model recommends total and correct completion and documentation of each phase before moving on to the next. As such, it emphasizes that requirements are frozen and the design phase is complete before proceeding to the coding phase. This saves time and effort in the construction, integration and testing phases of the software development process and reduces the risk of schedule slippage and cost overruns.

Scrum Development Process Overview

Scrum has proved to be a highly successful framework for project management that takes an adaptive, iterative and incremental approach toward software and product development. Scrum is ideally suited for projects with changing requirements. In order to operate in such an environment, Scrum relies on a self-organizing, self-managing, crossfunctional Scrum team that is supported by a Scrum Master and a product owner. The product owner represents the voice of the users and customers and is responsible for creating a prioritized wish list of product features, called a product backlog. Scrum projects advance via a series of sprints, which are typically two to four weeks long. At the start of the sprint, team members

esting Activities in Each Phase The following testing activities should be performed during the phases: 1. Requirements Analysis - Determine correctness - Generate functional test data. 2. Design

- Determine correctness and consistency - Generate structural and functional test data. 1. Programming/Construction - Determine correctness and consistency - Generate structural and functional test data - Apply test data - Refine test data 2. Operation and Maintenance - Retest The Role of Tester in SDLC cycle is: 1)Collecting the Requirements 2)Identifying the Test cases 3)Preparing the Tracability Matrix 4)Designing the Test Cases 5)Executing the Test cases 6)Bug detecting components of testing are: Test Plan, Test Cases, Requirement Traceability Matrix, SRS, Bug Report. STLC consists of following stages 1. Collecting and Analysing requriements. 2. Preparation of test plan. 3. Writing Test Cases. 4. Execution of Test Cases. 5. Analysing the results. 6. Bug Reporting. 7. Re Testing / Regression Testing.

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