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20, 2012 - TORONTO, ON - The Editorial Board of Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society is excited to announce the formation of a new peer-reviewed scholarly journal, funded by the Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies (CIARS) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). We are proud to offer our content completely online and available freely under our Open Access policy, at our website As critical scholars who work to decolonize ourselves, our communities, and our schools through the centering of Indigeneity, we are painfully aware of the limited venues in which such critical scholarship is accepted and compiled. There are few publishing spaces which are accepting of such work and even fewer which are supportive and encouraging. With this in mind, Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society aims to be one of those supportive spaces, promoting and publishing work from academics, educators, and organizers who are engaged in the various forms of decolonizing work. An important part of our mandate is our Open Access policy which works toward the rejection of typical publishing models which produce knowledge in exclusionary ways and keep it gated within hard-to- access spaces. Being an Open Access journal and being online not only allows a wider access to the content but also allows for wider discussion and community participation. We are poignantly aware that these decolonizing discussions are already happening in our communities, in our classrooms, and in various spaces around the world; our goal is to contribute to these ongoing debates and to create a space in which to connect the various movements and discussions. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society is an interdisciplinary journal that solicits any work purposefully engaged in decolonization and Indigeneity around the globe. Our Editorial Board is supported by an internationally renowned Review Board comprised of scholars, organizers, and writers in a wide array of fields focused on decolonizing work. Our first issue will be released in September 2012 and will be an invited issue containing exciting new scholarship from a collection of our Review Board members. It will be accompanied by our first general Call for Submissions. To find out more information or to register for updates, please visit our website at or you can contact the editors at

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