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QM Inspection plan is an inspection process to all the incoming materials, transfered materials and also materials that are

used in the productions, the inspection plan will analyze quantitative and also qualitative values. How to create inspection plan using menu: Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Inspection Planning -> Inspection Plan -> Create How to create inspection plan using TCODE: QP01 The entry process when creating an inspection plan:

M: Mandatory, O: Optional. 1. Material: Type in the material number. (M) 2. Plant: Select the plant where you want to create the inspection plan. (M) 3. Press Enter.

1. Group Counter: This number can also be used as a search parameter. 2. Plant: The plant code where the inspection plan will be created. 3. Text Description: Text description of the material. 4. Usage: The grouping of material usage. e.g. 3 (Universal), 5 (Good Receipt), 9 (Material Check) 5. Status: The status of inspection plan that we want to create. e.g. 1 (Created), 2 (Released for order) 6. Press Enter. On the next screen, click on the OPERATION button. Fill in the below information: work Center (optional) : The work center that is conducting the analysis. Control Key (M): Code to active program function, Description (M) : This is the description of process.

Now select (highlighting) one of the operations and click on the Inspection Characteristic Button.

Fill in all the necessary information below.

1. Preset Indicators: Key to activate quantitative and qualitative analysis. (M) 2. Master Inspection Characteristic: Reusable Inspection Characteristic that can be used for all the materials that have the same specification. (M) 3. Short Text Inspection Characteristic: The name of the analysis parameter. (M) 4. Sampling Procedure: The Sample procedure that will be used for analysis. (M) 5. Decimal Places: Decimal point for the values. (M) 6. Unit of measure: unit of measure of the analytical parameters. (M) 7. Target Value: the value you want to achieve for the result. (M) 8. Lower Specification limit: the lowest tolerable value of the analysis result. (M) 9. Upper Specification limit: the highest tolerable value of the analysis result. (M) 10. Selected set: This is used for qualitative value. (M) Click ok and Ctrl+S to save the inspection plan]

dear sir i have faceing problem change usage dicision overview when i click inspection lot stock tab in qa14 tcode insp.stock check box are disable can you any idea how will enable this check box becase when i make goods recpt. fields qals-ismsk update X in dicator so problem of gr cancelation and dispaly error message You cannot cancel GR, since inspection lot is already partly posted

with regrds vijay karnatak

Sujit Gujar
Re: inspection lot tab in qa14
Posted: Jun 18, 2009 11:47 AM in response to: vijay


Posts: 4,233 Registered: 3/7/09

hi In QA14 will only allow to change UD without changing Stock posting(Without history). & stock posting is completed .So you can not enale it. For this what you can is go to QA32 -->select lots with UD...enter plant & Material. Go to Details & change UD In Inspection lot stock...Check the Quantity if you have partially posted. Post the remaining Qty if any. Save This will allow you to cancel GR (102 mvt) as QI stock becomes Nil While cancellation og Gr pick Qty from Unrestricted & not from QI ( Blank & not X) Regards Sujit

Forum Points: 10,982

vijay karnatak
Posts: 21 Registered: 2/12/08

Re: inspection lot tab in qa14

Posted: Jun 18, 2009 1:26 PM in response to: Sujit

Reply Gujar

Forum Points: 0

sir Actually quality stock is transfer unrestricted use and qc istock is nil when (no remain qty ) i cancel GR message You cannot cancel GR, since inspection lot is already partly posted

Sujit Gujar

Re: inspection lot tab in qa14

Posted: Jun 18, 2009 3:15 PM in response to: vijay

Reply karnatak


Posts: 4,233 Registered: 3/7/09

Forum Points: 10,982

You can follow Procedure 1.Activate 08 inspection type in QM 2.go to MB1B go 322 mvt type Here syetm will ask for Production order reference. 3.Now to Qa32--->check inspection lot origine 08 lot is created. 4. Now Try to camcel the GR through Mb31 or MB01(102 mvt type) Pick for QI stock This will solve perpose Regards Sujit

vijay karnatak
Posts: 21 Registered: 2/12/08

Re: inspection lot tab in qa14

Posted: Jun 19, 2009 5:53 AM in response to: Sujit

Reply Gujar

Forum Points: 0

Dear sujit sir i have follow your procedure but when reverese 322 Mvt through of mb1b stock is transfer unresticted use but problem of GR cancellation or 102 Mvt through of migo message You cannot cancel GR, since inspection lot is already partly posted

Sujit Gujar

Re: inspection lot tab in qa14

Posted: Jun 19, 2009 6:11 AM in response to: vijay

Reply karnatak

Posts: 4,233 Registered: 3/7/09

Forum Points: 10,982

Hi We were facing same problem with document specific reversal.We have created one T code with following user exit. This will change System status from SPCO to SPRQ QEVA0008 Usage decision: Customer function key (e.g. to cancel UD) This is the best solution Regards Sujit

Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 8:35 AM


Hi Experts, If a user has Posted Inspection stock wrongly and also made the usage decission for a Inspection Lot.Then user

relealised and want to correct the stock postings.In this case I'm going to cancel the inspection lot but sys is giving me the error "ststus check error , Usage decision has been made". Kindly give me solution to how to correct the Inspection Lot.

Regards, Sri.....
Sanil Vadke
Posts: 689 Registered: 3/2/09

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 8:53 AM in response to: Sridevi


Hi , Here you can do MB1B with movement 322 .In 1st screen just give plant number & movment .Then next screen put your material ,B no ,Qty . Save Your stock will get moved to unrestricted again & new inspection lot will get generated ,proceed this lot now you can correct qty during UD for new lot. IN same lot you can not do the changes you have to procees new lot . Just check out. Regards SANIL

Forum Points: 1,520

Sridevi k
Posts: 177 Registered: 2/3/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 10:19 AM in response to: Sanil


Vadke Forum Points: 0

Hi Sani, When I performing transfer postings using MB1B and Mov type 322, I displayed with an error message "Change the inspection stock of material 20021 in QM only" Kindly guide me.

Regards, Sri....
Posts: 316 Registered: 7/20/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 10:34 AM in response to: Sridevi


Forum Points: 736

Hi, Acivate insp type 08 in material master and then follow the things with movement type 322.It will create new insp lot.Process this new lot. Vishal

Sanil Vadke
Posts: 689 Registered: 3/2/09

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 10:37 AM in response to: Sridevi


Forum Points: 1,520

Hi ,Please confirm me your scenario 1) User has done UD & stockposting from quality to unrestricted . 2) now user want to correct qty okay 3)Now you want to post it to quality again so that user can correct qty. If above is the sequense then you should be allow to do MB1B. Let me know how lot has been created by stock posting or by GRN,which inspection type was active. *Please active 08 inspection type then try. (As earlier mail I have mentioned that new lot will get generated when do MB1B 322 okay in this case new lot will be with 08 origin) so you have to active 08 inspection type. Regards SANIL

Posts: 1,731 Registered: 6/26/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 10:39 AM in response to: Sridevi


Forum Points: 1,600

hi, fisrt tell me Where the stock lies in .i mean the stock type. if it is lies in quality stock. so no stock is posted. check the inspection lot in qa32 in the posting tab. if it posted to unrestrited stock before doing the MB1B movement. activate the 08 inspection type in material master qm view. then do mb1b 322 movement . the lot will be created for this 08 inspection type clear the lot by ud and post the stock from quality to which stock type you wants.

tough cookie
Posts: 36 Registered: 2/25/10

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 11:57 AM in response to: Sridevi



Forum Points: 46

First activate 08 insp. type in material master. if the stock is in unrestricted use then put the stock in block by tcode MB1B with mov. type 344. then transfer the stock to qyality by again MB1B with mov. type 349. see in qa32 and u will get one new lot. if your stock in block the follow the 2 nd process. Hope it will solve ur problem.

Sridevi k
Posts: 177 Registered: 2/3/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 12:21 PM in response to: Sridevi


Forum Points: 0

Hi All, As per your suggestions I maintained inspection type 08, in MB1B with movment type 322 generated a inspection.Here I'm trying to change the lot but it not letting me to do so and displaying Status check error. The status for the inspection lot is "CRTD CHCR SPRQ" Regards, Sri...

Posts: 316 Registered: 7/20/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 3, 2010 12:27 PM in response to: Sridevi


Forum Points: 736

Hi, Follow this path. SPRO - QM - Q. Insp -Insp lot creation -maintain insp type. select 08 and go to change "task list type" from 9 to 5. And assign the insp. plan manually in QA02. Vishal

Sridevi k
Posts: 177 Registered: 2/3/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 4, 2010 10:18 AM in response to: Sridevi


HI All, I Maintained my own inspection type in the material masters which is the copy of 01 Inspection type. 1)As you suggested to maintain the inspection type 08 - Stock transfer inspection in the material master then do the transfer posting for 322 movement type, Do i need to change the material masters every time for this inspection or do i need to maintain 08 defaulty for all the material masters.

Forum Points: 0

2) In case if GRN is 10 qty Accepted qty is 5 Returned qty is 5. Now in the above case user has entered wrong qty in both Accepted and returned and did the UD.So how reverse or cancel the lot to process the lot again with correct qty. Regards, Sri..

Posts: 316 Registered: 7/20/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 4, 2010 10:26 AM in response to: Sridevi


Hi, 1. Whenever such wrong UD and stock posting is done, there you will have to activate insp type 08 only.You can do it whenever required. 2. Only Qty accpted by 321 movement will be reversed by 322. Vishal

Forum Points: 736

Sridevi k
Posts: 177 Registered: 2/3/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 4, 2010 2:45 PM in response to: VISHAL


JONNALWAR Forum Points: 0

Hi Vishal, So do I need to maintain two inspection types in the material master and activate accordingly with respect to reversal ? Regards, Sri..

Sanil Vadke
Posts: 689 Registered: 3/2/09

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Mar 4, 2010 4:01 PM in response to: Sridevi


Hi, Yes you have to maintain this 2 inspection type 01 & 08. Whenever their stock posting like this with movement 322 ,311 ,309its help you to cretainspection lot & stock posting. regards SANIL

Forum Points: 1,520

Sridevi k
Posts: 177 Registered: 2/3/07

Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Apr 8, 2010 2:45 PM in response to: Sridevi


Forum Points: 0

Hi All, I created one inspection lot through MB1B with movement type 322.when I doing the usage decission though QA11 I'm getting a error message "The function you selecte cannot be carried out:" In detail information it is showing as "CRDT created in red colour" Kindly help me out to how to do the inspection for the lot which is generated. Regards, Sri.......


Re: Cancel Inspection Lot where UD has been done

Posted: Apr 8, 2010 4:32 PM in response to:


Sridevi k
Posts: 1,618 Registered: 1/28/10

Forum Points: 3,150

The inspection lot is in CRTD status. There is a problem with it. It probably does not have a plan assigned to it. There are many causes for an inspection lot in CRTD status. You cannot make a UD on a lot in CRTD status. You must determine the cause and resolve it first. There are many, many postings on the site concerning lots in CRTD status. You should find many that will help you. FF

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