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# 1.

Iteiiio in tfie nationl

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und'Crgtldlalt l|udies in the

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rsBN 0-8'1-4071-B


de Cultura reprinted by permission of the Fondo Poetry by Xavier Villaurrutia is Econmica, Mexico'

Male Beauty appeare.d-in "Altamirano's Studs: Portions of chapter 1 previously 95-99; lirr".r Lirerature," Nmada 5 (2000): in Nineteenth-c.ntu.yP;;# as of chpt". 2 previously appeared Portions reprinted by permrssro n of Nmad. ]r4.*i.rn Homosexualirv," GLQ Birth of Modern ,,The Famous 41: The;;;"1;;' of of Duke Universiry Press' Portions by pt'-i"i* 6, no. 3 (2000): lSZq; "p''inted of Alchemy "Tht t-"gtnd of Jorge Cuesta: The,Perils chapter 3 previously ^;;;;J1: Molloy an'd Hom'exualities' ed' Sylvia and the Paranoia of Gender," Hispanisms Universiry Press' 1998)' 29-53; N'C'' D.uke and Robert McKee l'*it it'f'"*' As He Is: Universiry Press; and as "As lnvisible reprinted by permrssron oi nutt Ambiente' ed' Villaurrutia"' Readng and Writing the The Queer Enigma cl''i""i* SusanaChvez-Silve.*"nunLibradaHernndez('Madison'Universityof.Wisconstn Wisconsin Press; and by permissron of niutttity of Press, 2000), 114-46lreprinted diferencia racial en Xavier
Espejos de "La homosexualidad ismica mexicana: permission 187 099\:293-304: reprinted by Villaurrutia," x,,"'o'lU"oo'*u'i'ono Plav in as




,,La of Reuista lbrroo*rr)l;;;,-^" as

Imagination 33' no' e sal"' Studies in the Literary Salvador Novo's tt "i'i'" Georgia State Universtry; by the Department of English' (2000): 1'25-32;published

Roles and Emi'botellado: Sexual

Introduction: The Hidden Vices of los Hijos de la Chingada


reproduced bY Permission'


of the Universiry of Minnesota Copyright 2003 by the Regents in a publication may be reproduced' stored All rights reserved' No part of this electronic' mechanical' fot*"ot-Uy -t"n''' in any "ny retrieval system, o"'"nJ*i*td' of the without tht p'io' wriffen permission

Early Paradoxes of Nlasculinity and Male Homosocial Bonding: The Nin eteent}r^ Century Male SexualitY' Tirrn of the Century The
tnd Ef'ferninate Litetature: 1930s and 1930s The



Z. Criminal


Press Published by the University of Min-nesota 290 111 Third Avenue South, Suite

3. Virile Literature 4.

MinneaPolis, MN 55401-2520 http://www' uPress' umn'edu

Data Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication


I{omosexual Panic: Tlne L940s and 1950s


Irwin, Robert McKee, 1'962'

McKee Irwin' Mexican masculinities / Robert v' 11") (Cuitural studies of the Americas ; p. cm' references and index' lncludes bibliographical (PB : alk' paper) pnpt' - ISSN 0-8166-4071-8 ISBN 0-8166 -+OIO'X(HC : alk' and criticis'm" 2' Mexican 1. Mexican fi"*t""-ZOth century-History literature-lgthcentury-Historyandcriticism.3'Masculinityiniiterature. literaturc' in literarure. 5. Homosexuality in 4. National .t ur"-*.ii.r, M.*i.un,

Conclusion: Thc tials arrd Tribulations of kts Hijos de la Chingada




l. Title' Il.


PQ7155 .179 2003 860.9'353 -dcZt




on acid-free paper Printed in the United States of America employer' equal-opportuniry educator and The Universiry of Minnesora is an

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10 9 8 7 6 '5'+ 321


I gratefully

acknowledge my dissertation committee (Sylvia


George Ydice, Jennifer \licke, Gerard Aching, and Ana Mata

Dopico) for their suggestions, interrogations, commentaries, and loyal support over the past several years. Of this group, Jennifer Wicke deserves special mention for her always thoughtful and sound advice, as does George Ydice for his enthusiastic encouragement of my work, particularly as manifested in his interest in having my book included

in the Cultural Studies of the Americas series. others who have given me guidance and encouragement include Maarten van Delden, Kristin Ross, Kathleen Ross, Richard Sieburth, and Avital Ronnell, my professors at New York University. In addition, Jos Quiroga, Daniel Balderston, Licia FiolMatta, Oscar Montero, Rebecca Biron, Francine Masiello, Gabriel Giorgi, Gorica Majstorovic, Estelle Tatica, Camilla Foias, and Victor Macas Gonzlez in the United States, and Carlos Monsivis, Medina, Jos Serrato Crdoba, Pilar Alberti Manzanares, Gabriel Lozano, Ana Mara Salazar, and the late Irma IsMiguel Rodrguez abel Fernndez Arias in Mexico, along with Juan Gelp and Diana Palaversich, have provided me with important dialogue, feedback,
and tips concerning my research and the development of arguments. I must also mention that Carla Locatelli and Ruth Rogaski have been inspirations to my work, each in her own way. The annual conference of Mexicanists at the University of California, Irvine, formerly organized by carl Good and Jos villalobos, as well as the annual Jornadas Metropolitanas at Casa Lamm in Mexico


put together by Lilia Granillo Yzquez, Manuel Medina, and

proving ground Javier Durn (among others), has been an invaluable many of my ideas. I must especially thank Lilia Granillo Vzquez for vii






of this proiect.

Mexico involving often Regarding my years of research in I am grateful to Dubravka annual extended trips to Mexico cit me to operate out of her home and Suznjevic for generously allowing cbiles poblanos and' on ocalways ensuring that I would get enough Mexican friends' going back to the casion, chapulines' So many of my


produce this opus. In her role as mentor, she has shown me how to be a professional in academia, and she has been both a role model and a true friend. Finall for his patience, his help with the translation of so many mexicanismos, his honest and often brutal criticism, and his unyielding belief in me, even in the roughest of times, I dedicate this book to Gerardo Espinosa.

yearslenjoyedlivinginlaColoniaPueblainMexicoCityinthelate eighties,helpedintheirownwaytoincitemyinterestinthisproject. parCity and New Orleans' My friends and colleagues in New York rivals, and playing partners' ticularly my various tennis reammates, years of endless research' have helped me keep my sanity through

formulations, translations, edits' and Center for Latin I am indebted to Tulane's Roger Thayer Stone

AmericanStudies,toNewYorkUniversity'sCenterforLatinAmerDean's Office of New York ican and Caribbean Studies, to the and Sciences' and to the New University's Graduate School of Arts YorkUniversityDepartmentofComparativeLiterature'sAnaisNin to that allowed me Fellowship for ,."u"h and travel funding cafryoutthislengthyprojectpromptlyandeffectively'Keyresearch and Hemeroteca Nafacilities have included Mexico's Biblioteca for older materials' along cional, particularly its Fondo Reservado

withNewYorkUniversity,sBobstLibraryandTulaneUniversity's Ameriparticularly its I-atin Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, mosr canLibrary,wherelhavebenefitedgreatlyfromthepersonalattention

ofitsdirectorGuillermoNezandseniorlibrarianPaulBary. ThelatterStagesofthisprojectowemuchtothewiseandgenerous adviceofJeanFrancoandtheencouragementofGeorgeYdice,as

andamongthegraduatestudentsintheDepartmentofspanishand PortugueseatTulaneUniversity.IalsogreatlyappreciatetheprofessionalismofRichardMorrison,myacquiringeditorattheUniversity Eagleson' of Minnesota Press, and of copy editor John Despiteherdemandingprofessionalschedule,sylviaMolloyhas \Without in so many ways' me steadfast support over the years

given I would never have been able to her wise and thoughti.rl s,rggestions,

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