Answer Key EL111 Final

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Section 1


15 marks
(1 mark for each)

Answer the questions below after reading the article: 1. Why do you think some parents encourage their children to lie? a) To avoid embarrassing situations b) To not hurt the feelings of others c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above 2. Why do you think people who lie are more likeable? a) Because there are social benefits b) Because saying the truth is not always appropriate c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above 3. Write true or false for the following statements:

(9 marks total)

__T__ a) The title of the article suggests that people dont tell the truth. __F__ b) People who deceive themselves are not happier than those who dont. __F__ c) There is only one reason for why people lie. __T__ d) Children learn to lie by watching their parents. __F__ e) Children do not learn to lie in the same way they learn to speak. (Answer: last line in paragraph 6) __F__ f) According to the experts, there is a big difference between a little and a big lie. __T__ g) According to the article, most people lie. __F__ h) Researchers have recently started studying deception. (Answer: first line in paragraph 3) __T__ i) People dont like being lied to because they feel betrayed.

4. What are the following pronouns referring to in the passage? a) Their (4th paragraph) ______college students___ b) They (6th paragraph) ______children_______

(1 mark for each)

5. Find three words that have a similar meaning to lying: ___deception / fibbing / exaggerations__ 6. Find one wordthat has an opposite meaning to harmful: ___beneficial___ (Last line in paragraph 4)

Section 2
1. Annoyed 2. Conscious 3. Ponytail 4. Miserable / annoyed 5. Catastrophe 6. Groom 7. Audition 8. Calm 9. Blame


10 marks

10. Advice (advice with a c is a noun and advise with an s is a verb)

Section 3


15 marks
(1 mark for each)

Part 1: Go back to the reading section and find the following: 1. A sentence in the present perfect tense: 2. A sentence in the present perfect continuous tense: 3. A sentence in the simple present tense: ~ Youve lied

~ Researchers have been studying deception ~ most children know how to fib

~There are many other examples which are not mentioned above~

Part 2: Match each sentence with the correct meaning: 1. Ive worked in NBK for three years. 2. I worked in NBK for three years.
2 1

(half a mark for each)

I dont work in NBK anymore. I still work in NBK.

3. She has been cooking lunch since the morning. 4. She has cooked lunch.
4 3

She has finished cooking. She is still cooking.

Part 3: Write the correct question tag for each question. 1. You were sick yesterday __werent you__ ? 2. She didnt forget anything __did she_? 3. Ive got that movie __havent I_? 4. We love our teacher __dont we_? Part 4: Change the direct questions below into indirect questions. 1. When did you arrive? 2. What do you like to do? 3. Is it raining outside? 4. Was that a plane? - I dont know _when you arrived____________________ - I dont know _what you like to do_________________________ - I dont know _if it is raining outside_______________________ - I dont know _if that was a plane______________________

(half a mark for each)

(half a mark for each)

Part 5: Change the direct questions & sentences below into reported speech. 1. Is this car yours? she asked. 2. What are you eating? he asked. 3. Ali said, I saw him today. 4. I have been sick, she told me. - _She asked if the car was mine____________________ - _He asked what I was eating_____________________ - _Ali said that he had seen him yesterday___________ - _She told me that she had been sick_______________

(half a mark for each)

Part 6: Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in brackets. 1. If I find empty seats, I _______ tickets. 2. If I had 4 wives, I _______ crazy! 3. They _______ when the bell rang. 4. The movie _______ by Steven Spielberg. 5. I _______ to Italy for a few days next month. 6. You look tired, you _______ a doctor. 7. I would buy a mansion if I _______ a million dinars! 8. She will have a party if she _______.

(half a mark for each)

(will book, would book, will booked) (will go, would go, would be going) (are sleeping, slept, were sleeping) (was directed, directed, has directed) (will going, am going, will am going) (have seen, should seen, should see) (have, had, would have) (will graduate, graduated, graduates)

Section 4
Tips on writing a good essay. 1. Your essay must have a title.


20 marks

2. You must have an introduction (with a clear thesis), a body & a conclusion. 3. Your thesis (argument) must be interesting and make the reader want to continue reading your essay. 4. You will get marks for using transition words. 5. All your ideas must be relevant or related to the thesis. 6. Try your best to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. 7. Go back and check your writing when you finish.

How will I mark your essays?

Do you have an interesting introduction? Do you have a strong argument (thesis)? How well have you developed your supporting points? Are the ideas relevant? Do you have a simple conclusion that leaves the reader with something to think about? Do you have 3 paragraphs? Do you have a title? Does it look like an essay? Is the language appropriate and free of spelling, grammar & punctuation mistakes?

3 marks 8 marks 1 mark 3 marks

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