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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) _____________________________ ) S.S. I, (Name of Affiant)., Filipino, of legal age, residing at (Address of Affiant), after having been sworn in accordance with law hereby depose and state: That I am the true and lawful owner of a certain motor vehicle which is more particularly described as follows: MAKE SERIES TYPE OF BODY YEAR MODEL : : : : MOTOR NO. SERIAL/CHASSIS NO. PLATE NO. FILE NO. : : : :

(Change the declaration below to the actual circumstances) That sometime in June of this year, I was looking for the original Certificate of Registration of my car but to my surprise, said Owners original Copy could not found; avail; That I took pains to look for said Certificate of Registration, but to no

That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and to request from the Land Transportation Office of Angeles City, a copy of said Certificate of Registration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of _______________. 20___ at _________________________.


(Name Over Signature of

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this ____ day of ______________, 20___ in ___________________ City, with affiant exhibiting his CTC No. _______________ , Issued on ______________________ at _________________________. NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31, 200___ Doc. No. : ________; Page No. : ________; Book No. : ________; Series of 20___.


REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) CITY OF MANILA ) S.S. (the persons and circumstances below is fictional, please revise) I, Juan del la Cruz, of legal age, single, and a resident of # 123 Main St., Malate, Manila, after having duly sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and state: 1. I am the complaining witness for Serious Physical Injuries against Jesus Santos in the case entitled "People of the Philippines versus Jesus Santos", Criminal Case No. 12345, Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch No. 11, City of Manila. 2. After my sober and soul searching assessment and analysis of the incident, I have realized that because I was not wearing my eyeglasses and it was dark, I can not point out, without a doubt the accused or any other person/s who inflicted harm against me. 3. Since I could not state with certainty and without doubt the liability of Jesus Santos, in fairness to him, I am permanently withdrawing my complaint against him. I clear him of whatever responsibility or liability to me. 4. I hereby inform the City Prosecutor of Manila that I am withdrawing my complaint for Serious Physical Injuries in Criminal Case No. 12345 entitled "People of the Philippines versus Jesus Santos", Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch No. 11, City of Manila. 5. I likewise request the Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch No. 11, City of Manila to dismiss with prejudice the said criminal case. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby set my hand this __ day of September 20__ at the City of Manila.

Juan de la Cruz Complaining Witness

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 22nd day of January 20__ at the City of Manila, Philippines.

Romeo Abad Public Prosecutor


Sir, The applicant/accused most respectfully submits as under: 1- That the above noted case is pending before this Honble court and is fixed for _____ for awaiting the _____. 2- That the applicant/accused moved an application dated _____ for giving the directions to the _____ for _____ of the complainant namely _____alias _____. 3- That this Honble court was pleased to direct the _____ to _____ the complainant _____ alias _____ but due to some clerical mistake the name of the complainant has been mentioned as _____ instead of _____ in the order dated _____. The name of the counsel of the applicant /accused has been wrongly mentioned as _____ instead of _____, _____. 4- That now the applicant wants get rectified/corrected the said mistake in the order dated _____. It is, therefore, prayed that the order for necessary correction in the order dated _____ may kindly be given the interest of justice. Dated: _____ APPLICANT Through counsel: _____, Advocate _____


Versus _____

FIR NO. _____ dated _____ U/s: _____ IPC P.S.: _____ APPLICATION TO PUT UP FIR AND FOR REGULAR BAIL Sir, The applicants/accused most respectfully submits as under:1- That the applicants/accused is quite innocent person. 2- That the applicants/accused have been released on anticipatory by the court of _____ on _____ with the direction to join the investigation before the concerned police and to apply for regular bail before this Honble court within _____ days from the date of order. A copy of the order is enclosed herewith. 3- That the applicants /accused have joined the investigation before the police of _____ as per the directions of the Honble court of _____. 4- That the applicants are applying for regular bail before this Honble court as per the direction of the Honble court of _____. The copy of the order is enclosed herewith. 5- That the applicants are ready to furnish their bail bonds and surety bonds to the satisfaction of this Honble court. 6- That the applicants will attend this Honble court on each and every date of hearing as fixed by this Honble court. 7- That the applicants will abide by all terms and conditions of this Honble court. 8- That the trial of the case will take long time. It is, therefore, prayed that the FIR may kindly be summoned, application of the applicants may kindly be accepted and the applicants may kindly be released on bail till the final decision of the case. Dated: _________

Applicants/Accused _____ Son of _____ Resident of _____ Through Counsel: _____ Advocate _____

Marriage Certificate By Groom AFFIDAVIT

I, _____ son of _____, resident of _____, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1234That I am _____ years old and am major according to the law. That I was married with _____ Daughter of _____, resident of _____ on _____ at _____ according to _____ rites and ceremonies in the That no dowry was taken or given by either party in the said marriage. That no pressure or undue influence was practiced upon me for my said marriage. DEPONENT VERIFICATION: Verified that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at _____ on _____ DEPONENT Affidavit for Marriage Certificate By Bride AFFIDAVIT I, _____ wife of _____, resident of _____, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1234That I am _____ years old and am major according to the law. That I was married with _____ Son of _____, resident of _____ on _____ at _____ according to _____ rites and ceremonies in the That no dowry was taken or given by either party in the said marriage. That no pressure or undue influence was practiced upon me for my said marriage. DEPONENT VERIFICATION: Verified that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Verified at _____ on _____ DEPONENT

presence of friends, relatives and family members of both the parties.

presence of friends, relatives and family members of both the parties.

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