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Introduction The electronic communications industry has experienced many remarkable and dramatic changes. A phenomenal increase in voice, data and video communications has caused a corresponding increase in the demand for more economical and larger capacity communications systems. This caused a technical revolution in the electronic communications industry. Terrestrial microwave systems have long since reached their capacity, and satellite systems can provide, at best, only a temporary relief to the everincreasing demand. The economical communications can handle large capacities and provide high- quality service is needed. Communications systems that use light as the carrier of information have recently received a great deal of attention. Propagating light through Earths atmosphere is difficult and impractical. Consequently, systems that use glass or plastic fiber cables to contain a light wave and guide it from a source to a destination are presently being investigated at several prominent research and development laboratories. Communications systems that carry information through a guided fiber cable are called fiber optic systems (Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communications Systems Fundamentals through Advanced).


Statement of the Problem The designers aim to provide solutions for the following Sub problems: Unsettled Service Performance An additional design that will provide an additional speed in internet services and faster maintenance as soon as the system acquires problem. Un-integrated Network System a NGN design is designated to its own function unlike equipment in the legacy system that has a multi-tasking function. Expensive and Excess Equipment the NGN design can accommodate more end users in appraisal with PSTN.

Objective of the Design To provide a triple play high quality communication system service to the residents of Laguna Bel-Air 1 by using fiber optics. To create a reliable Fiber-To-The-Home Design that will link every subscriber in Laguna Bel-Air 1. To provide a communication system requiring an initial demand of 1,000 subscriber. To be able to comply with the expected demand of 10 years projection. To familiarize the students and other future researchers on the concept of FiberTo-The-Home Design. To link the existing PLDT Central Office to Laguna Bel Air1 and prefer the most suitable equipment to be used.


Significance of the Design The study aims to gain importance on the following: The study will gain significance on the residents of Laguna Bel-Air 1 by providing Fiber-To-The-Home Design that will provide a triple play high quality communication system. The study will play significance on the environment through informing and educating the people thru broadcasting information. The study will gain importance to future researchers by providing a reliable and efficient research study. The study will gain importance in terms of academic aspect for the design aims to provide Internet Access and Mobile Communication that can be used by the students.

Scopes and Delimitations Scope: The design is limited to the Laguna Bel-Air only which is a high- end community that is capable of affording the service. Calculations on demand forecasting are on 5th and 10th year with 20% service insurance / assurance. Initial demands of 1,000 subscribers. Locating an existing Central Office near the site to be the Main Switching exchange used for the design.


Vicinity Map and Road Map used to locate the possible route from the Central Office to the subscribers line.

Selection of the equipment used for the inside and outside plant of the design. The number of poles is shown. The design is a triple play service with voice, video and data applications. The implementation of NGN (New Generation Network).

Delimitations: The licenses and permits needed for the implementation of the design is not included. IP addressing is not part of the design. Allocation of telephone numbers is excluded. Not all illustrations are scaled. Electrical layouts (lightning system, electrical system, grounding system, air conditioning system, etc.) are not included in the planning of Central Office.

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