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Boxcar Children Assessment

1. What was one of the problems in the story? a. Violet was lost in the woods. b. Henry was not able to find a job. c. Jessie lost the money that Henry earned. d. The children did not want their Grandfather to find them. 2. Where did Jessie find the boxcar? a. Behind a farmhouse b. Near the bakery c. In the woods d. Behind Dr. Moores house 3. What genre of book is The Boxcar Children? a. Poetry b. Biography c. Humorous fiction d. Realistic fiction 4. How did the author tell the story? a. By telling the ending of the story first. b. As a play c. In a diary written by Benny d. In the order in which things happened 5. What can the reader conclude about Jessie? a. She was acting like a mother to the younger children. b. She did not want to keep Watch. c. She thought Benny was smarter than she was. d. She did not want Henry to work for Dr. Moore. 6. Why did the children miss the boxcar? a. It reminded them of their parents. b. They had worked so hard to make it a home. c. Benny learned to read while they lived there. d. They would rather live in the woods. 7. Mr. Alden held a field Day each year because he a. Liked to waste his money b. Loved to see his name on the program c. Wanted to find his grandchildren d. Liked to see children playing 8. Why did Grandfather bring the boxcar to his backyard? a. He did not want to buy them a playhouse. b. He thought it was beautiful and fit nicely with his fountain. c. He loved the children and wanted them to be happy. d. He thought it might be worth money some day. 9. Why did Benny NOT want to live in the boxcar? a. He was afraid of bears in the woods. b. He was afraid the engine would come take them away. c. He did nto want to sleep on the floor of the boxcar. d. He thought it would be too cold. 10. Why did Jessie put the milk bottles in a hole in a rock behind the waterfall? a. She wanted to keep the milk cold.

b. She was hiding the milk from Benny. c. She wanted to keep the milk for herself. d. She was worried an animal would get the milk. 11. Why did the children walk to Dr. Moores house two by two? a. They were playing a game to keep Violet happy. b. They did not want the baker and his wife to find out they were still in town. c. They were teaching Benny to count. d. They did not want anyone to see all of them and tell their grandfather. 12. Which of these happened first in the story? a. Henry won the race on Field Day. b. The children left the bakery in the middle of the night. c. Henry went to get Dr. Moore when violet became ill. d. The children searched the dump for treasures. 13. What caused Dr. Moore to tell Mr. Alden about his grandchildren? a. Watchs owner came looking for him. b. Henry won the free-for-all race. c. Benny ate too many cherries. d. Violet became ill. 14. What were some of the ways the children helped make the boxcar feel like home?

Complete the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast what the children believed about Grandfather with how he actually was. What the children thought Grandfather was like What Grandfather was like

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